"A Hefty Hunk Of Steamin Junk"

May 2011

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Member Since:

May 06, 2006



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

2006 Ogden Marathon 4:19:33.

2006 St. George 4:05:31

2007 Riverwoods 1/2 Marathon 1:34:47

2007 Speedy Spaniard 10K 43:20

2007 Riverwoods 10 mile race 1:12:38

2008 St George Marathon 3:43:37 

2012 Spectrum 10K 43:54

2012 St. George Marathon 3:42:17 PR!

2014 St George Half  Marathon 1:40:34 C/PR

2019 American Fork Half Run Against Cancer 1:40:31 C/PR

2019 Nebo Half Marathon 1:38:09 2nd in my Age group 55-59.C/PR

Short-Term Running Goals:


I'd like to just run more overall. 

Be more consistent.

Work on Speed.

Cross Train.

Run More races.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay healthy and keep running until I'm really old, and maybe get a Boston Qualify.


I am Married and my wife Cindie and I have 5 kids. I am an insurance agent and have been for over 30 years.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 30.00 Year: 108.35
Nimbus 25 Blue New Lifetime Miles: 174.36
Nimbus 26 Dark Blue Lifetime Miles: 197.50
Nimbus 26 Grey Lifetime Miles: 194.91
Cumulus 26 Lifetime Miles: 36.40
Nimbus 26 Sandstone Lifetime Miles: 129.43
Nimbus 26 Blue Red Stripe Lifetime Miles: 131.07
Nimbus 26 Orange/Green Lifetime Miles: 77.55
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 70.47Kayano 17 New Miles: 26.20
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

45 minutes on the elliptical with resistance up 5. Saturday was not a good day as I got shut down after just a mile of running from my leg!!! I didn't post anything at the time cuz I was so ticked off that I just could even think! I tried to run today but I could feel the same thing comning on so I went to the elliptical and it seemed to do fine. no pain... This has to be the most frustrating injury that I have ever had, and if its compartmant syndrome then I will have to have it cut! I'm hoping that thats not the case but who knows at this point! I might do some more on the elliptical tonight as I didn't have enough time to really get a lot done this morning, but that will depend on the time that is available.



Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 4.50
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I ran 3 miles before my PT appointment and my pain level was at about a 3 or 4, went to the PT and he A-stymed me and then it felt pretty dang good so then he wanted me to run another mile so I did and it felt pretty good... He thinks  I need to go back to the doctor and have a MRI just to see what is going on, so I don't know what to do!!! I do have an appointment next week so I quess I'll have to go see what he thinks and then go from there. My PT wants me to still run and do the elliptical, he wants me to stay aggressive with things so we can see whats causing the pain rather than take a week of and then have it feeling better and then not getting to the bottom of it. So I quess that will be the plan, run when I can and if I can't then hit the elliptical.

See you tomorrow.

Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 4.10
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The old leg felt pretty good so I decided to head out this morning and the pain level was at 2 to 3 when I started and then it was at a 6 to 7 by the time I was finished. My average pace was 8:49 and a total time of 27:22,  I didn't wear my HR monitor so I have no info on that. It looks like I will not be able to get into the doctor until next wednesday so it will be one of two things, a pressure test for compartment syndrome or an MRI, I am leaning towards the MRI as I am not a fan of needles!!! He wants me to continue to be aggressive with my training, well as aggressive as it will let me, so that when I see him in a week it will still be flaring up. No strength training today as I am running out of time, I need to get up earlier so I can get back on track with that part of my training.

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 3.10
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I decided to take the IBProphin before my run to see if it would lessen the pain and of course it did, it allowed me to go a little further and I could have keep going but the doctor said no more than 3 to 4 miles so I stuck to it. After the run  I did some good stretching and then some lower body workout and it felt okay for a change, i know the injury is still there and I could still fell it but I was able to get something done. My legs were tired from walking 18 holes of golf yesterday and my legs didn't bother me to swing and play so that is a good thing, I didn't play real well but that was only my second time out this year so it wasn't to bad (78), I had some missed Birdie putts and then some less than stellar chips. I will play some more this week and try and get it back to being respectable.


Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 4.15
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I ran out towards pretty little hill and then back to the house, pain level was at a 3  to 4 when I started and then by the time I was finished it was at a 1 to 2. It seemed to get better and better the further I went but I stopped at 5 as that was more than I should have gone. My average pace was 8:55 total time was 44:42. The second half of the run was faster then the first and I could feel my form coming back the longer the run went on so that is a good sign...  My legs were dead, not from running but I have come down with a cold and my energy level is pretty tapped out, it was fun for a change,  I'm glad I got her done!

