| Location: Sandy,UT, Member Since: Jun 11, 2010 Gender: Female Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: Pre-5th baby races:
2007- Sandy, 4th of July 5k (first race ever)
2008- June-Wasatch Back
2008-Sandy, 4th of July 10k 58:01
2008-August-Provo River Half Marathon. 2:07:46 The only half I've ever run.
2008-Sept-Alta 8k Downhill Dash 39.01
Post-5th baby races:
2009 November Turkey Trot 5k
-10k Freedom Run 56:23 (July)
Wasatch Woman 53:25.4 (Oct)
-Hobble Creek Half 1:58:19-PR
-TOU Marathon! 4:28:43.7 (first)
-Dam 2 Dam 10 mile Run 1:29:33.8 (AP 8:57)
-Spectrum 10k- 49:49 (AP 8:01) PR
-Ogden Marathon 4:05:03 (AP 9:21) PR
-Wasatch Back
UV Half -paced my sister
-St. George Marathon 4:29:32
SHAC triathlon-April
AF Half PR 1:57:34-June with Ashley
Salmon Marathon(4th)
2013-Ragnar Relay
Halloween half marathon with Jane
Short-Term Running Goals: Vigor half with Ashley, May 10, 2014 Personal: Married and have 5 daughters. Started running in Feb 2006. I love yoga. Favorite Blogs: |
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Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 32.97 | Pink Pure Flow 2 Miles: 19.25 | Ghost 4 Miles: 2.00 |
| | "If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!" (hiit mama)
Ran outside for first time since thanksgiving/las vegas 35:04 pathetically slow 5:50 am and freezing cold!
For time: 21:47.03
50 Front squats,30 lbs
50 Butterfly sit-ups
50 Front squats,30lbs
50 Back extensions (supermans)
50 Front squats, 30 lbs
50 Butterfly sit-ups
Ouch and SLOW! I do not recommend over/crappy eating and not exercising!!! Too much family, food and FUN! I do ice skating and sledding. Teeny bit of exercise.
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | Outside run. Early, cold, slow. 35 minutes I say cold but I'm grateful I can run outside in 20 degree weather. Ha! Weird to say that.
5 rounds for time of: 9:59 and my arms are going to fall off.
20 Bench dips
14 Thrusters, 20 lbs
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | 3 on treadmill in a little more than 30 minutes. 1.5 and then the rest mingled with the lower workout.
3 rounds of
5 Pull-ups (assist as necessary)
10 Push-ups (girl)
15 Squats holding30 lb weights
3X1min plank after upper workout
Pink Pure Flow 2 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | 5 Rounds for time of: 33:33.67
Run 400 meters
10 Burpee box jumps, 151/2"
10 Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 20lbs
10 Thrusters, 20 lbs
Rest 1 minute
I am seriously going to die.
Pink Pure Flow 2 Miles: 1.25 |
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| | 4 rounds of this in 34:09.68
run 400 meters
15 butterfly situps
run 400 meters
21 deadlifts-50 lbs
Then ran another mile in 14:11.62
My 4 yr old slowed me down a bit. She trying to do everything with me. She ran on TM at the end.
oh and 3X1min plank! ouch!
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | time: 44:56
Outside. Afternoon. Windy. Lots of hills. slow. Really hard. So glad I did it!
3X1min handstands
Pink Pure Flow 2 Miles: 4.00 |
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| | Complete as much as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Pull-ups (assist as needed) I use a band, don't have a pull-up bar
20 Push-ups (girl push-ups)
30 Squats
15 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
45 Squats
20 Pull-ups
40 Push-ups
60 Squats
25 Pull-ups
50 Push-ups
75 Squats I finished up to here
30 Pull-ups
60 Push-ups
90 Squats
Ran a mile
Josie's been sick so doing the least.
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| | 4 rounds of:
Run 1K (1,000 meters) .62 on treadmill
Rest 90 seconds
Post splits times to comments and give ten minutes to hamstring stretching with an extended lumbar spine.
6:44, 6:30, 6:18 and 6:13
3X1min handstands alternating with planks
so sad about quad homicide in SF
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 2.48 |
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| | early outside run. 45:05
Power Yoga-50 minutes
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 4.07 |
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| | early, outside, slow run 33:41
7 rounds for time of: 23:47.30
15 Butterfly sit-ups
15 Back extensions (supermans....with a curled leg if you want to work the booty)
10 Thrusters, 20-30 lbs (20)
10 Cleans, 20-30 lbs (20)
sweating, shaking, spitting, screaming!
Pink Pure Flow 2 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | 3 early. it was rough! 34 minutes
I meant to do yoga after Josie went to school but I fell asleep instead. So WOD in the evening was
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
21 Bench press, 30 lbs
21 Knees to elbows (on the floor) ouch!
6 rounds!
I'm running the Big cottonwood half in May.
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | 4 miles AP 10:56
Pink Pure Flow 2 Miles: 4.00 |
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| | 56:06 AP 10:42
Lots of hills. It was really hard.
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 5.25 |
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| | 4 outside, early 42:45 AP 10:42
WOD- AMRAP in 15 minutes( that's all I had time for) 8 rounds!
11pushups (mostly girl)
12 deadlifts (50 lbs)
13 butterfly situps
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 4.00 |
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| | outside early run, no garmin
Pink Pure Flow 2 Miles: 4.00 |
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| | 32:59 AP 10:59
3X1min handstands alternating with 3X1 min planks
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | For time: 28:46.98
Run 500 meters
50 Butterfly sit-ups
Run 1,000 meters
30 Butterfly sit-ups
Run 2,000 meters
20 Butterfly sit-ups
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 2.17 |
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| | For time: 42:32:42
50 Double-unders (scale: 200 jump rope)
50 Burpees (to plank)
50 Wall ball shots, 10 pound ball
50 Back extensions (supermans)
50 Push press, 20 pounds
50 Knees to elbows (on the floor)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Kettlebell swings, 20 pounds
50 Jumping pull-ups (resistance band in door)
50 Box jumps, 18 inch box (16 inch)
Ran a mile on the TM
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Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 32.97 | Pink Pure Flow 2 Miles: 19.25 | Ghost 4 Miles: 2.00 |
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