"A Hefty Hunk Of Steamin Junk"

January 2008

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Member Since:

May 06, 2006



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

2006 Ogden Marathon 4:19:33.

2006 St. George 4:05:31

2007 Riverwoods 1/2 Marathon 1:34:47

2007 Speedy Spaniard 10K 43:20

2007 Riverwoods 10 mile race 1:12:38

2008 St George Marathon 3:43:37 

2012 Spectrum 10K 43:54

2012 St. George Marathon 3:42:17 PR!

2014 St George Half  Marathon 1:40:34 C/PR

2019 American Fork Half Run Against Cancer 1:40:31 C/PR

2019 Nebo Half Marathon 1:38:09 2nd in my Age group 55-59.C/PR

Short-Term Running Goals:


I'd like to just run more overall. 

Be more consistent.

Work on Speed.

Cross Train.

Run More races.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay healthy and keep running until I'm really old, and maybe get a Boston Qualify.


I am Married and my wife Cindie and I have 5 kids. I am an insurance agent and have been for over 30 years.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 30.00 Year: 108.35
Nimbus 25 Blue New Lifetime Miles: 174.36
Nimbus 26 Dark Blue Lifetime Miles: 197.50
Nimbus 26 Grey Lifetime Miles: 194.91
Cumulus 26 Lifetime Miles: 36.40
Nimbus 26 Sandstone Lifetime Miles: 129.43
Nimbus 26 Blue Red Stripe Lifetime Miles: 131.07
Nimbus 26 Orange/Green Lifetime Miles: 77.55
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I slept in because of the late night of celebrations and then I waited for it to warm up in the teens and then I headed out...I ran the mini gu corner out and back, when I was headed to mini gu corner I ran into a herd of Elk, Ah the joys of running... There were some nice bulls in that herd and it was cool to just watch them for a minute, I wish my son Ethan was hear he would have went wild, I will have to take him tomorrow after school and see if they are still there.

Now back to my run,  it was just another easy day although I was alittle faster today than yesterday (I wasn't planning on that) but I just went with what felt comfortable... My average pace 8:43 with my heart rate average at 141, total time was 52:28. My leg felt really good, I don't know whats up with that but maybe I just over done it on Saturday and my calf muscle was alittle strained, becuase I felt great and I have no pain as I am writing this so thats a good sign. I was planning on doing some strength training today but I think I will take it easy the rest of the week, and then resume the strength training next week...


See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Blue (314)

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When I checked the tempature outside and it said 6 degrees I decided it would be a good idea to hit the treadmill this morning, I had a hard time simulating my pace when I am actually out on the road, but after some tinkering I was able to find a pace that was comfortable for me in regaurds to my heart rate and I went with that.  It averaged out to be about an 8:50 mile pace with a total time of 52:23, my leg felt good not much pain at all it would just get a little stiff as the run got  towards the end.

I hope it its warmer tomorrow morning than it was today, it was hard to stay focused on the treadmill, anything above 15 degrees and I'm good to go ouside so lets hope for some cloud cover or a warm front...

See ya Tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Orange (232)

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No running today, I have caught the cold that has been floating around the office the last couple of weeks so I stayed in bed this morning and I am taking it easy today. I will see how tomorrow goes and decide if I will run tomorrow, see ya then...


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I ran the Salem canal road to Payson loop, out and back. I just wanted to do a nice recovery run as I am still feeling pretty bad from my cold symptoms, and my body is pretty week with no energy at all!!! I actually felt better than I thought I would out there this morning, the temp was alot better 39 degrees according to my Iphone. My average pace was 9:11 with my heart rate average at 138, total time was 55:26. My leg felt pretty good today and taking Toms advice and running today even made me feel better with my cold... I will plan on doing atleast my usual 6 mile run tomorrow and if I feel better than I do today then I might tack on a couple of more, depending on how I feel and the time that I have available of course...


See ya Tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Orange (238)

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No running today, my cold has gottent the best of me. But  I will try and get back on the horse on Monday, I will either do the treadmill or outside running depending on the weather...

See ya then...

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I am still not feeling real great from this darn cold I have been fighting the last week, but I dragged my butt out of bed and headed out... I ran the Salem Canal Road to Payson loop, out and back, pace was really slow as the roads were really slick and unstable. My legs were very weak still from being sick and I didn't have alot of energy, I probably should have did only half of my usual mileage as apposed to going the full 6 miles, I think I would have been better served to just do 3 to 4 miles, but I continued on. Total time was 55:44 with an average pace of 9:14, heart rate was at 140, very slow and easy... I will have to see how I feel in the morning, if I haven't improved then I might only go 3 to 4 miles and take it easy the rest of the week until I get over this darn cold, I hope its soon.

My leg has felt pretty good, and I think I am getting close to getting back to 100%, cross my fingers!!!!