See ya Monday.

Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 5.00
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I was down with a pretty good cold yesterday so no running today as I am still feelinhg like Crapola!!! I might try something later tonight if time permits and if I'm feeling better than I am now... I wasn't on the list for the SGM, I ran the runners series so I can't figure out why. so I emailed them and they said there was a mix up and that I will be added by the end of the week. So, I'm in and I need to get going! Please let me finish a training cycle with no injuries for a change! It has not been a fun deal the last couple of years, I'm due for a good marathon and a Boston Qualify!!! Start Praying my friends!



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Afternoon run with my Running club boys, we ran out towards mini gu corner but stopped a mile short I just wanted to show them where to go on this route. My pace was easy for the most part but then I felt them pulling me along on the way back so I had to slow down. They, Ethan and Zac, did really good thier average for the 4 miles was 7:45. I was a little slower but I forgot to turn my watch on after I stopped and stretched so my time was all screwed up, it had my second mile at like 10 minutes which is way off but going by my other miles it was like an 8:20 average. My leg was okay a little sore at the first but by the time I finished there was little to no pain. After the run I jumped on the elliptical for 20 minutes at a real easy pace, the rpm was between 85 and 90 just nice and easy and I had no pain in my leg on the elliptical. It was a nice workout and I hope I can keep it going all the way to SG.



Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 7.22
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My leg was a bit of a bother today it was a 5 to 6 on the pain level gauge and pretty much stayed there the whole run... My pace was nice and easy at 9:20 total time was 37:27, after the run I jumped on the elliptical for 20 minutes at a real easy pace and my leg felt a little better on that. I wish this thing would get better so I could actually see what I could do with a healthy body, I don't know maybe its just not in the cards!

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 6.00
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Morning run today and the leg started out at a 5 to 6 on the pain level scale again but by the time I finished it did feel slightly better, maybe 4 to 5, after the run I jumped on the elliptical for 20 minutes with no resistance. RPM was between 85 and 95 with some intervals thrown in there in the middle, no pain with the leg while on the elliptical. My average pace was real slow and easy, 9:07 with my total time at 37:24 and then some stretching after. I probably could have gone a little farther but I didn't want to push it. I am suppose to run the Utah Valley Half Marathon next month but I think that will be a no go, unless something drastically changes. If I could get pain free by then I might be able to just use it as a training run but that is a big "IF"...

See ya Tomorrow.

Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 6.10
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I purchased some new shoes yesterday and I iced my leg a little extra last night and it seemed to help a little this morning. I ran out towards payson via canal road and the pain level was at a 3 to 4 and by the end of the run it was about the same maybe a 4 to 5 and my pace was a little better too at 8:40, my total time was 37:46... After the run I jumped on the elliptical for 20 minutes with no resistance and with the pace at 90 on the RPM, no pain with the leg on that. Not much else to say except I hope I get done with this injury by the end of the month, that is my hope and prayer!

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 6.25
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Well my goal today was to run out to mini gu corner and back and hopefully not hurt the leg more. Ethan wanted to run 6 miles today so he went along but he was out ahead of me for the whole run so I was still solo for most of the run. I ran into Heidi and Kelli and ran with them for a bit and then I caught up to Ethan, only because he had hit the 3 mile mark and was waiting for me:) The pace was easy at 8:38 but the longer I ran the better my leg got and my pace seem to quicken so that was a good thing, I really could have kept going but I didn't want to over do it. My last two miles were 8:37 and then 8:25 so the pain level was at a 1 to 2 by the end, so kind of weird. Total time was 52:22. No elliptical today as I have lots of yard work to do, I'm planting over 25 flats of flowers! It should be a good time.

See ya Monday

Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 6.10
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I ran out towards Payson this morning and the weather was perfect, my leg was feeling pretty good so I extended up the hill into Payson but made sure I kept it easy coming down the hill. Pain level for the leg was 2 to 3 and finished about the same, the last .15 I picked up the pace to a sub 7:30. My average pace was 8:40 with my Total time at 44:35, after the run I jumped on the elliptical and the pace was 90 and above on the rpm. I am so stiff from Saturday and planting all those darn flowers, my inner thighs are so sore from all the squatting down, I guess I was using muscles that I don't use very often:) There will be more planting today!

