Heavy Day...No excuses but I am really just pissed off. I missed a really great LR/Tempo. I dropped the ball. I know one day or workout cannot affect your total performance but I have committed more than ever to better my training. Clearly a very emotional weekend for me. I will get through this and move on. Still excited for my body to heal and be ready to go for broke. Started my workout at 82 degrees. Bad move. I knew early that I was not going to get in what I had planned. Not enough mental toughness, energy and time. I decided to just so good pickups in the time I had. Legs feel really responsive. Did some good fartlek during this run. Had a stretch where I did a .5 mile @5:15 pace which is speedy for me right now. Time to take the rest of the weekend and relax and then get back at it Monday morning. Ok enough soapbox from me. Really excited for the field @ UV. Man I wish I was here for this. Weights: Dips and Abs... |