| Location: Draper,Ut,USA Member Since: Oct 27, 2012 Gender: Male Goal Type: Age Division Winner Running Accomplishments: I was a decent runner when I was younger, now just loving the second wind in life... Short-Term Running Goals: Boston Marathon - 3:04:21 3112th/1978thAG
Long-Term Running Goals: Enjoy running with the Kenyans again... Personal: Work Hard, Play Harder and Have Fun! Make It Happen...
This is my mantra... |
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| | AM: Almost missed the group run for being to early this morning. We were starting at 5:30 but I missed the memo. Good to get out with Scott, Reed, Mike and Dan. Light rain and some fun winds made for an easy temp. Some good laughs this morning and was fun to hear everyone getting excited about Boston/SLC. I am excited to see everyone running well again. Back was still a little tight during the run and afterwards. Hope this is good riddance soon... easy pace... | Comments(1) |
| | Easy Progressive to MP to HMP pace work... Evening: Very busy with work this morning and had no time get in my workout planned for today. Got some really good sleep last night. I was able to finally get out around 7:30 tonight and do my workout. Horrible time to do a workout but got it done and hope to continue building from these type of workouts. The speed is just not coming quick enough. I don't know what to think but it is very frustrating to say the least. My back is very tight right now. It has been pretty sore and tight for a week now. This is a little worrisome because I have broken my back before and it was doing 800 meter repeats. Don't want to go through that injury again so I need to just be cautious and remember that deposit workouts are what I need to focus on. My attention to detail is mainly for me to look back on and see how I am progressing as the year goes by. I hope that I can just keep clicking off improvements. My mind and breathing was fantastic tonight. My legs felt pretty good too. I think I could have done stronger splits had my back not been a problem. Splits: 7:45, 7:22, 7:11, 7:08, 6:55, 6:40, 6:25, 5:57 with 2.3 very easy miles CD. The goal was to go longer but my back was not having it. I picked it up on mile 8. It felt more like a threshold mile than a HMP tempo but I am glad to have got the pace miles in. I am going to try an ice bath and see if this will help my back. I don't need an injury right now...but then again who does... | Comments(2) |
| | AM: A little over 8 easy miles to the office...Gorgeous Day. Back felt better in the lumbar area. Neck and thoracic area still tight. | Add Comment |
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Track Workout 200's Evening: I am glad to finally start working on some speed again. I warmed up 3 miles (7:40, 7:09, 6:40). Objective was to get a good heart rate going to where I could get into some good leg turnover. I wanted to be sub 5 minute pace on every 200. Didn't really know what to expect because I have not been on a track in a very long time. There was a 25 mph headwind/tailwind so the times reflect it. The effort was the same each time ranging from 34-37 seconds per/200. I did 12X200's with 100 meter AR jog in between. On the 4th and 8th one I did a 400 AR jog. The 12th 200 was at 39 into a head wind but I felt gassed so that is when I called off the last set of four. I felt this was a good deposit again. Back is still way tight and I am little worried. 2 miles CD. Work has been insane and my schedule is all over the place. Just glad I am being consistent and getting my mileage and workouts done like I can. PM: Decided to go play some bball after another 14 hour day at the office. Played for about an hour and a half. Good ball too. I hope I don't regret this in a few hours when I have to do a long run. Oh well too late now. Now back at the office to make it a 16 hour day...good times...
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AM: Never even seemed like I went to bed. This burning the candle at both ends is "character building". Kind of like the lonely LR this morning. I knew I was in for a "fun run" when I walked out to my car and the winds were 40mph's. I almost fell down getting into my car. I did an out and back from Teton Running along Sunnyside out to Snake River Landing along the greenbelt to the top of Freeman Park and back. The coming back was brutal. I felt like two people were running along the side of me with sledge hammers taking turns beating me up. The wind was cross and head for 17 miles and then finally the last mile felt a little bit of a tail wind. Like I needed it then. I was hammered. I avg. 7:30's which is all I wanted to do today was get in the mileage and build back up. Glad to have this run out of the way. Not a fun one at all...
