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Member Since:

Jun 03, 2013



Goal Type:

Highschool Champ

Running Accomplishments:

I've done track for 3 years now. First time for XC!

1600: 5:35

800: 2:24/p>


3 Mile: 20:56


Short-Term Running Goals:

I plan on going to state this year in track. Hopefully in the 800 or the mile.


I played apples to apples one time and won the cards fabulous and awesome. In the same round! If that doesn't just sum me up I don't know what does :)

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Total Distance
Total Distance

About 4 miles up north with my dad. It's weird cuz nobody in my family has a running watch so we ran for about 20 minutes them turned around. We ran by my old neighborhood in magna that was fun. There was this big hill, I felt like it shouldn't be very hard but it was. So we got to the top and I let my dad run a little more so I could resurrect a little. Aren't I so nice? It was fun running with my dad, even tho we both like to run a lot this is the first time I've ever gone on a run with him. We talked a lot about college and track, catching him up on my life :)

Total Distance

Prolly about 4.5 today I think. Ugh hills, hills and more hills! We have to drive out to run because they have an inversion here so we're not supposed to run out in it. So we drove out to clearer air and my dad said it was more flat but everywhere we ran there was another hill for us to run up! But it was kinda cool to look out and see all the smoggy smog covering the cities. My hip hurt kinda yesterday but it was killing today. It hurt last week but went away after a few days. Might be due to all the hills and the cold air. I'm not too worried about it. Don't know if I'm gonna be able to run tomorrow because I have to get up early and drive to Idaho with my sister to check her in. But hopefully I'll be able to at least run on Saturday. Enjoy school everybody 😝

Total Distance

Still up in Idaho. I stayed with my sister in her apartment so we both got up and used their fitness room. So I was running on a treadmill which is no fun. Only ran 2.5 cuz I hate treadmills but when I got to 1.5 miles I started increasing my hills by .5 for every .05 miles. So it ended up being pretty tough. Then did an ab workout some stretching and almost ready to hit the road home.

Total Distance

Did 2x1000's today. They were nice. A little tough by the end but just cuz we were talking through the whole thing. Hit 4:24 both times. So right on target. Glad to be back with the team!

Total Distance

4.30! Added a little bit by going through tunnels and up hills we weren't supposed to. Trail run today. It was basically all down hill the first half so we figured it was gonna suck on the way back. So we formed a line and had a girl lead for every 400 meters. But it wasn't too bad actually. Pretty fun run with the girls

Total Distance

Tempo day! Woo hoo! It was a pretty good run actually. Have never been very good at tempos but helped lead with Nicole, Mia and Liz and stayed at a solid pace. I was supposed to be at like 7 minute pace and for the first little bit we kinda warmed into it but the rest of the time we were under 7. So really solid and had a good group of girls! Weights afterward

Total Distance

DI Warm up and cool. We did the kosmin test today. It was haaaaard! Bleh. Didn't think it would be this hard. Felt pretty good the first two laps, third was pretty tough but that last one was killer. I usually feed off of the peoples pace in front of me so the last one was harder for me cuz I started out in front so I didnt have anyone to feed off of. So ended up getting passed at the end. Which is okay because Nicole and Mia did stellar. Just next time hopefully I can stay up with them for the last few seconds. Pretty beat, prolly gonna be sore tomorrow so I'm gonna roll and stretch real good. 

From Holt on Thu, Jan 09, 2014 at 17:40:06 from

You guys all killed it - you are going to be really excited to see the times it spits out!

From Holt on Thu, Jan 09, 2014 at 18:01:58 from


From ali.jo on Thu, Jan 09, 2014 at 19:03:45 from

Whoa there. That's crazy. Thanks coach! :)

Total Distance

3 miles easy with striders. Had a small group of girls today but it was nice. Got to see and hear from the girls their mile times from yesterday. Holy cow! We have speedy girls. I'm so excited for this season

Total Distance

Went for a run this morning with the girls. We met at 7 because Mia and Megan had all state orchestra. We ran up to green springs, it was me, Nicole, Liz, Megan Mia and Carli.So pretty good group! Meg and Carly turned around at the 5 and then the rest of us went another mile and started our tempo at the 5 mile mark on the way back. We were not very consistent. We got up to 6:10 on the downhill but slowed a bit after. Prolly averaged at about a 6:20 pace. It was a good tempo! We were just doing a 7 minute tempo on Wednesday so it will be harder to do these tempos but I think we just need to get used to going this fast. Both tempos this week I've finished out which is new for me! It's great :) 

From Holt on Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 09:26:13 from

Good group and nice job!

Total Distance

Harts warm and then 3x1000's. They were a bit faster than last weeks. We were supposed to hit around 4:02 so our goal for the first one was 4:10 so we could increasingly get faster but our first one was 4:03! So that plan was off to a bad start. But we were gonna try to keep that pace. Our next one was 4:05 and my last one was 3:47. We took turns leading and Mia and I led the last one. Mia kept speeding up and I figured the best thing I could do was to go with her. So it ended up being quite a but faster and harder then we intended. But was still good. Liz and I did a 1.5 mile cool down on the track while we cheered and timed for Taylor. Then weights afterward

Total Distance

3 this morning with the ladies. And then yoga afterwards. It was wonderful

4 trail Tuesday up at green springs. It was a really nice run, with a beeeeautiful view of..my feet! Cuz basically that's what I was looking at for 4 miles trying not to trip over all the rocks

Total Distance

Tempo today my favorite and my best! Ha joke. I've inly been having bad dreams about this run all week (literally). I really did try to stay positive when we started going though. I was able to keep up pretty well for 10 minutes coach said, then I fell off away. But I didn't slow a ton down til during the second loop, right after the uphill. But! I never stopped. That's sounds pretty woos-ish but these are really hard for me. The whole time is a battle for me to keep going not just to keep the pace. So I would tell myself ok you can go to the next stop sign then you can stop, but I never stopped I kept going. Prolly averaged out 7 minute pace because of my last half. So not where I wanted to be but I'll get there. Ran back with maskerem and Carli. Then some weights! Oughta feel great tomorrow 

From Abel on Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 19:30:32 from

You'll get better the more you do them. I struggled at the start of last year with tempos but as you do them and get more practice and a better feel for the pace they will get good! Keep it up!

Total Distance

Old man hills! Which was perfect cuz Roberts heard we were running his hills and came and joined us ;) I love running with Roberts :) we did 2x800's and they were pretty tough. First one was good and strong but we were pretty spaced out. Second one we had a good pack for the first half! I got up to the boulevard and was trying to catch up to Liz but it was hard, it was really good to have coach helping me and pushing me to the end. Had a nice run back with Liz. Man was I sore today. Must be workin hard or somethin :)

Total Distance

Easy 3 to arctic cat! Whoa 😳 had a really good group of girls it was so fun. We made up an awesome story about fast baby turtles stuck in a bath tub. Striders when we got back which were also good. But man are my legs so sore from this week!

Total Distance

Got together with Liz, Megan and Carli and went up to green springs. About a mile and a half into it we realized it was a mistake to do green springs cuz 15 minute tempo we would have to start the tempo right then going up the steep hill. So we got to the 5 mile turn around and went up a bit so we could get momentum going down the hill to go back up into our tempo. We ended up doing just 10 minute LT tempo again tho. But we did a lot better at keeping our pace this week I think. It felt a lot stronger. Right in between 6:10 and 6:20 pace So it was a good run. We ardy planned out that next week we'll go down the river trail or something so we don't run out of road to do a longer tempo.

Total Distance

4x1000's today. It was a really good workout I hit all the times where I wanted to! Had 4:10, 4:03, 4:00, 3:56. Harts warm and cool and weights afterward.

