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Member Since:

Jun 03, 2013



Goal Type:

Highschool Champ

Running Accomplishments:

I've done track for 3 years now. First time for XC!

1600: 5:35

800: 2:24/p>


3 Mile: 20:56


Short-Term Running Goals:

I plan on going to state this year in track. Hopefully in the 800 or the mile.


I played apples to apples one time and won the cards fabulous and awesome. In the same round! If that doesn't just sum me up I don't know what does :)

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So went running by myself. I was planning to go with someone but it didn't work I guess. I was also planning on going a lot farther than 5!! Jeez, I really need a watch. Cuz I just added loops to my normal route that I usually do around my house. I thought it would've been at least 6 but I routed it on runmyroute when I got back and it was barely 5. So that made me kinda sad. Maybe I'll go run another 3 miles later to get my mileage in. But it was a pretty good run. Didn't feel super energized but not exactly sluggish. My body was just more like meh...running. Still sick..feeling more sick these last few days. Why can't I just be better already. Maybe I'll just literally cough my lungs out this weekend and then I won't have to worry about them anymore :)

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Am: 3 easy with Mia and plyos

pm: 3x1000's. Was supposed to do 4 but my knee is killing me. So I iced it and rolled and hopefully I can take care of it so it doesn't turn into anything bigger. My times were alright. Was supposed to hit 3:49 and my times were 3:50, 3:56, 3:53. First one was pretty fast so that made my second one slower. Harts warm and cool and weights. Planning on lots of girls for morning run!!

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Am: 11. Freakin. Girls. Wha Psh! Boss 😳 easy 3 and then some intensified yoga

pm: had some..fun things after school so went on an easy run when I got home. Which was great! It feels so heavenly outside. IT a little sore but not too bad

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Am: 3 easy with Mia. My ponytail holder just came out in the middle of the run and I couldn't find it anywhere. So I had to just hold my hair for the rest of the run. I guess I coulda just let my hair flow in the wind...plyos afterward.

pm: 12x400's whoo 400's are tough. But they felt better than last week! I don't know how you guys remember all your times. I guess if I just hit mine consistently it might be easier. But wasn't too bad. Was supposed to hit 1:20 but hit it right on maybe 3 times. Rest of it was right at 1:23 range with a yucky 1:26 in there somewhere, maybe twice in there. But finished with a 1:22 I think. Maybe it was a 1:23. Heart rate was not at 120 any of the times I checked it so..I dunno what that means. Excited and nervous racing on Friday!!

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Am: 3 easy with quite a few girls again! And book discussion after

pm: 4 miles out to waahington. Pretty chill pace, my legs were so tired. Then 4x200's, ready for racing tomorrow

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Well this was our first track meet of the season. It was not so great. Ran the 1600 and the 800. Was supposed to run the 4x400 but we left after the 3200 which was the best news u had all day! 

So the 1600 started out terribly. Got boxed in this giant group of girls going so slow! And I couldn't figure out what to do. We were supposed to run behind people to block the wind but they were going so slow so I tried to go around them, was in like lane 5. Finally got around them and first lap was like a 1:26. Bleck!!! The next three laps the wind hit us hard on the back stretch. Thee worst. Finished pretty strong tho, first on the team but just..not super happy about it. Don't know my time but don't really want to. 

Then it took about 3.5 hours to get to the 800 which I was really excited for. Was in the second heat with barely any girls. Started out more in the middleish. Then on the second lap my legs just felt so awesome I was able to pass a lot of girls. But that cedar girl got pretty good distance so I didn't catch her. And even tho I did pretty good placing wise I'm more upset about this race than the mile. I'm actually really disappointed in it. I got done and I was not very tired. I mean I was but I wasn't exhausted. I wasn't even as tired as I was after our 400's on Wednesday. Which means I didn't give my very best at all. Which sucks. And I know times were skewed cuz of the wind but my time was just so off of where I wanted to be. Disappointing. Good thing this is just the first one

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8 with the miasian. Felt so beautiful outside my knee was pretty sore today tho. 

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Am: it was really hard to get myself to come this morning knowing we were doing 1000's but I got myself out which was good cuz it helped give me motivation for the rest of the week. 4x1000's. Goal time 3:49. Times hit 3:52, 3:52, 3:52, 3:54. Still not exactly what they should be but improvement and consistent which is better than the last few times. The last one I really thought I was going tho. Especially the last 200 I greeted pain told him to be my friend, didn't work I guess. Maybe I'll have to do that earlier next time. Harts warm and cool and weights. 

