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December 2007

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Member Since:

Jun 19, 2006



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Short-Term Running Goals:

 2022 Running Goals:

Stay fit and healthy.  Run a decent Boston and St. George marathon.




Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep fit and stay semi-competitive as long as I can.



I have a wonderful wife and son and we live in Riverton/Herriman Utah. I am a high school teacher, and head coach for cross country and track at Mountain Ridge High. 


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Saucony Type A Lifetime Miles: 66.60
Saucony Kinvara 8 Green Lifetime Miles: 131.90
Hoka Speedgoat 3 Lifetime Miles: 444.95
Nike Zoom Fly (Black) Lifetime Miles: 236.85
Saucony Endorphin Pro Lifetime Miles: 59.50
Saucony Endorphin Shift Lifetime Miles: 235.50
Saucony Triumph 18 Gray Lifetime Miles: 131.20
Nike ZoomX Invincible FK 2 Lifetime Miles: 113.25
Altra Rivera 2 Black Lifetime Miles: 31.62
Nike Zoom Alphafly Lifetime Miles: 35.10
Under Armour Infinite Pro Lifetime Miles: 35.10
Nike Infinity React 4 Lifetime Miles: 47.10
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Fun morning run in the snow today. I went out on the canal trail above Willard and headed south for 4 miles and then turned around and came back the same way. It had snowed earlier and was still coming down when I left. There was only about a 1/2 inch at home but as I climbed up a 1/4 mile on the mountain there was 1-2 inches. There was more snow the further south I went. It was fun being out blazing a trail in the fresh snow, although, someone beat me to it in one section of trail. The snow made the footing soft, but it was almost too soft at times and felt like I was running in sand. I also had to be careful since the trail is extremely rolling with some steep terrain, and is very rough under the snow. I would have went a bit farther today, but I had to get back for a family Christmas party, and I was tired from the difficulty of the snowy trail. I actually was running faster than I thought at times and is probably a reason why I got fatigued. I was running in the mid 6:00 range toward the end of the run. 58:12 (7:16 ave)

My achilles was sore at first like usual, but it was better than this week than last. I will keep trying to run the way I have been for another couple of weeks and see what happens. If I am still not getting better than I might need to take a week off or more and get better. I have been running in pain since before St. George and it hasn't gotten much better. But it was a decent week for me and I had some good runs, so I am happy with that.

(Hardrock- 217 miles)

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No run.  I have tomorrow off so hopefully I can get a good one in.

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Just a warning that this is a super log entry!!!! I had today off because I had to take care of some teacher license stuff that I never have time to do. I decided to have a little adventure and do something that I have never done before and that might not be so fun, and run around Willard Bay. I started at about 11:00 am at the main park entrance. I had no clue how far it would be, how long it would take, and if I would make it or not? I made sure I told my wife where I was going and if I wasn't back in 4 hours to send out the search party. I packed up my water bottle, some GU, a granola bar, and some extra warm gear and headed out around the bay.

There is a causeway that goes around the entire bay and it is flat and dirt. The first part of the run seemed the same because I was on a road in the middle of water, bay on my left and wetlands on my right, and running into the sun the whole way. The sun is always in the south this time of year and so if you run west, south, or east it is in your face, and those were the three directions that I went first. The weather was nice and I tried to just relax and not think about how much further I might have to go. There were a lot of big birds of prey around, infact, there were a lot of birds period. The causeway seemed everlasting and I would look back at where I came from at times and it would appear to be as far away as antelope island that I could see in the distance; although it was only 7 miles or so at the time. Once in a while I would see a river boat in the wetlands or a biologist out checking the area, but I was pretty much on my own for the first half.

About 10 miles into my run I hit a park, that is about 8 miles west of Smith & Edwards. This park had a big campground and was probably the south entrance to the Bay. The causeway that I had been on split where a huge canal, that was about 70 feet across in places, ran into the bay. I couldn't find a place to cross and get back on the main causeway so I ran up the road out of the park. I quickly decided not to keep heading east because I would end up running an extra 10 miles, because the causeway was headed north/east, so I turned on the first road I found and headed north. I could see a point where it looked like the road I was on and the causeway met up, so plugged down the road in that direction. I ran by some huge farm house, all of which had a pack of dogs that weren't used to having visitors. One house had three big sheepdogs that came out after me, but after the one got a baseball sized rock in the side of the head they let me pass though in peace.