Total Distance

4 easy miles out on..some trail. It was fun running with all the girls. It was weird cuz in dance we do these "leg swings" there's a fancy word for it but I can't spell it. But I always learned to think about brushing up under your leg instead of using your quads to heave it up. And I started thinking about it while we were climbing the hills. It worked really well! Pretty neat. Who woulda thought you could apply dance to running?

Total Distance

8 miles with 18 minute tempo. Goal time about 6:30 still didn't hit it. But I think I did better today than last week. It's just that steady incline on the way to the boulevard that gets me. Cuz I'm able to push it up there but wears me out and I slow down after. But I made it farther than last week, finished stronger and the mental battle was a lot better too. Might be on this 18 minute tempo for a while but at least I will master it! Ran back with Nicole Liz and Mia, and Mia told us a story about this creepy dude and his dog and then we almost got mauled by this big dog, but then! We saw the cutest fluffier little "pompoochi" puppies. Oh my gash they were so cute. So lots of dogs. Ooh I'm excited for hills tomorrow, I like those much better

Total Distance

AM: easy 3 and then some good elite minds discussion. And I think that book was mine. Just got it yesterday and I'm ardy losing it

PM: old man hills. These were fun. 1x800 and then 2x400's. The 400's are so much better. Had a fun little race with Jaron at the end. Man maaaaaybe I coulda won but I thought the ending was sooner. Just kidding he still woulda won :) Nice run back and then weights afterward. 

Total Distance

3 miles easy to sandbergs. Then striders when we got back. Not much else to say, it was a good run

Total Distance

Easy 3 this morning with Megan, Liz and Josie.

4x1000's this afternoon. Got bumped up to 87% goal time was 3:57. Times were 4:02, 4:00, 3:56, 3:50. Was able to hit good times and we packed up really good. I was able to stay on Mia and push each rep. Pretty good workout I would say. Harts warm and cool and weights

Total Distance

Am: 3 and yoga! 

Pm: trail run out by the old airport. Pretty fun trail, pretty crazy

Total Distance

Am: easy 3 with mia

Pm: tempo! I did so much better today. I was worried at the beginning because I fell off Mia straight off but I actually averaged around 6:45-6:50. The first lap I was able to run with Nicole and that was really helpful. And I didn't die after the second hill. Who would thought if you keep at something you would improve?! Ran total 8 miles 

Total Distance

Am: 3 miles AC. Felt hard this morning, man I need to get to bed. 

Pm: old man hills 2x800's. It's true what they say, bad days make for great workouts! I wasn't feeling too good either but the 800's felt good. The second one was nice cuz I got distracted by the cute doggy most of the time so I didn't think about the pain a much so as soon as I started focusing back I could just push it up the rest of the way. Weights after

Total Distance

3 miles to green springs and striders. I think I'm getting sick. Feel kinda yucky

Total Distance

5 miles up to green springs with some LT tempo with Mia, Nicole and Liz. I was kinda worried for the tempo cuz on our way up to green springs I was already struggling for breath from being sick. My dad got mad at me for going running but oh well. The tempo turned out well. We're not sure of our pace cuz the watch was messed up but prolly around 6:20 or something. I was able to stick like 10 feet behind Mia the whole time and not slow down at the end. Tempos aren't even my nemesis anymore! I mean we're not super close friends but I don't hate them. It's amazing how magical they are, they make you feel so good after you're done with them

From Holt on Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 12:07:20 from

You have improved a ton with them... Which means your racing is going to be even more awesome! Get some rest this weekend and stay well hydrated.

Total Distance

1000's today. Only did 3 cuz I'm sick. Was gonna try to do all of them, my legs felt great! But breathing was hurting really bad, so with the workout and having to work to breathe was just killing. My times were 3:56, 4:04, 3:53. Goal time was 3:57 so they were kinda all over the place. I like the whole taking turns leading thing cuz it pushes us as a group but then we never really get into a nitch so it's kinda hard that way. Harts warm and cool and weights. 

Total Distance

3 this morning

4 on chuckwalla trail. It was really pretty. And pretty fun. But I'm just feeling really sick during my runs. I mean during the day too but it doesn't go away during the run it makes it really hard to breathe. And then my head starts pounding and I have coughing fits. I dunno if it's one of those things to keep going or take a rest. So I'm gonna keep going until I feel I need to rest. Good plan!

Total Distance

Am:waffle Wednesday! Woo hoo!

pm: 18 minute tempo. It was pretty good I guess. It was nice that Liz and Mia were going about where I run on these cuz I was able to stick with them for the first lap. It's just on that down hill man! You would think that would be the spot to get up there but I hit it and my body thinks "well now you can relax". So died a little there but slowly got back up to pace when maskerem caught up with me. Finished even farther than last week so, getting there. Don't know my average pace.  The greater thing about these tho is not just that I've been getting faster but I'm not constantly begging myself to stop. I've improved a lot on my mental battles. 

Total Distance

Am: 3 AC. Was feeling lots better this morning, had a few coughing fits during the night but other than that was feeling way better. Had an awesome book discussion this morning. Who knew setting goals could be so scary tho? That was tough! 

Pm: old man hills! 1x800 felt really good on this. Was able to be up pushing with Mia. 2x400's these are my favorite I think. Just the right amount of speed and distance, did pretty good at these. Then 4x200's. I didn't think these would be as hard but they were tough! The first two I did pretty good but the last two I struggled quite a bit. Just that last 100 on each my legs quit. But still a good workout and good push. Jog back was eventful. My knee was doing funky things! I didn't step weird or anything but all of sudden it felt like something was trying to twist my knee cap. It hurted! And then it kinda did that randomly the whole way back. I face planted it in the dirt, that's the second time today! I think this run made my cough worse though, I've been coughing non stop since I got back to the school. Had some weights. Hopefully I can get myself under control, weird.

Total Distance

Am: 3 this morning with Liz and Mia. Was really worn out

pm: 3 to arctic cat with the girls. I love when we have lots of girls, we made up another story, this time about a fat bird. Striders afterward, this cough is just getting worse hopefully the weekend will get it better. And my knee has been weird all day! It doesn't hurt like it did yesterday on our run but just randomly it will hurt, like when I go upstairs especially. Just like something is pulling on it. I'm so excited cuz we're gonna have lots of girls tomorrow on our run! Or at least a lot of new girls that don't usually come on Saturdays. 

Total Distance

7 girls!! That's how many there were, 7!!! Only had to drag about half of them out of bed and it only took 45 minutes to get them all there, but we got them there. We learned about a valuable tool that can get our girls team to practice: force. We had maskerem, alli, Josie, Carli, Tay boy, Liz and me! Ran up to green springs and did our tempo on the way back. It feels weird to be leading on tempos cuz I never thought that would happen. I think this is the fastest tempo I've ever done. I'm not sure my time but it was faster than it has been. I just kept singing the dory song in my head. I just kept saying just keep running just keep running. It was kinda annoying but it worked

Total Distance

Am: 3 and yoga

pm: time trial! It was...not what I wanted. It wasn't bad but it wasn't where I should've been. I got a 5:48. Which is 4 seconds slower than I got during cross and 20 seconds slower than my kosmin test. I was really playing it safe and kinda mean. I kept thinking I would tuck in behind Mia so she would do all the pushing for the first 3 1/2 laps and then I would push it in at the 200. I should gone up with her so we coulda pushed it the whole way together. But it was a good learning experience and I need to be a lot braver in my racing. DI warm and cool with striders and weights. 

