
Zion 100K

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Logan,UT,United States

Member Since:

Apr 08, 2005



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

Former Course Record Holder (it was a good run while it lasted...)

Logan Peak Trail Race

Completely addicted to trail running





Short-Term Running Goals:

2016 Race Schedule






Long-Term Running Goals:

Who knows?






Link to my Wife and I's Photo and Running blog





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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Microspikes Lifetime Miles: 408.50
PI EMotion Trail N1 Lifetime Miles: 357.00
MT1010SA Lifetime Miles: 120.50
Rapa Nui 2 Lifetime Miles: 305.50
Altra Olympus Lifetime Miles: 555.80
PI Emotion Trail N2 Lifetime Miles: 312.50
PI Emotion Trail M2 Lifetime Miles: 328.50
2015 Trail Miles Lifetime Miles: 2047.50
2015 Road Miles Lifetime Miles: 490.00
2015 Mtn Bike Miles Lifetime Miles: 58.00
Altra Impulse 1.0 Lifetime Miles: 46.00
Altra Lone Peak 2.5 Lifetime Miles: 242.00
Altra Paradigm (blue) Lifetime Miles: 102.00
LP 3.0 Tester Lifetime Miles: 64.50
Altra One2 Lifetime Miles: 14.00
Altra Paradigm 2.0 Lifetime Miles: 92.00
Altra LP NS HT Lifetime Miles: 95.00
Altra Torin 2.5 Red Lifetime Miles: 7.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Cascadia 6 Red Miles: 5.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 196.002014 Road Miles Miles: 83.00Rapa Nui 2 Miles: 62.00Altra Olympus Miles: 51.00PI Emotion Trail N2 Miles: 10.00Ghost 4 Miles: 30.00Hoka Stinson B Miles: 11.00Salomon XR Mission Miles: 32.00PI Emotion Trail M2 Miles: 29.00Launch Blue #1 Miles: 32.00Cumulus 11 White Miles: 9.00PI EMotion Trail N1 Miles: 8.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Another Easy run.  This time it was behind work on the flat dirt roads.

T-40 (8:00) 140 ave hr

Cascadia 6 Red Miles: 5.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 5.00
Race: Zion 100K (62 Miles) 10:44:00, Place overall: 3
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Zion 100K - 

3rd place - 10:44

Summary: Very even and controlled effort all day long.  Weather was perfect, course was tough but mostly runnable.  Loved it!  Ended up way behind Karl and Mick but an hour ahead of 4th.  Long Report....

