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Legacy Midnight Half (pacer)

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Woods Cross,UT,USA

Member Since:

May 01, 2006



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

Current Running Life:
5k: 17:50 (2010 NSL)
10k: 38:20 (2007 Des News)
1/2 Marathon: 1:23:30 (2009 Provo Half)
Marathon: 2:53:46 (2007 St George)

Short-Term Running Goals:


Long-Term Running Goals:



Daddy to 3 great kids - 16 year old son and 11 year old twin daughters

I do not know what tomorrow will bring but I do know it will start with a run.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Saucony Grid A2 Lifetime Miles: 125.40
GoRun2 Lifetime Miles: 53.70
Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Lifetime Miles: 442.70
Adrenaline 2014 Red (1) Lifetime Miles: 429.20
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Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 90.20Adrenaline 2014 Red (1) Miles: 26.00
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8 mile progression run on the LPT with Tara.  Seems to be the standard Tuesday run. Averaged 7:51/mile on the way out and 7:08/mile on the way back with the last mile in 6:50.  My lower right leg was quite painful as we started but it seemed to feel better after a couple of miles. 

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 8.00
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One run while at Firehouse.

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 1.25
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Ran an easy mile to warm up then ran 4 miles at half marathon pace then an easy mile to cool down.  Ran the first 2 miles at 6:50/mile and they felt good.  Third mile was a struggle for some reason.  As I approached the mile marker, I was screaming in my head to push through and not take a break.  FInished that mile in 6:54 and couldn't resist the urge to take a walking break.  Totally weak minded.  After a few seconds I started back up.  Ran the last mile in 6:41 to make up for the walking break.  I really have no idea what happened during the third mile. 

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 6.00
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Got about 10 steps into my planned long run and turned around and went home.  My right tibia was hurting too much.  Decided to not waste the morning and went to the gym.  Probalby not the greatest idea as there was a little more running than usual.  Pain subsided after it warmed up so I probably could have run if I would have toughed it out longer.  Being a little cautious probably wasn't too bad of a decision.

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 2.00
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Tuesday run on the LPT with Tara.  We took it a little easier today.  Averaged 7:30is/mile for the run.  My leg didn't hurt but it did not feel normal.  Stumbled upon somebody sleeping on the side of the trail covered in a blanket.  Tara was concerned that he was dead and wanted to check on him.  Fortunately, she was less afraid than I was and was able to get close enough to see that he was breathing.  I would have just thrown a rock at him or poked him with a stick.

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 8.10
Race: Legacy Midnight Half (pacer) (13.1 Miles) 01:49:30
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Paced 1:50 at the Legacy Midnight half. Pretty much just another run on the LPT with Tara. The race is getting to be pretty big so the start was very congested. We were 15 seconds behind after the first mile because of the congestion. Took another 3 miles to get back on track. Held a good consistent pace the rest of the way. It felt a lot faster than it should have. Felt nauseous from mile 7-9. Seems to be common for this race. Apparently a couple other pacers were throwing up. Had a runner stick with us for the last 5 miles. Glad to actually have somebody run with us. I haven't run withy anybody during my last few pacing gigs. 

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 13.10
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Three short runs at Firehouse. 

Tara - Here is what I was trying to explain about the paces on Garmin Connect.  "Moving Time" is what is calculated based on the GPS track.  I still say we always go with the faster time.

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 1.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Changed it up a bit and met Tara at Davis Blvd.  We wanted to deviate from the usual flat LPT run.  The first half of the run felt fine but I knew that I didn't have the energy necessary to push the pace on the way back.  We hit a couple of 7:15's after then turn around then I was done.  Out pace naturally slowed to 7:30.  I felt bad that I was holding us back so I suggested to Tara that she go on ahead.  She hung around for another mile before pressing the pace for the last mile.  Averaged 7:30/mile for the entire run which is a decent pace for that route.

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 8.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

No running just a hard workout at Firehouse.

I don't know how to post pictures in a comment so will have to explain the Garmin Connect question from Monday here.

These are the total time and average pace elements on Garmin Connect.  The average pace is based on the total time we spent running (total time we were on the trail less the time we spent stretching).  There were 15 data points accounting for 47 seconds that had incomplete information so Garmin Connect threw them out of the calculation of the moving time and average moving pace.  The records with missing data occurred at miles 1.1 and 6.99 which is the location of the tunnel.  It all comes back to the tunnel.  The confusion is in how Garmin Connect labels the fields.  Moving time and average moving pace really do not make sense.

