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February 2013

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Salt Lake City,UT,

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Jun 08, 2011



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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
2016 Vertical Feets Running! Lifetime Miles: 274518.00
Bikes 2016 Lifetime Miles: 157.80
Bikes 2016 Verticals Lifetime Miles: 8318.00
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Crutch Miles: 1.97Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 62.10
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

First day in my new office with a direct view of the BST and the base of Van Cott. That is either super mean or super motivating. I guess I decide. 

10 minutes on the bike at PT! Yay bike and PT. I am feeling good about the hip, I really think it is going to be fixed this time. I know I have a long recovery ahead of me, but I am feeling stoked! So glad to have the first 2 weeks behind me :)

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AM: Heel slides, leg circles, and straight leg raises.

PM: Heel slides, leg circles, and straight leg raises.

P's in town. Spent the day sunning myself at Alta. Not a fan of being the tool on crutches at the ski resort, but the sun felt goooood.

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AM: Heel slides, leg circles, and straight leg raises.

PM: Heel slides, leg circles, and straight leg raises.

Spent a lovely afternoon at the Kura Door spa with my mum. Paid for someone to scrub my feet since I can't reach them myself yet :) Soooo worth it!

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AM: Heel slides, leg circles, and straight leg raises.

PM1: 10 minutes on the recumbent bike moving so slowly that it wouldn't turn on.

PM2: Heel slides, leg circles, and straight leg raises.

~1.97 crutching miles according to the nifty pedometer. Holy armpits!

Crutch Miles: 1.97
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: 10 minutes on the upright bike! think I got up tp 40 rpms, awesome. Lots of passive range of motion at PT that felt scary. Please hip be fixed! Hip circles, straight leg raises, and glute squeezes.

PM2: Leg circles, straight leg raises sans band, glute squeezes, and hip flexor stretch thing. PAIN in the 5-6 range. Saddddd :(

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 1.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: Way whiny at PT this morning so I didn't get to do much. Everything hurts:( 10 minutes on the bike, up to about 55 rpms and hip circles and straight leg raises.

PM: Leg circles, straight leg raises, glute squeezes, and hip flexor stretch.

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 1.90
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

3 weeks down, 3 weeks to go until no more crutches! I need to stop being such a wuss!

AM: Bike and PT

PM:  Leg circles, straight leg raises, glute squeezes, and hip flexor stretch thing. That is all I get to do for the next 3 days :( 

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 2.10
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Hope it snows a ton so I get to try out my crutch crampons! 

AM: Leg circles, straight leg raises, glute squeezes, and hip flexor stretch thing plus 1 full crutching mile and it is not even noon yet :( 

PM: Hip drill. Crutched almost 2.5 miles today. My armpits are screaming! 

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: Hip drill and then made breakfast for the 10K runners. If I can't run I might as well make quiche!

PM:  Hip drill. Fritz's house turned into a PT clinic last night. Sad that everyone is injured, but it is nice to have company :)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: 10 awkward minutes on the home bike and hip drill. I keep getting this ca-chunk in my hip flexor and it scares me. The ca-chunk leaves my hip with a tightness that really makes me want to do the "runner's stretch." I can't do any type of hip extension for 3 more weeks, but I really, really want to stretch! It is like a bad itch that you can't scratch :( 

PM: Hip drill. Having a bit more pain... not a real sharp pain, just a weird tightness.

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 1.50
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AM: 10 minutes on the bike and PT. Got to add a few exercises to my hip routine. Hope that helps with the stoke. I seem to have misplaced it.  

PM: Hip drill. Hip circles, 3-way hip, glute squeezes, hula dance, and hip flexor stretch.

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 1.50
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Haven't yet decided if I am going to give up sugar (again) or dairy for Lent this year. Either way I am having pizza and cupcakes tonight!

AM: Hip drill. Forgot to do my hulas though.

PM: 10 minutes on the bike and hip stuff. Still can't turn the work bike around fast enough to turn the darned thing on. Now off to a massage followed by a Parks & Rec marathon. I have been neglecting the P&R since returning from the Jandrea convalescent home.

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 1.50
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: PT and bike. Bad hip day :(

PM: Fell asleep at 7:30 so I missed out on my pm hip exercises. Sad. 

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 2.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM:  Hip exercises. Pain was in the 5-6 range again last night, but the hip does feel better this morning. Slept 11 hours last night and still exhausted - ughhh! Glad I gave up sugar because I am surrounded by 10 million pounds of V-day treats. Happy day!

PM1: 10 minutes on the bike. Was finally able to pedal hard enough to turn the darned thing on. Level 1 - oh yeah, progress!

PM2: Hip drill followed by the best V-day ever!!!

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 2.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I got the nicest compliment from an FRBer yesterday. A fellow hip sufferer said that the admired by attitude and drive. If she only knew :) I think I have actually done quite well this first month. But honestly, having to go through this a second time is really tough and I know that the next month will be the toughest. It has been nearly 2 years since I have really been able to do the things that I enjoy so much it kinda breaks my heart. Wouldn't a sane person give up by now? I guess I just want to thank everyone for their kind words and put out an innocent plea to keep them coming because now is when I am going to need those lovely words of encouragement the most!

AM: Hip Drill.

