| Location: Spanish Fork,UT, USA Member Since: Jun 11, 2009 Gender: Female Goal Type: Local Elite Running Accomplishments: My Running PR's
5k- 18:25
10k- 39:06
13.1- 1:25
26.2- 3:09:03 (Boston Qualified and 1st marathon) Personal: I'm Lily, and I love to do hard things.
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| | Ran 9 miles today and cannot remember the time. However, I know that the last two miles I ran in under 7 minutes a mile. It was rough and my feet paid the price. |
| | I hoped on an eliptical today with Julie because I had sore feet from running 10 miles Friday. We did that for an hour and jumped on the tread and ran 2.20 miles. |
| | Ran 3.75 today and went to spin for 40 minutes. Lifted for about 10 minutes and rushed off so I didn't make Shawn late to work. :) |
| | Ran 8 miles in 67 minutes today. Yehaaw Weight trained and I must say my quads are pretty built these days. |
| | I ran 4 miles today in 32 minutes before heading into spin for 40 minutes where Larry V. gives me crap every week for not staying in the class for a full hour. What the? I did an hour & 12 minutes of cardio, that was plenty for me! I kick his trash all over the place in spin anyways old geezer :) | |
| | I ran 9 miles today in 1 hr and a few minutes. I don't remember the exact time because I was talking to Julie oops :) | |
| | Woke up at 4:50 and went outside to get in the car to go to the gym. I looked over and saw Merri in the window and it scared the $%# out of me. I ended up turning the car off and running 3.5 miles with them. After 'dropping' a sleepy Lynsey off at her house, Merri and I hit up the gym and did speed work on the treads 2.0 miles. We did some weight training after wards. I needed that since I haven't lifted since Tuesday I think. | |
| | Sorry Merri and Lynsey! I just couldn't wake up this morning. Waking up at 4:40 Mon-Friday takes a toll on me and Saturday I usually crash. However, I did get up about 6:30 and ran 9.75 miles in 1:19. My feet feel a little sore but hey, what's new?! That happens every time. On another note, I've been on a bad cravings/eating streak this last week. So, I need to get a handle on it. It's swimsuit season and I'll be darned if I don't look decent. :) | |
| | Ran 7.5 miles this morning. I hit the alarm button and shut it off at 4:40. I fell back asleep for 25 minutes and woke up at 5:05. So I got to the gym late, but I did run 7.5 in 55 minutes. I am such a sleepy girl sometimes. Usually Mondays, I run for 4 miles and then go to spin for 35-40 minutes. But, I was to late and the bike I like to ride was already taken when I got there. That's okay, I like running anyways. I'm thinking I may do a quick 3 mile PM run this evening around 8ish. Question: should I do the speedy spaniard? | |
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I was soooo tired this morning. I went to bed last night at 11:20 and woke up at 4:50. Very tempted to sleep in. But alas, I got up. I ran 8 miles in 1 hr and 7 minutes. I did a bunch of speed work during the middle of my run while Merri was there. Good times running at an insanely fast pace. On another note, I have lost 8 lbs. since January 1st. And before Jan 1st, I had lost about 6. So since last August I have lost nearly 15 lbs.I am so glad. I got a little chunky this last pregnancy with Brooks-not my normal physique and it was hard to deal with at times. But hey, hard work is paying off. Now I just need to maintain. I have to stay away from the good stuff most of the time, but not all the time. Because we all know that never works :)
*****Update**** I am now registered for the speedy spaniard 10k. My goal is to do it in under 45 minutes. Totally doable.
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| | No running today at all. Nada. I forgot to set my alarm and woke up at 7. Shawn leaves for work at that time so I was out of luck. Oh well. |
| | Got up at 4:45 and ran 8.30 in an hour and 8 minutes. It felt good to go far. I was sluggish the first 3 miles but after that I hit a spurt and ran my little heart out and fast. Julie H. came and I can always go farther when she is around. :) I need to lift, it's been about a week since I have. My bad. | |
| | I had so much fun running this distance (7.25) with Merri and Lynsey today. It is so much better when you are running with someone. The weather was perfect and we kicked some arse :) Avg. pace: 8:05 | |
| | I ran myself a 10k today to see where I am at time wise. I finished in 46.40. I am going to be training my rear off for the next month to try and get my time below 45 minutes. I know I can do this! My legs were a wee bit sore yesterday from my outdoor run. I need to train outside more. | |
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I ran 4 miles in 32 min. on the tread. Then I went to spin for 40 minutes. I lifted a little since I didn't lift once last week. Let's just say, I was shaking all over the place like a little old man. I've lost some upper body muscle from skipping out last week :( I better get on it! hhhhmm Lynsey and Merri, looks like I probably won't run with you till Friday morning. Shawn leaves for work by 7 so Wed won't work for me. But hey, there is always Friday-8 miles, my fav! I am excited for the sunny weather this week. No more dreary clouds please.
