| Location: Salem,Ut,USA Member Since: May 06, 2006 Gender: Male Goal Type: Boston Qualifier Running Accomplishments: 2006 Ogden Marathon 4:19:33.
2006 St. George 4:05:31
2007 Riverwoods 1/2 Marathon 1:34:47
2007 Speedy Spaniard 10K 43:20
2007 Riverwoods 10 mile race 1:12:38
2008 St George Marathon 3:43:37
2012 Spectrum 10K 43:54
2012 St. George Marathon 3:42:17 PR!
2014 St George Half Marathon 1:40:34 C/PR
2019 American Fork Half Run Against Cancer 1:40:31 C/PR
2019 Nebo Half Marathon 1:38:09 2nd in my Age group 55-59.C/PR Short-Term Running Goals: 2024:
I'd like to just run more overall.
Be more consistent.
Work on Speed.
Cross Train.
Run More races. Long-Term Running Goals: Stay healthy and keep running until I'm really old, and maybe get a Boston Qualify. Personal: I am Married and my wife Cindie and I have 5 kids. I am an insurance agent and have been for over 30 years. Favorite Blogs: |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 66.00 | 3.06 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 69.06 |
Asic 2130 Blue Miles: 17.43 | Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 34.55 | Asic 2130 Red Miles: 16.63 |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.50 |
I ran out towards Mini GU corner, but I did the 4 mile route instead of the full 6 miles I just took it pretty easy this morning and I was kind of bummed out I saw no shooting stars again this morning, weird! My pace was easy its average was 8:26 with my total time being 34:09, I forgot my heart rate monitor again, I'm so stupid... My foot felt okay and my hip wasn't even noticeable so that is a good sign. My foot is starting to get sore as I write this which seems to be a common event everyday. Well I have got to go, I have a flight to catch. I will be updating when I can on the cruise and I plan to do some major cross training or even running on the treadmill.
See ya soon! |
Asic 2130 Blue Miles: 4.05 |
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Well I'm back from the Mexican Rivera cruise and I can honestly say its good to be home! I did no training while I was gone and I don't even feel guilty about it;-D We had a great time and the weather was fabulous. We did have kind of a scare though, Cindie and I were Zip lining and she slipped and fell backwards on one of the lines and hit here head, needless to say thank the good lord for her helmet or we might have lost her! It was scary! She is in a neck brace and there seems to be no fracture, very sore though... I plan on getting back into the training thing on Monday if all goes well, we were boogie boarding on of the days we were in Mazatlan and a wave turned me up side down and my big toe got caught in the sand and it totally thrashed it! I don't have much pain though and all that is left is the black and blue, hardly any swelling now, so that is the only thing that could keep me from running, I will have to see how its feeling on Monday.
Well, thats about it. I will see you on Monday;-) | Add Comment |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.11 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.11 |
My first run in over a week and it was hard to get going! I have a kinked neck, low motivation, and no energy but I was able to get the run in very slowly. My PF felt okay but is still there but one good sign is my hip seems to of healed up nicely so that is a good thing;-D I still don't know what my goals are right now or even if I have any at this point, I think for right now I am just going to take it one day at a time... I think the most I'll do is 3 to 4 miles a day until I feel better and all these injuries are completely gone once my foot has healed up and the PF is gone then I might step it up a little, but again it will be very slowly!
Well Obama won and now that it is all over I am going to give the guy chance, I still don't trust him but if he starts doing some good things then maybe my opinion will change, but we will see...
See ya tomorrow. |
Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 4.11 |
| Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 3.45 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.45 |
I ran out to the base of Harry's Hill, mostly flat with a little up hill, then I came the same way back to my house. No shooting stars this morning it was to cloudy. I felt pretty good going out but coming home my legs seemed to lose their zip, my average pace was 8:38 with my heart rate at average at 154 (A little high) my total time was 38:22. I then finished up with my standard Tuesday lower body workout on the Bowflex and also some core training on the rubber ball and then finished that up with some push-ups... I think things are coming along nicely, I would like to do some speed work on the new track at the high school before the snow flies but I will have to take it slow right now and ease into it, that is about it for today.
