"A Hefty Hunk Of Steamin Junk"

September 2009

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Member Since:

May 06, 2006



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

2006 Ogden Marathon 4:19:33.

2006 St. George 4:05:31

2007 Riverwoods 1/2 Marathon 1:34:47

2007 Speedy Spaniard 10K 43:20

2007 Riverwoods 10 mile race 1:12:38

2008 St George Marathon 3:43:37 

2012 Spectrum 10K 43:54

2012 St. George Marathon 3:42:17 PR!

2014 St George Half  Marathon 1:40:34 C/PR

2019 American Fork Half Run Against Cancer 1:40:31 C/PR

2019 Nebo Half Marathon 1:38:09 2nd in my Age group 55-59.C/PR

Short-Term Running Goals:


I'd like to just run more overall. 

Be more consistent.

Work on Speed.

Cross Train.

Run More races.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay healthy and keep running until I'm really old, and maybe get a Boston Qualify.


I am Married and my wife Cindie and I have 5 kids. I am an insurance agent and have been for over 30 years.

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Miles:This week: 31.15 Month: 31.15 Year: 858.33
Nimbus 25 Blue New Lifetime Miles: 174.36
Nimbus 26 Dark Blue Lifetime Miles: 187.75
Nimbus 26 Grey Lifetime Miles: 166.41
Cumulus 26 Lifetime Miles: 21.60
Nimbus 26 Sandstone Lifetime Miles: 67.28
Nimbus 26 Blue Red Stripe Lifetime Miles: 66.62
Nimbus 26 Orange/Green Lifetime Miles: 7.15
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Kayano 15 Red & Black Miles: 69.10
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Well I went and ran out towards Mini GU corner but stopped about a mile short and then headed back to my house, my pace was very easy, on the way back  I ran into Michelle and we talked for a bit, she's just amazing! there is NO give up in her at all! She inspires me to keep pushing forward and to not give up.

When I reached my house I tacked on another mile and then headed downstairs and did 22 minutes on the elliptical, groin and hip are feeling pretty good but I am seeing Dr. Brady this morning so I think he will bring back the pain, if you hear any screaming today don't worry its just me;-)!

See ya tomorrow.

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I ran out towards Payson this morning as apposed to mailbox route which is up hill and then down hill, The doc said to stay away from hills for a few more days so I did. Pace was very slow and laboring as the legs were pretty beat up from the visit to Dr. Brady yesterday, I think my average pace was around 9:15 so very slow. After I returned home I finished up with 20 minutes on the elliptical and some stretching, total time for the run was 47:29 and my HR average was 135, like I said nice and easy.;-) Everything felt fine other than my legs are just sluggish and out of rhythm but hopefully that will come back soon... Thats about it , kind of boring I know but its all I've got right now;-)

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 15 Red & Black Miles: 7.15
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I ran out towards Mini GU corner but did the usual stop about a mile short, groin and hip were hurting but I was able to finish the run. I guess you can call it that, I was going extremely slow my average pace was 9:20 and my HR average was 131, total time was 46:53. After returning home I went and did 25 minutes on the elliptical and the groin and hip didn't seem to bother me to much. I didn't have any resistance but keep the RPM in the 95 to 100 range, I did have the resistance on 3 for about 2 minutes but nothing to hard. I thought I was turning the corner on this darn thing but I have taken a few steps back today, I will have to see how it feels in the morning and then go from there, bummer;-(

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 15 Red & Black Miles: 7.50
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Rest today in hopes that I can get in a long run tomorrow.


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I ran out to Mini Gu Corner and then realized it was the Spanish Fork Half this morning so I turned and headed back towards Harry's hill, but before I went up it I did a loop around Pretty Little Hill and then waited for the leaders to come by. It looked like Carl Hansen was out in front and Tyler was pacing him and they were flying, I hope that Carl was able to win it he was sure kicking some butt. After watching for a minute I ran into my friend Jeff and we ran up over Harry's and then down to the stake center and then home, it was nice to run with him and catch up. My legs by the end were pretty much toast and hurting pretty bad, I stretched and then took Ethan to Flag football practice and then came home and did 15 minutes on the elliptical and then 15 minutes on the treadmill, and then another 15 minutes on the elliptical... I ran 1.70 miles in the 15 minutes on the treadmill and then I had to go and pick up Ethan, and then after that I went down and ran another 15 minutes on the treadmill to finish up. So total miles on the treadmill were 3.25 and then I ran the 10.25 miles out on the road and then the 30 minutes on the elliptical. My legs felt so much better on the treadmill and the elliptical I was pushing it the whole 30 minutes on each, so a pretty good workout and I'm pooped. Hip and groin were a bother but once I got on the elliptical  they seemed to do better, I don't know maybe I can run half of SG out on the road and then finish up on a treadmill, I don't think so Clay!!!

Average pace for the outside miles was 9:00, HR average was 145, total time was 1:32:12 and then another hours worth of the treadmill and elliptical.

See ya Monday.

