I'm on vacation in Page AZ (lake powell) and normally I would not take the time to write this until tonight. But, I saw the most awesome thing this morning. I ran a trail called Horseshoe bend. It was soft red sand, and a straight shot of vert up then evens out, then decline. At the end of the trail is a giant bluff overlooking the great Colorado river. And in the middle is a giant rock that looks like a hershey kiss. It makes the Colorado form a U like a horseshoe. You are up so high and it makes your stomach slightly quesey. But it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I had teary eyes and my heart thumped! The sun was just rising and it was awe inspiring! I found myself wishing I had pocketed all of my running friends and taking you along with me. I know you all would have felt the same things.
There were a few runners on the trail. I felt proud of myself as I was not in my trail shoes and I flew past most of them even in road shoes. A few men were so nice and gave me words of encouragement as I passed them. My vert pace was around a 9:50, my downhill pace was a 6:35 avg. I sat in the motel parking lot and emptied red sand from my shoes and I felt so happy. We live on a magnificent planet!
I ran everyday in Page AZ. It was dry and hot each day as I ran. I ran inclined roads and trails everyday so today as I went to the gym, I worked on the elliptical for 60 min then I ran 2 miles on the tm and it felt easy peasy after the running I did earlier this week.
It's nice to be back and I have some fatty patty to burn off. What's new. This happens to me every year after I go to Lake Powell. There are to many treats to eat. Here we go!
Freedom run Monday morning. I feel pretty prepared after all my hill running the last two weeks. Let's do this!
Ow ow ow ow. Does anybody want to give me a muscle massage? I am tight and sore everywhere. Anyone-anyone?
5:30 wake up call. Ran to the gym 2.6, elliptical helled my life away for 40 min, ran home + some extensions. 6.2 miles altogether.
Already down 4 lbs of the 6 I gained at Lake Powell (don't be alarmed it's normal for me to gain that much every year I go :p ). I've only been home since Thurs too.