Some sand, rocks, indian paintbrush, slickrock, cactus, hawks, etc all seemed to be in abundance during my nearly 11 hours touring the hills around Virgin, UT.  The zion 100 in its third or fourth year is becoming quite the event.  It now has a 100 mile, 100 kilometer, and 50 kilometer option and apparently even some crazy person ran both the 100K on Friday and the 50K on Saturday.  Didn't they know there was a 100 mile option that would fulfill that desire to kill a few more braincells?  
On tap for me was the 100K distance.  Long enough to justify a few days off work and a sweet family camp but not long enough to take the whole weekend and make me worthless as a husband and father for the rest of the trip.  Ahh, the sweet spot, 100K.  You are done by dark and can still sleep at night like a normal human being.  
I recruited Joe and Mike to share in the adventure of racing.  They were seemingly willing participants.  Mike had a bit of a hiccup in his prep after the 50K training run we did on Antelope Island a few weeks before the race.  He would nurse it (knee injury) best he could but it ultimately caused him to drop at mile 40 or so.  Joe ramped up his usual 30 mile weeks to 40-50 mile weeks and proclaimed basically, "good enough lets do it".  
I have been trying my hardest to break my routine of getting injured every winter.  I mostly succeeded, the exception was the knee cap pain I felt after too much vert on ice.  I had to eliminate most of the vert for a few weeks and slowly introduce more as I felt better.  Crisis averted, ready to roll.
Race day dawned cold especially for my family in our pop up tent trailer we towed down to zion.  The heater 'broke' sometime in the night and they were shocked into an early cold morning to crew good old dad.  My race plan was to stick to 150 bpm or below.  No more 'run by feel' attitude that causes me to start too fast and struggle to survive later on.  The 100 Mile and 100K races start at the same time and the course is the same for the first 18 miles.  As we began, I watched Karl Meltzer (in the 100K) and Mike Aish (100M) and Jeff Browning (100M) take off.  That was quick.  I counted back about 15 people and found myself, Joe and Mike in our own little group.  It would remain like that for the first 7 miles up the first 2000' climb.  We climbed up the famous Flying Monkey Trail.  While hiking up that beast, I was amazed that people could bike down that thing.  I either need a better bike or better skills or less smarts to do that trail.  No thanks.
Aid 1 came up quick and I did a quick bottle refill, grabbed some fruit and chips and headed out.  Joe lingered a bit since Jenny had made the trek up to the aid.  Mike and I jogged the hardpacked dirt road back down the mountain.  Not as scenic as the way up on the singletrack, but made for quick miles.  We caught up with Jen who told us she just had a baby 6 months ago.  I think she was embarrassed to be running with us instead of Karl's lead pack.  She would go on to win the women's 100K race and go and immediately breast feed her baby.  
Before long we were running down off the face of the plateau and suffering through the paved?!! road.  I know, seriously?  At least, I was able to comfortably click off a few fast miles trying not to burn up my quads.  I dropped down a bit quicker than Mike and Joe and hit the aid at Sheep Bridge road.  Pretty quick bottle exchange with my wife and son crewing and I was out of there.  
I cruised along the next section of flattish trail as it winded along the virgin river.  I was still clicking off 8:30 miles or so keeping my hr in check and just enjoying the day.  It was shaping up to be a perfect day for running.  Overcast and in the 40's and 50's.  Perfect.  I was having a good time chatting with Joe and San Francisco guy (he's not 'that' kind of San Francisco guy though, I asked).  After meandering all over the place, we finally made it to Virgin River Aid.  I grabbed my bottles and avocado sliders and walked out of there.  Joe took a lot longer than me and never did quite catch up though after a few miles he was within a stone's throw of me.  The next section involved some more gradual climbing and then a big nasty 1500' in a mile climb up to Goosebump aid station.  I started to feel the effects of the 20+ miles under my belt during this section and tried to ignore the tightness in my giddy up.  About a half mile before the climb started in earnest Jeff Browning and Mike Aish caught up to me.  The 100 mile course adds a few miles a bit earlier so I had gotten ahead of them during that time.  They were fun to chat with while they went by.  I tagged along and enjoyed the company until I felt the pace was a bit too brisk.  My HR was about 155-158 while hanging with them.  I watched as they hit the hill much harder than me and left me once again alone to my thoughts. 
Goosebump to Gooseberry Point aid is a famous mtn biking trail similar to slickrock in Moab.  Nasty rolling slickrock with millions of twists and turns and bumps and small hills that sap your energy and will to live.  There was a sweet view from the trail though.  It follows the edge of the mesa and provides views of Virgin and the entrance of Zion NP.  Eventually, I made it to the Gooseberry aid station to find it empty of people and supplies.  There was only a sign that says to go the point and back (1 mile round trip) so I did.  Should have brought a camera for that view.  Sweet!  Back at the 'aid station' a person had arrived with a few bottles of soda so I grabbed one and filled my empty bottle.  That was close.  Almost had to go without.  Turns out the 5-6 people in the 100K ahead of me and the 2 in the hundred did go without.  The miles continued to pass without incident.  My energy levels were ok, and I was able to move at an ok pace still.  Roughly halfway done and I felt like I had more I could do.  Perfect.
About a mile before the Goosebump aid (second time) I caught up with Mike Aish who was in a low patch.  He was running this race as a 'training run' and says he wasn't recovered from Tarawara yet.  We chatted and visited until the aid came and he stopped for a while.  Not sure if he dropped here or later, but he did drop eventually.  
The section from Goosebump to Grafton Mesa aid was a boring dirt road.  It was my least favorite part of the trail and at times seemed to be going in the wrong direction.  I was afraid I had missed a turn off a time or two but I had not.  The only runner I saw was Karl Meltzer on his way back to Goosebump after already completing the Grafton 5 mile loop.  He was about 6-7 miles ahead of me and looked awesome.  He went on to break the course record and beat me by 1:35.  The grafton loop was a bit confusing.  The aid station guy told me to follow the green then pink flags.  There was also a sign that said 100K - green, 100M - pink.  This became an issue as many of the 100K runners ended up running the 100M course adding on 4 miles and 1000' of vert.  It was here that I suppose I passed a few of the guys in-front of me as they did this.  I never saw a soul though during my loop.  
While traveling back to the goosebump aid a third and final time I saw hordes of people heading out the Grafton aid.  In that section, I also saw Joe as he was walking downhill.  I asked him what he was doing.  His response, "I'm tired".  He would go on to bonk pretty hard then recover later on.  I was asked numerous times if I was leading the race.  Hmm, I guess that means that there are not many people ahead of me.  Turns out I was now in third.  I was grateful to finally make it to the aid and be on the final 5 miles to the finish.  I would just have to descend down the 1500' climb then follow atv trails and finally the hwy for a bit back into town.  I got the biggest stomach cramp and sideache ever during the descent and had to go pretty slow to work it out.  Things improved a bit once the trail leveled off and I was able to gut out some 9 min miles.  Sad.  At least I was still able to move at this point.  I pushed it in to the finish best I could until the finish line came into view.  Leaving the last aid, I joked with my family saying I would race them back.  They would have to travel quite a ways to get there and I figured it would be close.  My ultra-competitive daughter pleaded with me to go slow so she would win.  I was able to see them drive into the finish area about 2 mins after I finished.  Ha!  I win.  
I hung out at the finish line cheering on the finishers and waiting for joe and mike to finish.  I guessed mike would drop since I did know he was having knee issues earlier but had no idea what joe was up to.  I waited for a few hours chatting with the guys hearing some of the adventures of their bonus miles.  I think Karl had already showered and taken a nap by the time I had finished.  I eventually had to leave to fix the heater and get my family to bed so I headed out to our campsite.  Meanwhile joe had a bounce back and finished strong albeit a few hours slower than hoped.  
I am happy with the result and received a cool hand crafted award and a free pair of running sandals (think Born to Run).  My fueling went well with avacodo sliders, EFS, honey stinger, sprite, mtn dew, gatoraide, fruit snacks, and some random food at the aid stations.  I gambled and ran on a brand new pair of shoes never tested (you really shouldn't do that) and loved them.  I wore the Hoka Rapa Nui 2.  It is a great shoe, even on slickrock and uneven terrain.  I had a few sore toes but no blisters.  

