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Canyonlands Half

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Member Since:

Jun 03, 2013



Goal Type:

Highschool Champ

Running Accomplishments:

I've done track for 3 years now. First time for XC!

1600: 5:35

800: 2:24/p>


3 Mile: 20:56


Short-Term Running Goals:

I plan on going to state this year in track. Hopefully in the 800 or the mile.


I played apples to apples one time and won the cards fabulous and awesome. In the same round! If that doesn't just sum me up I don't know what does :)

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Back in st George surprisingly! I know you all think it's freezing but I think it feels fantastic! Went for a run this morning with my momma, ran across the new bridge!

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Went for a run with my mom and dad. Ran along the Sullivan park trail. They ran a few more miles so I turned around at two miles. Love running st george

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Last run in st George for a while. Did four around the fields. Threw in some fartleks, 2x2:00 minute and 2x1:00 minute. Not used to going fast it was a nice push. 

From Holt on Tue, Jan 06, 2015 at 07:08:23 from

don't freeze up there!

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Easy 4 then weights afterward

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Another easy 4. Today's run was really nice I decided to bring something to listen to so I listened to a TED talk on being quiet and this guy that didn't talk for 17 years. So that was nice. I went and did weights after but not very much cuz it was ridiculously packed

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Easy 3. Lotsa fog, more chilly

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5 miles today. Felt pretty good, pretty chilly. Super foggy which is cool, I love fog. Listened to some Jeffrey r. Holland so naturally had a fantastic run

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4 with speed intervals. I actually did 1.5 miles outside then did 1.5 miles on the treadmill for my speed intervals. Then while I was at the gym I did some weights then did a mile back home. 

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Man days are just getting busier and busier. Easy 4 today in the cold cold cold

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Pretty busy day so didn't have time to run before it got dark. So just went to the gym tonight and ran an easy 3. I have to alter my running schedule a little cuz I work all day Saturday so I'll do my long run tomorrow. Did some weights and yeah!

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6 today, what a good day for 6. School is stressing me out. Listened to John bytheway. Man I love runners, see if you are walking down the street you might say hi to somebody but it's not super usuAl. You're a runner passing a runner, you automatically say hi. I love that. 

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Was supposed to go 4 but only had time for 3 before work. Really beautiful day with a good pace

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Holy cow it's warm today! I feel like warm air just followed me from st.george cuz this is not logan weather. So did 2 mile warm up and then 5x1:00 intervals. They weren't very hard. I tried to incorporate some small hills and pick up the pace so I would feel like I was pushing more. Then did 2 mile cool down. 

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4 miles with 4x200's. The 200's weren't on a track tho. All the tracks here are either locked up or have snow on them. But lucky for my handy dandy watch I did them in the parking lot. 

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3 on the treadmill. And weights

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4 easy miles, actually picked up the pace a little unintentionally. Felt nice outside, good run. I've finally gotten into the habit of just making running part of my day which is great so I don't have to fight myself all the time. I'm definitely a lot happier because of it. 

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7 miles woo hoo! My pace averaged out at 8:50 which is exactly where I wanted it so yay for that too! Moving right along

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2 mile warm up then 5x1:00 minute intervals on the track and a 2ish mile cool down. Really good run, intervals were at a good pace this time so I felt like I was pushing. It feels great here! It's like a st George winter up here, I should think it was spring already. Oh and I got new running shoes! They are the same mizuno wave riders except they are edition 18 they are bright blue which is snazzy

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4 easy with 4 GP's (which is just 200's). I've really gotten back into shape mileage wise but doing the faster pace stuff today and Monday put it into perspective how much more I need to work on speed stuff. I wish my schedule had more workouts. But I won't implement my own cuz I've never done a half before so I'm gonna trust the people who made my schedule more than myself 

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So I didn't run yesterday which is alright I guess cuz it wasn't on my running schedule but I'm trying to increase my mileage so I wanted to run 3, but Thursday's I only have time at night which means I have to go to the gym but I lost my id so I could not. But it's ok I paid for a new one today so I sandwiched some weights in between my 4 mile run 

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7 again. Down Main Street, it was a harder run today. That's ok kept a 8:45 ish pace the whole time

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2 mile warm up then 2 x(1:00, 1:30, 2:00) fartleks. 2ish mile cool down 

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4 miles with 4x1:00 hills and then 6x200's with weights afterward. Passed this girl in my ward that I've been trying to get to go running with me all year and she finally decided that we should run together. So I finally will have a running buddy!

