hot-n-easy 5 miles on the boardwalk at the nature preserve. everything this week is going really well, except for getting the running in. this is the plight of the hobby jogger. WT 20.3 miles *the garmin 205 that i've had since i started this blog almost 5 years ago finally gave up the ghost. almost 13,000 miles of running and i never had any issues with it (i dropped it on concrete once and lost the audio, but after a while the audio came and went randomly. also, just once could i not get the satellite to load, i have no idea why). i was still getting 10+ hours on the battery between charges right up to the end. now i'm watchless until the new one arrives. *though only a hobby jogger, and running about 1/4 of the mileage i ran last year, my weight, after shooting up 10 pounds by the end of March, is now back down to within a pound of what it was in december after having run 370+ days in a row. i attribute this to good ol' calorie reduction (much less carbs), which is easy to manage when you're not really running any miles.