PM 67 min on the elliptical.
For my own benefit I want to note this. Went to the doctor yesterday (Karl Weenig - recommended by Matt) to get my left heel checked out. They took x-rays and it turns out I have a spur that is formed by calcium build up at the bottom of my achilles which is causing me problems. He gave me some heel inserts to wear (not while running), a perscription for some flexor patches to put on it (anti-inflamatory), and some exercises to do. He also told me to not run for about 3-4 weeks and then when I try running to make sure I start off on flat surfaces. If this doesn't work, then we will get more aggressive and try a boot. He said he sees this type of injury all the time and is probably due to excessive pounding or too quick of a buildup in mileage or misstepping. I'm going to try like crazy to not go crazy by doing the elliptical, swimming and lifting.