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December 2008

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St. George,UT,U.S.A

Member Since:

Apr 02, 2005



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

97th at Boston

1:09:40 Half Marathon

2:25:50 Marathon


Short-Term Running Goals:

Get healthy enough to enjoy a run again.

Long-Term Running Goals:

To be able to do it... long term. 


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the Gift" -Steve Prefontaine

Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don't wait. Because right now is the oldest you've ever been and the youngest you'll be... ever again.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Baby Jogger Lifetime Miles: 623.95
Kinvara Lifetime Miles: 313.32
Asics TRI Lifetime Miles: 610.65
Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 520.90
Kinvara2 Lifetime Miles: 350.20
Ghost Yellow Lifetime Miles: 374.25
Kestrel Bike Lifetime Miles: 1883.75
NB- Rainbow Lifetime Miles: 57.80
Red Cumulus Lifetime Miles: 594.95
Neon Launch Lifetime Miles: 533.40
DS Trainer Lifetime Miles: 467.77
Green Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 479.75
Lunerglide Lifetime Miles: 276.70
Blue Pegasus Lifetime Miles: 528.06
NoosTri Lifetime Miles: 283.07
BlueKinvara Lifetime Miles: 216.60
Innov Lifetime Miles: 58.50
Ride Lifetime Miles: 207.45
NavPeg Lifetime Miles: 162.50
Green K5's Lifetime Miles: 88.00
Total Distance
Landreth Miles: 10.90New Landreth Miles: 28.80Cumulus Miles: 31.50Black Stratus Miles: 15.00Glycerin Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

7.8 mile run this morning around the basic GS loop. I've been very unmotivated lately and just focused today on  trying to enjoy running and possibly having a hamstring that didn't hurt. I'll give this a 7 out of 10 on both accounts. 

6.2 mile run this evening on the treadmill. For some reason the machine sounded kind of fun this evening. It ended up being a good choice. I settled into a nice smooth pace and the legs kind of felt the flow a little for  a while.

I made a bold move today with my running career. Steven A. L. Hooper and others down here have been using a fair amount of peer pressure on me to run the Squaw Peak 50 miler in June.... long story short. The Circle of Trust and Steven and Cam all signed up for it today. This can be a new chapter for me. Good or bad we will find out and yes I'm well aware of the risks.  

Landreth Miles: 7.80New Landreth Miles: 6.20
Total Distance

9.2 mile GS loop extended. It was a little chillier this morning than it has been; I guess a sure sign of winter. But I guess it is December. I was slow and achy as I made my way around the loop today (a common theme lately). My legs just will not snap out of this post-marathon/ sluggish phase. I'm also lame with a hamstring issue that seems to be permanent. I guess I really don't know what to do... I'm too scared to take the appropriate time off to heal and get proper treatment for the hammy. But I'll give it a week and a half or two weeks and if there is no improvement I may just have to do a two or three week layoff to fix the problems. 

Cumulus Miles: 9.20
Total Distance

4 miles on the treadmill and then a weight and ab workout. Hamstring was really sore last night and kept me from sleeping. I think what I'll try to do over the rest of the month is do some shorter mileage and more cross training stuff to burn the calories. Also some visits to April and a good chiroprator to try and get my body back to normal.

It just sucks that every run I do hurts and I could keep banging my head against the wall with the milage but I'm not sure at this point that it would profit anything. So hopefully in a couple weeks after some TLC I can start building the base again and working into the new year. I'm really frustrated about the whole deal!  

Black Stratus Miles: 4.00
Total Distance

5 miles this morning with Steven. It was actually pretty cold. Not cool but COLD. We ran slow and easy and my hammy actually didn't feel that bad. However I'm not falling for the old tricks. I'll continue to back off and get things taken care of. 

I went to the chiropractor today and he did a pretty good job cracking out the hips and lower back. I was way overdue for and adjustment. Well worth the $28. Now to get ready for April tomorrow- I'm sure I'll leave her visit in pain... in a good way.  

Cumulus Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

5 miles this morning up around the GS church. I just kept it slow and easy. I'm trying to just get a small run in every day to keep it in the system. This afternoon I'll be seeing April to have here dig into the hamstring. 

I was reading Logan's blog from the other day and I think he hit the nail on the head. We are well over 4,000 miles for the year and that equals over training. I think I'll be just fine to finish out 2008 just like this with small runs everyday.  

New Landreth Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

10 very easy miles with Logan this morning from the new store. Somehow we got confused and nobody called Dave. Sorry  Dave. We just took it slow and made our way out into the fields then when we hit 5 miles we turned around and brought it back the same way. I was surprised when Logan said we hit the run at an avg of 7:37. True it's slow but a lot faster than I felt we were going. 