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| | Evening: Draper Park jog around a grass loop I made up .27 miles along. Really easy comfortable jog while I watched the boys play on the playground. Simon kept giving me a high five every time I came around for a lap. Really fun to see him get excited about activities. He kept asking me when we could do more push ups. "I wanna do push ups dad". WORD... | Add Comment |
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AM: Group run with Matt, Reed, Scott, Mike and Toni. These guys are ready to run Boston/SLC. Excited for 'em. You could tell the energy is being held off now. We did a few pick ups during the run. Nice easy pace the whole time. Feels really good to run a relaxed low 6 today in some parts of the run. Excited for the week. I need to do better at getting really good sleep this week. Weights: chest, dips Lunch: Easy run minus the 40mph tropical storm winds. No complaints. Glad to be healthy and recovered. Tempo tomorrow...
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| | Afternoon: The whole day has been turbulent winds outside. I kept pushing off the workout thinking that the winds would calm down. When I say winds, I mean 40mph. I am not a fan of wind. Should have run this workout on the TM. WU about 2 miles then 2.25 miles @MP (6:30avg.) Felt fine just was not in the mood to battle the winds. CD 3 miles. Pathetic workout. Really just didn't have it today mentally. Happy Birthday to my little man Solomon who is 5 today. Wish I could be with him... | Add Comment |
| | AM: Haven't run since last Tuesday due to tightness and pain all through my back and neck. Very uncomfortable pain and discomfort. I have been pretty worried about it. Last thing I need right now is an injury. I am glad that I took some time off. I think my legs benefited but my back was still feeling tight and sore when I showed up for the run this morning. Met Matt at Scott's house and we set out on a enjoyable run. Very fun conversation the whole time. Matt has been a huge reason for staying consistent and getting the second wind back to running. We kind of just cruised easily. Felt good til about 9.5 miles and then soreness and tightness set in. I am just going to focus on single workouts this week and monitor this well. Excited to hear all the results for the friends running Boston today. Just heard about the bombs that went off. Such a horrible tragedy for what is suppose to be an awesome day. I am sick to my stomach and wish all of the people involved safety and recovery. | Add Comment |
| | Day OFF: Kind of my Boston tragedy. Not much to say. Just feel num and really hopeless. Wanted to run 10 easy. I guess in my mind and my emotions I did. Hope to do a great workout tomorrow. | Add Comment |
| | Lunch: Wanted to get in a good workout today since I have felt like I have really done nothing the past week. Kind of true actually. My back and neck are still jacked up. No clue what is wrong. Just trying to work through it and hope that this funk can recover soon. I decided to run up the backside of Sunny Side from the cemetary to do the dump(top of Ammon). I took it easy on the way up just trying to focus on climbing. I am not a very good uphill climber right now, but it is starting to get easier. I didn't feel tired til about a 1/4 mile from the top. That is a good sign for me. I took a bathroom break and stretched for a bit and then started into the workout part of the run. I wanted to just fell like I was doing a nice tempo HM pace even though it was downhill. My goal was to feel in control and try to avg 5:50 to 6:00 pace without having to try and force the pace. 5 miles 5:57 avg. I felt really good. I would have gone faster but the 50 mph head winds literally were holding me back. I felt very consistent and even paced the whole time. Great deposit workout for my upcoming half. I like where I am at. Now if I can just focus better on my weight and get it down I might start seeing my speed one day come back. | Add Comment |
| | Lunch: Took off to do a good target run. Felt great after a 1/2 mile into the WU. At the mile mark started my workout part of the run. Got in 6 miles @MP(6:40 avg.) Mile CD. I felt really good during this effort. I never felt like I was pushing. The effort was consistent and smooth. I felt a little fatigued at about 4.5 miles into the MP with a little soreness in my left hip flexor. It worked itself out though so I didn't worry too much about it. My back and neck are still jacked. Felt a little better today but I will continue doing the press ups and monitor it. Glad to feel like I can be effective again. | Comments(1) |
| | Evening: I wanted to start the week off. I got to 8 miles and felt tightness in my back, neck and hip flexors. This is frustrating. Hope the morning brings better. | Add Comment |
| | AM: Met Scott and Matt this morning to run from Scott's house. Love this course. Love these two men. At 3 miles I felt gassed at 7:20 pace. I told the guys I felt in trouble. Sure enough at 4 miles I told the guys to go on. I am struggling with some real emotions right now that probably do not make me mentally competitive but I will not let my excuses hold me back long. Back and neck felt horrible and this became a pitiful workout as I could barely breathe. Look forward to more runs... | Comments(1) |
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easy 1 mile jog. Back and Neck are still really tight. Going to try and do something about it this weekend. I keep stretching, rolling and press ups.