By now I was approaching the causeway and was anxious to get back on it so I would be in peace and could find my way home. I had a couple more obstacles ahead still, about two thousand cows, five big dogs, and a dead-end road that lead straight into the canal, that I had hoped I had went around after 3 miles. I threw a few rocks and made it through the dogs and then started down through the middle of the two biggest corrals I have ever seen. I thought for sure some farmer was going to shoot me for stampeding his two thousand cattle, but I never got a bullet. The worst part was when the road ended at the canal and I could see that crossing the corner of the cattle corral was the only way to get on the road again, so I could try to find a way to cross the canal and get back on the causeway that I missed so much by now. There were a few big bulls that had followed me, and were challenging me, and I might say intimidating the crap out of me, as I stampeded their herd. A big white bull had been following me and wanting to trample me for a 1/4 mile but was held back by a frighteningly low electric fence. I decided that the 20 meters across the bull field sounded better than running back into Ogden and calling my wife, who by then would have probably called the cops because I was gone too long. I picked up the two biggest rocks (softball sized) I could find and charged the gate screaming blood murder! I hit the white bull in the butt with one rock and let the other one fly at the other few bulls. They scattered long enough and far away enough for me to make my move. Like lightning I was over the gate and sprinting across the corner of the field toward the other gate, the name isn't monaflash for nothing!. The whole time I was thinking how this was not the way I wanted to die, being trampled by ten angry cows, 10 miles in the middle of no-man's land. I knew that those bulls would be in pursuit as soon as they realized my bluff and I was hoping that I didn't trip. I flew over the next gate and kept going at a spirit for a good 100 yards before stopping to see that those bulls were waiting at the gate that I had crossed, hoping I would come back so they could trample me.

For the next mile I headed north/east through a farmers field, along side the canal, toward I15. At the end of this field I found a pipe bridge that went across the canal and back over to the causeway. I never thought I would be so grateful to see that stupid causeway again, but it was a joyous occasion! I then followed the causeway back toward I15, and then north to the main entrance for the next 4 miles. I only had to add a block onto my run to make it an even 18 miles. I was so glad to see my truck again and to make it home after my big adventure! In talking with my father in-law later in the day, who has been on bike rides around the bay, I missed a canal crossing around the first farm with big dogs, which would have made my life a lot less stressful. Oh well, it is a story to tell and a run that I will likely never forget nor do again. However, I was glad that I accomplished the run, and I was happy to see that I can still run an 18 miler in hostile conditions, especially since I usually only run 5 milers lately.

2:13:04 for the run (7:24 ave), not bad since it seemed like 6 hours of running!

(Adrenaline-459 miles)

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 Slow, easy run today.  I had to recover from my crazy run yesterday.  I went on the canal road above Willard passed the shotgun pits and back.  I was as sluggish as I knew I would be and it took the poor achilles and muscles a few miles to get going.  It was definitely a forced run and pace, but at least I got some more miles in.  No watch

(Hardrock- 224 miles)

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Last day of student teaching!!!  Yes, I am dancing right now.  It really wasn't bad, and I got an excellent opportunity to coach XC, plus an offer to coach track in the spring.  Now all I have to do is get a job and make some money, not that you make much money as a teacher.  However, the beauty of this day is that it marks the last time that I will ever teach in school for free.

I had a pretty darn good run today, all things considered.  My achilles was very sore starting out and I was lucky to run a 8:15 first mile.  But as usual once I finally get going it wasn't bad.  I had the Garmin on today but never looked at anything but the distance untl the end.  I had some pretty respectable mile splits considering the course, and that I wasn't pushing  myself.  Even the long uphill sections of my east Brigham/golf course loop were under 7 minute pace.  I finished the run with a nice 5:38 (flat) mile.  I really didn't think I was under 6:00 pace by the way I felt, so it, and the rest of the run was a nice surprise.  And for all of you who wonder how I got exactly 9 miles on my run, I did have to add on a block once I hit my truck, not too hard.  This course is a good one and always kicks my butt, but I like the feeling, that is, when I get out of wet sweaty clothes and the cold air and into a warm shower.   The course is similar to Logan's North Ogden loop, but a bit steeper, lots of rollers and long uphills.   1:02:14 (6:55 ave.)