See ya tomorrow. |
Asic 2130 Red Miles: 4.45 |
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.05 |
I ran up towards Loafer canyon but when I got to the first stop sign I turned left and headed towards the mail boxes in woodland hills, I just went far enough to hit my 2 mile mark and then I took a walking break, after that I turned and headed back to the house. I took it pretty easy going up and coming down, and it was a test to see if my hip has really healed up and it was pretty cool I had no pain at all... My foot is still bothering me but not as bad as it has been, just enough to be annoying;-( My average pace was 9:09 with my heart rate average at 148 and my total time was 37:05 my heart was up in the 160 range going up the hills and then coming back down my breathing was alot easier... No shooting stars again this morning I am still stuck on 4, it needs to clear off so I can see the sky again, maybe towards the end of the week it will get better;-D
Thats about it for today, see ya tomorrow. |
Asic 2130 Blue Miles: 4.05 |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.10 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.10 |
I ran out towards mini GU corner, hit my 2 mile mark and then took a walking break and then I turned and headed for home... The pace was very easy as my legs were tired from running up Loafer yesterday I think the average was right around 9:09 and my heart rate was 142 still a little to high, total time was 37:32. There was a nice full moon out this morning and it was real easy to see, and I had to go a little earlier than usual because my Daughter Abby has an ortho appointment, it was very bright. No more shooting stars this morning either as the full moon took care of that, but there will be plenty of dark days ahead so I'm sure the tally will increase. I better get going so I can make the ortho appointment.
See ya tomorrow. |
Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 4.10 |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.05 |
I ran towards Payson this morning and it was still a bright full moon which made it easy to see, but not real great for seeing shooting stars. My pace was real easy again today, just plodding along and enjoying the scenery and trying not to take it all to seriously. Sometimes being a step dad sucks and I'll just leave it at that! My average pace was 9:13 with my heart rate average at 145, still way to high for that pace, I am hoping this will change over the next few weeks, total time was 37:19... Tomorrow I may do a little longer run but I will have to see how I am feeling, ever since I ran up Loafer on Wednesday my legs have been tired so I will have to see how they are doing in the morning and then go from there. I was thinking maybe 8 to 10 miles just the thought of that scares me, which is kind of amazing considering I ran a marathon a month ago I guess I am still a little burnt from the race.
Well thats about it, I will see you tomorrow! |
Asic 2130 Red Miles: 4.05 |
| Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 6.00 | 2.06 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 8.06 |
My goal was to run out to GU corner, out and back, and my legs were feeling pretty good so I pushed the pace a little bit. I had an 8:12 on mile 3 and then on mile number 5 I did a 7:28 my average pace was 8:32 with my heart rate at 148, total time was 1:08:46. This is the longest run that I have had since the SGM and it showed the last few miles I was working pretty hard, my hip was great but my foot started to hurt towards the end and right now its a little sore I'm sure it will get worse as the day goes on, I hope not... It felt good to get a little bit of a longer run in for a change, it was getting kind of boring doing just 4 miles a day but I have to stick to this lower mileage for now, I need to get my foot healed up! No shooting stars again this morning, I got out a little later so it wasn't dark enough, oh well;-D
Well I think I will go and sit by the fire for a moment, it was pretty cold this morning, I would say the coldest so far this year. As soon as it warms up a bit this morning I will be back into my lighting bonanza, I am at 6,000 lights and counting. Every year I tell myself that I am crazy but I have been doing this since I was a kid so I just seem to stay with it, oh well tis the season... |
Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 8.06 |
| Comments(3) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.08 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.08 |
I ran out towards Payson via canal road, I went very slow as my foot was pretty sore it felt better as the run went on but then by the end it was really getting sore... I iced it for about 10 minutes when I got home and then did some calf stretching to try and help it, pretty disheartening to still be dealing with this darn thing, oh well. My average pace was very slow 9:08 with my heart rate at 136 and total time was 37:18, also no shooting stars again this morning it seems like ever since the time changed they have been less frequent. Maybe I will have to start running a little earlier, then again maybe not... I finished up with my standard upper body workout on the bowflex low weight with high reps, one set of each exercise.
