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Member Since:

Jun 03, 2013



Goal Type:

Highschool Champ

Running Accomplishments:

I've done track for 3 years now. First time for XC!

1600: 5:35

800: 2:24/p>


3 Mile: 20:56


Short-Term Running Goals:

I plan on going to state this year in track. Hopefully in the 800 or the mile.


I played apples to apples one time and won the cards fabulous and awesome. In the same round! If that doesn't just sum me up I don't know what does :)

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Went to the gym this morning and went biking for 25 minutes. Then went over to the school for some hot yoga. It's like normal yoga just it's me doing it ;)

pm: went over to snow canyon to watch the jv race and did 4 miles and striders. It was a pretty painful 4 miles tho, the first two weren't bad. Just the third one especially my leg hurt a lot. I tried running lighter but I felt like I was just pounding into the ground which made my leg hurt more. But I'll go bike in the morning again and then do E stems after my Workout in the afternoon!

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Am: went biking again this morning. This time with Tay.han! 25 minutes and then stretched after. My leg doesn't hurt during biking just after. 

Pm: leg was feeling a little better today. Was ready to do 400's but changed up the workout! 6 miles with Fartleks. Half of the workout was just fighting the wind up to green springs. Then did Fartleks all the way back. 2 min on 1 min off 1 min on 30 sec off 30 sec on 2 min off. We did a full 2 of those reps and then we ran into lots of lights so we did 3 more 1 minute Fartleks and finished with a 30 second right at the curve of the school. Our first few were a pretty steady pace but as we got more into it they got lots faster. Good workout! Went to marks room after and mark was there! So he diagnosed my problem for me again and guess what's really cool? So where I'm hurt is a muscle connected from my hip to my inner thigh I don't remember what it's called..BUT! He said I'm the first one he's ever had be injured there. In 23 years! 😮 I'm special :) so did some E stems, they hurt a lot but my leg feels a lot better now!

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Am: Went swimming this morning with Tay.han. It was really good, made my leg feel good. Until right before we went in to shower we went to the warm pool to run in the water..and it hurt my leg. So that was stupid. So tomorrow I'll go swimming and not do that. Nice book club discussion. 

Pm: started out with passing the baton. Mia and I are so pro. Then went on a 4 mile run backwards fire station run. Leg hurt at the beginning but after it warmed up it felt nice and had a good run. Did 4 200 afterward. These actually felt really good. Then went and did E stems in Marks room. Just running the medley 800 this weekend, hopefully can rest up my leg this weekend but also qualify for state on Saturday!! 

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Am: hit the pool again this morning with Taylor. 

Pm: went to the meet. Tried to run around a little on the girls cool down but that's about all that happened. 

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Well this is a race report but I don't know my time or anything. I just ran the medley this weekend because of my leg. And we were supposed to qualify for state today. I was really nervous for our hand off and just running it in general, and I think not running anything else all weekend kinda got all my anxiety compacted into the one event. Our handoff was crappy and we got DQ'd but even if we hadn't we wouldn't have qualified anyway so that's a bummer. But I've never DQ'd before so that was nice to try something new. I've never qualified for state either but I guess we'll save that new experience for next week. I was just doing the handoff exactly like we did it in practice but Alyssa wasn't running as fast as we practiced so my judgement of that skewed the handoff. And it's weird cuz I had fresh legs from this whole week but I didn't feel as energized, maybe cuz I'm used to have my legs circulating from racing earlier in the day. Idk a little disappointing but nothing we can't fix. Legs feeling pretty good so hopefully next week my workouts will go lots better

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Workout in the morning today. Pizza warm and cool and 4x1000's. Wasn't the best workout but wasn't a bad one. I was very tired at the end. My times were 3:50, 3:47, 3:44, 3:47. So the first one was very slow, it's weird cuz when we do them with Trevor they feel the same speed but they're faster. I really focused on each one individually. The 3rd one is always the hardest for me so I always make sure to push more on that one, now I just need to work on the last one being as fast. The last one was super speedy at least for the first half, Mia really took off so I tried to follow her pace...it was so fast. So we died a little after that. Got a nice compression sleeve for my leg and it helped a lot!! At the beginning it was a little hurty but got better as we warmed up. Plyos after, no 300's which made me sad and I couldn't go to afternoon practice cuz I had to help with WCYC interviews. 