Total Distance

Am: 3 with the ladies. It was SUPPOSED to be waffle Wednesdays! But freaking boys don't know how to do anything themselves 😒

pm: 8 miles with 18 minute tempo. It was a pretty good tempo. We didn't hit our times right on but I think I ended up averaging about the same I usually do cuz I ended in like the same spot. It was really nice to be able to stick in a pack the whole time. The WHOLE time. Didn't even slow down on the down hill. Woo!

Total Distance

Am: 3 AC with book discussion afterwards

pm: 10x200's. Goal time was about 40. The first two we did we're super slooow. They were both 45. We were trying to figure out what we were doing. The rest of them were right at 40 and 41. Then halfway through they dropped to 39 and the last two we tried to pick it up to make up for the first two so I got 37 and 35. Harts warm and cool and weights. My knee has only been tweaking a little this week but today on the cool down it felt like the joints were just slamming into each other. Not so bueno

Total Distance

Am: easy 3 with mia

root beer mile: terrible idea really

pm: trail run. Felt so crappy for the first mile still from all that soda but finally got into the swing and it turned out to be a fun run

Total Distance

No school! Met at 8 for 4x1000's. It was terrible. My dad made me take the weekend off so I would get better from being sick forever but I didn't. My tummy was twisting all morning, kept feeling like I was gonna throw up. I hit 4:00, 3:59. 3:59, 4:00. I wanted to stop after my second one cuz I was just feeling so cruddy but I figured a 4 minute 1000 is better than no 1000 at all. So I tried to step it up and take control of my body but it didn't happen. But it's ok, just did the necessary today. Harts warm and cool and weights. 

Pm: 3 with Mia, krenny and Abel down mosquito trail

Total Distance

Didn't do a morning run cuz my knee is really hurting :/

pm: 12x200's! Mia told me we had 18 so this was really nice comparatively. They went really good the slowest was 41 and the rest were right at 40 and 39. Last two 38 and 36. Really good workout. Harts warm and cool. My knee didn't hurt during the fast part of the 200's just all the rest of the workout. It's not really my knee I guess, just everywhere around it. Not sure what to do so I guess I'll just ice it

Total Distance

Am: 3 AC and waffle wednesday'

pm: 8 miles with 18 minute AT tempo. Ugh it was terrible. Most everyone was going LT tempo cuz of the race on Saturday, so there was only about 10 of us doing AT. Started out with Nicole, pretty on pace but the wind was hideous wrarfing our times. But she's been sick lately so she dropped out less than halfway through. 🎶ALL BY MYSEEEEELF 🎶So it was me, the wind and my favorite workout. Let's just say not my best workout. By the time I was done with my tempo somehow we had lost all of our AT tempo group so it was me and Carli finishing up 8 miles. It felt like it took forever. 

From tay.han on Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 18:40:39 from

props for being a comedian :)

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy and book discussion. 

Pm: 4 miles trail run! Was a pretty good trail, felt way fast. There was lots of sand to push through which was yuck but it was still a good trail 

From Holt on Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 19:41:59 from

It was kind of a sandy beast!

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy. Going the pace of an above average human being

pm: 3 to sandbergs with..the whole team and then striders afterward

Total Distance

Well I thought I was going to be out of town this weekend so I didn't sign up to race. Didn't find out til this week that I wasn't. But I ended up needing to accompany someone for SUPAF this morning so it worked out well that I didn't race. But it was really hard to get myself out running. But I did it! It was a weird run cuz I was kinda just free ballin it. I didn't have a watch so the only thing I had to go off was how well I knew my area. So had about 1.5 mile warm up then about a 1.5 mile tempo. Don't know my pace but that's usually the distance I hit around on these. Then around 1.5-2 mile cool down. Not sure the exact distance of my cool down. This week has not been the greatest of work outs but it's come to a close and I can start afresh on Monday. Oh! And I wanted to point out my dad was the fastest old man in the 9k. Came in 7th behind you hooligans. What a champ!

Total Distance

Am: easy 3

pm: easy 3 to arctic cat and striders. Decathlon! Woo we are awesome. High jump, didn't really finish cuz we had weights and and it hurt my knee real bad anyway. Then 100 meter hurdles with a 20.66

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy and yoga. Had 7 girls there this morning!!

pm: 4 with Fartleks. I actually like these they're fun. Ran dog pound and then had the 200 meters and long jump. It's a good thing we're distance runners right? Except some people are killer! Like maskerem sheesh. I got 12'8" on my long jump and 31.44 on the 200. 

Total Distance

Am: 3 miles easy. I am sore in the weirdest places! Like just my right thigh and my left hamstring 

pm: kosmin test. Oh man this thing is hard. I was really worried at the beginning cuz there were so many girls missing and I was nervous I wasn't going to have anyone to run with. But Mia came at the last second. It was really good! I got a bit further than last time! So improvement is a good thing. Distance of 1302. My goal was to get past the 100 meter line and I did it. Harts warm and cool and then had a meeting so I had to leave so no decathlon or weights

Total Distance

3 in the morning!

Total Distance

Am: 3 AC

PM: 10x400's. These were pretty tough. Started out with quite a few girls and by the end it was just me, maskerem and Carli. Goal time was supposed to be 1:22ish but only hit that the first time at a 1:21. The rest of the time it was at a 1:24 second to last one was terrible with a 1:29 and ended with a 1:24. I dunno I felt like I kept picking it up but I guess I was just pushing enough to stay consistent. I think it was the 3rd 100 because we were on at 39 at our 200 split and always finished the last 100 meters in 20 seconds it was just that 3rd one I think we kept slowing down. Harts warm and then cooled around the track to watch the soccer game. 

Total Distance

So went running by myself. I was planning to go with someone but it didn't work I guess. I was also planning on going a lot farther than 5!! Jeez, I really need a watch. Cuz I just added loops to my normal route that I usually do around my house. I thought it would've been at least 6 but I routed it on runmyroute when I got back and it was barely 5. So that made me kinda sad. Maybe I'll go run another 3 miles later to get my mileage in. But it was a pretty good run. Didn't feel super energized but not exactly sluggish. My body was just more like meh...running. Still sick..feeling more sick these last few days. Why can't I just be better already. Maybe I'll just literally cough my lungs out this weekend and then I won't have to worry about them anymore :)

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy with Mia and plyos

pm: 3x1000's. Was supposed to do 4 but my knee is killing me. So I iced it and rolled and hopefully I can take care of it so it doesn't turn into anything bigger. My times were alright. Was supposed to hit 3:49 and my times were 3:50, 3:56, 3:53. First one was pretty fast so that made my second one slower. Harts warm and cool and weights. Planning on lots of girls for morning run!!

Total Distance

Am: 11. Freakin. Girls. Wha Psh! Boss 😳 easy 3 and then some intensified yoga

pm: had some..fun things after school so went on an easy run when I got home. Which was great! It feels so heavenly outside. IT a little sore but not too bad

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy with Mia. My ponytail holder just came out in the middle of the run and I couldn't find it anywhere. So I had to just hold my hair for the rest of the run. I guess I coulda just let my hair flow in the wind...plyos afterward.

pm: 12x400's whoo 400's are tough. But they felt better than last week! I don't know how you guys remember all your times. I guess if I just hit mine consistently it might be easier. But wasn't too bad. Was supposed to hit 1:20 but hit it right on maybe 3 times. Rest of it was right at 1:23 range with a yucky 1:26 in there somewhere, maybe twice in there. But finished with a 1:22 I think. Maybe it was a 1:23. Heart rate was not at 120 any of the times I checked it so..I dunno what that means. Excited and nervous racing on Friday!!

