Runnin Bubbas

AF Canyon Half Marathon

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Member Since:

Oct 27, 2012



Goal Type:

Age Division Winner

Running Accomplishments:

I was a decent runner when I was younger, now just loving the second wind in life...

Short-Term Running Goals:

Boston Marathon - 3:04:21 3112th/1978thAG





Long-Term Running Goals:

Enjoy running with the Kenyans again...


Work Hard, Play Harder and Have Fun! Make It Happen...

This is my mantra... 

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Heavy Day...No excuses but I am really just pissed off.  I missed a really great LR/Tempo.  I dropped the ball.  I know one day or workout cannot affect your total performance but I have committed more than ever to better my training.  Clearly a very emotional weekend for me.  I will get through this and move on.  Still excited for my body to heal and be ready to go for broke.  Started my workout at 82 degrees.  Bad move.  I knew early that I was not going to get in what I had planned.  Not enough mental toughness, energy and time.  I decided to just so good pickups in the time I had.  Legs feel really responsive.  Did some good fartlek during this run.  Had a stretch where I did a .5 mile @5:15 pace which is speedy for me right now.  Time to take the rest of the weekend and relax and then get back at it Monday morning.  Ok enough soapbox from me.  Really excited for the field @ UV.  Man I wish I was here for this.  

Weights:  Dips  and Abs... 

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Evening:  Not much of anything but a lot of work today.  Managed to get in some easy miles right before bed time.  Hip Flexor is still nagging.  (7:04ap)

Weights:  Chest and Abs...

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AM:  Group run with Reed, Mike, Matt and Scott.  Felt really good during the WU.  Few pickups.  At mile 4 the group planned 3 miles of tempo.  Scott led the way with Mike and Matt close behind.  I held the back of the pack just trying to stay behind Reed.  Splits were 5:30, 5:40, 5:55.  Nothing really too fast but I felt I lot better than last week.  At mile 2 I felt like the pace was very comfortable and wanted to go another couple of miles.  I did not want to do anything but make a deposit today.  Legs felt very fresh today.  The group looked really strong.  The field is stacked for UVHM.  Watch out for Mike and Matt.  They make 5:20 pace look easy.  Reed is going to smash his goal time.  Scott and I did a couple more miles after our normal loop...

Weights:  Back, Legs, Arms...

Evening: 4.45 variation paces throughout run (anything from very easy to MP).

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Evening:  Finally got in a run tonight after traveling and visiting all day.  I ate a huge plate of bbq and then 10 minutes later my dad is like "ok, lets go run".  Ummmm...yeah that was fun.  Started out and ran the first half of the run with Dad.  He is trying to get back in shape.  We took it very easy.  I hope I am still running at 61.  The last part of the run I picked it up and caught childhood friend's husband John Healy and ran with him the last part of the run.  I finally felt my food digest at mile 6.  Only 94% humidity.  It was hotter than blazes too.  I don't miss the weather during summer time here.  Great to run some of the streets I grew up on though.  Flat everywhere here...Don't Mess With Texas...

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Mid-Morning:  Slept in this morning and got out at 10 to go on an out and back down Texla Road.  The road is named Texla because it starts in Texas and goes to Louisiana.  I knew right away I was not going to break any records today.  The temp was 89 degrees but 92% humidity.  Underground Weather said it felt like 96 degrees.  I felt like crap at 5 miles.  Completely dehydrated.  I think my last mile was 8:34.  I drank like a gallon of liquid when I got back to my parents house.  I am lucky I did not hurt myself.  I guess running mid-morning will not be an option while here.  


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AM:  Finally I felt normal as did the weather.  Still 90% humidity but the temp was low 70's this morning.   A huge Lightning and Thunder Storm came through last night so I could not get out and do an evening run with my Dad.  The lightning bolts were really big and strong.  I did another out and back on Texla.  Pretty peaceful this morning with the birds and bullfrogs singing to me as I ran by.  Not too many wild dogs out.  One tried to bite me though.  I scared him away though.  Excited to hear and see the results tomorrow for UVM and UVHM.  Should be a great time. Good Luck to all the runners...