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Blue (320)


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I ran the Salem Canal Road East to mini GU corner, out and back, I felt alot better this morning which tells me my cold is finally running its course and I am hoping as the week goes on I will get stronger and stronger... My average pace was 8:38 with a total time of 52:12, my heart rate average was 149, which is alittle high for that pace for me so I must still be fighting the infection in my body from the cold. My leg felt good, almost no pain, that is really encouraging and I am hoping as the week goes on I will regain my strength so I can get back on track. My goal is to try and start tackling Harrys hill this month if my leg continues to have no pain and the weather will let me, I will not run that hill unless it is totally dry and clear its just to dangerous otherwise.

I also did the standard core training and strength training on my lower half, and that took about 30 minutes, I have decided incorporate my strength training back during the week, I kind of got lazy there during the holiday's...

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Orange (244)

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Roads were snow packed and slick, about 4 inches or so, I really had to take it slow. My average pace was 9:37 with my heart rate average at 148 still way to high, I must still be sick, total time was 58:05. It was pretty warm, I would rather have the snow than fight the cold its alot funner.  My legs were so dead this morning and I think part of it was I didn't refuel my body good enough during the day yesterday, I had nothing to eat until like 6:30pm, and I think the strength training I did after the run had something to do with it as well...  I also didn't sleep real good last night, which could have played a part in my legs telling me to stop at every step!!! I didn't give in though and I powered through all the powdery snow and all my leg issues, pat me on the back!


See ya tomorow.


Kayano 12 Blue (326)

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The roads were alittle better this morning but still icy in some spots, so I still took it pretty slow. I ran the Salem Canal Road east to mini GU corner, out and back... I was alittle faster today and my legs weren't as bad  but I just don't have that spring in my stride yet, I guess that will come as I transition into spring and I don't have to wear all this gear. My average pace was 8:58 with my heart rate average at 146 total time was 54:16. I shaved 4 minutes off yesterday's time, which accounts for the better road conditions... I don't know about my leg, some day's it feels good and then on other days I have alittle pain, nothing that will keep me from running and it always recovers in time fir the next days run, but I want it to be 100%. I have noticed that when I speed up for awhile I start to have some discomfort but not real bad, I just notice that its there, oh well maybe with time it will be 100%...

I also did the lower body weight training and core training, 30 minutes...

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Orange (250)

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Rest today, no running. I hope to get in a 10 miler tomorrow morning depending on how I am feeling. I had a relapse with my cold so I stayed in bed this morning and caught up on some much needed sleep, please forgive me for being lazy but I just had to do it!!!

See ya tomorrow.


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I ran out towards Gu corner and then down in the riverbottoms to my 5 mile turn-a-round, took some GU and headed back towards home, I felt really good this morning and my legs had some spring in them today. I could of went more but I like the feeling of having some gas left in the tank I like how that stays with me the rest of the day... I saw the Elk again today and there is one big bull in there that would look good on anybody's wall, my average pace was 8:25 with my heart rate average at 156 and a total time of 1:25:09... I did three marathon pace miles that were about 40 seconds off my real pace, the one was more like a minute, but they felt good to get in, those went as follow's; 8:16(157), 7:52(157), 7:50(158). The rest after those tempo miles were right around a 8:25 minute pace to bring me home. I feel good. And now I get to go watch my boy Ethan play Junior Jazz, talk about the best of both worlds, today is a good day...

See ya on Monday.

Kayano 12 Orange (260)

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My Church doesn't start until 1:00 now so I thought I would to some light workout on the elliptical for 30 minutes, I usually don't workout on Sunday but I figure it's better than sitting on my butt and vegging in front of the T.V.

Kayano 12 Blue

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I ran the Salem Canal Road to Payson loop, out and back,  I don't have any splits this morning as my Garmin was deader than a doorknob... But I know the pace was fairly fast because of my breathing, I had to run by feel and boy could I feel it this morning! They felt like they were in the 8:10 range so I am counting 5 of those as marathon pace miles and I went farther than I usually do (7 miles) as opposed to the normal 6... I am increasing my mileage this week. I have decided to go 7 miles a day through Thursday and then have a light day on Friday and then do my usual 10 miler on Saturday. And if I feel as good as I do today it should be a good week, of course that always depends on how I am feeling physically and how I am handling the extra mileage, we shall see...

I was real disappointed in my beloved Colts  yesterday, but I still love em. And it was real good to see T.O. crying his eye's out because his team lost, I did a couple of cartwheels on that one!!!

I did not get a good nights sleep last night, I was tossing and turning all night long...