PM: Hip Drill. 

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AM: Hip Drill.

PM1: First trip to the gym post-op. 15 minutes on the bike. Level 1 and 80 rpm. Think I'm getting over the hump.

PM2: Hip Drill.

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 3.40
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AM: The hip feels fantabulous this morning! Must have been all that red healing elixir last night! Hip drill: hip circles, 3-way hip, glute squeezies, hula dance, and 2 x 20 hip flexor stretchies.

PM: 15 minutes on the bike and 12 minutes (733 revolutions) on the arm bike followed by the usual hip routine. My arms are finally used to crutching around town everyday that they can handle a little workout. Not sure if I like all the girl on crutches attention at the gym. Seriously crutches are like meathead magnets :)

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 2.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: Bike at PT. Got to add some splitty things to the hip routine! 3-day weekends are awesome even when you are a lame-o on crutches!!! Happy P-day. I have been deliberating all morning on my favorite president and I do think it is Obama :)

PM: More bike plus evening hip routine. Now time for some quality time with Ron Swanson. 

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 3.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: Hip routine. Dreamt I ran a marathon last night and it wasn't that hard :) I think running dreams are a good sign. But at this point, a walking dream would be nice too! 2 more weeks on crutches - rarrrrrrrrrr!

PM: Hip crap. Last year at 5 weeks I was weaning off crutches... I am scared. I have been trying to put more weight on the bum side and it just feels awful like the head of my femur is going to pop out the front side. Trying not to freak, but really freaking :( Not to mention the 3-day weekend was bad for my armpit callouses. I am a whiny mess and I want a cookie.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: Worst hip day yet! 1.5 hours at PT trying to get my right SI joint back into place. Surgery was cake compared to this experience. I guess an 11-hour work day on crutches really jacks your pelvis. I know I am doing too much right now, but I don't know what else I can do. Sugar fast is over. PT fed me watermelon sour patch things every time I cried. Pretty sure I had 42 of them. Now is not the time to give up sugar...

From here on out I have to put weight on the op side with every step even if it takes me a year to walk down the hall. No more hulas, no more weight shifting, and no more super crutching allowed!

PM: 10 minutes bike and hip stuff. Pain in the 5-6 range. :(

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 2.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

5-Weeks Down Today! Need to start biking twice a day from here on out and focus a little more on the mental side of things!

AM: 15 minutes on the bike. Hip circles, splits, 3-way hip, bridges, knee to hip stretch, glute squeezies.

PM: 10 more minutes on the bike because I am bored and unchallenged at work. 

PM2: Op hip is feeling better than yesterday, but right side is super sore and spazzy from the manipulation yesterday. Hip circles, splits, 3-way hip, bridges, knee to hip stretch, glute squeezies.

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 5.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Should be in Wisconsin right now for my first Birkie! Just happy they have snow. Next year :)

Long, yet fascinating read: The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food.

AM: 15 minutes bike and hip drill.

PM: 10 minutes bike and hip drill. Finally got my car back since I was cleared to drive a manual. Stupid clutch still hurts though :(

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 5.30
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: 15 minutes bike and hip drill.

PM: Hip drill.

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 3.00
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Hip feels not so bad today. Funny how that changes my outlook on pretty much everything. Cannot wait to see my doc on Wednesday! Will hopefully be cleared for crutch weaning, hip extension and external rotational abilities, and adding a little resistance to the bike.

AM: 20 minutes bike. Hip drill.

PM: Hip drill. 

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 4.50
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Alright, this is going to be a BIG week for me. I hope to take my first steps!

Psyched for Bryon Powell's new site. If that doesn't work go to but swap the C for a P! I am afraid that I will disable my blog permanently if I say what it is really called so I guess you will just have to go there.

AM: 15 minutes bike and hip drill while listening to NPR. I am starting to like my new morning PT routine.

PM: 10 minutes on the bike at PT with actual resistance. Hip circles, splits, 3-way hip with a 1-pound ankle weight, bridges, glute sets, and side planks. PROGRESS!

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 5.30
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

AM: 10 minutes bike and hip drill. 

PM: 15 minutes bike. Level 2!

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 5.60
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AM: No PT this morning because I have a gravely ill Frank on my hands. Down to one crutch, only because I had to get a bird in my car. Please pray that Frank E. Byrd will pull through :)

PM: 10 minutes bike at PT. 3-way hip w/ 2lb ankle weight, circles, splits, and scissors w/ spider band, bridges, butt burners, side planks, and CLAM SHELLS.

Hip Update: Had 6-week post-op appointment today. All good to start crutch weaning and stepping up the activity and therapy! 

Frank Update: She got admitted to the birdie hospital with a serious bacterial infection where she will stay for the next 3-4 days. Broke my heart when she put her beak up to the glass and watched me leave from the inside of her incubator. Poor Frank!

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 2.50
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Down to 1 crutch! No wonder they call them crutches. I want the other one back, it is my crutch!

AM: 10 minutes bike and morning hip drill.

PM: 15 minutes bike and evening hip drill

Speaking of naked running...

In the High Country (official teaser) from Joel Wolpert on Vimeo.

Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 6.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Crutch Miles: 1.97Biking (Stationary) 2013 Miles: 62.10
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