"A Hefty Hunk Of Steamin Junk"

Provo Riverwoods 10 Miler

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Member Since:

May 06, 2006



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

2006 Ogden Marathon 4:19:33.

2006 St. George 4:05:31

2007 Riverwoods 1/2 Marathon 1:34:47

2007 Speedy Spaniard 10K 43:20

2007 Riverwoods 10 mile race 1:12:38

2008 St George Marathon 3:43:37 

2012 Spectrum 10K 43:54

2012 St. George Marathon 3:42:17 PR!

2014 St George Half  Marathon 1:40:34 C/PR

2019 American Fork Half Run Against Cancer 1:40:31 C/PR

2019 Nebo Half Marathon 1:38:09 2nd in my Age group 55-59.C/PR

Short-Term Running Goals:


I'd like to just run more overall. 

Be more consistent.

Work on Speed.

Cross Train.

Run More races.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay healthy and keep running until I'm really old, and maybe get a Boston Qualify.


I am Married and my wife Cindie and I have 5 kids. I am an insurance agent and have been for over 30 years.

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Miles:This week: 31.15 Month: 31.15 Year: 858.33
Nimbus 25 Blue New Lifetime Miles: 174.36
Nimbus 26 Dark Blue Lifetime Miles: 187.75
Nimbus 26 Grey Lifetime Miles: 166.41
Cumulus 26 Lifetime Miles: 21.60
Nimbus 26 Sandstone Lifetime Miles: 67.28
Nimbus 26 Blue Red Stripe Lifetime Miles: 66.62
Nimbus 26 Orange/Green Lifetime Miles: 7.15
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Easy recovery run this morning, I ran 6 miles on my own with an average heart rate of 130 and average pace was 9:28, total time 56:49. I then ran 2 miles with my lovely wife and I took it slow with her, we averaged an 10:55 mile and my heart rate averaged around 115. This was my wifes 3rd week of running and she is doing good, she is kind of frustrated because she hasn't lost any weight but I keep telling her to stick with it and it will start to come off. The total time with all 8 miles was 1:18:44 with an average pace of 9:51 and Heart rate was 126, so I was at 2 minutes off my marathon goal pace for the recovery run which is really good! I will be running down Payson canyon tomorrow with my brother, it should be a blast.


Wave Nirvana 3 ( 146 )

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Long run today. My brother Curtis and I ran down Payson canyon this morning, some serious downhill training trying to get ready for SGM. I was surprised at how well my legs handled the constant downhill, I must be in better shape than I thought. The average pace was 8:51 and heart rate was 126, I am going to list the splits just because the upper part of this course is serious downhill and I didn't want to push it to much because of my foot. The splits went as follows; 9:09, 9:08, 9:04, 8:55, 8:52, 8:37, 8:43, 8:34, 8:30, 8:47, 8:47, 9:00, 9:03, 8:34. It was interesting how the last mile we really picked it up, I wanted to see how well my legs would hold up and see if we could stay in control and we were able to do it. The last two miles where flat but we had some kick left in those old legs, I know it is not flying but I feel I am on the right track, and I was really proud with my brother Curtis he did really well for holding the pace. We are going to run this course once a month until the marathon and see if it helps.


Kayano 12 (24)

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Very easy run today, I am still very sore from Saturdays run down Payson canyon, quads and calfs are still very stiff and sore.  I ran 5 miles on my own and then went with my wife for 2 miles to round out the seven miles. My foot felt okay for the most part, I think I am on the road to recovery with my foot, knock on wood. My heal is a still alittle sore though I don't know if that is a seperate injury or the same thing, I will have to watch it and see. Average heart rate was 126, and I also did 20 minutes of upper body weight training I am hoping for less sore legs tomorrow, but we shall see. I am real proud of my wife she is staying the course and doing really well, she is a tropper.