My visit to April got pushed back until today so now I'm off for that... 

Cumulus Miles: 10.00
Total Distance

4 cross training miles converted today. After last week I did my chiro and deep tissue and now I'm feeling really good. Walking around the house I don't feel the hammy at all and out on the bike I didn't have any issues. So I'll stay away from running for a couple days to give it some continued healing time and then I'll try it out. 

The bike ride was good. I went up around the Chuckawalla loop twice and then some. I was out 57 min's. It kind of rained last night and this morning the ground was very moist which made riding really fun. It wasn't muddy at all but just wet enough to give some really good traction on the sandy trail.  Good workout and fun to get out and play in the dirt.  

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7.3 miles up into GS and around the trail. I was skeptical of running today as I was still going to take some more time off but... Well I found these old pictures of myself (when I was chunky) and I couldn't stand it. I had to go run. So I just kept it smooth and easy. The hammy didn't really bother me. While doing some of the climbs I did feel a slight pull but nothing that would stop me from running. I still need to continue to doctor it up. Last night I did some research on my blog and found out when it started hurting from the start. I first talk about it on the blog back on October 29 of 2007. Then I make another reference to it on December 20, 2007 and then it becomes a full on war by January 5, 2007. All along through that time I pound out hard milage and even more by the end of January and into Feb all through the year.... Bad call Clyde! Lets put this in the past. 

Cumulus Miles: 7.30
Total Distance

6 converted cross training miles today. I'm not sure how to fairly grade this workout. I google earthed it and it was well over 16 miles most likely somewhere in the ballpark of 19-20 miles and took 1:57:25. I started in Bloomington and took the Bearpaw trail out around Stucki Springs and back up around Green Valley to where the trail cuts back down to Bloomington. A really cool bike ride and I was pushing it all the way so I'm dead. I decided that mountain biking doesn't trash the legs like a run does. It trashes the whole body... shoulders, back, legs, and butt. 

Anywho it's time for a nice hot shower and some couch time.  

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8 miles up the trail and around GS with a short extension at the end. The body was a little beat up from yesterdays ride so there was no roll in my flow today. The hamstring had a small little pinch and was a little worse on the up hills than on flat or down hill. I'm sure that it will be a long time before I can run pain free. 


Black Stratus Miles: 8.00
Total Distance

No workout at all today of any kind. This morning I planned to do it later in the day and then after a day of Christmas shopping I was more drained than if I had ran. Seriously. Plus the hammy was a little sore and I'm in the middle of my "Off" time so I need no explanation. 

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14.6 mile with the club. We did a portion of the Bear Paw trail that I road on the bike the other day. It was chilly out at 7:30 when we got started but on the gradual 6.5 mile climb up to the high point we worked up a pretty good sweat. This trail has a endless amount of "rollie pollies". Up and down washes basically the entire run. Not like a half mile up and then a half mile down. More like four strides down, four strides up. Over and over again. It was a nice workout and my hamstring felt really good up to around mile 10 and then it got a little tight from there on in. But it was fun to get out. We even saw another group of 4 people out there doing a trail run as well- obviously at a much slower pace.:)

New Landreth Miles: 14.60
Total Distance

60 min's on the elliptical today at Summit fitness. They have had a deal all month that it was only $5 for the month of December. I decided today to go pay the five bucks and spend the rest of the month there to try and give the hamstring time to heal. It was feeling really good much of last week and then on Saturday it started to hurt again and it hurt the rest of the weekend. The gym will be a nice break from the day-to-day running I've grown use to the last 3 years and hopefully with some real time off of not running the hammy will feel better. I'd rather go through this now then in May or something. Plus I think I have a very similar injury to what Paul had last year around this time and he's the master of healing injuries and coming back just as fast or faster. So I'll follow his elliptical workout stuff and see what happens. 

Side note is that it has snowed here in the land of Zion for almost the entire day. It's not sticking to the ground but still pretty bone chilling conditions for our neck of the woods. This make the gym sound that much better. 

Total Distance

One hour on the elliptical this morning. My calves were way tight from yesterdays session. I picked a hill-type program and it really worked the calves over. Today I used a machine that works on more of a flat type of workout.

After the elliptical I spent another 30-40 min's with stretching, weights, core and pt stuff. The gym is kind of fun... and by the time I'm sick of it hopefully I'll be ready to start running outside again.  