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| | I ran 7.2 miles in 57 minutes. I was so so so tired this morning.I have an ongoing smokers hack, it's the worst in the morning and at night. Please let the virus kill off soon. Sheesh, it has been a week. I did lift for about 10 minutes this morning also. Nothing special. I just need to go to bed earlier tonight, darn that John and Kate plus 8. 10 pm isn't a smart time for a show. :( | |
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I ran 4 miles this morning before heading into spin. I did do some speed work during my short run. Which always gets my heart pumping hard and fast. My right upper thigh seemed tight this morning. But I've been stretching it good. I stayed in spin for 40 minutes and I was sweating so bad when I left, my teeny white t-shirt was see through and hanging off of my bones. On another note, I lost half a toe nail the other day. It didn't hurt, but it was sore before I clipped the top half off. It has been bumping the top of my new balance shoe to much I guess. I've been wearing my new adidas more lately because of it. I'm excited to run the speedy spaniard route this coming Friday with Merri and Lynsey. I feel overall nervous to run the actual race in July. Though I have always kept running, I haven't entered a race since 2004 .....yikes!
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Today I ran 5 miles in 39:43. I was pretty proud of myself for kicking up the speed and handling it well. Once I got to 5 miles I dropped the speed to about 7:40 a mile and did the last half mile there. I'll be honest here, I woke up 45 min. later than normal. I was forced to run fast so as not to make Shawn late to work. But......I made him late anyways. He waited for me though! ( he doesn't get in trouble for being late, he's the boss!) I came home and did several pilates crunches and oblique workouts. They are the only exercises that I have found to truly work the stomach. I am also in the process of doing some squats and lunges....hey gotta look good in my tiny running shorts don't I. ha ha
Watch out Speedy Spaniard......Lily, Merri and Lynsey are going to steamroll! hehe Outfit patrol: today I wore my tiny royal blue running shorts. What color will it be tormorrow?
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It all started out at 5 am. I felt good the first couple miles. After that I felt a little lagged. But I kept going. Merri dropped off after around 4.0. She just wanted to get home and park herself back in front of the tv on Michael Jackson watch whilst eating amish bread :) Lynsey and I kept going for another 3.5 and we had a good conversation. It passed the time quickly. Only, I talked so much I got way winded and it lagged me more. However, after I dropped Lyns off at her house, I kept going. I ran half way back up the trail, then turned and came back and ran around my block a few times. I am pretty sure I ran at least 2.5 more miles if not more.I know the 7 miles we did was just under an hour which is pretty good ( I check the time in my house before I kept on running alone).
Oh yeah, worst part, when I was running alone,a bug flew into my mouth to the back of my throat. I immediately closed up the gauntlet and somehow managed to spit it out. Yuck!! I was FREAKING OUT! I did free weights here at home and some pilates crunches and oblique exercises.
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This morning I ran 5 miles in 38:04. I feel like I am getting faster and able to endure more. Makes me excited. Avg. pace 7:30 We went swimming this afternoon and I sported my new black and white polka dot bikini. Oh my, yes, I wore a cute little 2 piece and I am darn proud of it.
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| | Goals for this week are: Monday- 5 am 4 mile run and then spinning 40 minutes
Tuesday- 10 mile run either outside or at golds,weight training
Wed.- 4 mile run then to Spinning for 40 minutes Thursday-If
Merri and Lynsey are running 6 miles? and early in the morning today,
I'm with them. If not, 8 miles at golds weight lifting after. Friday- 5 am 6-8 miles Sat. 4th of July. Not running today. Going to celebrate with the fam!
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I almost couldn't wake up this morning. I ran 4.70 miles then went to spin for 40 minutes. If you don't know much about spinning lemme splain it. It is the indoor equivalent of outdoor road biking (Lance Armstrong style) can be very intense. Burns massive calories and builds long lean muscle. They say spinning helps a runner become stronger, faster, and helps the lungs be more capable of taking in more oxygen thus supplying the body with what it needs. The Saturday instructor is my fav. It's a wild crazy class- loads of fun. Tomorrow it's me, my shoes and 10 miles. Nothing less.