Kayano13 (135 )

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Another easy recovery run today. I ran 6 miles on my own and then ran 2 miles with my wife at a 11:00 pace trying to pace her. It is a good way for me to keep my heart rate down and cool down when running with my wife. The first 6 miles where done in 55:33 and my haert rate hovered around 128 and average pace was around 9:15. My heart rate for the two miles that I ran with my wife was at 118. My foot is really sore today and I am wondering if the shoes that I am wairing is causing the problem! They are Wave Nirvana 3 and I only have just over 100 miles on them so I don't think it is a mileage issue, I usually run in the kayano or the 2120 and my foot seems to do better in those shoes ( less pain) than the Nirvana's. I alternate between the three shoes so I run in each pair  twice a week. I might give the Nirvana's a rest for a while and see how my foot does and then go from there, this is the worst that my foot has felt for atleast a week, I thought I was on the tail end of the injury but by the way it is feeling today I almost feel like I have re-injured it and am starting all over again.... I don't know, I will see how it feels in the morning and then make a decision then on what direction to go.

Wave Nirvana 3 ( 154 )

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No running today weather was real bad and I thought it would be a good day to give my foot a rest day, will continue tomorrow.  My foot needs to get better real soon so I can get going on training for SGM, I might take Saturday off and just see how it feels on monday to give it alittle more healing time.... I don't know.... I will see how it goes tomorrow..

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Took yesterday off because of the weather. I ran a easy run again today average heart rate was 133 with an average pace of 9:04. My foot felt okay  but not 100 % by any means, and my legs where alittle wore out, but the easy pace made it easy to get through the run, I will try and run Harry's hill tomorrow to get some hill training and then Saturday try and get in another long run. I haven't been feeling real great lately, I think I might have a problem with my Thyroid which would explain the tired feeling I have been having the last 3 or 4 months. I will be seeing the Doctor on Wednesday of next week to hopefully get to the bottom of everything so I can get to feeling better. Other than that I am feeling okay, not much else to say except carry on.


Asic 2120 ( 150)  

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I ran 6 miles on my own and then ran 2 miles with my wife trying to pace her and help her train for a 5 k in August. Avergae pace for the 6 miles was 9:04 with a average heart rate of 133, a nice easy pace.  I then paced Cindie for the 2 miles at an 11:00 pace and she was having a tough time but she got through it. She has been running for about a month now and she is frustrated because she hasn't lost any weight, I have told her that it takes time and she has to stick with it and the weight will start coming off as she improves her diet and is consistent with her mileage. She has been consistent with the running and the cross training but she is still working on the diet end of it, she is doing really well and I am very proud of her!!! No strength training today, I didn't have enough time.


Asics Kayano (136 )

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I Woke up at 4:00am and headed out the door, in the few years that I have been running  I have had some bad day's but nothing compares to the way I felt this morning. I started feeling okay the first couple of miles but after mile 3 things started to go down hill, my legs where just feeling like jelly, like they had no strength. I know I didn't start to fast because my first mile split was 9:10 with my heart rate was at 130 so I was taking it easy,  but man were my legs gone. It was sure determination that I was able to finish the run, I had planned on running 12 to 13 miles but after mile three I new that wasn't going to happen. The last two miles were done in 10:30 minute miles, my wife could of given me a run for my money today, I still have not recovered and it is 10:45pm at night. I thought that maybe I didn't get enough sleep last night, I think 4 to 5 hours was about it, and all week I have felt kind of sluggish and out of it, and as I am writting this I am wiped out.

I am concerned about my throat, it is really hurting. I am suppose to see the doctor on Wednesday so hopefully I can get things figured out so I can start feeling better, well that's my prayer anyway. I have the riverwoods 10 miler coming up a week from today and I sure hope and pray that I am feeling better than I am now, and I mean that sincerely.

Asic 2120 (158)

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I felt alot better this morning than I did on Saturday, I am still feeling sluggish and not as strong as I have in the past few weeks. My foot felt good today so I did a little tempo run, 2 miles at marathon goal pace; I did 2 warm up miles and then settled into my tempo run. First mile split was 7:08 heart rate was 161 which is alittle fast but I went with it, and I felt in control for the most part. Second mile was done alot slower for the simple reason that I wanted it to be more close to the pace that I need to qualify for Boston, which is a 7:40 mile but I did it in 7:39 HR was 155 and I felt like I could of held that pace for awhile which is positive. The rest of the run was done at a slower pace to cool down and Idid not want push my foot to hard, it was alittle sore at the end of my run which was a concern but it is 1:30 in the afternoon and it is feeling better. I will now start to do a little mini taper for the Riverwoods 10 Mile race on Saturday, I plan on doing my standard recovery run tomorrow of 8 miles and then slowly decrease my mileage to Saturday,  Wednesday 6 miles, Thursday 5 miles and then 3 miles on Friday. I hope my foot will hold up for the whole race. Total time today was 1:23:38.


