| Location: Salem,Ut,USA Member Since: May 06, 2006 Gender: Male Goal Type: Boston Qualifier Running Accomplishments: 2006 Ogden Marathon 4:19:33.
2006 St. George 4:05:31
2007 Riverwoods 1/2 Marathon 1:34:47
2007 Speedy Spaniard 10K 43:20
2007 Riverwoods 10 mile race 1:12:38
2008 St George Marathon 3:43:37
2012 Spectrum 10K 43:54
2012 St. George Marathon 3:42:17 PR!
2014 St George Half Marathon 1:40:34 C/PR
2019 American Fork Half Run Against Cancer 1:40:31 C/PR
2019 Nebo Half Marathon 1:38:09 2nd in my Age group 55-59.C/PR Short-Term Running Goals: 2024:
I'd like to just run more overall.
Be more consistent.
Work on Speed.
Cross Train.
Run More races. Long-Term Running Goals: Stay healthy and keep running until I'm really old, and maybe get a Boston Qualify. Personal: I am Married and my wife Cindie and I have 5 kids. I am an insurance agent and have been for over 30 years. Favorite Blogs: |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 23.70 | 0.00 | 14.29 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 37.99 |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 2.25 | 0.00 | 5.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.25 |
What a beautiful mourning for a run. The moon was out in full and it shone bright like a noon day sun, alot warmer today to0, which is always a plus. I tried to do some speed work this mourning, I didn't quite meet my goal but I have another day this week I can get to where I want to be. I usually like a couple of miles at my projected marathon goal pace I hit one of those and the other one wasn't far off, I feel a little under the weather today so maybe that had something to do with it. My splits went as follows; 8:12, 8:16, 8:24, 8:03,7:45, 8:23, 7:29 with an average pace of 8:05, total time was 56:37 so not real great but not real bad either. I feel like I am getting a sore throat so I might be coming down with something or I might be a little tired from all the training, who knows.
I also did 35 minutes of upper body weight training on my bowflex,,I have a recovery run for tomorrow scheduled so we will see how that goes. Happy running to all. | Add Comment |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 6.25 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.25 |
| Last night I got hit with a major head cold and a touch of the flu, I am not feeling good, so no running today. I will see how I feel in the mourning tomorrow and go from there, my whole body has no strength and I feel like someone has been beating with a bat. I hate kidding sick, hopefully I will feel like running in the mourning.
I decided when I got home today from work that I needed to go out and complete my run even though I felt like crap, I just remembered my brother last year going through radiationfor cancer and I thought a little head cold is no reason to not follow through with my workout. Today was a recovery run and splits went as follows: 9:08, 8:20, 8:17, 8:11, 8:24, 8:19, 8:18, total time was 59:03 with an average pace of 8:28. My legs felt like marshmellows when I got done but my spirits were up for following through, I will probably pay for it tomorrow though.
I also did 30 minutes of weight training on my lower body and some core training as well. I do feel better cold wise but I feel pretty run down, I hope I can recover fast enough for tomorrow mournings run. | Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 7.20 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.20 |
I did another recovery run today. Head cold is still pretty brutal, it has really zapped my energy in every aspect. My goal was to keep my pace at about a minute off my marathon goal pace, but I struggled.
My splits went as follows; 8:33, 8:41, 8:58, 8:34, 8:28, 8:46, 8:26 I then did a cool down of about a quarter mile total time was 1:00:33 for an average pace of 8:39. I am really tired and worn out, pretty weak. I wanted to do one more speed workout this week but I don't know if I have it in me, I might just have to take it easy the rest of the week or until I feel like I am getting better and getting my strength back. I will see what tomorrow brings hopefully I can get some rest tonight and get to feeling better. I think the run I did late in the afternoon yeasteday helped zapped my legs I don't think I had enough recovery time for this run this mourning's run.
I also did 25 minutes of very light upper body weight training.
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 6.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
| I must be really sick because my legs where gone from the first step forward this mourning, my whole body is just gone. I don't know if I should take tomorrow off or not. No strength training today, Harry Davis Hill kicked my butt hard today, I felt like I was in quicksand the whole way up , the wind was in my face it was amazing that I was able to finish at all. For the first time I almost walked home it was the worst run I have had in a while. My splits went as follows, 8:35, 8:57, 10:52, 9:46, 8:15 this split was all down hill and the wind was at my back, 8:59, 9:29 for a total time of 1:04:57 average pace was a dismal 9:16. I know I am sick and I can't read to much into this run but the competitive side makes me want to throw-up, I will see how I am feeling tomorrow before I decide if I am going to run or not. I don't know if running like this, when I am sick, if it is doing more harm than good, see ya tomorrow. | Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 2.00 | 0.00 | 7.29 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 9.29 |
I ran later today, at about mile 2.5 I ran into my brother Curtis so I hooked up with him and we ran a few miles together. It was pretty fun running with him for awhile we haven't done that in long while.I felt good through much of the run today, I still don't feel 100% but I hope I am on the way back to being healthy. My splits went as follows; 7:53, 7:53, 8:05, 9:31, 8:46, 8:13, 7:49, 8:00, 8:17 total time was 1:16:36 average pace was 8:15, with a quarter mile cool down. Miles 4,5,&6 I ran with my brother with a little hill work in them but they where fun, I also did 20 minutes of lower body weight training and core training.
see ya Monday.
kayano 13 | Add Comment |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 23.70 | 0.00 | 14.29 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 37.99 |
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