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Blue (333)

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I ran out past mini GU corner towards GU corner and then turned back at the old red bricked house, I noticed 2 miles into my run that I had forgotten to start my watch so the first two splits will have to be guessed... My average pace was 8:37 with my heart rate average at 148, total time was 1:02:20, educated guess. I felt pretty good this morning even after yesterdays tempo run, I felt strong until  the final mile where I slowed down so I could cool down. It was a nice morning. Pretty warm, but they say it is really suppose to cool down the next couple of days so that could be brutal. I also did some core training and the standard 70 push-ups alternating between sets of crunches, no strength training on the legs this week as I am increasing my mileage and I don't want to over due it...

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Orange (267)

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I really debated whether or not to run outside this morning as the temperatures were a lot colder than they have been, but after some convincing I strapped on all my gear and headed out the door. I ran the Payson park loop via Salem Canal Road, this is a fun run  because it has some real nice rolling hills in it, and then some flat portions as well. I was trying some new shoes today Asic Gel Nimbus 9, a neutral shoe, I am trying to transition into a neutral shoe to see if I can be a more efficient runner. So I am running in them 1 to 2 times a week just to see how I do and if I can handle them or not, they did seem a little different but we shall see..

I did a recovery run this morning as I have ran pretty hard the last few days, at least for me, so my average pace was 8:55 with my heart rate average at 146 which seem a little high still, which is kind of weird, total time was 1:03:11. I could still be fighting off the cold from the last couple of weeks, or maybe not, my battery could be getting low as well, better check that when I can... I was going to say that the cold wasn't bad at all, I think it was a little warmer than they thought it would be which is just fine with me!!!


See ya tomorrow...

Gel Nimbus 9 (7)

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I ran the dreaded treadmill, or dreadmill as we all like to call it. It was just to cold out there this morning so I stayed inside and made the best of it, my average pace was around 8:34 with my heart rate at 150, total time was 1:02:23... I ran 4 quarter mile tempos at 7:50 pace with a quarter mile cool down in between each repeat, I don't have any splits on those. I also did some strength training on my legs and some core training with 70 push-ups in sets between the crunches...

Tomorrow I will  be outside as it is a light day for me, probably 3 miles tops for as I want to go light for Saturday's long run...

See you then.

Kayano 12 Orange (274)

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Friday is light day getting ready for long Day Saturday, sounds like a Primary song... I did just over 3 miles at a real easy pace trying to get my legs to recover for tomorrows run,  just trying to see if that helps so I am not so warn out, my goal is to run at least 10 miles and maybe thirteen depending on how I feel. I have had some reoccurring pain in my leg again so I need to watch that as the days go on, it seems to get better as the run progresses so that's a good sign... My legs where pretty tired today from all the strength training I did yesterday, hopefully tomorrow they will respond and have some spring in them like they did last week...

It was nice and warm this morning which was nice, I can handle in the upper teens to 20 degrees that's comfortable.

Nimbus 9 (10)

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Well, I had plan on going 10 to 13 miles today but I had a little accident last night, my wife and I were doing the grocery shopping and I put a big bottle of cheese dip in the top part of the cart and not knowing there is a hole there the bottle fell to the floor and my toe got in the way... No cuts or stitches just a nice broken toe, I can barley walk and I tried to get up and run this morning but after about 10 steps I was down on my knees in major pain, so I am out of commission for a few days at least. If you run long enough I guess some strange things can happen!!!


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No running again today, just trying to nurse along my toe... It does feel a lot better today so I am confident that I might be able to do some light running tomorrow or Wednesday, I think if I tape it right I should be good to go! Well that's about it, was able to sleep in this morning and get some extra ZZZ's that is always a good thing and I think my body is enjoying the time off even though I am not !!!

See ya Tomorrow...

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No running today my toe is still giving me problems, I am optimistic that I will be able to get out tomorrow morning at least that is the plan... This is so stupid. Why do these things have to happen? I just don't get it! Oh well, see ya tomorrow.

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I decided to get my butt out of bed and tape up my old toe and try and make a go of it! I took it about a half a mile at a time just to evaluate and see if it was getting worse or was it staying the same  yada, yada, yada... I had to take it slow but the pain was minimal and it didn't get any worse, so I will see how it goes throughout the day and hopefully there will Be no swelling. My average pace was 8:55 heart rate average was 149 with my total time at 1:03:28, it felt really good to be out on the road again even though it had only been a few days it seemed like and eternity...

See you tomorrow.

Kayano 12 Orange (282)

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I ran out to mini GU corner out and back and in the fog which was kind of creepy, visibility was about a quarter of a mile so a little thick... About half way through my run I got a charlie horse in my right calf and it was painful, I could not get it to loosen up, feels like a great big knot.  My toe felt all right still a little sore but not bad at all I had more pain from the darn calf than I did my toe, I wonder if I will ever get pain free! Hopefully my calf will cooperate tomorrow, but I might have to go light, I used the "stick" to see if I could work it out so hopefully it will get better quick... I also did the lower body weight training and core training with 80 push-ups in between the sets of crunches.