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Shamefully, last night I went to bed at 11:30. After my hard workout yesterday morning, swimming in the afternoon/evening heat, and all the duties (house chores, kids) in between. I was tired. I should have gone to sleep earlier. But I didn't. I stayed up and watched a movie with Shawn. So today, I got up at 4:45 and wanted to die right there in my bed- yeah it was that bad. I was T I R E D. But if you know me, I got up anyways. The first 5 miles I ran were super hard and sluggish. I was shaking a little bit. You would think that would be clue enough for me to stop and go home. Did I? No freaking way! I kept going! Finally after 5 miles I dug deep for energy from somewhere (pizza last night? divine intervention?) and off I took. That last 5.2 miles I felt pretty good and was able to speed up and even do some speed work in between. I finished at 10.2 miles. I think tonight I'll be taking my own advice and heading to bed at 9 pm. :)
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| | Ran the river trail twice. 6 miles total. It was muggy this morning. I slept in till 5:45, I must have been tired to hit the 4:40 alarm and go right back asleep. I don't really remember doing that. I'm excited to run the speedy route tomorrow with the gals. 5 am girls? I'll have my car for whatever.
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| | The girlys and I ran the speedy spaniard course this morning around 5ish. We were running pretty fast. Apparently mile 4 was a 7:19. Avg was about 7:30. It felt a little tough in and out. At one point I think we all felt like puking- not sure why or what was so different today? I think we passed by Tyler S. and a friend. Shortly thereafter we passed a dog that looked similar to a pit or a boxer and he didn't look nice. We ignored it and kept going. Luckily it left us alone. Towards the end of the course, Merri was telling us to speed up when turning corners so I did. After that I couldn't stop running quickly. Off I went and ran that way the last .4 mile? I hope at the race we don't get killed in the beginning on the run up that park hill. How moronic is that? :)
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Ran 9.50 this morning. I did some speed work in the middle of the run. After I was done my shirt looked really sweaty front and back and I got lot's of weird looks and a comment from an older dude. What? Nobody has ever seen a sweaty girl before? Come on, I ran a long way foe cryin' out loud! Lifted arms and legs. Going to do some pilates crunches now. Happy 4th of july ya'll. God bless the United States !
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I wasn't planning to run today, but I ended up doing 5 miles in 38 minutes. My upper right thigh has been so tight at the beginning of my runs. I do stretch. It goes away during the run. I don't seem to notice it until the beginning of the next run (the next day). Anybody have any ideas/suggestions? Happy birthday America! I love this nation!
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Goals this Week!
Monday- 5 AM 9 miles and abs
Tuesday- 5 AM 7 miles and weights
Wednesday- 5 AM 11 miles
Thursday- 5 AM anybody want to run the Speedy Spaniard route again? I have mace for the rabid dog? Friday- 5 AM 8 miles & weights Satuday- hhmmm not sure.....will do something though!
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| | I wasn't feeling the love so much today. Must have been all the bad eating over the holiday :) Ran 9.5 in 1: 17 upper thigh still a little tight. But felt much improved.
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| | I ran 8.50 in 1 hr and 7 minutes today. I feel pretty okay about that considering yesterday was a long day. We went swimming yesterday around 5-7:30 and I was up late cleaning the house. I didn't go to bed till 11. So I'm thinking that's pretty alright :) I really should get more sleep tonight though. I went a fresh body for tomorrow if we run the speedy span. again. Also lifted today.
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I ran 6.2 in 44 minutes even. I don't know how I pulled that one off today. I've shaved 3 minutes off my time in the last two weeks. I got to 5 miles in 36:33. I ran the last 1.2 at a moderate pace. The speed is coming week by week.... Happy Birthday to Shawn today! My hunny is 35 years old today. He still has a baby face though (when shaved).
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I woke up late, only got to run 5 but had planned on running 7. So I'm going tonight and nobody is going to stop me :)
*****Update**** yeah nobody is going to stop me...... uhhhhh....except the major fatigue that kicked in about 2 hours ago. I am so tired.........
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| | Ran the Speedy Spaniard route with the gals this morning. Lot's of ghost and scary movies conversation. Merri got so quiet that I think she was freaked out. Lynsey heard a noise off the side of the road in the brush and it scared all of us. We are whimps :) We ran from the end of the race route all the way to our houses for a total of 7 miles in 55 minutes I think. Not to shabby. Avg. pace was around 7:58. gOoD tImEs GoOd TiMeS!
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| | Ran 6.4 this morning before the Scottish Festival. Glad I got it in before I went, because I am to tired now to do anything.
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| | This weeks goals: Monday- hitting it hard- 12 miles
Tueday- 7 miles & weights Wed- Spin or 8 miles? Thursday- 6 miles & weights Friday- Speedy Spaniard route with the gals 6.2 miles Saturday- 10 miles
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| | Today I ran 8 miles in 60:07. I think that's the fastest I've ever run 8 miles yipee! Weight lifted for 15 minutes. It felt good. It's been awhile.