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3 easy in the morning. It was really easy, I ran with my roommate and she doesn't run a lot. So we took it nice and slow. But that's ok cuz I wasn't technically supposed to run today anyway. Plus it reminded me how much I love running in the morning so I think I'll make this a more regular thing

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So I was supposed to run a 5k today but since 5ks are scarce there were none to be found. Jk they're not scarce just in logan today. So I went on a tempo run. What da! All by myself? Ali Johanson?! Yes indeed. Well it wasn't very long but I haven't done a tempo run in almost a year so naturally I cannot go forever going speedy fast. So I did 1.6 miles at a 7:15 pace about. It slowed to 7:22 my last couple minutes, but it sure brought back lots of memories. Memories of how much I hate tempo runs, ahh. Ha but was still good! I was actually feeling really crummy all day, I think from something I ate last night so decided going on a run could help and it did. Then went up to the gym and did some weights

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So bit of an interesting workout. So I did 3 miles warm up then 3x(2:00, 2:30) intervals. I tried to keep the intervals about 7:30 ish. I was getting really tired so after a set I would cool down but have to walk a little bit. I was supposed to do 2 mile cool down but that would have resulted in me going over 7 miles which I haven't even done on an easy run yet. So I just did half a mile cool down. I think one of the reasons I was so tired is cuz it was pretty chilly this morning so I wore a long sleeve, black, form fitting shirt to run in. But the weather jumped like 20 degrees from this morning so I was very hot on my run. Also I looked at my average pace for my whole run and it was 8:05! Granted there was some walking in between not recorded but still. Even my warm up miles were fast. So I need to warm up a little slower and make sure I get a good recovery in between reps so I can do the workout better. After I headed up to the gym and did some weights

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Long day! Hills today, which is actually great because there is a hill going into logan canyon so I do them there and it's just beautiful. I had 4x1:30 minute hills. Were pretty tiring. Had to get 6 miles in so I finished running around first dam. Then ran to the gym, did 6x200's and weights. 

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Easy 3 in the morning with Lauren. My body was exhausted from yesterday's workout

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Easy 4 in beautiful weather. My body is still pretty tired tho

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Back in st George! Ran from my house across the bridge to the river trail. Holy cow it's actually kinda hot here! Got a slight tan line from my yoga pants so need to start wearing shorts for this kind of thing. Had a really nice pace the whole time! Listened to a talk by s. Michael Wilcox about c.s Louis it was so good! So fantastic day!

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Ran this morning with my dad. 3 mile warm up then 3x(2:00,2:30) intervals at riverside elementary. Cut the cool down short cuz my sister was emailing me and I had a dentist appointment. 

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Same workout this week as last. 4x1:30 hills with 6 miles total. 6x200's at the gym, the best song ever came on as I was finishing my last few sets. Weights after, man I was tired today. I think I'm getting sick again :P

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Technically 3 miles well my treadmill got to 3.25 but I walked the first mile cuz my dad called me the second I was starting to run. But I also biked for "3" miles after that. I don't know if I ever believe those stationary bikes

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Ran about 2.5 miles to the gym, did some weights then ran home 

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So this run sucked. Went to herms for breakfast this morning but then I have lots of other things to do today so I just hoped out and went on a run right after. So I had all these sausages and pancakes sitting in my stomach and I wanted to throw up for the first 4 miles. I was supposed to go 8 but cut it short. Last couple miles it started snowing really hard and the wind was blowing a lot and I was running into the storm. So nonetheless my face was frozen by the time I got home. But it's all done now