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Race: Panther Relays (0.5 Miles) 00:02:27
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Am: went to morning run! Leg was not too bad. But I think the compression sleeve was really tight for the first half, it felt like it was compacting my muscle into one spot. So I loosened it up and it felt good on the way back. But then my quad was sore all day and I think it's from the sleeve. Some nice yoga after.

pm: Panther relays! Ran 4 events. The 800 in the distance medley, the 4x100, 4x800 and 4x400. I actually got a PR in my 800 medley! By 1 second and I also found out state for 800 is 2:22 not 2:21 so that's great too! Means I'm closer than I thought! After the medley tho I was exhausted especially from the heat and did not want to run anymore but it cooled down and I cheered up. Did a 4x100 with some desert hills girls that was actually really fun. 4x800 I wasn't going into it trying to PR again but still got a 2:31 so bout my fall back time I guess. Then ran the 400 for the first time this season. It was fun! Got a 1:06 so that's a PR but not satisfied feel like I coulda done better. So...good track meet! It was fun! I basically ran into all my pass off girls cuz they wouldn't go or turn back..but whatever. 

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Workout in the morning with Mia and alli. Had some race pace and faster than race pace stuff. Was 600, 400, 300, 200, 100. Hit all my goal times except my 600 which was two seconds slow. 600 was a 1:57, 400 was 1:16, 300 was 55, 200 was 33 and 100 was 16 seconds. It was a lot better than I thought it would be. So that was nice. Plyos after and then took the afternoon off running and went and biked for 25 minutes

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Am: 3 easy and book discussion 

pm: 4 out to washington. Super hot! So we stopped at Nissons to splash in the little creek. Then had 4x200's after and practiced hand offs. Leg felt pretty good today

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Race: Dixie Invitational (1 Miles) 00:05:35
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Am: 3 easy miles

pm: ran the 1600 today! I haven't been very motivated for the mile for the past few weeks cuz I felt like I hadn't improved a lot and it was just a long race. But I remembered back to our time trials when I liked the mile and how I would just stay on a person and let them do all the work and then gun it the last lap. It helped a lot! I was a lot more relaxed during the race and not worried about getting around girls and pushing ahead. Just about staying on Mia and Madi mehr. Good technique I got a 6 second pr! So that was a nice confidence booster, I got to see my mile splits and they were all pretty close except my 3rd one which needs to be a little faster but my last lap was actually the fastest at a 1:20. Pretty good race

after me, Mia and Liz went on a 3 mile run to get our mileage in. Went up to the park and then did 1 mile barefoot on the grass and ran back. It was a nice relaxing run 


Race: Dixie Invitational (0.5 Miles) 00:02:26, Place overall: 7, Place in age division: 7
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Weekend of PR's!! Woo hoo! Ran the 800, it was an interesting race not my favorite but it was alright. Had to do a lot of work in the second and third lanes. Last 200 I was feeling pretty good so I started going trying to catch Courtney and Whitney and I was in third! Then just the last 50 girls started passing me and I wasn't able to finish with as much umph as I wanted. But still got a pr and I'm 4 second off of stTe now. It was crazy tho cuz the top 7 of us were all 2 seconds apart from eachother. I just got out of a medal by like .01 seconds. 