(Omni- 261 miles)

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No run.  spent most of the daylight in Logan at USU, and my achilles needs a break today.

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There was a good amount of snow on the ground this morning.  I would have run a race this mornig if my achilles wasn't so sore.  Brigham City has a 5k called the snowman shuffle and Mitch Zundell always wins it.  I have been interested to see how close I could come to Mitch right now since I know he isn't in as good of shape.  But since my achilles put me on the shelf yesterday I decided againsg any 5K attemps. 

Instead I went on a trail run above Perry.  The snow was pretty deep, (between 5-7 inches on most of the trail) so I was careful.  It was a fun run and the snow was very soft to run in and felt quite good.  I ended up working pretty hard, for going so slow, and got a good workout.  It is hard to run a 7:30 pace through snow that is halfway up your calf.  The snow was very wet though and would just pack and cushion, powder would have done me in.  I did slip once and banged my knee a little but nothing bad.    I stopped for a few minutes about halfway into my run to sled with a couple of kids above Perry.  They had a sweet sledding hill and jump going on, and they let go down a couple of times.  It was a blast, but I got pretty wet too!  44:55

It really isn't bad running in the snow and weather, some people use treadmills as an alternate, which is great.  I personally hate treadmills and in the past have just not run rather than torture myself with a run on a treadmill.  I am finally getting to the point now where I can make myself go out in any kind of weather, and once I get out it isn't too bad.  I am glad I went today, it was fun, laid back, and very pretty.  I would have went at least 11 miles but I had a two Christmas parties to go to, one of which I did not know about until this morning.  Oh well, 40 miles for me in 4 days is good right now.  I wish I could run a few more miles and have a stonger base, but I am grateful I am able to run as much as I do with my never ending injury.

(Hardrock- 230 miles)

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I am done with school so getting a job is my top priority right now.  I will be working on it pretty hard for the next couple of days, making my file, getting transcripts sent around, collecting letters of recommendation, and harassing school districts.  But today I thought I would take advantage of not working and sleep in.  I rolled out of bed about 9:00am, something that I haven't been able to do for a long time, even on Sundays. 

I talked myself into running first thing, and took about as long as Logan does to get ready today.  I went on the canal road south past Willard canyon and the shotgun pits and came back the same way. The snow was powdered today and some of the road had been packed by snowmobils over the weekend.  The result was icy rough road with two inches of poweder on top, not a good combo.  It made for a very slow run, and I had to be super careful in a lot of places so I didn't eat it on the ice and pull a Ted.  Tendonitis and a banged up knee is kicking my butt enough, I don't need a sore back as well.  53:49

(Adrenaline-466 miles)



Because of popular demand I must tell my animal story for the day.  About halfway into my run I came across an elderly women walking her two rottweilers.  She saw me coming and stopped and grabbed her dog's by the leash.  I am always appreciative of people who do this, as you all know.  I said thankyou, slowed down, and passed on the far side of the road.  Just as I was passing they both charged me and tried to take a chunk out of me.  There wasn't much the lady could do as she was drug across the road, and not much I could do since it happened so fast.  I side-stepped and high-stepped out of the way, but the one still took a chunk out of the midsole of my shoe, and I was thankful it wasn't my achilles.  The other one came at me from the front and caught the hardest punch I have ever landed right between the eyes.  I scrabbled for the closest weapon I could find as the lady was trying to get her dogs uder control.  She finally grabbed them before I let my two rocks fly.  She apologized and told me that "they wouldn't really hurt" me. Yeah right, I have heard that before!  If people really believe that statement they dumber than they look.  I went on my way, with my heartrate about maxed out.  Maybe I will get some of that BS pepper spray to take on runs.  What I want to know is why a 60 year old woman has two rottweilers bigger than she is?  It was my bad to think that she could actually control those dogs.  And as a result I have a big hole in my shoe and a sore right hand.  The moral of today's story is don't ever think your dog won't attack someone, and then after they try to kill them don't tell the person that they won't hurt them!  I was grateful to have all of my body intact and pleased with my self-control in not letting insults fly or going back and letting bullets fly.