Evening:  Went out to find my Dad on his run.  Couldn't find him so I meander for a little bit.  Legs felt really good.  Still have a problem with my right hip and adductors but no clue what is wrong...(3.43 7:40'sap) 

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AM:  Woke up this morning feeling pretty decent so I was excited to get out and go.  The plan was to do between 15-18 total miles with some tempo at the turn around.  I asked my Dad to pace along side of me on his mountain bike and he was glad to do it.  After a mile of warming up and getting the legs loose I locked into a comfortable 6:53 ap for the first 8 miles.  I turned around at this point and my mom came and met up with us on Texla Road and gave us 2 bottles of powerade.  I was completely soaked and starting to feel it.  I decided to try and do some tempo.  After about a mile and a half at only 6 minute pace, I knew I was in trouble.  I decided a 4 mile fartlek was a better idea.  I backed off and did anywhere from 1/4 mile to 3/4 mile variations from there.  One of the splits was 5:30 pace so I felt better about that.  At 13 miles I could tell I was depleted and decided CD.  We ran into Boman Fawcett a cousin of mine and talked to him for a few minutes.  The last few miles were very comfortable at 7:20 ap.  My sister was heading out on a run when I hit 16.25 miles so I decided to run a little with her to total 17.  Great workout and total mileage run for me.  This is the longest run I have ever done in Texas and where I grew up.  The longest I had ever run in High School was 12.  My Dad never wanted me to burn out.  I just needed college to do exactly that for me :)

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AM:  Went on a run with my sister Melissa.  She wanted to do 6 miles really easy so I told her I would run with her.  About half way through the run I started to feel GI issues like no other.  Not fun.  After 2 times having to stop with in 5 minutes of each other I knew something was wrong.  Had to have my sister drive me home and then was out the rest of the day.  Not a great way to finish the vacation.  Some kind of stomach bug but it zapped me of energy worst than the humidity.  I guess I will taper for this race...

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No energy again.  Traveled back to Utah with the boys. Day Off...

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AM: Slept through my alarm and didn't even phase me.  I was exhausted again.  Felt the nausea like no other.  Decided the group run was not happening.  Went out on my own a little later and at mile 4 had to go to the bathroom again after already going once.  Decided to pack it in and just go to work. Frustrating.  I have trained hard for this half and hope I am rid of this thing by Friday night...

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Lunch:  Able to get some great rest last night.  Went out on PRT and did some easy miles.  Energy levels still feel low but better today.  Excited that my legs feel fresh and ready.  The hay is in the barn. Time to Fly...

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AM:  Easy Miles with Matt from Matt's house.  I did some drills and wu before hand.  Got some great rest and feel like my energy levels are good now.  

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Race: AF Canyon Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:20:23, Place overall: 19, Place in age division: 1
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Woke up at 3:30 and had the typical yogurt and cliff bar for breakfast. Took a shower and was feeling good. Lungs felt a little heavy but didn't think anything of it.  Legs felt ready to go.  I met Scott at the AF High School and we boarded the buses.  The ride up was nice.  I was anxious to race.  I was finally feeling ready to run after a weird week of sickness.  Scott and I did a 2 mile wu up to the campground and back down.  Did about 6 striders as we met up with Matt and Mike who both looked ready to lay some carnage after a week from UVHM.  Wish they had a bib today.  Stupid race director.  I still say they were 4th and 5th respectively.  Great job to both of them.  

I knew my game plan was to go out in the 5:40's down the canyon and just stay conservative to be there for the last 4 miles of this race.  The mile markers seemed a little early or little late the whole race but in the end it was spot on for the distance so no big deal there.  I met a guy named JP that Scott works with and he said his goal was 5:40's so I thought we would just run together.  We did for the first 3 :) then he slowly pulled away with ease.  Great job JP today!  Miles 1-3(5:33, 6:00, 6:07).  Honestly, I just felt very comfortable and never felt like I was going fast at this point.  I knew I was being conservative but felt it was the right thing to do.  Like I said the mile markers were weird?  So right after mile 3 I pulled out a cliff gel shot to eat and sure enough white powder all over it.  No, not crack but laundry detergent.  Great!  Last thing I needed to go wrong.  So I chuck the 3 gel shots I had and just said oh well deal with it.  The canyon was so gorgeous!  The temp was perfect.  The field was very cool.  Miles 4-6(5:54, 5:44, 5:43)  Freaking perfect!  Felt great here.  About three people caught me in this stretch including the 2nd place woman and Tristam.  Trist looked great for the type of month he has had.  Really smart run by him today.  Stayed calm coming out of the canyon.  I seriously felt relaxed the whole time.  Never felt fast but just locked in what I thought was a conservative effort to be there for the last 4 miles.  So coming out the canyon I felt the energy to make a suttle push to catch Trist and this other guy in a white tank.  Miles 7 and 8(5:53, 6:04).  46:05 through 8, spot on for the game plan. 

