It all started out at 5 am. I felt good the first couple miles. After that I felt a little lagged. But I kept going. Merri dropped off after around 4.0. She just wanted to get home and park herself back in front of the tv on Michael Jackson watch whilst eating amish bread :) Lynsey and I kept going for another 3.5 and we had a good conversation. It passed the time quickly. Only, I talked so much I got way winded and it lagged me more. However, after I dropped Lyns off at her house, I kept going. I ran half way back up the trail, then turned and came back and ran around my block a few times. I am pretty sure I ran at least 2.5 more miles if not more.I know the 7 miles we did was just under an hour which is pretty good ( I check the time in my house before I kept on running alone).
Oh yeah, worst part, when I was running alone,a bug flew into my mouth to the back of my throat. I immediately closed up the gauntlet and somehow managed to spit it out. Yuck!! I was FREAKING OUT! I did free weights here at home and some pilates crunches and oblique exercises.