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Holy cold this morning!!! I made the mistake of running along the canal road north into Brigham. I went into Brigham, through the golf course, to the cemetary, and back. The wind was bitter cold, and hard, coming out of a Sardine Canyon, and I about froze. The good part was the further south I went the less snow there was. It is funny how in Willard there is still a good 4 inches of snow, and in Brigham which is 5 miles north, there is hardly a skiff of snow and ice. I about got blown down the golf course when I hit it because of how hard that wind was blowing, crazy! The last couple of miles I started to thaw out and warm up because the wind had died down and was at my back, plus the sun was starting to come up in places. It wasn't the best run I have had recently, mostly because of the harsh conditions, but I got it done. Another bright side was I was only planning on 7 miles and decided to add another 3 on in the middle of my run, and I am glad I did. 1:13:54 (7:00 minute pace on the way home)

(Hardrock- 240 miles)

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No run today.  I am feeling pretty crappy.  I have a sinus infection, a slight fever, and a headache, so I decided against running when it is 5 degrees!  Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow, I am supposed to run with Logan.



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No run again.  Feeling better than yesterday but still pretty hammered.  Hopefully I can get out tomorrow with Logan.  I am kind of bummed that the week I get a good start on running I get sick and don't get out the rest of the time.

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Zero miles for me, and yes I am okay with it.  My motivation for running has never went as far as OCD like it does for many runners.  I probably need to rest and get better, like Paul said, rather than prolonging the sickness.  Hopefully I can kill two birds with one stone and rest this nagging achilles at the same time so it doesn't drag on for another 3 months. 


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No run again.  I feel way better today, at least until they made us march around USU campus for 20 minutes at Graduation and I about froze to death.  Took it easy today and hung out with the family.  I should be back on Monday.

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I did a 7 miler on the canal road south of Willard today.  It was hard to get going and I felt pretty sluggish at first.  After a couple of miles I didn't feel too bad and finished with some decent miles. I over dressed and got pretty warm, but it was a good run for being sick for a week and not running.   My achilles seems to be doing better with the week off and the hot/cold therapy.  I am hoping it will continue to get better. Hopefully I can get a few miles in this week, especially since I have more time being done with school and unemployed.  51:49

 (Hardrock- 247 miles)

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I drove over to Ogden and ran with Logan tonight.  We did an out and back run over toward North Ogden.  Some of the course was similar to other runs we have done in that area, and there are some rolling hills.  It was good to run with Logan again because we haven't ran together since before Halloween.  In fact, I haven't run with anyone since that time.  We carried on some good conversation, mostly about the blog, track, and school.  We started slow and finished with a decent pace, about like I usually do since having tendonitis.  The pace was comfortable and was mostly in the upper 6:00s. 

We didn't have any animal problems but there were a lot of jerks on the road tonight.  One guy pulled right in front of us, started driving slow, stopped, and then spun out in the gravel trying to hit us with debris.  Neither one of us realized what was going on until it was too late or we might have ran him down.  Logan seemed a little more chapped about it than I was, probably because it happened on his turf.  Some people are just born to be losers and you have to feel sorry for them.  We didn't get hurt so I guess that is good, but I still get pretty fired up about things like that. 

See we don't usually have uneventful runs in Northern Utah, there is always something going on.  Good run, and good to run with Logan again.  I felt good for being on my second day of comeback.  The achilles was moderate tonight.  Any I finally got my gear, I really like the singlet!    1:08:55 

(Omni- 271 miles)

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AM-  An easy 8 miles on the canal trail that wasn't so easy.  It had snow a skiff of snow and has been warm because of the storm that was coming, so the canal road I ran on was a big sewer hole.  It was sloppy, sloppy, sloppy!  I was soaked and muddy and it felt like I was running with 20lbs. ankle weiights on.  I ran naked today (no watch) so I was not sure of pace, but I was lucky if it was just under 8 minute miles.  Glad to get it done.

 (Hardrock- 255 miles)

PM-  Easy run around golf course and cemetery in Brigham City.  It was getting dark so I made it short.  There are some good hills around that area.  5 miles in 36:20  This is my first two-a-day since St. George.  I will try to do at least one per week from now on.

(Kayano- 5 miles)

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No run.  The weather was horrible this morning and got worse as the day went on.  The wind, rain, and snow gave me a good excuse to rest the achilles.  Bad blizzard this afternoon and evening.

