Joe and I braved the storm and headed up the mountain. All was well (other than being tired) until we hit the ridge. Insane winds and blinding snow froze us out and we turned back before making it to the peak. We made it to 9400'. Only a few hundred vertical feet short but about a mile exposed on the ridge. I value my fingers too much to push my luck. We had a blast coming down in our snowshoes. Conditions were perfect for flying straight down the hill. Only had a few crashes. Very hard earned 9 miles today.
Providence Canyon Trail (from a bit closer to home, just a bit) - 9.5
T- 1:21:40 (8:35) 1750' vert 151 ave hr
Celebrated my lucky winning lottery ticket (into Wasatch 100) by doing a typical training run. Wow, what a celebration! I am actually pretty pumped though to be able to run Wasatch. I haven't run a step of the first 52 miles so I will be making that priority this summer to recon it. This year the plan is to run Wasatch with Mike and Joe pacing then recover in time to pace one of them at the Bear. Probably going to be Joe. I owe him for 2 pacings. Gonna be a SWEET year!
Fresh powder and more falling made this run a bit slower than normal. It's good though to get more snow, we are still below average on the year. Looks like lots of snow for the next few days...
Battled the snow and slush covered ice up to Providence Canyon. I headed up the trail for about 1.5 miles (to the bridge). I was breaking trail again today. It started out as ankle deep snow then moved up to mid shin. It was wet, heavy stuff today. Headed back down and tried to run on Deer fence over to Millville. That was a disaster. Crazy deep/slick snow made it impossible to get moving. Was hiking at regular 8 min/mile effort but was hardly moving. I took the roads home from Millville. What a messy week of snowstorms.
Enjoyed running on a quarter inch of snow on the road. Nice and soft. It was a near whiteout when I left my house so I over-dressed. Good thing it stopped snowing halfway through my run so I could practice my running in heat technique.
Was doing fine until the downhills killed my knee. My kneecap is inflamed and hurt again. I has been hurting more and more everyday this week. Today it got pretty bad, enough to make me slow way down. Guess I will have some more downtime. Bummer.
Taking it easy today and decided to go for a cross-country ski instead of running. I think it was a good choice to let the knee heal up. It didn't hurt much today.
Mike joined me today for a tour of green via the skiis. Conditions were pretty crappy. Very spring-like. Sloppy and slushy with big puddles. That made things pretty fast for the way up (grippy) but horrible for the way down (grippy). Oh well, beats running on a treadmill or something like that...
Real easy and flat 9 mile run today. Within the first mile, my kneecap started to hurt but didn't get any worse. Didn't really affect me so I kept going. Its kind of sore now though. Still gonna have to take it easy to let it heal. Speed and hills hurts it.
4 miles around the neighborhoods - easy pace (31 mins)
6 miles on Providence Canyon Trail with my sister. Slow and easy for most of it. I did ditch her for a bit (sorry) and ran some myself. It was fun. 1:17 1100' vert
Knee cap pain is minimal, but still present. Took it easy today so that hopefully it would heal up quick.
Leg was feeling much better today. Kept the pace slowish to not overdo it. Its a bit sore now but mostly from sitting in a chair all day at work. I need to get up and move around more...
Tabernacle to Nearly Second Dam via Old Main and upper canal trail.
At least the upper canal trail is clear of snow and ice! River Trail is not safe. Need traction definetly! The bummer deal was my knee started to hurt again for the last 3 miles.
BST + 2 laps of Upper Canal Trail. Kept things slow and flat as much as possible to save the knee. It was a bit sore but not too bad. It did tighten up pretty good on the drive home though. So, not much better, but not any worse. It was great though to run on DIRT today! Great run.
Today I ran a mix of "Island Canal Trail" and "Upper Canal Trail" and "BST". 10 miles of as much flat trail as possible. My leg felt fine while I on the flat stuff but during the climbs my knee hurt. Steep = bad. I was ready to bail at mile 10,13,16 but felt good enough to keep going until 20. Timed it nicely as it is now snowing hard.
This week was a lot of miles (relatively) but the climbing was very minimal. Opposite what I want, but at least I can run with no pain (on the flats). I will continue to ice and see if it heals up.
Easy run today on the Canal Trails. Leg was behaving today. Waves of pain at 2/10 but for the most part it was a 0. Not bad. Not getting worse is almost as good as getting better, right?
PM: 13 miles on North BST (aka North Logan BST aka Powerline trail aka BST ATV) with Mike and Joe. We had a good time and were moving along nicely today. Great run. Finished in the DARK. Good thing Mike had a light.
Heading to DisneyLand with the Family and was able to go hit the trails around St. George while the family hit a few stores and got ready for the day. I headed up to the Desert Reserve and wandered around. Started at the Pioneer Rim trail and headed to the City Creek trail then over to Chuckwalla then Turtle Wall then Scout Cave trail. Turned around at 10 miles and headed back. Awesome trail system. Pretty technical in spots and that made things kind of slow. Loved it though.