the Year of the Hobby Jogger comes to a close. i'm proud to say that this years mileage is the least i have run since i started up running again (and started here on the blog). my first year back was 2008, and i covered 1,317 miles. this year i ran 1,177 miles. plus, i ended the year with my lowest mileage month with decembers total coming in at an ignoble 33 miles.
here's a breakdown of the last 6 years total mileages:
2008 - 1,317
2009 - 2,654
2010 - 2,578
2011 - 2,618
2012 - 3,083
2013 - 1,177
- i ran 174 times in 2013 (compared to 390+ times in 2012) and netted an average 6.7 miles per run.
- so yeah, i took full advantage of my hobby jogger status this year. i basically ran only when i really wanted to and it was convenient. i also didn't race at all in 2013. so i should be fully rested up now and ready to start training again. planning to start off slowly and carefully though. as it happens i am under the weather these last couple of days - so no runs until i feel better.