Then I came up on the first little roller through Hole #1 on the golf course at 8.5.  For some reason I felt a zap of energy at this exact moment like I hit a wall.  Was this sickness I had going to affect me?  Who cares about that. NO EXCUSES, GO!  Well I came through the tunnel just before 9 and going up a simple hill I felt no energy.  I now knew I was in trouble. The 2nd place woman kept stopping and starting the whole time.  Seriously annoying.  I never had it in me after this point to run with anyone or go with anyone.  I felt alone.  Weird feeling.  By the time I got to the pond I felt I was crawling.  Great times :) Miles 9-10(6:29, 6:29) I'm now in trouble.  

Ok, So here is where the race begins right?!  Wrong.  It ended in the last 5k. In fact, I guess I can count the last 5k as part of my CD.  Well, to stay positive Jen came up on me after 11.5 and I just told her great job and have fun and go get the 2nd place woman.  I didn't have anyone pass me after that but when Trist came out of the porta potty at 11 I knew I was not going under 1:20 so my mind just said whatever!  I crusied in the last mile at a snail's pace and just called it what it was.  Miles 11-13 and the .1(6:49 Really?, 6:24, 6:39 lol, .32) Fantastic jog for the last 5k.

I am going to count Matt as 4th and Mike as 5th overall because they did race.

Was able to CD with Scott, Matt, Toni, Mike, Dave, JP 3.5.  Really enjoyed hearing everyone else report their journey's today.  Some great efforts and times.  Really fun to see a lot of great talent in this area improving and getting faster.  Cannot believe some of the times people did just off of other races the past few weeks.  Great job to Zak and great job to Walter.  Lindsey you looked smooth as silk down the canyon.  Come pace me for Timp :)

Great time today for a great cause.  Love the running world.  Great people.  Enjoying the journey.  Now back to the drawing board...

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AM:  Woke up at 4:30...laughed for 5 seconds...4:31 fell back asleep...

Evening:  So yeah this morning was not going to happen for me with the group run.  Finally got out this evening around the Draper perimeter.  18:10 @2mile mark.  I think that is a 9:slow AP.  Finally felt normal at about 4 miles and felt the shift.  I should not have had this much latic with the type of "workout" I had Saturday.  I think its understandable if my body would have experienced real race mode.  Very understandable if you have raced the past 2 Sat. in a row...WALTER, MATT, MIKE!  Anyways, so I picked up the next 4.5 mile to just under MP which actually felt comfortable.  Guess my energy levels are back to normal.  By the way, I don't want the stomach bug again this year.  That sucked...

Weights:  Chest... 

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AM:  Group with Matt, Scott, Reed and Toni.  Easy Miles on the Turkey Point Loop from Matt's house.  Really nice morning.  Legs are tired. 7:47AP

Weights:  Shoulders and Calves... 

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AM:  Easy miles this morning on my own around Draper...

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Day Off... Stayed up too late going to the BNL, Ben Fold's Five and Guster Concert.  Great time though...

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So Bill Hiatt convinced me to join his Roadrunners team.  Lot of great guys on the team that I already knew and got to know better throughout the two days.  I had been told that I needed to do this once and qualify for Boston in order to be a true runner. :) I figured why not try it once.  

First Leg:  AVON PASS -  Toni handed off to me first.  I had about a 1.3 mile climb to the top.  Kept it around 7:20 ap during this stretch.  I was definitely not warmed up enough to run this leg but got into the leg and just tried to enjoy the scenery.  Amazing views coming down into Eden.  The pass was pretty crazy.  I do not do a lot of trails and it showed.  I could not go faster than 5:20 pace coming down the pass because of the rock and dirt that made my footing just feel weird.  The temp also changed coming out of the canyon. I felt depleted at 5.5 miles.  I should have drank more water and had the team support me here.  This was my own fault.  Great leg though.  I was about 2 minutes off my goal time for this leg...