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy with quite a few girls again! And book discussion after

pm: 4 miles out to waahington. Pretty chill pace, my legs were so tired. Then 4x200's, ready for racing tomorrow

Total Distance

Well this was our first track meet of the season. It was not so great. Ran the 1600 and the 800. Was supposed to run the 4x400 but we left after the 3200 which was the best news u had all day! 

So the 1600 started out terribly. Got boxed in this giant group of girls going so slow! And I couldn't figure out what to do. We were supposed to run behind people to block the wind but they were going so slow so I tried to go around them, was in like lane 5. Finally got around them and first lap was like a 1:26. Bleck!!! The next three laps the wind hit us hard on the back stretch. Thee worst. Finished pretty strong tho, first on the team but just..not super happy about it. Don't know my time but don't really want to. 

Then it took about 3.5 hours to get to the 800 which I was really excited for. Was in the second heat with barely any girls. Started out more in the middleish. Then on the second lap my legs just felt so awesome I was able to pass a lot of girls. But that cedar girl got pretty good distance so I didn't catch her. And even tho I did pretty good placing wise I'm more upset about this race than the mile. I'm actually really disappointed in it. I got done and I was not very tired. I mean I was but I wasn't exhausted. I wasn't even as tired as I was after our 400's on Wednesday. Which means I didn't give my very best at all. Which sucks. And I know times were skewed cuz of the wind but my time was just so off of where I wanted to be. Disappointing. Good thing this is just the first one

Total Distance

8 with the miasian. Felt so beautiful outside my knee was pretty sore today tho. 

Total Distance

Am: it was really hard to get myself to come this morning knowing we were doing 1000's but I got myself out which was good cuz it helped give me motivation for the rest of the week. 4x1000's. Goal time 3:49. Times hit 3:52, 3:52, 3:52, 3:54. Still not exactly what they should be but improvement and consistent which is better than the last few times. The last one I really thought I was going tho. Especially the last 200 I greeted pain told him to be my friend, didn't work I guess. Maybe I'll have to do that earlier next time. Harts warm and cool and weights. 

Pm: 3 easy by myself. Again hard to get myself out but I am getting out, which makes me hopeful that I'll be able to keep this up when I go to college. Ran just my normal loop around my house. Was going to change it up but it's just soooo Pretty out here in the fields 😍

Total Distance

Am: first 10 miler ever!! It was a pretty good one. Headed out into the fields and did some tempo. I think we started out pretty slow but we progressed the whole time through the run so that was good. But still I think we ended at like 6:20 or 6:25 pace. So still a little off. It was hard to keep track cuz Mia's watch is all funky. But stuck with Mia the whole time and we were able to push each other. We were right by my house when we finished, wanted to just go home and make some pancakes or something. We did find a dog tho that we were trying to coax into coming back with us and being our team dog, he was so cute. But then the owner came out and started yelling so we took off. My knees were pretty hurty by the end but the rest of my body felt great. 

From Holt on Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:17:56 from

Awesome Ali... Big accomplishment!

Total Distance

Am: old man hills. Two sets of 800, 400, 200. Ah man these were pretty tough today and a lot of it just because there were no girls there today! Just me and Carli. The first set was pretty good but that second 800 sucked. I was doing alright for the first half of it but the second half I just tightened up, I was like a scrunchie moving my legs. The last 200 of it I realized I was doing awful and got myself to pump my arms and lengthen my stride a little. It's hard when there's nobody up there to push you so I let that kinda get to me but after that 800 I turned myself around and got back into it on the 400 and 200. I just like 400's a lot on old man hills so that helped too

PM: 3 easy miles by myself. Same route around the fields

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy miles. Monday morning runs really are the best thing to get me motivated to run the rest of the week.

pm: 4x1000's. Did so much better on these today then I've done in a while. Apparently we were supposed to move up times but I hadn't even hit my times last week. My new time was supposedly 3:44 but last weeks time was 3:49 and I actually hit that time this week! Not the new one. My times were 3:50, 3:49, 3:46, 3:49. Third one was close to my goal time. These were really hard today but I was able to stay with Mia the whole time, and even tho I'm not very good at that wind trick, focusing on that made me not focus on the pain as much which helped. Just focused on each 1000 at a time. Harts warm and cool and weights after

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy AC

PM: 4 easy out to the Sullivan park with striders and jumping in the river in between. 

Total Distance

Am: girls did the workout this morning so I ran with the boys. Pretty quiet but it was a nice pick up pace for the morning. Plyos with the girls after

pm: 6x400's. I wasn't sure exactly what I should be hitting cuz my 800 from this year was around a 2:36. So I figured aim for a 1:18 but maybe a little faster cuz that race wasn't so good. So my first 3 were all 1:17's and they were pretty hard but they weren't VERY hard and I kept waiting like k when is this gonna start to hurt VERY bad? So I decided to pick it up the last 3 and got a 1:15, 1:13, and a 1:12. Which felt a lot better and harder so that was nice to get working harder. Harts warm and cool with maskerem and no weights cuz I had to leave for a meeting

From Holt on Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 21:13:29 from

Nice... Those low teens are great.

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy, pretty easy pace. My body was so tired

pm: 4 up to green springs with the girls. Again super sluggish. And my leg is having some weird issues. It's having these weird zings of pain shooting down my leg. Doesn't feel so good. It's been like that all week but mostly in plyos. Today it just hurt the whole run. It also doesn't make the other parts of my leg that are having issues any better like my shins and my knee. But I'm trying to take care of it. This went on the end of track season last year and it got really bad so hopefully it doesn't get worse.  4x200's and then practiced handing off batons. 

Race: Hurricane Invite (1 Miles) 00:05:42, Place overall: 15, Place in age division: 15
Total Distance

Am: 3 miles with mini alli. My legs were hurting super bad this morning, but I iced them

pm: race in hurricane! Ran the 1600 and the 800 in the medley.

1600: was a really intense race. There were so many girls! I kept waiting for girls to fall off the giant pack but everyone was sticking right in there. I could never find a comfortable spot tho cuz I was getting cut off right and left. It was aggressive. Was hoping to get under 5:40 but I got a PR so still good. 

Medley: this race was so fun! I'm still figuring out how to run the 800 again tho. But I was able to pass quite a few girls which freaked me out cuz I was worried I was going too fast, I would get with a girl and decide in my head "ok I'll just stick with her" but then I would get ahead and it kept making me worried! But I ended up with pretty good splits and my time was a 2:31! Which is also a 6 second PR. I felt more tired then I did two weeks ago but still not dead beat, so I'm really excited to run the open 800 tomorrow! See how I can do packed in with girls

Race: Hurricane Invitational (0.5 Miles) 00:02:31, Place overall: 8, Place in age division: 8
Total Distance

Ran just the 800 today. Was super excited! It was an intense race. I got out pretty well and was up in the front pack. My first lap was fast!! Like a 1:13 or 1:12, wasn't used to that. I was holding pretty strong, I was in 3rd at the 150 and then these girls just zoomed past me. So it was a good race to see how it feels to push and go hard, just gotta work on that last 100 meters and we'll be solid

Total Distance

Am: 3 with Mia and Liz. Legs were really hurting this morning, well leg I guess. Just that weird shocking sensation going down my leg, don't know what to do about it really. Wasn't going to do plyos cuz they really hurt it but some of the girls seemed to be having a hard time getting motivation to do them so I figured I would do them so they would.