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One hour on the elliptical. Calves are still really sore... My legs are conditioned to run and that's about it. If I try new activities I really don't have much to give. Today I did 40 min's forward and 20 min's backwards to mix it up a little. It actually went 20-10-20-10. After I got a good core workout in, along with some chest and shoulder machine lifting. I'm sure tomorrow I'll be sore after that. Lots of stretching too. 

Total Distance

60 min's on the elliptical. We had 3 solid inches of snow in my back yard when we woke up this morning. I think this is more than I've ever seen it snow in the STG. I stuck to the same workout at the gym. The hammy feels good but I don't want to try it yet. I'll at least give it a week or so without any running. So I'll miss the club run tonight.

Total Distance

I planned on going to the gym all day but just never got time. We were rushing around from 7 a.m to 7 p.m and now I'm just trashed and don't care. We ended up finding out that Mik'L's  lease was up on her car and we thought for some reason it didn't end until March... so now we've got to get another new car. Unbelievable! So we spent the day Christmas shopping, car shopping and working at F1. But it felt like we were just spending money all day long and trying to stimulate the economy by ourselves. We didn't find her a car so I guess that will continue until the end of the month or until we find something else to lease. 


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Another wasted workout day. We left the house at 6 a.m ish to go to Vegas for the day. My wife had to be down there early to take her brokers test... She passed! No more paying another broker. 

Then we went car shopping for a replacement car for her and the business. After hours and hours of messing around she alone picked a Toyota Tacoma 4 door silver TRUCK. I'll have to admit I didn't think she would go for something like that and I'm a little jealous too. It's sweet. I drove it home and when I left the dealership it had 6 miles on it. So now that headache is taken care of for three years until the lease is up and then we do it all over again.  

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40 min's on the elliptical. 2 miles on the treadmill. I decided to try some easy treadmill running at the gym today. The hammy was a little tight but I just stayed with a very smooth stride and after I was done it didn't hurt at all. So I may try a little running on the treadmill this week so if it does start hurting I can jump off instead of being out on a run and having it act up and then still having to get back home. 

After the weights and core workout I went and spent about 15 min's in the sauna. The temp was cranked up to around 185 and I poured a bunch of water on the rocks to "heat" things up a bit... Wow. I forgot what that was like. I was sweating buckets and finally  had to get out because I was getting a little dizzy. I think I'll try it again tomorrow but a little less intense.

Spent the rest of the day delivering F1 gifts to around 50 of our clients here in town.  

Total Distance

Long day getting stuff ready for the holiday at the office. Never had a chance to get anything done. 

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60 min's on the elliptical at the gym. Core and hamstring weight training too. 

Total Distance

I had a great Christmas with the family and never did an once of exercise. By the time I went to bed I did feel kind of guilty and fat. 

Total Distance

3 miles on the treadmill this morning. I can't take it anymore. My hamstring still is sore but I've got to start running again. I'm going to try and start doing "doubles" again on the treadmill. But the distance will be short. Something like 3 miles each twice a day... give or take. 

Black Stratus Miles: 3.00
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3 miles on the treadmill this morning. The hammy was tight but the pain was doable. Actually other than that everything else felt really good. I should be I'm  more rested than I've been at any time in the last 3+ years. 

3 more miles on the treadmill tonight. Actually ran pain free for the most part. Just a little tightness in the hamstring.  

Landreth Miles: 3.10New Landreth Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

60 min's of elliptical this morning at Summit. My brief membership ends on Wednesday so I'll try and get there each day until it's up. I'm trying to do some leg curls and other things to help strengthen the hamstring. It's been pretty sore over the weekend so who know how it really is. 

3 miles on the treadmill this evening. Kept the pace slow to ensure I didn't hurt anything.  

Glycerin Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

60 min's on the elliptical. I only have one more day left of my gym pass... and then what?

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60 min's on the elliptical. I did a Tinman tempo on the elliptical today... or effort. I just tried to keep the strides per min to around 190 and the heart rate around 130. Then after I did some weight and core lifting. 

Well I guess it's summery time: Month wise I turned in the lowest monthly total for me in just about three years at only 153.7 for the month. But I pushed out just over 400 more miles this year than last (4015 last year)! Way too many and I'll never do that again. It hurt me down the stretch making me feel over trained and wore out when it came time to race.

Along with getting my hamstring healthy again I'd like to mix things up a lot more this year. You know try some different things... (Squaw Peak 50 miler). However I'll do more biking and go back to my 2007 training of less speed work and more running according to how I feel other than what the numbers say. Anyways we've got another one in the books gang. Have a good New Year! 

Total Distance
Landreth Miles: 10.90New Landreth Miles: 28.80Cumulus Miles: 31.50Black Stratus Miles: 15.00Glycerin Miles: 3.00
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