Average pace 9:00, total time 54:17

See ya Tomorrow.

Kayano Blue (339)

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This had to be one of the worst mornings running I've had in along time, my legs were dead and there was so much ice out on the roads that it made it almost impossible to keep your footing! I ran towards Payson via Salem canal Road, my calf felt pretty good which was a good sign, but my legs hurt just about every where. From the front of my hips into my quads and so forth it was just a brutal run. My average pace was 9:50 mostly because the ice was pretty treacherous and I was having a hard time with my footing.

I don't know what is up with me lately, I just don't feel like I am getting stronger my legs feel like they are beaten down to nuttin, "and I mean nuttin Noonin"... Well,  enough of my whining and my "Caddy Shack" references!!!

See ya tomorrow.

Nimbus 9 (15)

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I ran to GU corner and back this morning, I had to cut my run a little short because my daughter had a basketball game at 8:00 am... I thought about running a couple more after her game but then I thought my run went so good earlier and I feel great so I thought I would just be done for the day. My legs felt a lot better this morning they seemed to be stronger than they were yesterday, I think the strength training on Thursday was a little much so they got wore out... My average pace was 8:19 with my heart rate average at 153, total time was 1:06:50. I had 2 miles that I did at marathon pace and those were; 7:32(156), and 7:36(153) those were miles 3 and 5. I think in the next couple of weeks I will try and pick up the tempo work and see if I can improve my speed as the days start to get a little warmer, that is if it warms up just a tad...

See ya on Monday.

Kayano 12 Orange (290)

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This was one tough run, the wind was blowing so hard on my way out I felt like I was standing still. I ran out towards Payson via Salem Canal Road and the wind was right in my face I had it behind me on the way back which was a good thing because my legs were getting tired. My average pace was 8:43 with my heart rate average at 150 total time was 1:02:46. I had 3 miles at tempo pace which is about a minute off my marathon pace those were mile 4 8:34(149), 5 8:17(151), 7 8:33(149). These Neutral shoes I am not sure about, it seems my legs really get beat down when I wear them, maybe they are working different muscles than the stability shoes that I have been wearing for ever... I don't know. I was glad to get this run in, now lets hope the storm isn't to bad tonight so I can get my run in tomorrow, we shall see!!!

See ya tomorrow.

Nimbus 9 (22)

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I ran the mini GU corner out and back route, no wind today but the roads were slick and snow packed which made it slow going for the whole run. Total time was 1:06:33 which is 4 minutes slower than yesterday, good thing it was a recovery run. The only problem with today was I had to work harder than I usually to on a recovery run because the roads were so bad, it felt like I was running in place, I guess I can call these junk miles because that is what  it felt like. My average heart rate was 144 and my average pace was 9:23 usually at that pace my heart rate is well under 135 closer to 130... I also did the standard Tuesday core training, crunches and push-ups, no leg strength training as I feel that the extra hard running yesterday in the wind and then this difficult running this morning was more than adequate...

Well that is about it I will see you in the morning...

Kayano 12 Orange (297)


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Another difficult running day out there on the slick snowy roads. It was hard getting my footing again so I just took it easy and when I would get to a good stretch of road I would speed up... My legs were pretty dead by the time I finished and I think I need to retire the Kayano 12 Blue shoes that I have been running in, it seems like that every time I run in them my legs just feel hammered, so they are history! My average pace was 9:28 total time was 57:06, I didn't run my usual 7 miles this morning simply for the reason that I got tired of fighting the brown sludge on the roads and so I cut it short.

I consider these junk miles because they did-not feel good at all, but I am glad I completed the run I always consider that an accomplishment this time of year...

Kayano 12 Blue (345)


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The last day of January, woohoo!!! Lets all hope for warmer temperatures in February... I ran out past mini GU corner to the red brick house next to the BYU farm and then turned and headed back to the house. I did some 800 meter tempos, 4 to be exact, and they were all in the 7:05 to 7:15 range pace wise so I counted those 4 miles as marathon pace miles. I felt really good this morning my toe was a little sore when I started out but felt better as I got warmed up. I had a new PR on this course time wise, I am usually around 62 to 63 minutes for this route but today my total time was 58:07 and my average pace was 8:18, with my heart rate average at 148. I was real happy with the run today, I even felt like I could have ran a couple a more miles and that is usually a good sign for me. I hope I am getting close to breaking through another wall and as the temperatures warm I hope for less aches and pains!!! I also did the standard 80 push-ups in sets between the crunches on the rubber ball for core strength, still no leg strength training maybe on Saturday after my long run...

See ya tomorrow

Nimbus 9 (29)

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