Asic Kayano (146)

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I was going to do 8 miles today but I ran out of time, I thought my boy Ethan had baseball practice at 7:00 am but no one showed. So I went with the 6 mile easy recovery run and I felt pretty good, my foot pain was still there but not to bad. I am going to try and take it easy for the most part this week as I am running in the Riverwoods 10 miler on Saturday.  Average pace today was 9:03 with an average heart rate of 137, total time was 54:20. Not much else to say except I will see ya tomorrow.

Asic 2120(164)

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Another easy day this morning, with race day looming on Saturday I am just trying to keep things nice and easy. I felt really good for the most part of my run this beautiful morning the foot seems to be coming around, its still not 100% though. I havn't been able to Play much golf the last week or so becausae I am so busy, I won't be able to play today because of buisness in the afternoon and friday my boy has a ball game at 4:30, my game will diffentantly suffer. With the Art City Am coming up I need to get going and get some serious practice in, I always like to do well in that tournament. I played last Saturday in a champ of the month and shot 73, I was 1 under for most of the round but then I ran into alittle trouble, oh well back to running. My average heart rate today was 137 with an average pace of 8:46 and a total time of 52:47, my average pace was alittle faster than I wanted it but it didn't feel like I was working real hard so that is a good sign. Tomorrow will be  another easy run and Friday I will do a 3 to 4 mile at a joggers pace just to stay loose.


Asic Kayano(152)

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I wasn't able to run yesterday because of work responsibilties, and today I just wanted to do 3 miles to keep my legs loose for tomorrows race (Riverwoods 10 Miler) I kepted at a nice easy pace and I feel like I am ready for tomorrow. I just hope my foot will hold and I don't injure it anymore than it is, I quess we will see tomorrow.

See Ya Then!!!


Asic 2120(167)

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Race: Provo Riverwoods 10 Miler (10 Miles) 01:12:38, Place overall: 31, Place in age division: 1
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I ran Riverwoods 10 Miler this morning I was able to meet Sasha and James from the blog, that was really cool. After talking and meeting  James we decided to run together we had the same goals as far as pace time so we hooked up. I lost track of him at the start so I booked it ahead to try and find him but he was actually  behind me and so that first mile was ran alittle too fast but we where able to pace each other after we found each other. He was trying to keep the pace at 7:00 and I thought that would be alittle bit of a stretch for me but I was game. I was able to keep with him for about 4.5 miles  but I was having a hard time keeping up so I told him to go ahead. I was surprised that when I found a pace that was comfortable I was able to hold that pace for the rest of the race, I will give you my splits they went as follows, 7:08(155), 7:01(160), 6:47(161), 7:12(167), 7:29(165), 7:14(167), 7:23(168), 7:33(169), 7:40(170), 7:05(175). It was nice that I had that extra kick towards the end that was real incouraging, I also took first in my age group which is a first i am not one to brag but pretty good for a guy who in high school couldn't brake the nine minute mile I was very pleased with my effort. My average pace was 7:16 my Heart Rate was 165 average, from the heart rate information it seems I was working alittle harder with the readings I was getting. The course is mostly down hill or flat so my heart seemed to be working harder than it should have been, but I feel like I am on the right track and my foot seemed alright although it is a little sore as I am writting this blog, it being 11:10pm. I feel like the 7:40 pace is a pace I could hold for while which is promising, now if I can hold it for 26.2 that remains to be seen.

I would like to thank Sasha for all he does, we are very lucky to have him on our team and all the expert advise we get on a daily basis, thanks again.


Kayano13 ( 162 )

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I did a nice easy recovery run today, my legs are still a little sore from Saturday's race. Average pace was a nice easy 9:09 pace with a average heart rate of 135. I have the Art City Am Golf tournament this weekend a three day tournament and I hope to do good in it this year. I feel like my game has come around and I would like to have three good rounds,but golf is a funny game so you never know.. I hope to slowly increase my miles each day this week, depending on how fast the stiffness goes away and how my foot is feeling. It is still a little sore from the race on Saturday but it is alot better than I thought it would be. Not much else to say except I will see you tomorrow.


