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Centerville Freedom Run 5k

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Woods Cross,UT,USA

Member Since:

May 01, 2006



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

Current Running Life:
5k: 17:50 (2010 NSL)
10k: 38:20 (2007 Des News)
1/2 Marathon: 1:23:30 (2009 Provo Half)
Marathon: 2:53:46 (2007 St George)

Short-Term Running Goals:


Long-Term Running Goals:



Daddy to 3 great kids - 16 year old son and 11 year old twin daughters

I do not know what tomorrow will bring but I do know it will start with a run.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Grid A2 Lifetime Miles: 125.40
GoRun2 Lifetime Miles: 53.70
Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Lifetime Miles: 442.70
Adrenaline 2014 Red (1) Lifetime Miles: 429.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 137.10Saucony Grid A2 Miles: 5.10Adrenaline 2009 3 Miles: 73.40Adrenaline 2009 4 Miles: 10.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I never used to look forward to recovery days like I do now.  This training cycle is killing me.  I'm starting to have thoughts of cutting back and just training for a half marathon instead.

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 5.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The schedule called for a 6 mile tempo run but I am racing a 5k on Saturday and I want to go in a little fresh so I decided to just run a few slightly slower than tempo miles.  After 3 easy miles I started my "tempo" run.  Plan was to run 6:40/mile as long as it felt reasonable comfortable.  After the first mile, I felt really worn out.  It was a lot of work to maintain the pace and my heart rate was higher than it should have been for that pace.  I only got in 3 tempo miles and it was a lot of work.  Ran 3 more easy miles to get home and they felt as much work as the tempo run.  I think that I may be a little over trained.  The training volume isn't more than I am used to but I think that I wasn't quite ready to jump into marathon training program.  I think that Mesa Falls is definitely out and I am now thinking about TOU because it gives me a few more weeks to get into shape.

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 9.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Feeling a little better today.  I still felt clunky but at least I was able to get my legs to move.  Averaged 7:30/mile for the run and didn't feel like it was too much of an effort and my HR was where it should be for that pace.  Now I'm off to the lake to soak my legs.  It's going to be a good day.

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 7.00
Race: Centerville Freedom Run 5k (3.1 Miles) 00:18:50, Place overall: 24, Place in age division: 2
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I guess I should start this race report out like every one I write with a list of excuses why I didn't think I would do well.  My legs have been dead for 2 weeks, I was up too late last night (Kathie and Teena - the answer to your question is yes), and my stomach was really unsettled this morning.  I didn't wake up as early as I wanted so I rushed to the race to register and get in a couple of warm up miles.  My plan was to stick with Trevor (from the running club) as long as I could.  Started out a little ahead of him until we hit the hill at about the 1/2 mile mark.  He gapped me going up the hill and maintained the lead the rest of the race.  I didn't want to kill myself on the uphill so I just ran at a controlled pace.  Felt good until a guy pushing a stroller passed me going uphill.  Hit the first mile in 6:07 (6 seconds faster than last year).  After the 1 mile marker, the course drops but for some reason it was really difficult to pick up the pace.  Was only able to run this in 6:03 (identical to last year's split).  I felt decent during the last mile but did not have the desire to push at all.  I knew I could run faster but the desire wasn't there.  I was approaching puke pace and backed off.  I need to learn that even though I am nauseous I will not throw up and can push through it.  The 3rd mile split was 6:06 which was 6 seconds slower than last year.  During the last 0.1 I let a guy pass me and heard another coming up on me.  I pushed the pace hard but he slipped by me at the end.  To my credit he was half my age.  Finished in 18:50 which is identical to last year's time.  Despite my disappointment in myself for not pushing myself harder I am happy with the results because I expected something in the 19's.

Saucony Grid A2 Miles: 5.10
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Just a nice steady paced run.  I decided to throw in the towel and just train for a half marathon this year.  Marathon training is just taking too much out of me and I am tired of being tired all of the time.  I need to stick with some sort of training plan but am going to cut back on the miles.  

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 8.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 easy miles.  Started a 5 mile tempo run and my plan was to run 6:30/mile since I just raced on Saturday.  I figured that I wouldn't be as fast because I'm old and it takes longer to recover from races.  Splits were: 6:30, 6:23, 6:26, 6:27, 6:24.  The second mile was slightly downhill and I pushed harder during the last quarter mile of the last mile so the splits are more consistent than they appear.  The pace felt really good and the form started out a little clunky but then started to feel smooth towards the end.  Cooled down with an easy mile.

