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Utah Valley Half Marathon

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Spanish Fork,UT, USA

Member Since:

Jun 11, 2009



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

My Running PR's

5k-   18:25

10k-   39:06

13.1-   1:25

26.2-   3:09:03 (Boston Qualified and 1st marathon)


I'm Lily, and I love to do hard things.


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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Brooks Axiom 3 Lifetime Miles: 382.49
Adidas Supernova Glide Lifetime Miles: 287.52
Saucony Kinvara Lifetime Miles: 77.62
Brooks Launch Lifetime Miles: 430.11
Brooks Launch#2 Lifetime Miles: 211.85
Asics DS Trainer Lifetime Miles: 136.30
NIke Free Run Lifetime Miles: 25.25
Nike Free Run +2 Lifetime Miles: 26.25
Total Distance
Total Distance

7 on the river trail loop. I finally stopped being a baby   the temperture got above 20 so I ran outside today. First time in 4 weeks. Felt awesome. I have terrible endurance after 35 minutes but I presisted. And my left heel still hurts :(  I have crappy crappy luck with the health of my body being able to run the last 2 years. Ugh!!!!

From I Just Run on Thu, Jan 02, 2014 at 08:26:43 from

Let's start the new year with a plan and a hope for better things! :-)

From Lily on Thu, Jan 02, 2014 at 10:07:44 from

I just Run- Yes! That is what I need. I have been really discouraged for so long! Better thoughts.... more positive thoughts.

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6 on the tready. 

I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue last week, To heal my adrenals I have been told to not run as long and as intense as I have. I don't really like that. I didn't follow that advice today :( But to heal my adrenal glands (which has caused all of my fatigue and bad running the last 2 years)  I will need to tone it down. This kind of sucks!

From allie on Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 09:11:35 from

i'm sorry, lily. but at least you know what's up and now you can work on healing up. good luck. and happy 2014. i hope your holidays were jolly.

From Kam on Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 20:43:32 from

huh. I never heard of adrenal fatigue. fb free? How liberating. Glad you still post here.

From Jessica on Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 19:00:17 from

Bummer Lil, they tested me for that last year. Chewing on those cotton chunks made me gag every time. I'm glad you have an answer and hope you get feeling better:)

From Burt on Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 19:07:07 from

I'm sorry I'm fat now.

Total Distance

I don't run everyday. In February I am going to try and do 5-6 days a week at a very slow pace, to start base training. I think I am going to run pretty slow for several months to build up. Since nothing else I have done has worked. I will do the opposite I guess.

Total Distance

6 on the tready. Today begins a pace slow down. I ran these miles SLOOOOW. I am pretty determined to change things around for me in my running. Going to get my body feeling good again. 

From Tara on Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 11:38:12 from

I like that idea. Taking care of yourself is always a good start and so smart! That sounds like a generic/lame comment. I meant it, but I can do better. I'll try again...

You are being wise by listening to your body and making the appropriate changes. I think that will get you further than striving to achieve something that sounds good, rather than what feels good.

That's better.

From Lily on Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 16:23:42 from

Thanks Tara, I like that comment! I read something to the effect: "if what you are doing isn't working, then change it."

So I am! :)

Total Distance

9 miles. Still running slow. I am being slow on purpose. No one will ever want to run with me again, because I will run slow. Not planning on this forever. But until my heel feels better, I will be a slow poke.

From I Just Run on Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 10:09:57 from

Your slow is us normal people's fast. Keep it up until you get completely well!

Total Distance

6 miles in 45:00

weight training

From Jake K on Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 15:53:34 from

I saw your comment about PF. I had a little flare-up around Christmas. The first couple days I just iced it, and that did nothing. Then Andrea came back from Tennessee and got to work. The keys have been isolating what muscles are weak and strengthening them. For example, the posterior tibialis. We started doing a few very simple exercises every night on the weak areas... I could notice gradual improvement for about a week, and then it was back to normal after about 2 weeks. I'm still doing the exercises daily, and actually ramping them up, to make sure it doesn't come back in the future.