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Shawn's out of town till tonight, so I stuck close to home and ran the river trail once. Then ran all around the neighborhood for about 20 minutes after that. My mileage is a guess (4.75). I think I may have gone a little farther. It'll be nice when the new garm comes. I looked all around in my crawl space through boxes and bags yesterday for my old one. I miss it :( | |
| | Oh, I don't know what my problem is but I don't want to wake up the last few weeks. I keep hitting the alarm button to off and sleeping longer than I can. I did that today but still ran 7 today with Julie H. It's always good to run with someone else eh? | |
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Wow. I had a great tempo run today....at 4 pm! I slept in this morning. I have no recollection of turning off my alarm this morning. I woke up when Shawn was leaving to work at 6:50. To late for a run. I was up late last night after a girls night out. I had fun. At least I still got my run in today, even if it's later in the day-which I don't prefer. Everybody knows that morning runs are the best! My splits: Mile 1- 8:35 Mile 2- 8:05 Mile 3- 7.17 Mile 4- 7.13 Mile 5- 7.03 Mile 6- 6.38 Mile .62 3: 52 Rock on my peeps on the FRB! Merri -Lynsey, we'll be seeing you in the morning at 5 am sharp in front -o- my house!
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Merri and I ran the ss route this morning. 7 miles. I lagged us a bit from my 6 1/2 mile run about 12 hours before. We took it a little slower. But it still feels good to get up and exercise in the mornings. We missed Lyns. :(
Happy Friday everybody.
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| | 8 miles in 58: 54 - Getting a little faster each day. Wish I could have run longer today. I would have if I could. | |
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Goals this week! Monday- 10 miles Tueday- 7 miles Wed. 5 miles Thursday- keeping it light -3.5 miles Friday- Speedy Spaniard 10k race here I come!
Saturday- 13 miles
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| | Ran 10 miles today in 1 hr and 17 minutes. I kicked up the speed about 20 minutes into it and held there until mile 7, then I did speed intervals until mile 10. Felt good to go farther today. Should be a fun week in Spanish Fork!
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| | This sucks. I wanted to run longer today. 5 miles blah | |
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I'm so sad. I either sprained or broke my ankle on Tuesday night. I can't believe this happened to me.....and this week. What was I thinking complaining of only being able to run 5 miles that morning. It is definite that I won't be running the speedy spaniard on Friday morning. I can't stop crying. I probably sound so lame, but I have gotten so much faster the past 4 months and was looking forward to my first race since 2004. I dare say I have gotten as fast as I was in 2004 when I was only 24 yrs old. Depression is setting in. I hope it's not broken. Making matters worse, my hubby is out of town in Ireland till Thursday night. I can't even walk. I have two little ones 3 and 1. I am so screwed right now. Sorry for the negative post. I just can't imagine not being able to run. I've done it nearly every morning for over 7 years. This is a first for me. I am screwed.... **Update** Went to good ole Doctor Frandsen this morning. My ankle isn't broken (thank you thank you), it's sprained. Stretched out ligaments. It looks like scariness. Semi good news: I got an air cast brace. I can now walk normal with it on, he said it possible to still run the the race with it on. Let the pain be my guide. I'm not going to push anything, but here's the plan. I am icing off on and on all day today, taking it easy, kicking my foot up. Tomorrow, I'm going to try the brace on with my shoes and run down the road and see how it truly feels. If it hurts to much, I'm not chancing it. If it feels ok, I may show up to the SS and may not be the speediest spaniard (white girl). But if I can run it, I will. I am still sad, but glad I'm not broken. :) If only I could turn back time......
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I am elated beyond words. I put my air brace on this morning, suited up, Julie Hall came over and stayed with my sleeping kiddos and I went to the gym and ran 4 miles on the dreadmill. That's right, I RAN with a sprained ankle! Wahoooo. It didn't hurt and I was able to run about a 7:30 mile. So I think I am going to attempt the speedy spaniard tomorrow, and hopefully be somewhat speedy. I don't think my time is going to be quite what I would have done. But at least I can do it right?
I hoped off the dreadmill (thanks TylerS for the new word) and then I used an eliptical trainer for the last 2.30 miles. Just to be safe. Do ya'll think I am crazy for showing up in the morning to run with a sprain?
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| Race: |
Speedy Spaniard 10k (6.2 Miles) 00:46:09, Place overall: 20, Place in age division: 2 | |
Ran the Speedy Spaniard 10k this morning. I had so much fun.I know my time wasn't what I had aimed for, but I am really proud of myself all around considering I have a sprained ankle.