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 9.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My ankles were really sore and tight this morning.  I ran the Davis Blvd loop this morning which probably wasn't the best idea considering the tired legs and joints.  I just took it easy going up and cruised once it flattened out.  Coming down was a bit painful and clunky.  I saw more runners out this morning than I ever have.  

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 10.40
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Nice and easy recovery run.  My legs were a little stiff to start but loosened up and the run felt really good.

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 5.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

First 3 miles were a little uncomfortable but then everything felt really good.  The form was loose and in control.  I was a little surprised how good things felt considering how the run started.  Last 5 miles were 7:00/mile after starting out at close to 8:00/mile.

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 8.30
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Absolutely terrible run today.  The club was going to do some trail running today so I got there a little early and did 4 miles before the start.  I was having a really hard time breathing will going uphill.  Near the turnaround the trail kind of disappeared and I ended up in running through some brush.  I started to get really worried about snakes.  Running downhill was a lot better and I thought I just needed to warm up.  Started with the club and I was struggling again.  I'm not sure what the problem was.  I struggled through the run and didn't have a whole lot of fun.  Maybe I just needed to get through the first trail run and my body will be more used to it next week.

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 10.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My legs are still beat up from the trail run on Saturday.  After warming up I felt alright but not great.  The outside of my calf has really been bothering me all weekend (not complaining just documenting).  I was concerned about it but during the run it felt like a soft tissue pain and not in the bone.  I'm going to follow Kathie's advice skip the trail runs with the group this month.  They can be fun but get in mileage on Saturdays will be more beneficial for me at this point.  I might throw in a few midweek less intense trail runs though. 

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 9.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Three miles warm up then 4 miles at tempo pace.  My legs did not want to cooperate today.  My splits were: 6:27, 6:29, 6:30, 6:22.  First mile was a little faster than I have been running it in the past.  I thought it might end up being a good day.  The second mile was a lot of work and came in slow.  This trend continued until the last half mile when I picked up the pace which is why the split is a little faster than the others. Up to that point, I was running at 6:30 pace.  I considered running a 5th tempo mile but my legs felt very heavy and just would not move.  Cooled down with 2 easy miles.  Not the greatest run but at least the splits were relatively even.

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 9.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Today would have been my 15th wedding anniversary.  I know, I know I can't dwell on the past.  I decided to run up Mueller Park canyon to elephant rock.  I didn't want to push the pace at all because the intent of today was just to enjoy being outside.  After about 2.5 miles I was approaching 3 ladies running.  I politely asked if I could pass them and they jumped and screamed.  I really had no idea the appropriate way to announce my presence with out frightening them.  I was warned about a moose on the trail by a few mountain bikers but never saw said moose.  Coming back down I kept the pace pretty easy.  It was a great morning and glad I went up there.

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 7.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I was feeling pretty "icky" this morning (can't think of a better word to describe the feeling).  Thought about skipping the run but decided since yesterday's mileage was a little low that I needed to get out today.  Was only going to run 5 but after 3 miles I was feeling better and decided to stretch it to 7.  At one point there was a runner ahead that I decided to try to catch by a certain point.  It helped to have a target so I could push myself a little.  

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 7.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Had to deal with uncooperative legs again today.  It took a couple of miles before they even felt slightly normal then were pretty fatigued for the rest of the run.  I haven't had a long run in a couple of weeks and I think I am having withdrawals.  

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 9.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

In attempt to demonstrate my lack of intelligence, I decided to run a 15 miler today without water.  The distance was just past the limit of where I need water but with the heat I definitely should have taken something.  With this in mind, I never really pushed the pace.  Kept it just under 8:00/mile most of the run.  As I was approaching my turn around I remembered there was a park just a head so I stretched out the run so I could stop for a drink at the water fountain.  It seemed to help and I was able to finish the run.  Lost 6 pounds of sweat which isn't a PR so it must not have been as bad as I thought.  

Last night, my sister in law asked that I talk her son out of running Des News next week.  He is only 16 and is not ready but you know how kids are.  He has been running 12 miles/day 3 days a week but I tried to explain to him that there is a world of difference between 12 miles and 26 miles.  I think that he is going to run the 10k now and maybe the TOU half.  I felt bad for not encouraging him but know that it would be a mistake for him to do it.  I did the right think didn't I?