pm: whew long day on the pine view track. Had 4x1000's and 2x300's. Really fast workout today, but it didn't kill me off, definitely hard but not over bearing. Goal time 3:44 times hit were 3:44, 3:45, 3:44, 3:45. Actually my last time came up as a 3:47 I think but we had a faulty start where it was like go..wait..go..wait! Go! So I think I actually ran it in a 3:45. Then the first 300 time was 49 seconds and I don't know my second one. Maybe just a second or two more than that. Weights after, man my limbs were ready to fall off! Good workout

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy and yoga afterward.

pm: 4 miles out to soccer park. Did some striders while we were there. I was dying on the way there, good thing we jumped in the river cuz it made the way back more tolerable. My leg was really killing today tho, morning and afternoon. But I didn't do anything for it when I got home which was stupid so I'll do better tomorrow with that, 

Total Distance

Am: did the workout cuz I had region choir after school and am still currently at it so don't know if I'll be getting a double in. Did 6x400's at race pace. These felt so much harder than last week but bummer thing was I was going about the same pace as last week. I was hoping to hit 1:15's but that didn't happen. Got 1:17, 1:16, 1:16, 1:16, 1:17, 1:17. So it was slower than last week but hurt lots more. Prolly cuz my body isn't used to doing workouts in the morning anymore. Plus there was wind on the last stretch so I'm just gonna throw that in the equation of my times so it'll make me feel better. Pizza warm and not a long cool down with very tiring plyos after

Total Distance

Am: easy 3 and book discussion

pm: 4 to washington and 4x200's after. I can't decide if I like workouts or easy runs better, cuz my leg hurts so bad on easy runs. I do not know what this pain is but it is killing me

Race: PV Invitational (1 Miles) 00:05:41
Total Distance

Leg was hurting really bad so didn't do a morning run. Went on a harts warm up before the 1600. 

Race: this was a PR for me by a second but I am not too happy about it. I think I kinda lost my motivation halfway through and forgot the goal I had so when it came time to sprint, and I needed to go catch Mia and maddie I didn't. I kinda just settled which was disappointing. So tomorrow I will remember my goals and keep my head in the race for the 800 and medley

Race: PV Invitational (0.5 Miles) 00:02:28, Place overall: 12
Total Distance

Ran the 800 and the medley 800 back to back today. Wasn't too bad. 800 I PR'd by 3 seconds. I was in the seeded race which was scary. I think I coulda gotten a little better but on the last 200 meters I started surging but the girls in front of me weren't going as fast so I tried to get around them but it made me slow down so I lost a bit of momentum there. Still 7 seconds off of state but I'm getting closer. 

Medley went pretty well too. We got 3rd overall. Alyssa passed off to me and she got us a little bit of a lead so that was nice I just had to keep it. It scared me every time people would cheer for me and tell me to go faster cuz I thought the cedar girl was right behind me. We were only 1 second off of state! So we'll get it next time. Felt lots better about today then yesterday! 

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy and plyos. Legs were hurting really bad this morning. 

Pm: was supposed to be 4x1000's and 300's but ended up stopping after 2. My leg has really been hurting the past few weeks and just could not handle it today. I took ibuprofen and everything. So coach told me to stop and I went and visited marks office. My times for the 1000's were 3:40 and 3:51, I believe. First one was really fast, freakin Trevor and Mia. So it made me not trust their pacing very much anymore hence the second slow time. The lady told me it's probably a muscle strain, I don't remember what the muscle is called. But she didn't seem 100% sure she knew what was wrong with me either. So did some E thinga majiggers that electrified my leg and made my muscles go buzzerk. She also told me to not run as much this week so I think I'll cross train in the morning instead of morning runs, maybe still come to one or so and then I'll still do my workouts in the afternoon. This kinda just put a damper on all my spirits cuz I have all these high goals for myself, even for this weekend and it's gonna be hard to achieve them when I didn't even finish, in my opinion, the most important workout of the week. 

Total Distance

Went to the gym this morning and went biking for 25 minutes. Then went over to the school for some hot yoga. It's like normal yoga just it's me doing it ;)

pm: went over to snow canyon to watch the jv race and did 4 miles and striders. It was a pretty painful 4 miles tho, the first two weren't bad. Just the third one especially my leg hurt a lot. I tried running lighter but I felt like I was just pounding into the ground which made my leg hurt more. But I'll go bike in the morning again and then do E stems after my Workout in the afternoon!

Total Distance

Am: went biking again this morning. This time with Tay.han! 25 minutes and then stretched after. My leg doesn't hurt during biking just after. 

Pm: leg was feeling a little better today. Was ready to do 400's but changed up the workout! 6 miles with Fartleks. Half of the workout was just fighting the wind up to green springs. Then did Fartleks all the way back. 2 min on 1 min off 1 min on 30 sec off 30 sec on 2 min off. We did a full 2 of those reps and then we ran into lots of lights so we did 3 more 1 minute Fartleks and finished with a 30 second right at the curve of the school. Our first few were a pretty steady pace but as we got more into it they got lots faster. Good workout! Went to marks room after and mark was there! So he diagnosed my problem for me again and guess what's really cool? So where I'm hurt is a muscle connected from my hip to my inner thigh I don't remember what it's called..BUT! He said I'm the first one he's ever had be injured there. In 23 years! 😮 I'm special :) so did some E stems, they hurt a lot but my leg feels a lot better now!

From lizl on Wed, Apr 02, 2014 at 21:30:45 from

Yay!! :)

Total Distance

Am: Went swimming this morning with Tay.han. It was really good, made my leg feel good. Until right before we went in to shower we went to the warm pool to run in the water..and it hurt my leg. So that was stupid. So tomorrow I'll go swimming and not do that. Nice book club discussion. 

Pm: started out with passing the baton. Mia and I are so pro. Then went on a 4 mile run backwards fire station run. Leg hurt at the beginning but after it warmed up it felt nice and had a good run. Did 4 200 afterward. These actually felt really good. Then went and did E stems in Marks room. Just running the medley 800 this weekend, hopefully can rest up my leg this weekend but also qualify for state on Saturday!! 

Total Distance

Am: hit the pool again this morning with Taylor. 

Pm: went to the meet. Tried to run around a little on the girls cool down but that's about all that happened. 

Total Distance

Well this is a race report but I don't know my time or anything. I just ran the medley this weekend because of my leg. And we were supposed to qualify for state today. I was really nervous for our hand off and just running it in general, and I think not running anything else all weekend kinda got all my anxiety compacted into the one event. Our handoff was crappy and we got DQ'd but even if we hadn't we wouldn't have qualified anyway so that's a bummer. But I've never DQ'd before so that was nice to try something new. I've never qualified for state either but I guess we'll save that new experience for next week. I was just doing the handoff exactly like we did it in practice but Alyssa wasn't running as fast as we practiced so my judgement of that skewed the handoff. And it's weird cuz I had fresh legs from this whole week but I didn't feel as energized, maybe cuz I'm used to have my legs circulating from racing earlier in the day. Idk a little disappointing but nothing we can't fix. Legs feeling pretty good so hopefully next week my workouts will go lots better

Total Distance

Workout in the morning today. Pizza warm and cool and 4x1000's. Wasn't the best workout but wasn't a bad one. I was very tired at the end. My times were 3:50, 3:47, 3:44, 3:47. So the first one was very slow, it's weird cuz when we do them with Trevor they feel the same speed but they're faster. I really focused on each one individually. The 3rd one is always the hardest for me so I always make sure to push more on that one, now I just need to work on the last one being as fast. The last one was super speedy at least for the first half, Mia really took off so I tried to follow her pace...it was so fast. So we died a little after that. Got a nice compression sleeve for my leg and it helped a lot!! At the beginning it was a little hurty but got better as we warmed up. Plyos after, no 300's which made me sad and I couldn't go to afternoon practice cuz I had to help with WCYC interviews. 

