Happy New Year!!
December 2020 stats
Number of hypomanic days: 2 (6.5 percent) ↓
Number of depressed days: 20 (64.5 percent) ↓
Number of stable days: 9 (29 percent) ↑
Average suicidal ideation rating: 0.16 ↓
Average meals per day: 2.97 ↓
Average hours of sleep: 7.97 ↑
Days medication was missed: 0 ↓
Average anxiety rating: 2.77 ↔
Average irritability rating: 0.13 ↔
Number of days exercised: 14 (45 percent) ↔
Average impulsivity rating (only 6 days of data): 2 ↔

All things considered, December was a good month. My mood was more stabilized than it has been since I've been keeping track (I started in October), and before then it's safe to say I was very unstable lol. So it's cool to see my progress.
I'm still a little worried about the next couple months because that's when I always seem to struggle the most. But this time I have a therapist and steady meds to help me through the darker months. If I can avoid another hospital visit that will be an accomplishment.
I broke my running streak :(