Did the 4x400 after and we ended up 1 second off of state. We are really good at that...stupid. But it was a good race! Got a pr of 3 seconds with a 1:03. So that was good but I feel like I should've taken out faster so still learning how to run this. I think if we get down the freakin hand offs we'll be golden

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Am: 4x1000's this morning. Got almost all the girls out! My mental game was really struggling this morning. My leg was hurting after the second one so I wanted to take a break and just do the 3rd one. But was able to kick myself in gear and do all of them. My first two times were 3:47, 3:50 and I don't know my last two times but they were in the low 40's high 30's ish I think. The last one I really just focused on reeling in Nicole and I was able to get up right with her! Had 2x300's after. They werenot very good, they were both 52's. The second one I ran with the boys cuz I was not fully recovered from the first one and the girls took off without me. So I ran with the boys but I psyched myself out and took off really fast so I was crawling the last 100. I think I might have been dehydrated or just tired or something but I could not move after that. My head was pounding and dizzy. Just went into the locker room and died. Leg was hurting more this morning :/ prolly cuz it was a workout..in the morning! 

Pm: went on an easy 3 in Vegas right outside of wet and wild!!

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Am: easy 3 with Mia and maskerem! And yoga afterwards

pm: Coe workout! Had progression of 100 meters to 200 meters. Adding on 10 meters each time as we worked up. My 100 started out at a 20.9 (technically 21) and added on a second each time so my 200 was a 31. First part of the workout we were hitting faster than our times and then started hitting them right on. The last two or three I hit the line right before/at the change of the second. So my last time was in between 31 and 32. So pretty good workout! Harts warm/cool and weights, leg was hurting more today I dunno why :/ realized I have 4 more meets to qualify for state. Hopefully I'm not working on qualifying at region, I'm getting pretty nervous. 

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am: 3 miles and plyos

pm: 4 miles up to green  springs, feeling really good. Then 4x200's and practicing hand offs. Pain in my leg is increasingly getting worse through this week. Still not too bad but I need to remember to take care of it so it doesn't get as bad as it was again. 

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Race: Snow Canyon Invitational (0.5 Miles) 00:02:26, Place overall: 3
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Am: 3 easy and book discussion

Pm: Race at snow canyon. Warmed up about a 1.5 by myself. Just ran the medley 800. We qualified for state! We got a 4::22!! So we crushed it! I was really nervous with the way people were cheering me on that we were really close to not making it but we did :) I'm super stoked but I'm actually upset too, because I really wanted a 2:24 at this meet! I dunno, I didn't digress so that's nice but I was really looking for a pr. It's weird because I never feel as good when that's the only event I'm running. Interesting...but anyway I guess I'll have to go kill it next week at SUU. Like really kill it

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Resting my leg from running today. So I've been pretty busy all day and finally got over to the rec center to do a running workout in the pool. Holy cow! This was not a piece of cake. Started out with a few warm up laps then I thought "hey ill just run in the water like I'm doing the workout. Hit the times I wouldve hit on the track" uh no. I started, after 30 seconds I was tired so I did 1 minute instead of 1:52. So then I made up my own workout cuz the track one wasn't going to work. Did 1 minute hard 30 seconds off 30 seconds hard 15 seconds off 15 seconds hard and then 1/1.5 minute rest. Did 3 reps of those. Then did a few cool down laps and and a few laps with the kick board. Solid workout!

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Meh not a very good run. I was supposed to go this morning with Liz but slept in, my bad. But I went later. I was going to go4 or 5 but my leg was hurting so just went 3. And I had all these weird aches and pains in my body. My leg was hurting my knee was, my arch. I dunno it was weird. I did get some new shoes yesterday so I got to try those out! They felt pretty good, other than my left arch. Don't know if that was from the new shoes or my body is just misbehaving today

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Am: 3x1000's and2x300's. started out the workout and my leg was hurting pretty bad, so I stopped after the second one and stretched it out. It was hurting but I really wanted to at least get 3 in. So I jogged around about while the girls did their 3rd one and then jumped in the last one. It hurt the first lap but settled in on the last Lap and a half. My times were 3:37, 3:49, 3:39. So a little all over the place. First 300 felt great around 49 I think then second was a 50. Long day cuz the we had weights and ploys. Ploys were fun and we ran through the sprinklers afterward. 