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Wanted to go to the gym but also needed to get a run in.  In order to solve the dilemna I ended up doing both.  Drove to the LPT at 5 am for a mini speed workout.  Warmed up a mile then ran 4X1/2 mile repeats with 1/4 mile jog in between .  Splits for the faster 1/2 miles were: 3:07, 3:07, 3:05, 3:07.  Nothing spectacular but I wasn't really feeling like I could push myself (I'm in a major slump). 

Drove home, changed my clothes and went to Firehouse.  Much more cardio and higher reps than I was hoping for but I made it through the workout.  I did cut the run at the end a little short because I had already gotten a good run in. 

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 5.40
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One short run at Firehosue.  Not sure if it is worth recording a measley 0.3 mile.  I guess if I don't enter it into the blog then it never really happened.

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 0.30
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Race: Timpanogos Half (Pacer) (13.1 Miles) 01:39:30
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Becky and I paced the 1:40 spot at the Timp half today.  We got up at 2:45 so we could make it to the 4 am bus pickup.  That is way too early and makes me question this crazy hobby.  We held a good even effort the entire run.  There were several runners that stayed with us for a lot of the run.  We were within 15 seconds of our target time at every mile until we got to mile 11.  For the first time, my Garmin beeped before the mlie marker and we were 15 secondsd behind according to the mile marker.  I ran mile 12 eight seconds fast to make up the difference but when I hit the marker I was even further behind.  I ended up pushing a little harder during the last mile than I would have liked.  As it turns out, miles 11 and 12 were mis-marked and I ended up crossing the finish line 30 seconds early.  Several runners thanked me for pushing them the last mile so I feel good about how things went.

Target Actual
7:42 7:40
7:40 7:31
7:40 7:45
7:24 7:25
7:15 7:12
7:10 7:07
7:29 7:26
7:29 7:28
7:47 7:51
7:42 7:46
7:56 7:55
7:56 7:48
8:01 7:44
0:50 0:51
1:40:00 1:39:30


Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 13.10
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Met Tara at the LPT for the usual Tuesday run.  We kept the pace easier today than we have in the past.  My lower legs are really bothering me.  Hoping some new shoes will be the miracle cure.

The answer to the major question from the run can be found here: http://www.allaboutexotics.com/exotic-species/four-horned-sheep/

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 8.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

One run at Firehouse.

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 1.25
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Race: Handcart Days Half Marathon (pacer) (13.1 Miles) 01:44:52
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The South Davis Rec Center decided to add pacers to their half marathon at the last minute.   Becky was going to run with her friend and I had no running plans so we decided to help with the 1:45 and 2:00 spots.  The course is mostly flat with the exception of a couple of hills during the 8th mile and a slight elevation gain during the last mile.  This made the pacing a lot easier.  I was within a couple of seconds of my goal time at every mile.  I usually like to have a 20 second cushion so this made things a little stressful.  I had a decent sized group with me for the first 8 miles until we got to the top of Glover Lane.  A few runners dropped back and I just had 2 with me for the next 3 miles.  They eventually fell back but I was able to pick one up during the last mile.  I always feel bad when the runners drop off but understand that there is nothing that I can do about it.

Becky had a much more adventurous race.  At the 5 mile mark, she noticed a girl on the side of the road having an asthma attack.  Being a nurse, she felt obligated to stop and help her.  She gave her pacing sign to her friend and told her she would catch up.  She was able to call the girls mom and once a police officer stopped to help, she was on her way again.  She ran hard for the next 3 miles trying to make up the 5 minutes she lost.  Still crossed the line at exactly 2 hours.

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 13.10
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Two runs at Firehouse.  I was completely wiped out and had a real hard time getting through the workout.  Not sure if it is from the "race" yesterday.

Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 1.60
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Long run while at Bear Lake.  Started in Garden City and ran a little past Fish Haven (6 mile mark after Idaho border).  Not really excited about the run.  I think I have now lost all motivation to run or exercise.  Amazing what some unflattering pictures at the beach can do to one's self esteem.  Contemplating dropping from the Big Cottonwood full to the half.  My heart just isn't in the training.  I may just run the marathon super slow just to run it.

Adrenaline 2014 Red (1) Miles: 18.00
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Ran up 1800 South and back home to get some experience on the hills.  Knew it was a bad idea with how my lower right legs are feeling but did it anyway.  Decent effort going up and pushed the pace on the first 2 miles coming down (6:30's).  Right achilles started to act up so I settled into a more comfortable pace for the last 2 miles (7:30's).  

Adrenaline 2014 Red (1) Miles: 8.00
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Adrenaline 2014 Blue (1) Miles: 90.20Adrenaline 2014 Red (1) Miles: 26.00
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