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| | No break for the sprain today. I woke up a little sore, so decided to hit the gym and ran 6. I think it helps move the lactic through out of the muscles anyways. My ankle is more swollen than before because of the race yesterday.I'll have to post pictures as soon as I can figure it out? It's confusing on here. |
| | No running today. The signs were clear yesterday that my ankle is not happy with me. So I gave it a break and didn't do squat today. My day just doesn't feel the same without some exercise in the wee hours of the morning. Might go to the gym later this evening and use the eliptical. I am greiving the ankle still......I hate not running. :(
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| | 6.5 miles on my new friend the eliptical. I don't care to much for it, but it works for now. I met a girl I was working out next too. We talked the whole time, so the hour and 20 minutes soared by thankfully. Boring without that! | |
| | 6 miles on the eliptical. I miss running. I saw Merri and Lynsey take off this morning and I teared up. I hate having a sprained ankle. It looks fine in the morning, and is swollen again by the end of the day. Hope it is healing. | |
| | 4 miles on the eliptical PM. This sucks! |
| | Can't work out till Shawn is home this afternoon. He had to work super early. But good news, I woke up and my ankle looked like an ankle this morning finally. I think I am on my way......I hope
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| | I ran 3 miles today (yay!) and then I did the eliptical for a mile. Things are looking up I think! | |
| | 3 miles on the eliptical and 4.60 miles running on the treadmill with Merri. My ankle is feeling a lot better. It's not all the way healed yet but getting there. I also lifted weights for the first time in like 3 weeks. Felt awesome! | |
| | Ran to the gym with Merri this morning 2.5 there. I did 3.75 on the eliptical (to give the ankle a break), then we ran home for another 2.5 miles. It feels so good to get the blood flowing early! My ankle feels better and better everyday! | |
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I ran 5 miles on the treadmill in 38 minutes, then I did 20 minutes on the eliptical=2 miles. Lifted for 15 too. I lost some muscle the last few weeks. It's all good though! :) Lynsey and/or Merri, are you guys interested in doing a run on Friday at 5? Like a 7 or 8 miler? I'd like to run outside but not at 5 AM by myself. Let me know if you guys can.
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| | 7 miles today yahoo! I ran a 3.1 in 21.10 and then I got to 5 miles in 36.23 and kept going for another 2 miles till 7. It felt so good. I had lifted for about 15 minutes before the run, so that kind of got my heart rate going. It felt gooood. The speed is coming back after the sprained ankle break. | |
| | 7 miles with Lynsey and Merri. It felt great to get outside! It felt kind of chilly the first couple miles- then sweaty of course. I need to build the stamina back up, it's down a little from the resting of the ankle sprain. The uphills were somewhat rough. I'm thinking about running to the gym tomorrow....maybe :)
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| | Today I ran to the gym 2.5, then ran 3 at the gym. Ran back home 2.5. I strapped on my gigabeat and pounded pavement to the tunes. Good times. Oh and it was chilly this morning. 52 when I left. Wore a long sleeve today. | |
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Yes, I am alive and I am back! My family and I were at Lake Powell since last sunday morning. Ok bad news, when you take that long off without doing much cardio, you loose a lot of stamina. No joke people. good news, I only gained 4 lbs instead the 10 lbs I was sure of. hahaha, Seriously, I ate so much while on this trip I was sure I was going to come home obese. So I am back in the saddle again eating clean and saying no to soda/sugar/carbs of any kind. Boring eating that way, but you do what you need to do. Had a great 6 mile run this morning, just struggled a bit with stamina. Like I said, you don't use it (your body) you lose it! I will probably run to the gym in the morning. Good times!
| | Ran 7 today. I'm not ready for chilly weather! | |
| | I ran a quick 3.5 on sunday morning. I know, bad me. | |
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Ran 8 miles this morning. My ankle still doesn't look quite right. Hope it all heals fully. My stamina is not the same. The week off was indeed harsh! *****PM Update*** 3.5 mile run at 8 pm. It was so fun dodging bugs and hiding from freaks driving by honking/whistling etc. Jerks.
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| | Ran 7.5 this morning. I'll probably add more miles later this evening. I am trying to do small PM runs this week. | |
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Ran 6.5 on the dreadmill this morning. Yehaawww. Lynsey and Merri we need to do a morning run together again. It's been to long...... only catch for me is I have to be home by 7 so Shawn can leave....so that stinks.
*****PM update**** Ran 8 miles with Lynsey around 7:30, it was good to get out with her again. It's been awhile! :)
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| | Ran 7.2 miles this morning. Glad I got up, I was so tired I almost didn't. Happy Friday!