Asic 2120(133)

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Another easy recovery run just trying to work the stiffness out, I felt a little better this morning than yesterday morning,  the foot seemed to be  some what better too. My average pace was 9:02 and my average heart rate was 134, I think I'll wait until next week to do some tempo runs I am going to try and keep it easy the rest of the week... I will do some hill work , maybe tomorrow or the next day depending on how I feel.


Asic Kayano (169)

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I just tryed to take it easy again today, nothing fancy. Average pace was 8:59 and my average heart rate was 134, total time was 54:05. My foot is still sore but I am able to complete each run so I am not so concerned as of yet and it hasn't got any worse. I might try some hill work tomorrow but we will see what tomorrow brings, my legs are still a little sluggish from the race on Saturday but getting better...


Asic 2120 (139 )

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I ran Harry's hill this morning.. I didn't try and push it I just wanted to get some hill training in and brake up the boredom.. My heart rate going up I kepted down (151) it is usually 10 beats per minute faster when I am pushing it, so I was happy that I was able to keep the rate down and still get up it in reasonable time. My average pace was 9:10 and my average heart rate was 134 total time was 1:14:50, I wasn't much slower than yesterday's recovery run on a flat surface so I think that is incouraging. My legs felt pretty good throughout the run but they did get a little tired towards the end of the run, but I think that is to be expected after so much hill training. Not much else to say except I will see you tomorrow...


Saucony Hurricane Grid 9 (8)

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Recovery run today trying to recovery from Harry's hill of yesterday, it was alittle hard getting out of bed this morning,  but once I was able to get out of bed I seemed to do alright. I just wanted to keep things nice and simple today and I think I was able to do that, my average pace was 9:03 and my average heart rate was 135, total time was 1:03:41. Tomorrow I would like to go 12 to 15 miles depending on how my foot is feeling and if I am up to it, I think I am ready for a longer long run, but we shall see. Today is the Doug Oldroyd Memorial Golf Tournament at Hobble Creek Golf Course, Doug was a friend of mine that died of colon cancer a couple of years ago, so we hold this tournament to kind of kick of the weekend for another tournament the Art City Am on the same golf course. We miss Doug deeply and think of him everyday, so this is a fitting tribute to him and his wife and their kids....

See ya tomorrow.

Asic 2120 ( 146 )

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I did a long run this morning.. I didn't get out until about 6:30am and by the time I got towards the end it was getting warm. But I had plenty of liquid with me and when I ran out I stopped at my brothers pit stop and refilled, thanks bro. My goal today was to keep my pace at about the same as my recovery runs during the week, my foot is starting to feel good and I didn't want to push it, plus I don't think I am ready for a tempo long run yet. So, my average pace was 9:02 and my average heart rate was 138 total time was 2:07:02, the pace I was keeping was a pace that was really comfortable and I feel like I could hold that apce for along time, and I was excited at how at the end I had enough energy to speed up and not have it be difficult, it almost felt natural so that was really cool. If my foot stays on course then I think I might be up for a nice tempo run this next week, which is exciting. I have only one problem, I have to go in on Monday for an Endoscopy of my throat and esophegus, they have to put me out and I will be out of it for most of the day so there will be no running on Monday.. Hopefully good news will come from this, I am a little nervous so whom ever reads this just say a little prayer for me, thanks.


See ya Monday..