Race: Panther Relays (0.5 Miles) 00:02:27
Total Distance

Am: went to morning run! Leg was not too bad. But I think the compression sleeve was really tight for the first half, it felt like it was compacting my muscle into one spot. So I loosened it up and it felt good on the way back. But then my quad was sore all day and I think it's from the sleeve. Some nice yoga after.

pm: Panther relays! Ran 4 events. The 800 in the distance medley, the 4x100, 4x800 and 4x400. I actually got a PR in my 800 medley! By 1 second and I also found out state for 800 is 2:22 not 2:21 so that's great too! Means I'm closer than I thought! After the medley tho I was exhausted especially from the heat and did not want to run anymore but it cooled down and I cheered up. Did a 4x100 with some desert hills girls that was actually really fun. 4x800 I wasn't going into it trying to PR again but still got a 2:31 so bout my fall back time I guess. Then ran the 400 for the first time this season. It was fun! Got a 1:06 so that's a PR but not satisfied feel like I coulda done better. So...good track meet! It was fun! I basically ran into all my pass off girls cuz they wouldn't go or turn back..but whatever. 

Total Distance

Workout in the morning with Mia and alli. Had some race pace and faster than race pace stuff. Was 600, 400, 300, 200, 100. Hit all my goal times except my 600 which was two seconds slow. 600 was a 1:57, 400 was 1:16, 300 was 55, 200 was 33 and 100 was 16 seconds. It was a lot better than I thought it would be. So that was nice. Plyos after and then took the afternoon off running and went and biked for 25 minutes

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy and book discussion 

pm: 4 out to washington. Super hot! So we stopped at Nissons to splash in the little creek. Then had 4x200's after and practiced hand offs. Leg felt pretty good today

Race: Dixie Invitational (1 Miles) 00:05:35
Total Distance

Am: 3 easy miles

pm: ran the 1600 today! I haven't been very motivated for the mile for the past few weeks cuz I felt like I hadn't improved a lot and it was just a long race. But I remembered back to our time trials when I liked the mile and how I would just stay on a person and let them do all the work and then gun it the last lap. It helped a lot! I was a lot more relaxed during the race and not worried about getting around girls and pushing ahead. Just about staying on Mia and Madi mehr. Good technique I got a 6 second pr! So that was a nice confidence booster, I got to see my mile splits and they were all pretty close except my 3rd one which needs to be a little faster but my last lap was actually the fastest at a 1:20. Pretty good race

after me, Mia and Liz went on a 3 mile run to get our mileage in. Went up to the park and then did 1 mile barefoot on the grass and ran back. It was a nice relaxing run 


From Vis on Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 23:45:31 from

Wow. Nice run. There's a bit of the payoff you've been working for.

Race: Dixie Invitational (0.5 Miles) 00:02:26, Place overall: 7, Place in age division: 7
Total Distance

Weekend of PR's!! Woo hoo! Ran the 800, it was an interesting race not my favorite but it was alright. Had to do a lot of work in the second and third lanes. Last 200 I was feeling pretty good so I started going trying to catch Courtney and Whitney and I was in third! Then just the last 50 girls started passing me and I wasn't able to finish with as much umph as I wanted. But still got a pr and I'm 4 second off of stTe now. It was crazy tho cuz the top 7 of us were all 2 seconds apart from eachother. I just got out of a medal by like .01 seconds. 

Did the 4x400 after and we ended up 1 second off of state. We are really good at that...stupid. But it was a good race! Got a pr of 3 seconds with a 1:03. So that was good but I feel like I should've taken out faster so still learning how to run this. I think if we get down the freakin hand offs we'll be golden

Total Distance

Am: 4x1000's this morning. Got almost all the girls out! My mental game was really struggling this morning. My leg was hurting after the second one so I wanted to take a break and just do the 3rd one. But was able to kick myself in gear and do all of them. My first two times were 3:47, 3:50 and I don't know my last two times but they were in the low 40's high 30's ish I think. The last one I really just focused on reeling in Nicole and I was able to get up right with her! Had 2x300's after. They werenot very good, they were both 52's. The second one I ran with the boys cuz I was not fully recovered from the first one and the girls took off without me. So I ran with the boys but I psyched myself out and took off really fast so I was crawling the last 100. I think I might have been dehydrated or just tired or something but I could not move after that. My head was pounding and dizzy. Just went into the locker room and died. Leg was hurting more this morning :/ prolly cuz it was a workout..in the morning! 

Pm: went on an easy 3 in Vegas right outside of wet and wild!!

Total Distance

Am: easy 3 with Mia and maskerem! And yoga afterwards

pm: Coe workout! Had progression of 100 meters to 200 meters. Adding on 10 meters each time as we worked up. My 100 started out at a 20.9 (technically 21) and added on a second each time so my 200 was a 31. First part of the workout we were hitting faster than our times and then started hitting them right on. The last two or three I hit the line right before/at the change of the second. So my last time was in between 31 and 32. So pretty good workout! Harts warm/cool and weights, leg was hurting more today I dunno why :/ realized I have 4 more meets to qualify for state. Hopefully I'm not working on qualifying at region, I'm getting pretty nervous. 

Total Distance

am: 3 miles and plyos

pm: 4 miles up to green  springs, feeling really good. Then 4x200's and practicing hand offs. Pain in my leg is increasingly getting worse through this week. Still not too bad but I need to remember to take care of it so it doesn't get as bad as it was again. 

Race: Snow Canyon Invitational (0.5 Miles) 00:02:26, Place overall: 3
Total Distance

Am: 3 easy and book discussion

Pm: Race at snow canyon. Warmed up about a 1.5 by myself. Just ran the medley 800. We qualified for state! We got a 4::22!! So we crushed it! I was really nervous with the way people were cheering me on that we were really close to not making it but we did :) I'm super stoked but I'm actually upset too, because I really wanted a 2:24 at this meet! I dunno, I didn't digress so that's nice but I was really looking for a pr. It's weird because I never feel as good when that's the only event I'm running. Interesting...but anyway I guess I'll have to go kill it next week at SUU. Like really kill it

Total Distance

Resting my leg from running today. So I've been pretty busy all day and finally got over to the rec center to do a running workout in the pool. Holy cow! This was not a piece of cake. Started out with a few warm up laps then I thought "hey ill just run in the water like I'm doing the workout. Hit the times I wouldve hit on the track" uh no. I started, after 30 seconds I was tired so I did 1 minute instead of 1:52. So then I made up my own workout cuz the track one wasn't going to work. Did 1 minute hard 30 seconds off 30 seconds hard 15 seconds off 15 seconds hard and then 1/1.5 minute rest. Did 3 reps of those. Then did a few cool down laps and and a few laps with the kick board. Solid workout!

Total Distance

Meh not a very good run. I was supposed to go this morning with Liz but slept in, my bad. But I went later. I was going to go4 or 5 but my leg was hurting so just went 3. And I had all these weird aches and pains in my body. My leg was hurting my knee was, my arch. I dunno it was weird. I did get some new shoes yesterday so I got to try those out! They felt pretty good, other than my left arch. Don't know if that was from the new shoes or my body is just misbehaving today

Total Distance

Am: 3x1000's and2x300's. started out the workout and my leg was hurting pretty bad, so I stopped after the second one and stretched it out. It was hurting but I really wanted to at least get 3 in. So I jogged around about while the girls did their 3rd one and then jumped in the last one. It hurt the first lap but settled in on the last Lap and a half. My times were 3:37, 3:49, 3:39. So a little all over the place. First 300 felt great around 49 I think then second was a 50. Long day cuz the we had weights and ploys. Ploys were fun and we ran through the sprinklers afterward. 