Pm: 3 easy by myself. Again hard to get myself out but I am getting out, which makes me hopeful that I'll be able to keep this up when I go to college. Ran just my normal loop around my house. Was going to change it up but it's just soooo Pretty out here in the fields 😍

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Am: first 10 miler ever!! It was a pretty good one. Headed out into the fields and did some tempo. I think we started out pretty slow but we progressed the whole time through the run so that was good. But still I think we ended at like 6:20 or 6:25 pace. So still a little off. It was hard to keep track cuz Mia's watch is all funky. But stuck with Mia the whole time and we were able to push each other. We were right by my house when we finished, wanted to just go home and make some pancakes or something. We did find a dog tho that we were trying to coax into coming back with us and being our team dog, he was so cute. But then the owner came out and started yelling so we took off. My knees were pretty hurty by the end but the rest of my body felt great. 

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Am: old man hills. Two sets of 800, 400, 200. Ah man these were pretty tough today and a lot of it just because there were no girls there today! Just me and Carli. The first set was pretty good but that second 800 sucked. I was doing alright for the first half of it but the second half I just tightened up, I was like a scrunchie moving my legs. The last 200 of it I realized I was doing awful and got myself to pump my arms and lengthen my stride a little. It's hard when there's nobody up there to push you so I let that kinda get to me but after that 800 I turned myself around and got back into it on the 400 and 200. I just like 400's a lot on old man hills so that helped too

PM: 3 easy miles by myself. Same route around the fields

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Am: 3 easy miles. Monday morning runs really are the best thing to get me motivated to run the rest of the week.

pm: 4x1000's. Did so much better on these today then I've done in a while. Apparently we were supposed to move up times but I hadn't even hit my times last week. My new time was supposedly 3:44 but last weeks time was 3:49 and I actually hit that time this week! Not the new one. My times were 3:50, 3:49, 3:46, 3:49. Third one was close to my goal time. These were really hard today but I was able to stay with Mia the whole time, and even tho I'm not very good at that wind trick, focusing on that made me not focus on the pain as much which helped. Just focused on each 1000 at a time. Harts warm and cool and weights after

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Am: 3 easy AC

PM: 4 easy out to the Sullivan park with striders and jumping in the river in between. 

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Am: girls did the workout this morning so I ran with the boys. Pretty quiet but it was a nice pick up pace for the morning. Plyos with the girls after

pm: 6x400's. I wasn't sure exactly what I should be hitting cuz my 800 from this year was around a 2:36. So I figured aim for a 1:18 but maybe a little faster cuz that race wasn't so good. So my first 3 were all 1:17's and they were pretty hard but they weren't VERY hard and I kept waiting like k when is this gonna start to hurt VERY bad? So I decided to pick it up the last 3 and got a 1:15, 1:13, and a 1:12. Which felt a lot better and harder so that was nice to get working harder. Harts warm and cool with maskerem and no weights cuz I had to leave for a meeting

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Am: 3 easy, pretty easy pace. My body was so tired

pm: 4 up to green springs with the girls. Again super sluggish. And my leg is having some weird issues. It's having these weird zings of pain shooting down my leg. Doesn't feel so good. It's been like that all week but mostly in plyos. Today it just hurt the whole run. It also doesn't make the other parts of my leg that are having issues any better like my shins and my knee. But I'm trying to take care of it. This went on the end of track season last year and it got really bad so hopefully it doesn't get worse.  4x200's and then practiced handing off batons. 

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Race: Hurricane Invite (1 Miles) 00:05:42, Place overall: 15, Place in age division: 15
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Am: 3 miles with mini alli. My legs were hurting super bad this morning, but I iced them

pm: race in hurricane! Ran the 1600 and the 800 in the medley.

1600: was a really intense race. There were so many girls! I kept waiting for girls to fall off the giant pack but everyone was sticking right in there. I could never find a comfortable spot tho cuz I was getting cut off right and left. It was aggressive. Was hoping to get under 5:40 but I got a PR so still good. 