The highlight of the trip was taking the kids on the Angels Landing hike (along with a few hundred other strangers on the trail).  My 9 year old made it no problem the whole way with my 7 year old making it to the scout lookout and my 2 year old strapped to me and my wife (took turns).  They have caught the hiking bug and are looking forward to the next camping adventure.  


2014 Road Miles Miles: 4.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 58.00Rapa Nui 2 Miles: 62.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Recovery has been slow but steady.  Major DOMS especially going downhill hit sun/mon.  Things were better on tues and by today I was able to jog around a bit.  I am in Dallas for work for a few days and my day is busy so I can only get out early am for a bit.  I went 4 miles exploring around by hotel.  

2014 Road Miles Miles: 4.00Altra Olympus Miles: 4.00
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4 miles around the hotel in Dallas

2014 Road Miles Miles: 4.00Altra Olympus Miles: 4.00
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Another easy 4 miles around Dallas.  

2014 Road Miles Miles: 4.00Altra Olympus Miles: 4.00
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In SLC today for a family gathering.  I was able to get away for 2 hours and so I went and ran on the BST from Mt. Olympus trailhead north to the end (it is flagged at the end so it looks like it will be continued on soon).  Headed back to the junction with the Oly trail and headed up the trail for a bit before turning around at the water cossing.  Went back up BST for good measure then called it a day.  It was hot.  70 something at noon.

T-2:03 (11:12) 154 ave hr 2900' vert

Recovery week is now over and looks like I will be good to go now next week.  Back at it...

2014 Trail Miles Miles: 11.00Altra Olympus Miles: 11.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Providence Canyon Trail 10 - 

Looks like the trail is about 90% clear.  Nearly there.  Left Hammie was unhappy today.  Too many hills too soon?  Other than that, great run.

T-1:27:30 (8:45) 1900' vert 152 ave hr

2014 Road Miles Miles: 3.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 7.00PI Emotion Trail N2 Miles: 10.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Canal Trail + BST to Green

My hammy pain from yesterday was feeling better today.  Enjoyed the run!  Nothing else to share.  How boring...

T-1:19 (7:54) 800' vert 151 ave hr

Ghost 4 Miles: 10.002014 Road Miles Miles: 3.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 7.00
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AM: Easy 7 miler before sunrise

Lunch: Easy 4 miles behind work.

Hoka Stinson B Miles: 11.002014 Road Miles Miles: 7.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 4.00
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BST + Green (aka Cody's Half Marathon) - 

Green was in pretty good shape except for the last mile or so of snow/ice/mud.  Still quite a lot of snow hanging around here.  Well above average.  Effort today was solid, pretty hard.