Asic Kayano (183)

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Well I wasn't able to run yesterdaybecause of my endoscope, I was pretty much out of it most of the day from being put under. The doctor said that when he got in there he said my esophagus was 50% closed to what is normal, so they stuck a balloon in there and enlarged my air way similar to what they do for the heart. The Doctor said he was surprised with all the running that I have done that I didn't pass out for lack of enough air for my lungs and heart, he alos mentioned that I would see a big difference in my running as the weeks go on and my lungs get use to the extra air, it really is bazzare... Also the doctor found some sores that where on  my throat probably from acid reflux, so I will be on some medicene to help get that under control, but I was really releaved that there was no cancer... Today I just did a recovery run as I am still a little groggy from yesterday and my throat is still sore and tender, my average pace was 8:57 and my heart rate average was 134 total time was 1:03:08. My splits went as  follows; 9:04(129), 9:01(133), 8:50(135), 8:53(136), 8:57(135), 8:51(140) had a small hill in that one, 8:55(137). I would like to do a tempo run tomorrow and I am hoping that I will be feeling up to it, I would like today a 3 to 4 mile tempo run with 2 miles of warm up and 2 miles of cool down, we shall see.

Grid Hurrican 9 (15)

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I ran Harry's hill today and I hadn't planned on trying to push it up that hill but I kind of just let my legs go and I was surprised at my time up the hill, 8:57 (160). My average heart rate was 160 going up but I know in the middle of the climb it was maxing out at 170... My average pace was 8:52 and my average heart rate was 142 total time was 1:12:26, I felt  really good going up but towards the end of the run my legs were starting to feel it, I think the down hill kind of did my legs in. I did some weight training yesterday on my legs and I think they hadn't recovered yet, so I think that is why they lost it towards the end. My throat felt better today then yesterday, it is still a little sore the doctor said that would last for a few days. My foot seems to be coming around,  hardly any soreness so I feel like I am getting close to being 100%, right now I think I am 85 %.


Asic 2120( 154 )

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I helped my father-in-law lay sod at his house yesterday and I am totally wiped out this morning, I had a hard time getting my legs going. During the night I woke up with a charlie horse in my left calf, man did it hurt, but that didn't bother me like I thought it would. My lower back is stiff and sore, I might need to go to the chiropractor today. It has been bothering me for about month now so it might be time to go and get re-adjusted. I went  on the riverbottoms lop this morning pretty much flat with a real small hill in it about 2 miles in and then with 2 miles to go. My average pace was 9:15 (no legs) and my average heart rate was 134 with a total time of 1:05:12, I think my average heart rate was alittle lower than the reading showed because my heart rate monitor was giving me some bad info on that first miles it said my average heart rate for that mile was 150 and my first mile split was 9:20 so I think my heart rate was more closer to 129 or 130 for the whole run.

Not much else to say except my back is really sore, I hope for a better day tomorrow in that aspect.


Asic Kayano ( 190 )

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I did a mini tempo run today and it felt good... I started out with 2  warm up miles and then settled into my 3 mile tempo run, my first split I started out to fast but then settled down into a pretty fast first mile, 7:01(158), the second split went as follows, 7:09(160) I seemed to be working a little harder on that one. Then I slowed down and did 2 recovery miles and then  finished up with one more tempo mile at a slightly slower pace, 7:35(153). I like to try and run that last mile fast once every couple of weeks just to test my fitness and I was surprised at how well I felt and I had alot of energy, I am still alittle sore from laying all that sod for my father-in-law on Wednesday but I seem to be getting over the stiffness, finally. Total time was 58:40 with an average pace of 8:20, my heart rate average was 146.

I also did 25 minutes of upper body strength training and core training which felt really good too. I have gotten away from doing that and I have decided that it is as important as the actual training for the marathon so I have worked it back into my schedule atleast twice aweek and no less. I have a long run for tomorrow scheduled

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What a beautiful morning for a run.. Headed out at 5:40 am,  I have been nursing a bad back the last couple of days so I wasn't sure how well I was going to do with the stiffness, but after about 3 miles I started to feel pretty good, not great but pretty good and I settled into my 9:00 pace.  After 5 miles I did a couple of strides and picked up the pace for about 1.25 miles and then settled back into my nine minute pace for most of the run. My last mile I did a tempo run at marathon pace to test my fitness and I was amazed at how well I felt, especially after running so many miles, my foot felt great too which is a good sign.. But now my back is giving me problems, oh well from on thing to the next eh. Average pace was 8:59, with my heart rate average at 139 total time was 2:26:08, I hooked up with my Brother Curtis for about a mile so that was cool, and all the spanish fork boy's and girls where out in force this morning so that was pretty cool too. All in all it was a great run and I am looking forward to next week.


Asic Kayano (  206 )

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