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Am: more girls then we've had in a while. Nice run with some yoga

pm: 8x200's at faster than race pace with descending recovery intervals. got pretty hard! Goal was around 33/34 seconds. Hit right on all of them. Third to last one was a 32. Last one was a 35 tho but that's cuz we started at the 200 mark to the finish so we had the wind against us on that one. Harts warn/cool. 



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Am: waited by myself for a while. Coach invited me to go w/ boys and as soon as I said no I'll wait I got legitimately concerned and almost bolted up to the boys to run with them ha. But my faith in my girls was not in vain


pm: 5 to green springs with Liz, maskerem, and Mia. Way there wasn't so fun but they way back was really fun. Had adventures with cars. Weights! To be buff and make Irene jealous

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No morning practice. Resting my leg. But some good book discussion.

SO! apparently SUU is cancelled, so that blows. So I was actually in a really bad mood during our workout, and some of the girls I don't think appreciated that very much but oh well, made them do what they were actually supposed to. We kinda sucked at this workout. Not exactly our times but counting the cones thing. It worked fine when we just went back to where we started but the boys told us we were  being stupid so we tried it their way. And it messed us up cuz we're very challenged. Was supposed to hit a 42, 43, 44.5, 45.8, 47, 48.4. Hit a 41, 44, 44, then it gets great cuz we ended up doing 20 meters less recovery on that one and then went one more cone on the next one. So we hit a 47 which is what we supposed to hit for 5 cones but then we had to do 5 cones again and we got a 51. I think. That one we were more worried about the cones than running. Then my 300 was like a 49, I'm not even sure. So interesting workout with harts warm/cool. Anyway I'm still bitter thinking about but its cool

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Am: easy 3

pm: there was nobody there! Like 8 girls and 10 boys. We headed out and did backwards firestation, it was super windy. I thought we were running as a group but maskerem and I turned around in the middle and everyone was gone. So basically just went on a run with maskerem :/ then did strides after

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Hit 40 miles this week. Haven't done that forever. Went on a 5 mile run from the Sullivan park with maskerem and Liz with a 1 mile fast finish. Was a really good run! 

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Race: Snow Canyon Last Chance (0.5 Miles) 00:02:28, Place overall: 2
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Am: 3 easy and plyos

pm: went over to snow canyon. Was supposed to run 800 and 4x400 but one of our girls didn't show up so just ran the 800. And it was bad. 2 other girls around my pace and I just wanted to stick with the cedar girl but apparently she wasn't feeling it. So pacing off of her was stupid and my first lap was way slow. Like 1:13/14 or something. So I freaked out and tried to speed up a lot. Maddie zoomed past me but only ended up a second or so faster so not a great race for any of us. Ran the workout of 2x1000's 95% and 2x300's. times were 3:39, 3:29. So pretty good! We did have a downhill tho so that helped. 300's were like 49/50. Idk Mia tracks my times but is behind me so I feel like they may not always be accurate. 

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Am: easy peasy with maskerem and Mia. Actually my body has lots of aches and pains in my knees and feet in the morning so that's no fun

pm:Harts warm then 4x400's all out with full recovery. Hit a very consistent 1:09 each time. Was hoping for faster than that but I guess the wind was making things difficult, actually blew away our high jump matts over the fence! That was crazy. Then Mia and I found two 5 dollar bills!! So we rejoiced and went and got snow cones! (After our 1.5 cool down of course) 

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Am: easy 3 with plyos. Have to be selective with plyos I do cuz some hurt really bad

pm: kosmin test! I used to get so nervous over races and workouts and stuff but now I don't think about it very much which I think helps not psyche myself out. So to treat things normal I had an ice cream sandwich right at the end of school ha. But my knee was hurting so bad all day! It hurt this morning and then I like jammed it or something during plyos, so I started on my warm up and it was no bueno. So just did pizza warm.  Kosmin went really well.When maskerem or Mia passed me on the 3rd and 4th ones I really had to make myself stay with them instead of falling back. So that was good and ended up with a 1336

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