T-1:44 (7:55) 1800' vert 159 ave hr

2014 Trail Miles Miles: 13.00Altra Olympus Miles: 13.00
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Slow 7 miles

Ghost 4 Miles: 7.002014 Road Miles Miles: 7.00
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Long Run - 20 

Left Hand Fork of Blacksmith Fork Canyon (dirt) Road.  Followed it for 10 miles taking the right fork (FR 231) instead of the left fork towards Logan Canyon.  Had a few puddles (lakes) to navigate and way too many rocks.  My feet are sore.  Good to get out and get some relatively flat miles in.  Time to start introducing a bit more vertical now and see if my knee can handle it.  Next time I got for a run at noon I had better bring more than 1 bottle.

T-2:50 (8:31) 152 ave hr 1000' vert

Salomon XR Mission Miles: 20.002014 Road Miles Miles: 1.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 19.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Big Workout - Long Run 19 miles - 

Mike joined me today an man is he sorry for it.  I took him on the Beirdneau Ridge Trail.  That puppy is brutal.  I treated today's workout as a Big Workout with the meat of the workout the climb up to the ridge.  2200' vert in just under 3 miles.  I hammered the first half then died and slowed way down the second half.  We tried to go down the Green Canyon side but quickly gave up due to post holing.  Took all the fun out of a downhill.  So we headed back the way we came.  Legs were toast by the end.  

T-2:57 (19 miles) 9:18 ave 157 ave hr (176 peak) 3650' vert

2014 Trail Miles Miles: 19.00PI Emotion Trail M2 Miles: 19.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

7 easy miles - 8:40 pace

Ghost 4 Miles: 7.002014 Road Miles Miles: 7.00
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Easy Run - 9

Headed up to the Canal Trail from the house and tried to work the soreness out of the quads.  Still not seasoned for steep stuff yet.  

T-1:13 200' vert 139 ave hr

Launch Blue #1 Miles: 9.002014 Road Miles Miles: 7.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 2.00
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Providence Canyon from Maceys - 12

Solid Pace, nothing special.  Enjoyed the crusty trail up Providence in the cool morning air.  Almost didn't need a headlamp.  That is huge!  

T-1:40 (8:17) 153 ave 2000' vert

Salomon XR Mission Miles: 12.002014 Road Miles Miles: 6.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 6.00
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9 Easy miles - 

Canal Trail(s)

T-1:18:30 135 ave hr, 300' vert

Cumulus 11 White Miles: 9.002014 Road Miles Miles: 3.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 6.00
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Long Run in the Rain - 

Suffered through some AM soccer games with the kids in the cold rain then headed out for a run and suffered some more.  Rain and 40 degrees is a tough combo.  I was alright until my gloves were dripping wet.  Once that happened my fingers almost froze off.  Other than that, it was fun splashing up the roads and trails.  Shame I didn't see anyone else out there...

Home to Guinavah Malibu Campground via sumac dr.

T-3:06 (8:05) 1750' vert 146 ave hr

Launch Blue #1 Miles: 23.002014 Road Miles Miles: 10.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 13.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Canal Trail - Deer Fence to top of Millville hill -15

Met up with mike early am to run around.  He continued on and I went to work.  Felt good today.  Enjoyed it.

T- 2 hr (7:58) 152 ave 1500' vert

2014 Road Miles Miles: 4.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 11.00Altra Olympus Miles: 15.00
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Mendon to Deep Canyon Trail - 

Went and checked out the snow levels on the wellsvilles.  Still pretty low.  Only made it about a mile up the trail before turning around.

T-1:15 (9:22) (145 ave hr) 1850' vert

PI EMotion Trail N1 Miles: 8.002014 Road Miles Miles: 3.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 5.00
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AM: 6 easy miles around Young Ward - Feeling under the weather. 8:20 pace

PM: 10 easy miles with joe and fan on BST and Green.  Called it good at 10 to try and not dig too deep a hole.  So tired of these sinus infections.  I have had so many of them in the last 2 years.  Grrr..

T-1:25 (8:28) 1350' vert 150 ave hr

Ghost 4 Miles: 6.002014 Road Miles Miles: 6.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 10.00PI Emotion Trail M2 Miles: 10.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Cascadia 6 Red Miles: 5.002014 Trail Miles Miles: 196.002014 Road Miles Miles: 83.00Rapa Nui 2 Miles: 62.00Altra Olympus Miles: 51.00PI Emotion Trail N2 Miles: 10.00Ghost 4 Miles: 30.00Hoka Stinson B Miles: 11.00Salomon XR Mission Miles: 32.00PI Emotion Trail M2 Miles: 29.00Launch Blue #1 Miles: 32.00Cumulus 11 White Miles: 9.00PI EMotion Trail N1 Miles: 8.00
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