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 7.15
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I seriously feel like I'm recovering from a marathon! I am so stiff! Just from planting a few hundred flowers, who knew! I ran out towards Mini GU corner but stopped a half mile short, my leg was a a pain from the get go but it seemed to be feeling better by the time I finished. I was real slow today if wasn't the sore and stiffness slowing me down then it was my leg, average pace was 9:10 and my total time was 46:48... After the run I jumped on the good old elliptical for 20 minutes but kept the pace easy between 85 and 90 on the RPM, no pain from the leg while doing this. That's about it for today, I hope that now that I have all the yard worked caught up my stiffness will gradually fade;) It's been brutal!

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 17 New Miles: 5.10
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The old leg was a real pain this morning, 6 to 7 on the pain level but then by the time I finished it was down to a 2 to 3 and I felt like I could have gone farther but I didn't.  My pace was still slow at 9:14 average,  but the  last half was a little faster so that shows that it gets better as I run further. After the run I jumped on the elliptical for 20 minutes and on the the last half of that I kept the RPM above 90, my leg was a little bit of a bother but it was tolerable. Total time for the run was 37:49. I wish this darn thing would get better, I might have to go for an MRI but I'm trying to hold off and see what happens I don't want to put out the money!


Kayano 17 New Miles: 4.10
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Well, Things are not looking good! I couldn't even run to the top of the street this morning, the pain was just to much... Decided to give the elliptical a try but that was even a no go, so I go to the doctor on Monday and maybe if I can get an MRI or something I can get to the bottom of this darn thing! Very disappointing, boarder-line depressed actually.... Just judging by the pain I think it could be a stress fracture which would put me out at least 2 months which would mean St. George is out of the question. I'm pretty sure its not compartment syndrome cuz I wouldn't be running at all the last few weeks if it was that... Right now I'm preparing myself for the worst which would mean another year of no running and competing in races, I will be signing off until Monday. Hopefully I'll have some news then.


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I did the elliptical for 53 minutes with resistance up to 5 and I kept the pace pretty up beat all above 90 effort, I'm out of time so I got a go.



Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 5.30
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55 minutes on the elliptical after work, RPM was a 90 plus effort with resistance up to 5. After the elliptical I did some light strength training on my legs and then some push-ups, all in all it felt like a good workout but who knows. My PT says he can't feel the knot in my calf so that is a good sign and I have no pain there but he wants me to stay with the elliptical for now. I'm itchen to run!

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 5.50
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I decided to give the old leg a try out on the road so I headed out towards Payson to start and it seemed to do really well, my pace was a little slow but at this point I was just happy to be out running... As I got closer to the house I was feeling pretty good so I headed out to the stake center, I ran into Michelle on this little leg and I ran with her just long enough to know that I shouldn't be running with her, I am way out of shape Michelle, sorry. But she is running strong and I wish her well! Maybe in a couple of months if I get consistent and she's on a recovery run I could give her a run for her money... Nah, she would still kick my butt! My average pace was 8:33 with my total time at 44:15.  I hope to run tomorrow after Ethan's 5K in the morning, I think he's ready to break 20 minutes. He has been running pretty dang strong.


See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 17 New Miles: 5.20
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Tried a run out towards Mini GU corner and the leg was a real Bother!!! Totally different than yesterday and it is really getting me down...  Oh well, at least I got in 5 miles. My average pace was 8:42 with a total time of 44:29. Earlier this morning My son Ethan ran a 5K and ran it in 20:15, he wasn't even pushing very hard! I can't get him to go all out and I can't figure him out, I know he can do it under 19 minutes but he won't let himself go and go for it!!! Very frustrating! I am proud of him though he is really dedicated about running and has some real talent.


See ya Monday.

Kayano 17 New Miles: 5.50
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I did 63 minutes on the elliptical, warmed up for 20 minutes then I did the trail race which is 30 minutes with resistance up to 7 but the resistance is between 2 and 7 for 90% of the workout as to be simulating hills... After that I cooled down for 13 minutes and then I finished up with some upper body weight training and then some push-ups. My PT says I should try running every other day to see if I do better, so that will be the plan which means I get to run tomorrow so I'll be looking forward to that. Now its off to take my two kids, Abby and Ethan,  up to decorate their Mothers grave in draper and I'm sure it will be sad.

See ya tomorrow.

Kayano 17 New Miles: 6.30
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Day off. Leg was sore from the PT.

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Kayano 17 Blue Miles: 70.47Kayano 17 New Miles: 26.20
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