See ya tomorrow. |
Asic 2130 Red Miles: 4.08 |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.07 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.07 |
I ran out towards mini GU corner but stopped once I reached my 2 mile mark and then did a walk break for a minute and then headed back for the house. My foot felt good going out but on the way back it started to get sore, iced when I finished and then went and did my lower body weight training on the Bowflex and then finished up with some core training and push-ups... My average pace was 8:55 and my heart rate average was 138 with my total time at 36:15. I felt pretty good this morning but I want to be able to run a little farther but I can't right now, I need to be patient until I get this darn foot feeling better! I ran into Michelle towards the end of my run and she seemed to be doing really well, ah to be young again someone has to be old so it just as well be me!
See ya tomorrow.
Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 4.07 |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.10 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.10 |
I ran up Loafer again and ran the same route as last time, but when I get to the stop sign I turn left and head towards the mail boxes... My foot was very, very, sore from the get go, in fact I almost turned back about a block or two into the run but I couldn't make myself stop, I just told myself to suck it up and stay with it. When I finished I stretched and iced but right now it is extremely sore, so I don't know what to do! I will see how it goes in the morning and then go from there. My average pace was 9:10 with my total time at 37:35, my heart rate average was at 142... I wish this darn thing would get better, I really feel like I could get some good training in if I could just get past it, oh well.
See ya tomorrow. |
Asic 2130 Blue Miles: 4.10 |
| Comments(6) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.11 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.11 |
I ran the Mini GU corner route except I stop about a mile short as I am still on my reduced mileage, my foot felt surprisingly better this morning. It was still there but alot more tolerable than yesterday and the soreness that I usually have after I run seems to be less, but I will see how the day goes. My average pace was 8:54 and my total time was 36:37, heart rate was around 142. I went fairly easy today too except for that first mile it was around an 8:30 mile so I had to back off a bit. I finished off with some lower body weight training on the Bowflex and then my standard core training on the rubber ball and then I finished that up with some push-ups;-D
No shooting stars again, I need to start going earlier, maybe when I start to increase my mileage then it will pick-up. My to youngest kids have their 5th grade wax museum tonight, it should be fun;-)
See you tomorrow. |
Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 4.11 |
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.05 |
I ran out towards Payson, very slowly, foot was really bothersome this morning not a very fun run! Average pace was 8:57 with my heart rate average at 139, total time was 36:11. This foot thing is really getting on my nerves, one day it seems to be okay and then next day it is really painful, I know I sound like a broken record but I'm just getting sick of it! I finished up with my upper body workout on the Bowflex and some push-ups...
It was my two youngest kids (Ethan & Sophie) 5th grade wax museum last night and it was a lot of fun and they both did a great job, Ethan was Mark Twain and Sophie was Shawn Johnson... Ethan had the hair and the mustache on and Sophie was dressed up just like a gymnast, it was pretty cool. This morning they do it for a couple of hours for all the kids in the school so it should be fun for them today too.
See ya tomorrow |
Asic 2130 Red Miles: 4.05 |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
No running today, I have been fighting a cold all week and when I woke up this morning I just felt like crapola, so I stayed in bed to rest and recuperate... I hope to feel better on Monday and maybe the extra day off will help my foot heal up some, although I am not holding my breathe!
The big BYU Utah game today, I am a BYU fan for life but it would be kinda cool to see Utah run the table and get into the BCS and get in the middle of it all! I would actually like to see it happen and give those other big name schools a run for their money!!!