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| | Ran a 6.5 with Merri and Lynsey. Initially it felt cold, but after 3 miles we got sweaty and wished for sleeveless. Good times as usual! | |
| | This morning was REALLY hard to wake up. 4:45 is very early! So today I ran 9 miles. I got to 6.2 at 44 minutes, then 8 miles at 56 min. This was good for me, in working on my stamina. The little bit of time off from my ankle and then Lake Powell stole my stamina. Gotta build it back up to where it was. What a busy week ahead of me. And today is the most insane day so I better run now and get on it! :)
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| | 8 miles and not a step further. A little weight training afterwards. Did I mention I ate to much at lake powell? Ya.....I'm now paying for it by working off the extra jiggles. Grrrrr | |
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7 miles today at a pretty fast pace. I finished in 48 minutes. Riddle: What runs but never gets tired?
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| | 6 miles this morning with Merri and Lynsey. The 300 south hill was rough stuff, but running under the bright lights of the gas station at 6 am, while people are filling up their cars was priceless. Oh and so was the conversation about the 2 'you know who's' from the gym .....ahem..... :) | |
| | This morning I ran to the gym at 7:30 2.5 miles. While there I ran 3 more miles. Got to talk to my new friend Kira, she's coolness. Then I ran back home for 2.5 more miles. With a total of 8 miles. I feel good today. Hope I can get lot's done. Now I need to hit up the farmers market for some delicious produce and bread. Spanish Fork has a super sweet farmers market. Onion days 5k anybody? Lyns, wanna do it? | |
| | 7 miles with Merri and Lynsey today. We ran the river trail twice and it was nice. The weather was perfect. I am really disliking all the haze from the fire in Southern Utah. It's blowing it all this way. I'd rather see the scorching sun I think. I think I'm going to try and run 9-10 tomorrow. :) | |
| | My internet has not been working all day. So here I am finally posting this mornings stuff. Ran 10 this morning on the Treadmill. It felt great and if I didn't need to go, I would've ran longer. Maybe tomorrow.....we shall seeeeee
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| | 8 miles very early this morning with Merri. We run slower when it's dark- but it's ok. It's better than getting a sprained ankle or falling in a pot hole :) We ran around a bunch of farms, around ALA, on main street where our niehgbor Larry harassed us. Good times yeah! | |
| | I ran with the girls this morning at 5:30 for 6 miles. I continued to run for about two more miles for 8 all together. I am so glad that time goes by fast when you are running with someone. it's such help and a relief! | |
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8 miles this morning at the gym. I drove past the Spanish Fork half and 5k finish line. It made me kind of sad that I didn't do either. Oh well.... next time
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| | 7 mile run in Utah's dixie. Yes, I am in St. George and it is beautiful down here. I'm visiting my parents and brothers and sister and their families. My Dad was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. It's only a small amount but he still needs radiation. So I came for a visit. I am running again in the morning before I return home tomorrow night. :) | |
| | Another 6 mile run in St. George. I love this place. So beautiful. | |
| | Ran 6.50 this morning. I was not as fast as I was yesterday and the day before. Probably due to less sleep that I got last night. Either way, at least I got out this morning :) | |
| | 8 miles today on the treadmill. I barely did it in 59:52. I didn't run yesterday because my ankle had this off and on dull ache and I wanted to give it a rest. But I haven't noticed anything so far today yet. | |
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6 miles today. I try to go farther on Saturdays usually, but not this day. I got home earlier in time to make chocolate chip pancakes and smoothies for my family for breakfast. I usually miss breakfast all together with them Saturdays. Mmmmmmm it was so good!
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| | 8 miles this morning. I did a super fast time (52 min, I was off Merri, checked the stop watch). I woke up with a bad attitude about working out today. I just wanted to sleep. But I got up anyways and just wanted to get it over with. Hence the faster time. Glad it is over with for the day....really.
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| | 7 miles this morning. and super fast again. I just wanted to get in- get out. So I did. I forgot the time I did it in though. Happy 9 year anniversary to my Hubby and I. 9 loooong years. :) ha ha
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| | ran 6.5 this morning. I need to get rid of the bad attitude I have had this whole week about waking up and running. I just want to sleep.... |
| | Ran 7 this morning. What a glorious morning it was! | |
| | Ran 8 miles this morning in 56 minutes. |
| | I have been slacking with logging the miles on the FRB. I have had a lot going on lately it seems. My Dad isn't doing so well. He has all sorts of problems and either way, maybe one or the other of them may take his life. Who knows. Anyways, I'm still running, just not finding time in the morning to log it. I am still here! | |
| | 6 miles today. Tomorrow is going to be a longer one for sure, yeah! | |
| | 8 miles today. Then 12 minutes on the eliptical to talk to my friend Kira. I slept in Thursday and Friday- so no runs on those days this week. Oh well, sometimes it's nice to get extra sleep. | |
| | Ran 7 1/2 miles this morning. My right thigh always seems to be a little tight. To be honest, I hate it. I miss the good ole summer running outdoors already. Treadmill is the deadmill! |
| | 7.25 on the dreadmill this morning. I lifted weights today for 15 min afterwards too. I don't do that as much as I used too. | |
| | This morning was so cold outside. I didn't run outdoors but had to go out to get to my car, which drives my rear to the gym :) Seriously, when it gets cold and dark out in the mornings, I just have no desire to run. But, most days I drag my self out of bed and do it anyways. So I ran 4.5 on the tread then I did the eliptical for 30 minutes. It's always nice to break up the routine.