I don't know the root cause of what is causing your PF, but in addition to the typically recommended rest/ice treatment, I'd be pro-active and work on enhacing the strength and felxibility of your feet.

From Lily on Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 16:13:23 from

That is where I am weak, Jake. And thank you for all the recommendations. I asked Kelli Stephenson on her FB page the other day and a bunch of other runners chimed in. I got some really good advice and feedback.

What exercises did you guys do exactly?

I stopped running as of Monday, and started wearing my good running shoes all day long and the pain has already gone away amazingly. But I am sure that doesn't mean it is gone so I need to get to work every day doing PT on myself.

From Jake K on Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 16:31:54 from

We've been using Jay Dicharry's book Anatomy for Runners as a guide.

Toe lifts (isolations)

Arch Bridges

Ankle inversion against resistance using a rubber theraband

Those are some... I don't know the actualy names of most of this stuff. I just do what I'm told :-)

Shoes with good arch support are important. Never walk around barefoot. Keep calves / achilles loose. Everything is connected.

From Lily on Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 16:43:50 from

Thank you!

From allie on Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 22:12:17 from

miss you, lily. i hope the PF has settled down.

From Tara on Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 13:54:30 from

Hope you are seeing some improvements. I can't get on the elliptical anymore without thinking about you.

From JulieC on Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 14:34:25 from

hang in there Lily...one thing for sure I would do is WARM up before running 7:30 pace :D. resist trying to get on TM and hit paces you have done in the past ease into it. It doesn't mean you don't have the faster pace in you, it means you are being smart! : D. Kenyans start out at a 10 minute mile (still remember Michelle's story of her adventures in africa she was like HUH?? what is this 10 minute pace all about? then mile three??? 520 pace. :D). Sometimes it is hard to resist with other fast TMs. But I learned my lesson so I run my own TM paces not what others are running.

From Lily on Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 22:13:02 from

Hi guys! I haven't been running at all. I feel lot's of improvement and have been wearing good supporting shoes everywhere. But I can tell the PF is still there. When will this end?!?! Julie: didn't you have PF last year? Ack, help!

From Lily on Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 16:19:24 from

Hi Jake, Hi Allie, Hi Tara, Hi Julie! Guess what?!?!?! My Plantar is GONE!!!! Wahooooo! However, I remain mentally intimidated and slightly jaded, waaay to scared to try and run yet. But for reals, it is gone. No running for 3 weeks. Rolling on plastic water bottle-iced, deep massages from my husband on the heel and the achilles, big toes being stretched back anytime I sit or lay down, stretching from my husband, and wearing good shoes all day long everyday made it go away! Yay!

From JulieC on Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 18:43:52 from

That is good news now just start slow and short..do not think u have to start where u left off to feel good about yourself in running u wil come out stronger and faster playing it smart like u have been doing.

From allie on Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 22:28:29 from

happy to hear that. good job being patient with it and giving it time to heal.

smileyz. plastic dogs are hip in SLC right now. FYI.

Total Distance

My foot is feeling so much better these days. Crossing my fingers, but not getting my hopes up to much.

From allie on Sun, Mar 09, 2014 at 13:22:39 from

glad to hear that, lily.


From Burt on Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 16:48:58 from

Did you rub butter on it like I told you?

From Toby on Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 19:49:04 from

Yeah for a blog post! Just keep going slow and short and it will all work out :)

From Burt on Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 16:49:15 from

Go Toby! You rock!

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River trail loop twice.

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4 on the river trail. Another spot on my left foot is hurting. On the side of my foot, upper left. Thinking its compensation pain trying not to land hard on my inner heal?  Oh you know, the things that keep happening to me! At this point in my life I just roll with it and sing la la la la la la here we go again! I will not stop trying. Can't stop, won't stop. I WILL NOT GIVE UP. I run this body. I dream about running all the time.