Total Distance

Am: more girls then we've had in a while. Nice run with some yoga

pm: 8x200's at faster than race pace with descending recovery intervals. got pretty hard! Goal was around 33/34 seconds. Hit right on all of them. Third to last one was a 32. Last one was a 35 tho but that's cuz we started at the 200 mark to the finish so we had the wind against us on that one. Harts warn/cool. 



Total Distance

Am: waited by myself for a while. Coach invited me to go w/ boys and as soon as I said no I'll wait I got legitimately concerned and almost bolted up to the boys to run with them ha. But my faith in my girls was not in vain


pm: 5 to green springs with Liz, maskerem, and Mia. Way there wasn't so fun but they way back was really fun. Had adventures with cars. Weights! To be buff and make Irene jealous

Total Distance

No morning practice. Resting my leg. But some good book discussion.

SO! apparently SUU is cancelled, so that blows. So I was actually in a really bad mood during our workout, and some of the girls I don't think appreciated that very much but oh well, made them do what they were actually supposed to. We kinda sucked at this workout. Not exactly our times but counting the cones thing. It worked fine when we just went back to where we started but the boys told us we were  being stupid so we tried it their way. And it messed us up cuz we're very challenged. Was supposed to hit a 42, 43, 44.5, 45.8, 47, 48.4. Hit a 41, 44, 44, then it gets great cuz we ended up doing 20 meters less recovery on that one and then went one more cone on the next one. So we hit a 47 which is what we supposed to hit for 5 cones but then we had to do 5 cones again and we got a 51. I think. That one we were more worried about the cones than running. Then my 300 was like a 49, I'm not even sure. So interesting workout with harts warm/cool. Anyway I'm still bitter thinking about but its cool

Total Distance

Am: easy 3

pm: there was nobody there! Like 8 girls and 10 boys. We headed out and did backwards firestation, it was super windy. I thought we were running as a group but maskerem and I turned around in the middle and everyone was gone. So basically just went on a run with maskerem :/ then did strides after

Total Distance

Hit 40 miles this week. Haven't done that forever. Went on a 5 mile run from the Sullivan park with maskerem and Liz with a 1 mile fast finish. Was a really good run! 

Race: Snow Canyon Last Chance (0.5 Miles) 00:02:28, Place overall: 2
Total Distance

Am: 3 easy and plyos

pm: went over to snow canyon. Was supposed to run 800 and 4x400 but one of our girls didn't show up so just ran the 800. And it was bad. 2 other girls around my pace and I just wanted to stick with the cedar girl but apparently she wasn't feeling it. So pacing off of her was stupid and my first lap was way slow. Like 1:13/14 or something. So I freaked out and tried to speed up a lot. Maddie zoomed past me but only ended up a second or so faster so not a great race for any of us. Ran the workout of 2x1000's 95% and 2x300's. times were 3:39, 3:29. So pretty good! We did have a downhill tho so that helped. 300's were like 49/50. Idk Mia tracks my times but is behind me so I feel like they may not always be accurate. 

Total Distance

Am: easy peasy with maskerem and Mia. Actually my body has lots of aches and pains in my knees and feet in the morning so that's no fun

pm:Harts warm then 4x400's all out with full recovery. Hit a very consistent 1:09 each time. Was hoping for faster than that but I guess the wind was making things difficult, actually blew away our high jump matts over the fence! That was crazy. Then Mia and I found two 5 dollar bills!! So we rejoiced and went and got snow cones! (After our 1.5 cool down of course) 

Total Distance

Am: easy 3 with plyos. Have to be selective with plyos I do cuz some hurt really bad

pm: kosmin test! I used to get so nervous over races and workouts and stuff but now I don't think about it very much which I think helps not psyche myself out. So to treat things normal I had an ice cream sandwich right at the end of school ha. But my knee was hurting so bad all day! It hurt this morning and then I like jammed it or something during plyos, so I started on my warm up and it was no bueno. So just did pizza warm.  Kosmin went really well.When maskerem or Mia passed me on the 3rd and 4th ones I really had to make myself stay with them instead of falling back. So that was good and ended up with a 1336

Total Distance

Am: 3 easy and then went recruiting at the middle school! That place is terrible

pm: 3 with striders in pays on. It was soo beautiful and had a fun run with the girls exploring and running to the tenple

Total Distance

4 at the track meet with the girls again. Just around campus

Race: BYU Invitational (0.5 Miles) 00:02:24
Total Distance

Warmed up about 1.5 and then went over to the bullpen and waited forever for them to call my heat!! This was a really fun race cuz we all had like the same time but there were so many fast girls! Was worried about being in lane 1 spot one cuz I didn't want to get cut off but I was able to get out pretty well. It was a good pr of 2 seconds but I was looking for a 2:23 at least. And now I'm a little more un satisfied with it as I think back because I should've just gone for state. I know it was a lot to cut off but on the last 100 stretch I was thinking to myself that that's the goal I should've started with. Because if I could've gotten that extra ump hi woulda had it. And now I have to worry about qualifying it at region. 

Did the 4x400 with Lexie, Alyssa and Amber. Qualified for state- 4:11! Ran a 1:03.4 split so pr by like .1 or something. But still we had some really good races. 

Total Distance

Am: easy 3 and no plyos!!

pm: harts warm and then 2x800's and 2x300's. This could've been one of my worst workouts, it was not good. Started with a 2:34 and then jumped clear to a 2:50. Then my 2 300's were a 56 and a 52. I felt terrible! I don't know, After my first 800 my breathing was shallow and my chest hurt and I couldn't see anything. I might've just been super dehydrated but I don't know. I think one of the reasons is I've been doing really good at hydrating myself lately and then since yesterday was fast Sunday I didn't drink anything til 5:00 so my body wasnt used to being so dried out. But that's just a theory I really have no clue why my body was so beat today. But I finished my workout so that counts for something I guess. 1.5 mile cool down around the school with Mia Mia 

Total Distance

Am: last morning practice! So sad :( did an easy 3 at 5:45 this morning to AC and hiked up to touch the fence by the freeway. Had to miss our last yoga to go get spiritually high at senior testimony meeting

pm: easy 3 to sandbergs and 4x200's

Race: Region (1 Miles) 00:05:42, Place overall: 9
Total Distance

Ran the 1600 at region today. Leave it to me to have my worst race of the year be my last. It was quite the experience. As soon as the gun went off it just started pouring to where you couldn't see anything in front of you. Then as we got to the other side of the track it starts hailing. I was focused on sticking right on Jordan the whole time and I was doing good. But third lap the rain let up and my muscles started tightening up and since now I wasn't so worried about the rain I was more focused on the pain so my last two laps were crap! Went into my last lap in 5th plCe and I could see the canyon view girl in front of me. I could've caught her I know I could've but my brain started shutting down and my body, I cox feel it could go faster, but my mind was getting in the way. Ended up in 8th I think with a crappy time somewhere in the 40's. After the race I felt so sick. Not from exhaustion obviously because that race wasn't my best, but just sick. I went to talk to my mom and ended up throwing up a couple times. So I got Nicole to do my 800 medley for me. I don't think I'm sick but Monday I was feeling crappy to and I don't know what it is. But it needs to go away so I can qualify my 800 tomorrow