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 16.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I just realized that I now have over 600 miles on my shoes.  No wonder my legs feel so beat up.  I have various aches and pains throughout my legs.  You would think that I would have learned my lesson the last 5 times that I have done this.  Kept the pace relatively easy (7:40/mile).  

Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 8.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Tempo Tuesday.  Warmed up with 3 easy miles then ran 5 miles at LT.  First 2 miles were a little erratic (6:30, 6:20) then settled into a pace (6:26, 6:28, 6:28).  The last 2 miles were a lot of work.  I really had to focus to maintain the pace. I felt pretty lousy as I headed out the door so I kind of expected to struggle.  It was much better than I thought so even though it was a lot of work, I am happy with the run.  Cooled down with an easy mile.

I lucked out and found a pair of Brooks Adrenaline at Sports Authority on sale for $59.  Probably should have bought a few pair.

I was on the Provo 1/2 website and it said it was closed but allowed me to register.  What are the chances that I am actually registered?  I would hate to drive out there and find out that I'm not actually signed up.

Adrenaline 2009 3 Miles: 9.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Super easy recovery run. Blah!

Adrenaline 2009 3 Miles: 5.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

The blah continues.  My narcolepsy kicked in last night and I couldn't keep my eyes open.  Fortunately, my girls where with their grandma last night so I didn't have to worry about being neglectful.  I felt wiped out when I woke up this morning too.  Didn't want to run but went out anyway.  I only went 7 and felt run down most of the time.  Glad I got my bad run for the month out of the way.

Almost forgot, Kathie, Teena, Smooth - I need Park City restaurant recommendations.

Adrenaline 2009 3 Miles: 7.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Feeling a little better today.  It took a while to get going but started to feel something resembling a spring in my step toward the end of the run.  It was a nice morning although it was a little warm.  Hopefully all of the marathoners are surviving.

Adrenaline 2009 3 Miles: 9.40
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt decent today.  It was overcast and every once in awhile it would rain a little which was nice.  Legs still do not feel like I want them to.  Maybe I'm expecting too much.  Running hasn't felt natural in a long time and I'm starting to think that this is how it is supposed to feel and the feeling that I am looking for does not exist.  Anyways, the run started slow and I gradually increased the pace throughout the run.  I kept the mileage low because I have a few races coming up and want to feel a little fresher going in to them.

Adrenaline 2009 3 Miles: 14.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

My left hamstring and right ankle were exceptionally sore this morning.  Probably good that they were on opposite legs so the limps offset and my stride ended up being normal.  I ran at a steady effort today and I was surprised at each mile that the pace was 20 seconds/mile faster than I usually run.  It was strange because it didn't feel faster than normal. 

Adrenaline 2009 3 Miles: 7.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Warmed up with 3 miles then ran 3X1 mile repeats at 5k pace with 1/4 mile jog in between.  Target pace was 6:00/mile.  First mile felt good and came in at 5:58 with my HR at 163.  Second mile was slightly aided but was still a little more work (5:55 with HR at 172).  The last mile was REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bad.  I had a real hard time holding the pace and it was killing me.  At one point my heart rate was 182 which is close to my max.  It was odd that this mile was so hard considering the first 2 didn't feel that bad.  Finished it in 6:06 with an average HR of 175.  Pretty surprised that the pace was that fast.  It felt very slow.  Cooled down with 2.5 more of super slow miles.

Adrenaline 2009 3 Miles: 9.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Easy recovery run.  Other than a little soreness in my legs, I felt really good.

Adrenaline 2009 3 Miles: 5.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Felt good this morning.  First 3 miles were at 8:00/mile then I picked up the pace to 7:25/mile for the rest of the run.  The pace felt really good and in control.  Just like a GA run should feel.

Adrenaline 2009 3 Miles: 8.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I took it easy today because I am running a 5K tomorrow and don't want to be too sore.  The pace was slow until the last few miles where I picked it up a little.  Aside for some mild soreness in my legs, I felt good.  I may have to run a few easy miles tonight depending on how the day goes.

Adrenaline 2009 4 Miles: 10.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Adrenaline 2009 2 Miles: 137.10Saucony Grid A2 Miles: 5.10Adrenaline 2009 3 Miles: 73.40Adrenaline 2009 4 Miles: 10.00
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