Guess I'll rest the foot this week and go from there. 

Total Distance

7 miles on the trail. Foot did not hurt at all. What gives? @#^%$$&^$!!!!! I don't get it. 

Weights at the gym. Heavy, short sets. Cleaned my car when I got home. Red fingers raw fingers. That's about all that hurts on this day. Gearing up to say no to the Cadbury mini eggs my kids keep whipping out everyday.  I had this philosphy that if I eat cadbury mini eggs, it would bring spring to my heart. My hips started looking pissed. No more philosophizing until afer summer! j/k

From allie on Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 12:34:48 from

hahaha! the good old cadbury spare tire.

i am sure your hips are just fine. hooray for no foot pain!

Total Distance

River trail plus river trail #2. Really nice out.

From JD on Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 16:06:08 from

extremely nice out - good running!

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2 miles of my left foot hurting. This is strange. It comes and goes. S ooooo annoying!

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6 out there. I saw a chiro yesterday who adjusted my foot bones. I feel so much better!

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Speed workout that kicked my own buns. 12x 400's plus warm up, cool down mileage.

From Tara on Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 16:10:13 from

Sheesh! That's a lot of 400's. Good job!

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6.5 tready style. It's to cold out

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3 miles. Speedy interval style on the tready yet again. To cold out 

From allie on Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 16:00:41 from

lily - p-city 5k on sat. any chance i will see you?

From Lily on Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 16:15:57 from

Why yes, yes there is! :-)

From allie on Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 16:31:26 from


bring a big wad of gum.

From Burt on Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 17:42:22 from

is there any chance I will see you there?

From Lily on Thu, May 01, 2014 at 20:03:12 from

BURT! I just want to say thanks for sticking up for me on Amberg's post back in the day. And the vote om hungry runner girls site a couple weeks ago. You are the best Burt! A good friend. Can you be there Saturday? ;)

From Burt on Fri, May 02, 2014 at 16:55:43 from

I wish I could be there. Sigh.

Total Distance

7 miles river trail style! Saw Rachelle and her Sis out. I was kinda coasting and they were heading the opposite direction so no stop today. But fun to see them.

Total Distance

8 miles to the S.F. Cross trail. Chafed the heck out of my inner thighs with new shorts :/

From Scott Wesemann on Fri, May 02, 2014 at 17:01:14 from

Chafe!!! Good to see you back out and running.

From Lily on Fri, May 02, 2014 at 17:12:58 from

Well looky at this suprise! A comment from a dear friend. I'm so glad I'm back out again too. Things will be different this year. I just know it!

From Toby on Sat, May 03, 2014 at 20:21:41 from

Get some Glide friend...pronto! Hooray for getting out and pounding the pavement! UVHM is going to be your day!

Total Distance

Riiiiiiiiiiver trail!!!!

Total Distance

7 miles in 49 minutes.

From JD on Tue, May 20, 2014 at 13:20:43 from

nice run. you're lucky to have such great natural speed.

From Burt on Tue, May 20, 2014 at 13:54:26 from


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7 miles. Legs felt like bricks. Felt slightly slow and sluggish. Not sure if its because I haven't run since last Friday, or I am just getting old!

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6 miles before memorial festivities

From Tara on Thu, May 29, 2014 at 19:47:04 from

Hi Lily!

Total Distance

7 miles sweating by asprin off. I ran at 9 am and by that time the sun was out beating down hard. 75 degrees out. Hot, sweaty run.

Total Distance

7 miles. My left calf pulled and balled up the last mile. It hurt! I stopped and stretched and walked a bit. Then ran the last half mile home. Embrace the suck! 

From Toby on Mon, Jun 02, 2014 at 19:56:28 from

Are you still thinking you are going to do UVHM? Sometimes running stinks :)

From Lily on Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 12:31:26 from

Toby, I'm still planning to run it. But not sure if I have fitness to 'race' it. Endurance is lacking and all that fun stuff. Are you running anything there?