With that said good luck to both teams and I hope it is a good close game... | Add Comment |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
No running, still very sick... I had to go into work even though I shouldn't have, but I had to keep an apponitment for a client that I couldn't get out of so here I am!!!
I'll be heading home just as soon as I can! | Add Comment |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 4.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.05 |
I could not sleep last night so I was laying there in bed and it was 5:50am and I decided to go out and run even though I didn't feel like it! I'm still fighting this cold pretty good and my heart rate should that, my heart rate never got below 150 and my average pace was 9:00. My foot felt okay starting out but then by the end I could start to feel it again, it was tolerable though... I don't know if I will run tomorrow or not I will have to see how I am doing, I certainly don't want to get sicker thats for sure, total time this morning was 36:07...
See ya tomorrow. |
Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 4.05 |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
I have taken a turn for the worse with this darn cold, so no running again today, I have developed a cough to go along with the other stuff that goes with a cold! I think my body is saying that it needs some time off, with my foot the way that it is and everything else that is going on with my body maybe I will cave in finally! But then again I'm so stupid that I will continue to run, but not today at least!
See ya tomorrow | Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 6.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 6.05 |
After taking my Tahoe over to Brent Brown to get worked on I decided to go out for a run, and I was slightly over dressed but I figured it would help me sweat the cold that I have been fighting right out of me! My goal was to run out to mini GU corner, since I havent been out that far for a while. I Started out feeling very sloppy and not in rhythm, after a mile I stopped and stretched and then I seemed to feel like I was in better rhythm, legs were tired though... My main goal was to just take it easy and enjoy the scenery, and for the most part I did that. My average pace was 8:49 with my heart rate average at 152, still way to high which tells me I am still fighting this darn cold, total time was 53:13. My foot felt marginal but I could feel it towards the end of my run, I will see how it does throughout the day hopefully it won't be to bad!
I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day yesterday, all of our kids are scattered so it was just me and Cindie this year, but it was okay it was kind of nice having the time alone together, since we don't get it very often, to be alone that is;-D
See ya tomorrow. |
Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 6.05 |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 5.23 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 5.23 |
Well, my foot did pretty good throughout the day yesterday and felt pretty good this morning but I think the shoe that I used in the marathon is what seems to be aggravating it. My Asic 2130, I don't know if all the rain and wet just ruined them or what but I could feel it from the get-go this morning. So I don't think I will use them anymore and then just see how it goes, my groin injury in the left hip came back to haunt me this morning, I thought I was done with that darn thing but it reared its ugly head this morning!!! It feels okay right now but I hope that it doesn't come back, thank goodness its Saturday so I have a day off to let it rest! I ran out to the base of Harry's Hill and then decided to run down Pretty Little hill, I took it really easy the whole run and my pace should that. My average pace was 9:16 with my heart rate average at 139, total time was 48:29 like I said slow and easy... I hope these darn aches and pains get to feeling better, I am tired of being injured!!!
All the kids come back tomorrow, so that should be alot of fun!
See ya Monday. |
Asic 2130 Blue Miles: 5.23 |
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
The last day of November and I just wanted to updated my foot and groin from yesterday. My foot feels pretty good, not to bad and my groin seems alright too so my goal in December is to get going again, that is if my body will let me! November was kind of a bad month and I didn't get alot of running in, so I feel I need to make a better commitment even if that means cross training is involved... The last 6 months have been frustrating as I have been injured for most of the time, and I just want to be healthy and able to train a little harder so I hope I can to this in the up coming week's and months..
I hope everybody has a great Sunday! | Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Crosstraining miles | Total Miles | 66.00 | 3.06 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 69.06 |
Asic 2130 Blue Miles: 17.43 | Asic Nimbus 10 Miles: 34.55 | Asic 2130 Red Miles: 16.63 |
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