Race: Region (0.5 Miles) 00:02:26, Place overall: 4
Total Distance

Crazy day at region. Didn't haveany of my best races this meet but that's alright, I qualifiedfkr state in the800! First I did the 4x100 which was quite the adventure as I learned how to do a handoff 30 minutes before my race. We actually got 5th instead of last! Of course because other two teams got dq'd but minor details. Then ran the 800, it was a strong race. I was really trying to focus on getting the time so I didn't get psyched out about placing. But actually qualified by placing not by time, nobody in our region qualified by time today. Started out in 2ndand held my position for pretty much the whole race until the last 100 meters of course. I'm not sure but the whole final stretch prolly has turned into a mental game now so gotta just fix it for state! Then did a 4x400 an dim not sure my split but Alyssa I think was hurting a lot so I started out in last place and was just trying to catch up ground. So I started out a lot faster I don't know if that killed me by the end or made my time faster, but whatever. Fun day

Total Distance

Last week of practice forever...really sad. So workout was 100, 200, 300, 400. I thought Mia was gonna do it with me, but then she didn't so I did it with the boys/by myself cuz not like I'm actually running with them. My times were, well I don't know my 100, my other times were 31, 48, 1:10. My 400 was really bad, I had super shallow breathing today. Mia kept trying to ask me questions on my cool down and I just kept thinking dude, trying to breathe here. So it was an alright workout. Harts warm/cool

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3 sandbergs with the girls and just finished up with mia then striders. Had some good convo and feeling ready to graduate. 

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Master blasters! I feel really out of shape, which is really odd to me cuz I've never been in better shape in my life, I think I'm just a little sick or something, my breathing hurts and is shallow and wheezy. But it was still a good workout. I was in a really bad mood today for some reason so it was nice to just run with maskerem cuz surprisingly she calms me down. 

From Holt on Wed, May 14, 2014 at 17:02:51 from

That is normal taper stuff... No stress. Like you said, you are in amazing shape.

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3 miles solo around my neighborhood

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Went to summer practice. Something I said I wasn't gonna do. They do things weird now, do it in minutes. Ran on trail by heritage park. The super hilly one. I was worried I was gonna die going 40 minutes but it wasn't too bad, it was really fun running with the girls again. They are gonna do awesome this year!

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Another easy 3 to stRt the week off

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Ran with the team again today. There were like 15 super seniors there today, mostly to see Abel off I think. I think we ran 3.5 with this minutes stuff, it was a 30 minute run. Kinda hard the first half, it was all uphill and the girls were kinda pushing the pace but it was still a nice run. 

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5ish? Idk ran with the girls again. 40 minutes with a fast finish. We actually took it pretty easy the whole run then the last 5 minutes we picked it up. Maskerem started hauling, she was sprinting. I was good at keeping up with her until we hit the parking lot and then my stomach wanted me to slow down. 'Twas a good run

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Regular Monday run around the neighborhood

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Ran a warm and a cool with the girls today and a few laps around the field while they did their 6 minute test. They're going to do flipping awesome this season! Total of like 35 minutes

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Was feeling a little out of shape on my run around the fields. Man I haven't run in a week! But I have been cross training at least so I'm not terribly fat. It was a nice run but still freakin hot! I went at night and it's easier to forget how hot it is when the suns not blazing down on you but then youre reminded by your burning feet. I feel bad for those kids required to run twice a day in the hot sun. Which I should prolly do if I knew what was best for me, but alas I don't! I've done a lot of reading the past few days so it led me to ask lots of weird, storybook questions on my run. Ones I think Roberts would approve of. After I took a cold shower which I never approved of before but realized sometimes they are very necessary. 

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4th of July run! Wahoo!! It might've been the funnest runs I ever been on by myself. It was just an easy 3 at 10:30 at night. Most of my family is out if town so we didn't do any traditional 4th if July stuff. But I was able to smell all the sparklers, see all the neighborhood fireworks and then see and hear all the pops and booms of the fireworks in every direction of my house. 

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My first run in Logan!! I am definitely not in the shape I used to be, but it was a really good run for me. Especially after having a frustrating day and getting all stressed out, my mom and sister leaving; going on a run was definitely needed. And it helped me figure out Logan a little bit which was nice. It's beautiful! So excited to be up here!

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same run around logan, will probably be doing this one a lot. Hotter and harder than monday

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First day of real college! Woo hooooo!! So i found JP! That's exciting, but her and Jansen went running at 6 this morning so I'll go with them another day. I went to my classes and then went on the normal run. It's been raining so much this past week so it's not super hot, actually felt really nice today so the run was great. Finally getting used to the altitude and getting back more into the running mode so I threw in a few fartleks. Which obviously made this run harder but made me feel better and like I actually accomplished something. So thumbs up for accomplishments. Speaking of accomplishments, my team is kicking butt back at home!!

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So I have been running, just forget to log. But here I am logging! Today I'm not sure exactly how much I ran, somewhere between 4 and 5 miles pretty sure. I went to the gym and ran 2 miles warmup on the dreaded tread then went over to old main and did some hills and stairs. Funny tho cuz these are old main hills, so just like old man hills! Eh? Hopefully I'm getting a running watch for Christmas so then I'll actually be able to know what im doing. I would say the first hill was about a 600 meter and then I did 3...prolly 200's I'm not sure. Then did a thing of stairs. They are killer! Then did like a mile, mile and a half cool down. I'm getting so good at getting back into things and pushing myself by myself. It's much harder than when you have a team to help you.

From Vis on Sat, Nov 08, 2014 at 15:06:16 from

Good to see you running.

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Ran outside for the first time I've forever. I mean besides my hill workouts, like an actual just go out and run. Lemme tell you, it's so much better than a treadmill! I don't know what my problem has been. Jk I know what it is. But it was such a nice run! Cold at first but then beautiful. I am quite proud of myself for not slipping on any of the ice because I was basically running on it the whole time. I also got to help an old lady who was lost and find her way to the hospital. Bam! Service :)

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So I haven't logged any of the miles I do on the treadmill but I guess I will start doing it cuz it's still mileage even tho it's small. Did 20 minutes of 1 minute intervals. Got up to a 6:30 pace. Then biked for 3 miles/10 minutes then did some weights

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Well ali jo found her way to st George and it is beautiful! Drove to the high school and did 5 miles up to green springs. Saw JP drive by while I was crawling up the hill. It was a really good run tho, it was funny cuz I was so excited that I got to wear a tank top and shorts to run in. Meanwhile I pass runners/walkers in their winter running gear. Man st George is great!

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Did a boot camp this morning and then we did the traditional hike for thanksgiving. Went up to chuckwalla!

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Not actually sure how far it was but I extended my 3 mile run around the fields so it was in between 3 and 4. Great run

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So we ran the times mile in conditioning class this morning. I got a 6:35! I mean obviously that isn't fantastic but it wasn't like I really raced it and it wasn't super official or anything it was just on the sidewalk with a turn around and slight inclines and all that. But that's 12 seconds faster than I did at the beginning of the semester. So that means I'm actually in better shape now than when I was then. Crazy! Plus I still got under 7 minutes so I'm cool with it. After conditioning stayed and did a circuit workout, then ran another mile on the treadmill and did some weights

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Went and did some old main hills today. One long hill, 3 medium and 2 short. ''Twas pretty good. Got a job last week so I finally was getting into the swing of my workout schedule and now I need to figure it out again. Oh well

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Well just ran 3 miles in 10 degree weather. Woo HOO! Winter. But yeah got my wisdom teeth taken out last week so haven't exercised in 7 days. Which sucks cuz I was getting back in pretty good shape. So yeah lots of hills in logan, felt pretty good my first half. Turns out cuz it was all down hill. Second half killed me. But got to test out my new garmin watch, I'm lovin it. :) gonna train for a half marathon and run one with my moms and dad! Yay goals :)

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