Medley: this race was so fun! I'm still figuring out how to run the 800 again tho. But I was able to pass quite a few girls which freaked me out cuz I was worried I was going too fast, I would get with a girl and decide in my head "ok I'll just stick with her" but then I would get ahead and it kept making me worried! But I ended up with pretty good splits and my time was a 2:31! Which is also a 6 second PR. I felt more tired then I did two weeks ago but still not dead beat, so I'm really excited to run the open 800 tomorrow! See how I can do packed in with girls

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Race: Hurricane Invitational (0.5 Miles) 00:02:31, Place overall: 8, Place in age division: 8
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Ran just the 800 today. Was super excited! It was an intense race. I got out pretty well and was up in the front pack. My first lap was fast!! Like a 1:13 or 1:12, wasn't used to that. I was holding pretty strong, I was in 3rd at the 150 and then these girls just zoomed past me. So it was a good race to see how it feels to push and go hard, just gotta work on that last 100 meters and we'll be solid

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Am: 3 with Mia and Liz. Legs were really hurting this morning, well leg I guess. Just that weird shocking sensation going down my leg, don't know what to do about it really. Wasn't going to do plyos cuz they really hurt it but some of the girls seemed to be having a hard time getting motivation to do them so I figured I would do them so they would.

pm: whew long day on the pine view track. Had 4x1000's and 2x300's. Really fast workout today, but it didn't kill me off, definitely hard but not over bearing. Goal time 3:44 times hit were 3:44, 3:45, 3:44, 3:45. Actually my last time came up as a 3:47 I think but we had a faulty start where it was like go..wait..go..wait! Go! So I think I actually ran it in a 3:45. Then the first 300 time was 49 seconds and I don't know my second one. Maybe just a second or two more than that. Weights after, man my limbs were ready to fall off! Good workout

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Am: 3 easy and yoga afterward.

pm: 4 miles out to soccer park. Did some striders while we were there. I was dying on the way there, good thing we jumped in the river cuz it made the way back more tolerable. My leg was really killing today tho, morning and afternoon. But I didn't do anything for it when I got home which was stupid so I'll do better tomorrow with that, 

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Am: did the workout cuz I had region choir after school and am still currently at it so don't know if I'll be getting a double in. Did 6x400's at race pace. These felt so much harder than last week but bummer thing was I was going about the same pace as last week. I was hoping to hit 1:15's but that didn't happen. Got 1:17, 1:16, 1:16, 1:16, 1:17, 1:17. So it was slower than last week but hurt lots more. Prolly cuz my body isn't used to doing workouts in the morning anymore. Plus there was wind on the last stretch so I'm just gonna throw that in the equation of my times so it'll make me feel better. Pizza warm and not a long cool down with very tiring plyos after

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Am: easy 3 and book discussion

pm: 4 to washington and 4x200's after. I can't decide if I like workouts or easy runs better, cuz my leg hurts so bad on easy runs. I do not know what this pain is but it is killing me

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Race: PV Invitational (1 Miles) 00:05:41
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Leg was hurting really bad so didn't do a morning run. Went on a harts warm up before the 1600. 

Race: this was a PR for me by a second but I am not too happy about it. I think I kinda lost my motivation halfway through and forgot the goal I had so when it came time to sprint, and I needed to go catch Mia and maddie I didn't. I kinda just settled which was disappointing. So tomorrow I will remember my goals and keep my head in the race for the 800 and medley

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Race: PV Invitational (0.5 Miles) 00:02:28, Place overall: 12
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Ran the 800 and the medley 800 back to back today. Wasn't too bad. 800 I PR'd by 3 seconds. I was in the seeded race which was scary. I think I coulda gotten a little better but on the last 200 meters I started surging but the girls in front of me weren't going as fast so I tried to get around them but it made me slow down so I lost a bit of momentum there. Still 7 seconds off of state but I'm getting closer. 

Medley went pretty well too. We got 3rd overall. Alyssa passed off to me and she got us a little bit of a lead so that was nice I just had to keep it. It scared me every time people would cheer for me and tell me to go faster cuz I thought the cedar girl was right behind me. We were only 1 second off of state! So we'll get it next time. Felt lots better about today then yesterday! 

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Am: 3 easy and plyos. Legs were hurting really bad this morning. 

Pm: was supposed to be 4x1000's and 300's but ended up stopping after 2. My leg has really been hurting the past few weeks and just could not handle it today. I took ibuprofen and everything. So coach told me to stop and I went and visited marks office. My times for the 1000's were 3:40 and 3:51, I believe. First one was really fast, freakin Trevor and Mia. So it made me not trust their pacing very much anymore hence the second slow time. The lady told me it's probably a muscle strain, I don't remember what the muscle is called. But she didn't seem 100% sure she knew what was wrong with me either. So did some E thinga majiggers that electrified my leg and made my muscles go buzzerk. She also told me to not run as much this week so I think I'll cross train in the morning instead of morning runs, maybe still come to one or so and then I'll still do my workouts in the afternoon. This kinda just put a damper on all my spirits cuz I have all these high goals for myself, even for this weekend and it's gonna be hard to achieve them when I didn't even finish, in my opinion, the most important workout of the week. 

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