Wasatch loop.
In 2020, I learned what self-love truly is. I learned how to be compassionate and understanding with myself. I learned that even amidst such heartache as I was experiencing 9 months ago, you CAN make it through and things do get better. I also learned that out of the blue, new opportunities may present themselves that wouldn’t have had you not struggled. I learned to look at things rationally and realistically, while still upholding a positive and hopeful attitude. When looking back at 2020, I don’t want to view it as the hardest year of my life, though it may be true. I want to remember it as the year I broke through my depression and took charge of my life. I want to remember it as the year that I overcame the most difficult things I have ever faced. I survived a pandemic, a full-fledged unmedicated and unmanaged bipolar episode, an earthquake, a land hurricane, and the list goes on. Whatever trials came, they also went. And now I’m in a better place than I’ve been in for years. And for that I am grateful.
Running streak: 5