| | Today I ran 8.75 Julie H. came today and so we talked and it went by fast. Tomorrow I am going to run 13.1 miles. I am doing this to revolt against my dreaded 30th birthday this weekend.I don't want to get older :( | |
| | Lot's of running this morning. 9.25 I wanted to do 10 miles, but I decided to stop there and lift for 15 minutes before I had to leave. It was seriously cold this morning peeps. *Random note* I think I may have lost some inches on my hips and thighs. All my pants are falling down. It's rather annoying actually. Guess I should buy new ones.
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Ran 8.75 with Julie Hall today at the gymbo. For those that don't know Julie, she is 19 weeks pregnant and still running about 6-7 miles a day. Awesomeness.
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| | Ran 8.25 this morning with Julie. I love it when she is there, goes so much faster! I really liked reading that running and sleep article that someone posted to Kelli from the blogs commentary. I can relate with some of that as I have had some trouble sleeping this last year. It can be rough at times. Anywho gOoD tImEs! |
| | Ran 6.20 with Julie again this morning. My pace avg. around 7.05 Love to run run run for fun fun fun. | |
| | 9 miles this morning. I got to run with Julie. Then she left. I then mosied over to where my older brother was running and ran with him. Then he left. Then I finished the last 2.5 miles alone. | |
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Monday mornings are so darn busy at the gym grrrr. I got up later today and so I only ran 6.25 today. But tomorrow I have plans for a longer run that :)
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| | 8 miles today and I feel hammered. Just from the run and a little stress is all :) | |
| | Ran 9.25 with Julie again this morning! |
| | I have a virus in my lungs, so today I wasn't able to run very far or very fast. So I only did about 5 1/2. My lungs burned so bad. I wanted to cry a river. | |
| | Ran 3 miles pathetically on the treadmill and then did 1 miles on the eliptical. |
| | I had a super bad virus last weekend and into this week and so I have missed a lot of running. But today I am doing better so I got up early and ran 4 miles on the treadmill then did about 2.4 on the eliptical. My running felt pathetic. I have lost a lot of stamina in just 5 days. My lungs are also a little irritated still with a lingering cough. However I can't stay gone forever, had to start back sometime. | |
| | I ran/walked 6.50 today. I don't know what the deal is but my ribs hurt every time I run now since I have been sick. I don't know why or what the cure for it is. Help anyone? | |
| | I ran 8. 50 this morning. I have had such a hard time this week running. I hope things get back to normal. | |
| | 6.75 running this morning. |
| | 8 miles this morning. Yeee haaaaw. It is a busy week with a Birthday and Halloween and partying. | |
| | Ran this by Merri and Lynsey for a short while. Lyns had a funny free personal training session where they told her she is older than she is. yeah right haha |
| | I ran 7.20 this Halloween morning. It was cold on the way into the gym. Froze my buns off. |
| | Not a shabby way to start the week of running huh? 9.25 this morning and some lifting. | |
| | Ran 8.80 today. Legs feel a little tired. | |
| | I am not sure the exactly mileage today. I know it was over 6 miles. Merri help me out, do you remember what I stopped at? | |
| | Ran 9.15 this morning. I ran it pretty fast I thought- 1 hr 6 minutes. Hope everyone has a happy Friday! | |
| | I ran 10.80 this morning. I have a goal to do longer runs on Saturdays for the next few months. I will try to stick with that. Well, so long as time permits anyways. :) I love running. | |
| | Ran 13.10 this morning in 1 hr 36 min. It felt great! However I'm not sure I will feel so great in a few hours :) | |
| | So this morning I actually didn't feel to to bad from my extra long run yesterday. I was able to do 7.70 and lift for 15 minutes after wards. | |
| | Ran 6.50 today. Can you see how my miles are coming back down as the week goes on? :) Sore legs and tired Lily.
