Easy run to test out the leg. ITBS is back with a vengence. Hopefully, I cut my run saturday short enough to minimize the inflammation. Took Mon/Tues off. Today, I felt ok. Pain came and went. Getting better I think.
Another easy day of 6.5 miles to test out the leg. Feeling much better today. Pain down to a 1/10. Bonus was finding Keegan out on the roads. Impromptu training partner.
River Trail to Crimson Trail Loop. Most of the snow was gone. Left in its wake is mud and ice. Not too bad though. My new Lone Peak's worked great in all the different conditions. I even washed them off in the river afterward and didn't get my socks wet. Sweet! Leg was a bit achy but no sharp pain. Hoping I can run daily next week without a setback.
Warmup lap around First Dam waiting for Mike then we headed up and ran the Crimson Trail. We hit it right as it got dark. Super cool trail to run with a headlamp and a bit of ice. Pretty sketchy. Fun run today. Leg is feeling good still. Horray.
Went for a walk today since my leg was still far from 100%. Good to get the blood flowing at least. I'm in panic mode for my 50 miler next weekend. I guess we will see how it goes. In the meantime its hip and leg exercises to get things back inline.
Another easy day to taper/rest/heal before Antelope Canyon 5 on Saturday. Leg felt ok, definetly not 100% or even close. Total crapshoot if I will be able to run this race without pain/injury. Oh well, I'll give it a go.
7 easy miles with Keegan. Pain is a bit high so I'm taking some time off and getting this thing healed up. Still doing exercizes to strengthen hips and abductor/aductors as I believe that is the problem.