Weights: Chest and lower back... Felt good to be somewhat active... | Add Comment |
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AM: good to get out and feel like I was mobile today. I stretched for a long time and took my time to get loose and ready. I wanted to make sure that I could do some kind of stride. When I was stretching I heard and felt my whole left hip and lower back manipulate like I have not felt in a long time. It was weird and scary, but nothing happened painful. I stretched some more and then set out. First mile was just a grad into the process. I told myself that I wanted to do a workout if I could. After a mile I felt warmed up enough to settle in to a rhythm. I did the next 5 miles @MP(6:40). I felt very relaxed and wanted to do more but my inconsistent training leaves me thinking I should not over do it. So I cooled down a mile after that. It was nice to do some kind of workout after what I feel like has been a wasted week.
Weights: Shoulders and abs... | Add Comment |
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AM: Had a really hard time getting up at 6am to get out the door in time to meet up with the group at Reed's house today. My back and neck took an hour to stretch out and still didn't feel comfortable to do the workout I wanted to do. I decided to rest a little more and do some more stretching and then go out see what I could attempt to do. Pretty frustrating that I feel my fitness is down, but its not. I just cannot get rid of the tightness in my chest, back and neck. I have a hard time breathing and relaxing some days. Really weird. Oh well. Got in some easy miles. Might try and do another workout later today...
Afternoon: Glad to get in a double. My goal this morning was to do at least 14 miles (7mile loop around my house). AM workout obviously did not pan out like I wanted with doing a second half loop with 4-5 miles @HMP. So I went and relaxed and ate some food to get some energy I felt I was lacking. After the Bulls/Nets game I headed to the gym to do a TM workout. Again, I felt a little relief from the AM workout, but still my right side of my back and right side of my neck is so tight that it makes it difficult to relax and very hard to breathe. I did a mile WU 7:12. Then mile interval @5:48 then 5 min AR run @ 7:12 then mile interval @5:37 and then 1/2 mile CD. Felt like a decent workout. I have been very inconsistent and it shows. I am a pansy when it comes to working through pain barriers. Glad to get in some leg turnover today, but I am really behind schedule and need to get this tightness figured out. | Comments(2) |
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Lunch: Quick easy shake out miles. Felt a little better today.
Weights: Abs... | Add Comment |
| | AM: Group run with Toni, Mike, Scott, Matt and Reed. Really pleasant temps this morning. Felt good to push through the tightness. Did mid 6' for about 5 miles of the run. Felt very relaxed for how inconsistent and crappy I have felt the past 3 weeks. Good run with the group. Man they recover fast. Dan and Brandon get back to us soon... | Comments(2) |
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LUNCH: Woke up sore from muscle works yesterday. Tori beat the crap out of me :)
Went mile and a half WU and then 2 1.5 mile repeats @ 6:15 and 6:05 pace with a 1/2 mile AR jog in between. Felt relaxed and good. A little windy so I just tried to stay comfortable. I am not a fan of wind. Did a mile CD. | Add Comment |
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