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Oooooooooh whaaaat a run!  The blizzard last night left about 5-6 inches of powder on the ground.  With the cold wind and unplowed roads any place to run was as good as the other.  I went into Brigham City on the canal road, through the golf course, to the cemetery, and back.  It was hard, hard, hard!  I was running up and down those rollers in 6 inches of powder the whole run.  After I ran my first mile in 10:30 into that bitter north wind I was wondering why the heck I was even attempting to run.  No one or nothing had been on any part of the road so I was breaking trail the whole way.  It is funny how you can talk yourself into believing things, because I was telling myself the whole first half how much fun I was having and that I would be glad I did it.  It was not fun, but about half way through the run I had talked myself into thinking it was.  I was working super hard the entire run, but was lucky to run under 9:00 pace.  My shoes were frozen and so were my pant upto my knees.  I was hammered when I got done, but was glad I did it.  It was one of my top 5 harfdest training runs that I remember, the hardest by far being running the Grand Canyon rim to rim in 4 hours.  I am recovered now but it was a toughy today!  I do pat myself on the back for this one today, I wouldn't wish the conditions on anyone, except it is great for cross country skiing, minus the sub zero wind temps!   1:26:51

 (Hardrock- 265 miles)

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It was very very cold this morning!  I decided to run the canal road south this morning after changing my mind several times as to where I would run.  I decided that trail blazing through 3-4 inches of snow was better than running on icy streets.  I bundled up pretty warm and was glad I did, because I never got hot or felt overdressed.  Pretty slow and hard, not as bad as yesterday, but enough to keep me at over 9:00 pace for the first 6 miles.  Logan would have hated it!  I ran into a herd of deer about a mile into my run and chased them for 3 miles on the road.  I wasn't really chasing them, they just kept running in the same direction as I was.  There aren't many things dumber than a herd of deer in this world, but a guy running on a mountain road in 5 inches of snow when it is 5 degrees outside comes close!  I don't know if 20 sets of deer tracks in the snow helped or hindered me?  I ended up running the cold 10 miles in 1:24:24 (8:27 ave.)

(Adrenaline-476 miles)

The best part about today was I hit 50 miles for the week, something that I haven't done since St. George.  I hope to stay around that mileage for a couple of months.

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Easy short 5 miles on the canal road in a lot of snow. I got some new gear for Christmas and wanted to try it out in between all of the fun going on (8:15 average). It was a good Christmas and I got super spoiled for a poor guy. Merry Christmas!

(Hardrock- 270 miles)

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Late morning run down to Willard Bay.  I ran on the highway down to the park , then through the campgrounds, and out on the snow covered causeway.  I went to where the causeway heads NE and it just happened to be 5 miles, then came back.  I had to stop at Flying J  for an emergency potty break before I headed home.  The part of my run that was on the hightway was about 7 minute average, alot faster than what I was going in 3 inches of snow through the the State Park and on the causeway.  Most of my runs this last week have been slow so I don't really care anymore.  6 of the 10 miles was trail blazing, so I actually ran pretty good today.  I got done just before the snow hit.  I didn't round my miles because I am trying to even things out for the entire year, how's that for a weirdo!  1:15:54  (7:27 ave.)

(Adrenaline-486 miles)

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Cold morning run on the canal road over to Brigham and home via Hwy 89.  On my way to the cabin for a couple of days and will write more later.

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Lava Hot Springs.  Cabin has about 4 feet of snow.  Snowmobilled and sledded all day.

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Cold tough run on the canal road.  I ran into an 85 year old man walking his three dogs on my way home.  The dogs were nice dogs, unlike most around here.  He showed and told me about a couple of places where I could find petroglyphs.  I will have to check them out when there is a little less snow.  Lots of snow so it was slow going, eventhough I ran in snowmobil tracks most of the run.  7:39 average for the run.

(Kahana- 15 miles

In evaluating this year, I have to say it was a good year for me.  I hit over 2,300 miles, had some good races, and some fun times with many of you.   St. George was my greatest accomplishment, coming off of 4 weeks of pneumonia and still being able to run 2:33!  It was a long time goal for me to break 2:35, and was a sweet accomplishment for me.   Also winning the Ute Stampede 5k by over two minutes, in what is sometimes a hostile environment for me, was another sweet experience.     It has been a crazy year for me with a lot going on in my life.  I was blessed to have as much time as I did to train, and to stay as healthy as I did.  Last year I didn't even run 1,000 miles. Consistency was the key to my success this year and I hope to keep it up in 2008.  It should be a fun year with the racing team and the growing blog.  Happy to New Year to everyone!


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