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| | 8.25 today. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do it, but Julie came and we talk a lot ,so that takes your mind off the burning lungs and legs :) | |
| | Ran 10.25 today. The gym was not open on time. So Julie and I sat in my car waiting for the late employee to come open the doors. It wasn't fun starting the run late, but at least I got it done :) | |
| | ran 8.15. It is so darn cold in the mornings. It's so cold, my eyes sting. I just could not run outside in the winter.
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| | Today I did 7.50 some of it was walking/ running intervals. Just because I felt tired today. But still got a good workout. | |
| | 9 miles today. I am feeling all the long runs in my knees and foot joints. I have iced a little today. | |
| | Went about 7 miles today. | |
| | Ran 7.75 today. My alarm went off at 4:40 but I turned it off and kept sleeping. I woke up again at 5:15. Got to the gym at 5:30 and there were tons of people there. It was all that Thanksgiving regret. I had to wait a few minutes for a treadmill to free up. I can't stand fake gym goers. The ones that go maybe a few times a year! | |
| | Today I ran 10 miles next to Julie. I want the Garmin 350 for Christmas. Do you think Santa will oblige? | |
| | Ran 7 miles today. I slept in a little and got there later again. :) |
| | 10.10 miles (1hr 14 min) Good run this morning. I have felt really good all day. I am so glad for days like this. | |
| | 10.25 today. It seemed like a long run for some reason, though it wasn't time wise. |
| | I woke up this morning at 4:20 to get to the gym earlier since Mondays are voodoo at the gym lately. I think I was the 6th person in there this morning. Anyways, took advantage of the extra time and ran 12 miles. Good times! | |
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9 miles this morning. My feet have been hurting a bit. I think I might relax it a bit on my speed and distance. Just a little though :)
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| | 4 miles this afternoon. I was up too late and so had to do a run after my husband got home. Luckily for me, Novell had a pipe burst in the lobby, which caused a flood, and as result sent my hubby home early from work. I got my work out in before 4 pm....nice! | |
| | 10 miles this morning and the feet are feeling it. | |
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I didn't run this morning because my left foot is killing me. I really hope I am not getting P F. I will be devastated. So I just did the eliptical for an hour and half.
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| | 7 miles on the eliptical followed by 3 miles running. Foot was sore. |
| | 8 miles on the elipitcal. | |
| | Oh boy, I haven't been keeping up with the blog. So my left heel has been killing me the last 5 days. I don't know why or what happened. I really hope I don't have plantar fasciitis. 7 miles on the eliptical followed by 2 miles running on the treadmill. My foot has felt better today. It wasn't hurting on the treadmill nor before I started, nor after. Any advice from the bloggers? Anybody with experience on this? | |
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I did about 6.5 on the eliptical then ran over 3 miles. Yes!
| | Foot is feeling a lot better. Did the eliptical for 7 miles, then ran 2 miles. I am getting two new pairs of shoes this week. Yes! | |
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6 miles on the eliptical.
| | 8 miles on the eliptical. Can you believe it's only 4 days until Christmas day??? Holy cow, I am so excited and want it to be here, but at the same time I don't want it to end either. Love this time of year. | |
| | 6 miles on the eliptical and 2 miles running! |
| | Ran 3.2 miles. what a beat workout. My kids have been sick and I was up all night. I went to the gym around noon and only did 25 min worth. Lame.... |
| | 8 miles on the eliptical today. My feet have felt really good. I am going to atempt running next week. |
| | This is a total guess (4 miles) because I was out of it this morning. Christmas Day I got very sick and haven't worked out since the day before that. I had some lingering ill feeling this morning and so I wasn't at the gym too long. I don't remember much actually. I know I talked to Julie and she had to leave. Then Merri came and we talked. Everything is a little hazy. I wasn't feeling to hot.... tomorrow should be a better day I hope. | |
| | 8 miles on the eliptical today. I am going to go to the DR. today and have my feet checked out just in case. If I am plantar prone, I want to get inserts to kind of help prevent any further stuff. I think tomorrow I will try my hand at running for 8 or 9 miles. We'll see how that goes. Haven't run far for a few weeks now. | |
| | I woke up late from a *ahem* crazy night out with the girls. So I only had about 45-50 minutes to workout. Good news though, I ran 4.15 miles today and my feet didnt hurt. The Doctor yesterday just said he thinks I irritated some tendons, but no plantar. YESS! Then I did the eliptical for a little over a mile.
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| | Today I did an hour on the eliptical (about 5 miles) then I ran 5 miles. It feels nice to be working back up on the mileage on treadmill! The feet still feel fine, I worship new shoes, love em! Did I mention I got a Garmin for Christmas? This one
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