A little over 3 miles of wu and cd...

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12:30AM Second Leg East Canyon Climb -  Weber State caught our team here.  I received the exchange from Steve shortly after they arrived.  It was dark and I just told myself to enjoy the climb.  I am not really a strong climber but was excited to run this leg.  I felt warm up.  My right foot felt really tender from the Avon Pass.  I felt I had stress fractured or badly strained my outside metatarsal.  Oh well.  Keep on Keeping on.  I felt very relaxed going up the canyon.  The temp was a cool 47 degrees.  Made it very easy.  My quads were hammered from the downhill but just relaxed through this leg.  I kept my pace between 6:40 and 7:15 the first 6 miles.  It felt very comfortable.  When I hit the main climb I dropped to 8:29 and 7:47 for the last few miles.  I was tired coming up the last stretch but felt very good coming into the end.  7:17AP for the leg.  

9:20AM Third Leg - 2.15 mile Flat around Heber to Jr High. - Got the exchange from Steve and took off as fast as I could go.  Toni decided he wanted to run with me as a little tempo workout.  It was fun to cruise with him.  I couldn't believe I could not go fast then 5:50 pace for this leg.  My legs were just hammered and no sleep really does effect you.  Still managed to do the leg in 12:34. Felt comfortable but the leg was so short that by the time I was warmed up and ready to go it was over.

A little over 3 miles of wu and cd...

Really had a great time with everyone during this event.  I didn't realize that passing people would be that fun.  The kills part of this relay makes the event really fun.  I think we had over 900 kills as a team.  I really enjoyed getting to know the team mates a lot better.  Felt like a college cross country trip the whole time.  I am convinced this would be fun to do with these guys again.  Congrats to all the teams and people that participated.  Had a great time...

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PM:  Completely exhausted from Ragnar and post Ragnar debatchery(boating on Pineview).  Had a great time the past 4 days.  Really too much fun and I felt it this morning.  So I made it over to Scott's house after work and ran my favorite loop.  Easy solo effort.  Pretty nice temp with light rain and winds coming from everywhere.  Can I count this as my bath?  7:27AP

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AM:  Met at Matt's house with Reed, Scott, Mike, Toni, Matt and Karl.  Nice CC Team effort today along "The Mother Loop".  Mile 8 is never exciting.  I loafed the last 4 miles of the run.  Might have been harder than just running normal.  Legs are beat up. 7:30AP  Saw Carina and her friend towards the end of the run.  Also, Little Poulson out for an easy stroll.  Pretty awesome actually...

Weights:  Chest... 

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AM:  Another enjoyable group run with Toni, Matt, Scott and Mike along the JRT.  Showed off my "fake bake" this morning.  Nice no shirt run.  I really enjoy listening to these guys stories and jokes...7:07AP

Cleaned out 90% of my closet last night.  Some of my clothes were size XXL.  It's crazy to think I wear a men's medium now.  It's been a fun 2 year journey thus far and excited for the next two years.  Next week is the Provo Freedom 5k which will mark 2 years from the first time I decided to run an official race.  Should be fun to actually race...

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AM:  Missed the group run again this morning.  Just not motivated.  Need to pull my head out and make it fun again.  Easy short miles...

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Decided to get out of town last second this morning.  I had a really late night again Friday and didn't make the group LR.  Another blown oppotunity on my part.  I figured I needed to get out  of town and clear my head.  So I headed to my buddy's cabin just outside of Brianhead and Panquitch Lake.  10,500 ft. elevation.  The scenery was amazing.  All kinds of wildlife.  I felt I was in a different world on this run.  I did an out and back around this small pond.  The elevation was so cool.  The air was very thin and it rained on me.  The rain felt like bullets with the strong winds.  Actually kind of cool all and all.  I need to run in the mountains more...

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Easy little jog along this trail by the cabin I stayed at.  Just wanted to do something active before we shot guns and went fishing.  Really have enjoyed just getting away out here in the middle of no where.  I really needed to clear my head.  

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