Kayano 15 Red & Black Miles: 16.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I went out towards Mini GU corner but I could only got a mile into my run and my hip was hurting pretty good so I turned and headed for home... I then hopped on the elliptical and did that for 40 minutes and my hip finally felt good so I then ran 2.25 miles on the treadmill with no pain. 1 mile was at marathon pace (7:54) and then I went easy for the 1.25 miles... I just don't understand why I can do this but then I can't run out on the road. The elliptical seems to really get it warmed up and it seems to loosen up good, and then I can run on the treadmill and it feels good... I know the treadmill is softer but I think if I ran out on the road it wouldn't feel the same. Maybe I will have to warm up on the elliptical and then go and run outside and see if it does better, at this point I just don't know! Its turning into a real weird injury. I am going to the doctor tomorrow so maybe I will see what he thinks and then go from there. I still feel like I got in a pretty good workout and I think this way I can keep my fitness until I slow down for the marathon and then just maybe I will be healed up for SG;-)

40 Minutes on the elliptical and then 20 minutes on the the treadmill with 1 mile at marathon pace for a total of 2.25 miles and then 2 miles out on the road.

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 15 Red & Black Miles: 8.25
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I had a very painful run this morning I ran 2 miles and then I just came home, very disappointing. I then went and jumped on the elliptical and did 40 minutes there and then my groin seemed to loosen up again so I ran a mile on the treadmill and it seemed to do okay but it was a little more painful than yesterday. I'm really thinking of just taking the next three weeks off and then see how it heals up and go from there, I certainly can't run SG the way things are right now so I don't know. I am really ticked off!!! I go to the Dr today so I will see what he thinks... Maybe I will just go down and support all the bloggers and cheer them on, thats kind of what I'm leaning towards, since I can't get any refunds on my rooms now;-(

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 15 Red & Black Miles: 7.00
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Rest- As requested by the Dr. Rest today and tomorrow and then elliptical on Friday and then a 10 miler on Saturday...

See ya on Friday.

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Rest... Maybe the elliptical later today but I have a hard time getting motivated to do the elliptical at this point, I just don't know much good it will to me this close to the race. I will be running tomorrow morning to see how it does, the groin that is, and then hopefully I can get a better idea on how it is healing.

See ya tomorrow.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I ran out towards mini GU corner but my leg was hurting pretty bad and then I stopped and took out the lift that my Dr. had given me and then started running again. The pain was a lot less in fact it was tolerable, so I ran up over Harry's hill and then down past the stake center and then out to my 2 mile mark and then headed for home, I started to have stomach issues with about a mile left and I also started to cramp because of those issues, boy did it hurt... I was able to talk to Kent Wing at the top of Harry's and he said that it didn't sound like my groin was giving me the problem so he gave me some sound advice and I am going to try it these next few weeks. He was able to describe to me my symptoms with out me mentioning a word, so I will be trying it the next few weeks and see how it goes. I was able to run a couple of sub 8 minute miles which is my new marathon pace because of the injury, but I still have some pain and I have some work to do these last few weeks. I still plan on taking it easy for the most part but I'm hoping for the best.

Total time was 1:34:12, average pace was right around 9:00.

See ya later.

Kayano 15 Red & Black Miles: 10.20
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I wrenched out my back on Saturday so now between my back and my hip I'm pretty much screwed! I went out on the road for 3.10 miles and then I came home and did 30 minutes elliptical and then 1.25 miles on the treadmill. Things felt pretty good on the elliptical and the treadmill but when I was out on the road I felt like between my limp and the hitch that I have in my back it made me feel like I was skipping not running;-) But my back seemed to really loosen up after the elliptical and then on the treadmill everything was tolerable, I will probably keep this same routine up through this week and then next week I am going hunting for a few days so I will take most of next week off, I will probably be hunting Wednesday thru Saturday... I finished up with some strength training on the Bowflex, upper body only.

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 15 Red & Black Miles: 7.25
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I had about 3 hours of sleep last night, so needless to say I did not get out this morning;-(  I might try and go a little later tonight, but my son has a soccer game tonight at 5:30 so it will have to be after that. My hip and back are marginal and they seem to be a little better today, but then again I haven't worked today so that might be  the reason... I also haven't taken any Ibuprofen today and the pain seems to be less than it has been so I guess we'll see. If I run tonight then I will post what I do.

See ya later.

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I ran the pretty little hill loop and then headed back to my house, hip was sore as usual and it ticked me off a little bit! I am slowly accepting my fate and just dealing with it, I'm still going down to SG but I don't know if I will run the race,  I guess it will depend on how it heals up between now and then.


See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 15 Red & Black Miles: 5.25
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Nothing today... This is very frustrating!!! I have another appointment with a different Doctor today to go in a different direction and see what she can do, I will let you know how it goes.


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I haven't blog for about 2 weeks so here's the update... I am planning on running SG but I will be taking it mile by mile and just see how it goes, my hip and groin are feeling pretty good for the most part, I hiked up in back of Loafer mountian for 3 days chasing big bucks and they both felt pretty good... I think we hiked a total of 18 miles in 3 days at about 8,000 feet, very steep, so it was a pretty good workout;-) After getting home on Thursday I wasn't even sore so I feel like I'm in pretty good shape, I seemed to waiting on my younger fellow hunters who were huffing and puffing bringing up the rear;-)  I'm not planning on running until the marathon, except for maybe some work on the elliptical, so we shall see... I hope to see some of My FRB's while I'm down there in SG, see ya soon.



Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Kayano 15 Red & Black Miles: 69.10
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