From Toby on Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 19:01:11 from

No UV for me. I was contemplating doing the full, but I don't think my body can handle it. It is starting to break down and EVERYTHING hurts right now. Plus, I took a major mental blow after Ogden. I'm trying to dig myself out of my mental running sadness and get my body going again....but I think I just need some time.

That was probably more than you wanted to hear. BUT you are going to do great at your CURRENT fitness level.

From Lily on Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 20:12:23 from

Oh Toby, I love hearing true feelings! You can tell me anything, any time. It makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one who has struggled. I've struggled so so much the last two years. I've had so many lows with running. I'm ready to be rewarded for how well I've endured and learned to ride the waves with a better attitude. But it doesn't mean that it is ok or fun. And if you hurt (feel lon fire) maybe takes some time off and rejuvenate your body.& mind. It does wonders. Next marathon, you should let me come pace you the last 15. You WILL Boston qualify eventually. ;-)

Total Distance

9 fun miles alone. I was feeling sorry for myself that I'm always running alone these days. But then I remembered

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8 miles on an old loop I used to run with Merri. Miss that chic like crazy.

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5 fast miles trying to find some speed :/

Total Distance

7 miles alone. Foot hurts, but I don't really care. Still planning on running all summer. It's not a New pain or anything.

Total Distance

11 miles. 8 on river trail 1, and river trail 2 combo. Then went to the gym on a tready and did 3 some speed on/offs. Feeling really good today suprisingly. Still wondering if I can pull of UVHM next weekend. 

From Toby on Fri, Jun 06, 2014 at 14:08:37 from

Of course you can pull off next week :). But don't compare yourself to the "2 years ago Lily". Just have fun and do your best...you can't beat yourself up over something you can't control.

Just have FUN!!

Total Distance

7 miles this a.m Sunday sin run. My favorite.

Total Distance

7 Miles running outside. 20 minutes of elliptical sprints. Weight training.

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5 on the trail. I feel like crap. Taper

Race: Utah Valley Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:36:33, Place overall: 26, Place in age division: 1
Total Distance

Well, first time road racing since last August (hobble creek- pulled my hammy). Registered for this last minute, just wanting to get in there and get my feet wet and maybe have some fun. It's no secret that I don't have quite the same running fitness. I defintely do not have much endurance. Took time off Jan-march to try and get control of the PF I have had for a year now. It's back and it did hurt during the race. 

First mile I went out way to fast for my fitness level (6:15 pace) baaaad idea. It stole a lot of my energy and I believe caused a lag for me much sooner than it should have. The head wind was a major problem and factor in most everyone's outcome, I think anyway. I know it was sucking my energy up fpr sure. Even after we turned out of the canyon onto University Ave, we somehow were still getting head wind. It was just too much!  By mile 9ish I was physically and menatlly done. The endurance I have from my training only seemed to support me up to about 9 miles, after that it was all me and my mental self pushing the gas peddle. Thank heavens for beautiful Toby, who showed up at mile 11. We ran about 1.5 miles together.  It boosted me, as my pace defintely quickened. Was so glad. But once she left me I was back at dragging. I think I finished somewhat strong but this time is less than stellar. However- I dont hold it against myself at all. Traning was almost non exsistant almost all fall and winter, I haven't done one lick of speed work, no tempos, no hill work, nothing, nada. A 1:36 isn'y shabby for all my lack. 

It was pretty cool to watch the marathon peeps start rolling in. Probably my favorite part. :-)  I am really not sure if I will make it to the start of SGM this year. It seems my body needs more time off to repair as I still have underlying hormonal issues with my adrenal glands. You really need those glands functioning to have energy to run. So it seems I may just be taking quite a bit of time off to rest and rejuve the adrenal fatigue that I suspect is flaring up.

1 mile after with my daughter in the kids 1k. She was up at the front with all the 11-12 year olds. Because that girl can run!