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So..man I'm struggling a little. Ran a 3 mile warm up and my plan was to go run around the elementary school track but I got to the school and they had no track. So I ran up and down 100 east for a while but then I got to a point where there were just too many stop lights. So finally on my last rep I made it to the tabernacle and ran around there and that ended up working great so I'm gonna do that next time. But my workout was 2x2:00, 2x2:30, and 1x3:00. So I completed those but resting times were a little sciwampas. Then I did 6 GPs and tried to run home. I was trying to avoid the really big hill so I just kept going but there kept being dead end after dead end so I ended up going a lot farther than I planned. So I stopped running at 7.5 miles and then walked 2 miles home. Luckily the horrid wind from this morning stopped so..all in all I really went 9.5 miles but you know whatever

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Woo hoo 9 miles! Did 8 miles easy plus 4 GPs. Pretty windy but other than that it was a nice day and up until the last mile I was able to keep it under 9 minutes, my last mile averaged at 9:00 flat. My average pace was 8:38 tho which is perdy good. I have the biggest blister on the instep of my foot and that kills

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5 miles with 15 minute tempo. Really cold today :(

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Was supposed to work til 2:30 but ended up working later so got dark and cold so just ran for 28 minutes

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Ran in the snow. Wasn't too bad til the very end. Did a 3 mile warm up then 2x(2:00,3:00,4:00) intervals with minute recovery in between. Then 2 mile cool down. 

From The Warbeast on Mon, Mar 02, 2015 at 20:55:17 from

Ali Jo is a freaking beast!

Total Distance

7 miles with 3x2:00 AI hills and 2x1:00. Then 2 GPs and weights. I'm definitely a slacker I was supposed to do 4x2:00 and 6 GPs but I'm still feeling sick and my body just wasn't feeling it today. Had a really hard time breathing with all this phlegm in my throat :P 

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3 easy on the treadmill then weights

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Ran around the fields cuz I'm home once again. I got to wear shorts and at 6:00 at night! It's insane! Feels weird wearing shorts tho, will have to get used to it again. Just an easy run felt fantastic

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Holy cow it is HOT here! :P ran 7.5 with my parents this morning then ran another 1.25 with my dad, he was going 13 so I turned around and finished up by myself. Pretty tiring actually even tho the pace at for the majority was a lot slower than I usually go. Guess my body is just a little worn out. Ready for the beach!

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Ran before heading to California. 2 miles warm up with 2x(2:00, 3:00, 4:00) with one minute rest in between each rep and 2 minute recovery between the set. 1 mile cool down. 

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So didn't get to run on my vacay I tried but just didn't happen. Ran when I got back today. 5 miles with 4 hills up foremaster. I'm not sure how far or long I did the hills cuz my watch is dead but man they were hard! I legit just felt like I was crawling up them :P saw skylar Abel drive by twice on my run tho with some Xc kids in the car I'm sure. Man I love that kid definitely missing track and Xc days when I got to run with a team instead of by myself. Went to the gym after and did 6 GPs and weights

From Vis on Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 21:24:28 from

You've got some pretty good running going on right now. Way to go.

Total Distance

Unforktunately I only did 9 miles, my intention was 10. But my watch is dead and my phone wont let me download any running apps cuz my I haven't updated it yet and it has too much storage to update. Stupid technology. So I kinda just ran what I knew and tried to add on to make up 10 so you know I basically went off my knowledge of my routes and thats it so pretty good getting in 9 miles right? But this run really blew. I mean I did alright but it was just so hot and for some reason my legs feel like dead weight so they just did not want to move today so it was a very long 9 miles trying to keep one foot in front of the other. I also think it has something to do with my nutrition cuz I have eaten terrible all week. Not teribbly per se I guess I just ate like I used to when I lived at home which is lots of treats and not really caring what went into my mouth. I think that's one of the reasons I've been able to get back in shape pretty easily is because I've been eating pretty healthy so good thing I'm going back to college this week so I can start doing that again

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I was supposed to work all day so I was gonna go running at 11 pm but I got off early! Which is good and bad cuz I only got off early cuz my brakes broke on my car so I couldn't really deliver anything anymore. So that really sucks but on the bright side I got to go running 4 hours earlier. Just 5 miles, man I'm so exhausted. Whyyyy? 