From Kam on Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 10:39:48 from

There you go, Lily. Other than that 6:15 flier out of the gate, that's a nice looking time for your training.

Total Distance

24 minutes of high intensity 1 min 30 seconds on, then 1 minute recovery.

Walked for 30 minutes outside.

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LIfted weights, lot's of strength training. Ran 5.5  avg pace 7:40

From Kam on Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 12:41:57 from

How is it possible you showed up on lone faithfuls?

From Lily on Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 12:48:46 from

Well, this blog isn't the same as it used to be, Kam. Perhaps its time to use strava? How are u btw? Did you see me cheering for you at UVM? Right before the finish line.

From Kam on Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 13:14:43 from

No, this blog isn't the same. I did see you, as I staggered by in a 26.2 mile induced stupor. You ran a pretty nice half that day...

Strava sounds like an imitation coffee beverage. My brother in law is always showing me his latest bike ride. I don't like carrying my phone on a run, though.

Total Distance

Up hobble creek

From Toby on Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 20:37:50 from

Nice miles! What is your next race?

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6 kind of slow-ish. I love summer running

From Burt on Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 10:24:54 from

You do? You're kinda crazy.

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4 miles of intervals. Kicked my own butt. 30 minutes elliptical.

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6 on the trail

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8 miles speedy style. I can't believe I can actually run with some speed. It's not that great but I still can. Running has not been a friend for nearly 3 years. So many problems! I can't get away from them

From allie on Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 09:59:40 from

speedy style, nice job lilylily.

From Rachelle on Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 10:39:08 from

Yay for running 2 days in a row. :) Go Lily go.

From Burt on Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 00:05:07 from

Woot woot!

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10 miles at 5 am. I felt so good. This is a miracle!!

From josse on Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 20:03:59 from

I love miracles

From Lily on Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 21:17:51 from

Josse I just remembered you have plantar too. How's yours going? I have had mine for over a year. But it seems to be gone this time. Because I have rested from running twice now. It's such a BEAR, oh my!

From josse on Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 13:49:55 from

Foot is doing pretty good, I've gotten treatment from dr Brady that has helped it a ton

Total Distance

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Weights- quads, hammies, back, biceps triceps and some shoulder. Ran 6 miles on the tready. Sprints intervaling for about 17 minutes. Easy run tomorrow.

Total Distance

8 miles outside. 8:40 pace avg. Kept it slow so I could feel some recovery mode in these legs and feet.

From Toby on Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 17:58:10 from

Woot Woot Lily! Hopefully those injuries are going away!

Total Distance

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6 miles river trail

Total Distance

7 miles. With a 3 mile tempo

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5 miles in 35 minutes

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Total Distance

5 on the tm with intervals of speed. 14 year wedding anniverary for my hubby & I today :)

From allie on Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 09:16:46 from

awesome. happy anniversary.

From I Just Run on Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 12:32:42 from

Congratulations on 15! You don't look old enough to be married that long. :-) I guess running keeps you looking young! Have a GREAT day!

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Ran 5 miles around Spanish fork Jr high school. My hubby & kids were at the skate park located in the Jr high grounds while I ran.

From allie on Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 09:30:13 from

nollie laserflip, inward heel flip, nightmare flip, 360 shuv. yo.

i love all of your fall photos. i miss the mountains so much.

From Burt on Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 11:02:35 from

We make our mountains in life, allie. Climb them.

From allie on Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 11:12:16 from

in progress...

From Lily on Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 13:04:56 from

Burt, some of the mountains you make you can't climb.

From Lily on Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 13:09:02 from

And please stop making mountains out of mole hills. sheesh

From Burt on Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 13:19:16 from

You love hurting my feelings, don't you? I'm just going to crawl underneath this giant mountain I made.

From allie on Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 13:50:33 from

is it a slime cave or a lava pit?

From Burt on Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 14:03:10 from

Oh my gosh! I'm never coming out!

Total Distance
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