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Tapering time woo hoo! Just did 2 mile warm up then 4x1:00 AI and ran home. Then did a short ab workout and that's it for today

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Ran 2 miles on the treadmill and 4 GPs and just a little weights

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2 miles. I hate tapering

Race: Canyonlands Half (13.1 Miles) 01:58:37, Place overall: 664, Place in age division: 7
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So absolutely no sleep night before cuz we got to the hotel late and had to wake up at 5:30 because we stayed in green river. But I felt like I had enough energy. Soo cold! We drove buses up to the starting line and had to wait around for about an hour and a half. Super windy. I didn't want to put my jacket in my bag but I did and I'm so glad I did! Got warm just 2 miles in. First 8 miles were absolutely great! Kept a really nice 8:30 pace, I kept trying to slow down but my body wouldn't have it, that was just its flow pace so I just went with it. Mile 9 and 10 is where it started getting a little tougher and warmer and there were some hills in there. But it wasn't til the last 3 miles that I just died. Holy crap, the most I'd ever run is 10 miles so I was just trying to keep my feet moving. Thank heavens for my dad. Last mile suuuuucked! You wouldn't think .1 makes a difference well it makes a difference. But overall it was great! Pretty warm and hard but next time I'll be able to over train my mileage so I won't die. 664 place out of 2120, not bad right?! 

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Week of recovery, I mean I still worked out but not running. Ran today tho for 30 minutes. Hot

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Ran for just a little bit before work. Would've run longer if I coulda got myself up just a little earlier. 

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Just ran a little over 4. Ran for like 35 minutes and listened to a byu talk by mitt Romney! It was surprisingly really funny and really good! Nice run, a little hot

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Around 5, my charger is broken and my watch is dead so I ran for approximately 45 minutes and ran approximately 5 miles. Give or take on either of those measurements

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Like 4? I don't remember

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Guessing about this much. I need to buy a new charger. Was supposed to run for 60 minutes but woke up later and wanted to run before conference. So just ran like 45

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30 minutes on the treadmill and then 10 minutes on the bike with some weights afterward.

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I don't know how far I ran or for how long. It was supposed to be a 45 minute run. It's been raining all day so I went when it let up but 15 minutes into my run it started hailing. And no matter which way I ran I was somehow running into the hail, it hurt a lot so I went out and found shelter by a church for a few minutes til the hail stopped. Then just ran in the rain. I was also supposed to do 4-6 fartleks so I did three but after the hail I completely forgot about them. So yeah I guess the importance of this run is just that I did one.

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I haven't blogged in forever but I am running! I rN 2.5 to the gym then did weights and ran 2.5 home. 

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Ran 5 miles this morning before my final with Devin Gillespie! 

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Ran to the gym, biked for 10 minutes/3 miles, did some weights then ran home

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Easy 3ish. Last day running in Logan :( so beautiful

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Went to the rec center and did circuit training with laps in between

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We're gonna go with 5. I need to get a new charger. So my route was supposed to be like 6 or 7 miles but it was so hot also my legs are so freaking tight and sore from an exercise class I did yesterday with my mom at the rec center. Ran to Sullivan park from my house then along the trail to the main road. Just took that and Instead of going down to the new bridge, which was my original plan, I shortcutted and jumped in the river. Man I have some great adventures with myself. Then ran from pine view park back to my house, which on the way I passed two of my most favorite peopl Pugs and chandler. 

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Power X at the gym. This class is hard. Always leaves me super sore the rest of the week

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Went out to chuckwalla with devin, Jared, Ryan, Brian and JP. We'll just say it wasn't my favorite run. Went at like 4 in the afternoon, really hot, guys went really speedy couldn't keep up, trail run, Ya know all that jazz. But I got to talk to this nice old guy and we became friends so that was nice

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Lazy day equals swimming day. Went and did some laps, then water running, kick board and more laps. I'm not the best swimmer

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Went and did a HITT class this morning at the gym. Ended up running 2.5 miles in between weights and plyos and stuff

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Spin class, which is not my favorite but is a good workout while preparing my butt to bike on a mission. Then Pilates afterward which I never done and it was nice

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Easy 6 today. Ah it felt so good! Finally got a new charger so I got to use my watch again and remembered how much I love it. Went actually a really decent pace :)

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