"A Hefty Hunk Of Steamin Junk"

August 2012

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Member Since:

May 06, 2006



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

2006 Ogden Marathon 4:19:33.

2006 St. George 4:05:31

2007 Riverwoods 1/2 Marathon 1:34:47

2007 Speedy Spaniard 10K 43:20

2007 Riverwoods 10 mile race 1:12:38

2008 St George Marathon 3:43:37 

2012 Spectrum 10K 43:54

2012 St. George Marathon 3:42:17 PR!

2014 St George Half  Marathon 1:40:34 C/PR

2019 American Fork Half Run Against Cancer 1:40:31 C/PR

2019 Nebo Half Marathon 1:38:09 2nd in my Age group 55-59.C/PR

Short-Term Running Goals:


I'd like to just run more overall. 

Be more consistent.

Work on Speed.

Cross Train.

Run More races.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Stay healthy and keep running until I'm really old, and maybe get a Boston Qualify.


I am Married and my wife Cindie and I have 5 kids. I am an insurance agent and have been for over 30 years.

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Miles:This week: 11.44 Month: 121.61 Year: 729.66
Nimbus 25 Blue New Lifetime Miles: 174.36
Nimbus 26 Dark Blue Lifetime Miles: 174.25
Nimbus 26 Grey Lifetime Miles: 122.46
Cumulus 26 Lifetime Miles: 21.60
Nimbus 26 Sandstone Lifetime Miles: 33.95
Nimbus 26 Blue Red Stripe Lifetime Miles: 43.02
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Nimbus 13 Black & Green Miles: 30.73Kayano Blue And Black Lime MS Miles: 6.25Nimbus 14 Blue Miles: 20.51Nimbus 13 Black & Red New Miles: 62.96
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I hopped on the elliptical for 25 minutes to warm up the calf and then I stretched and decided to go out and give it a try but it really tightened up on me before I even got a mile in, so I decided to stop and call it good. I had Joel, my brother-in-law the PT, come over and he worked it over pretty darn good, brought me to tears! We talked about why this is happening and I think we were both frustrated with no answers! He wants me to stay on the elliptical for now until I can run again, so I'm not sure whats going to happen with SG, its crunch time and I can't miss any long runs at this point. So I don't know what to think, maybe if I get it better then I'll have to push my taper back and not taper as long or something like that. I don't know!


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I jumped on the elliptical after work. I should have done it this morning but I was feeling sorry for myself and kind of bagged it. But after thinking about things I decided I needed to keep on it just in case this darn calf gets better in a few days or even a week. So, I ran 6.20 miles in 60 minutes on the elliptical and then did some mild leg strengthening to finish up. I'm glad I pulled my head out and got something done, I feel much better now!

See ya tomorrow. 

Nimbus 13 Black & Green Miles: 6.20
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Resting the calf...

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6.25 miles on the elliptical, a very good effort and I'm glad that I got it done, small victories mean the most! My calf felt pretty good and I'm hoping I can run some on Monday, at least thats the plan so I guess I'll see ya then.


Kayano Blue And Black Lime MS Miles: 6.25
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I went out and tried to run but it didn't take long to realize that this darn calf isn't getting much better! I am not to optimistic that I'll be able to continue with the training that it needs to be at this point...! I maybe have another week that I can get away with without a long run but after that its just going to be short on time, I know this is kind of a bad attitude but I am not going to thrash my body running a marathon just for the sake of running it, I've been there done that! If I can't reach my goal then I feel I need to back off and get healthy and then start over again. It sucks but I have to face reality, so Maybe I will take it easy this week and then see where I'm at next week and then go from there. I will stay with the cross-training until then and then see where I am at! I really can't wait much longer than that cuz I have to cancel the rooms before its to late, I can't afford to go down just for the sake of going down.


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Resting the calf...

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I've decided to stay off the elliptical for a few days as that seems to be aggravating the calf injury. I need to try and get ahead of this thing, If I can't get back out on the road next week then I am probably toast for SGM.


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Pretty much the same as yesterday and all week, just resting the old calf. Seems to be coming along and I might try running some on Saturday. Hopefully!


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Up at 5:30 and then I went out to try out the old calf and it seemed to do better today, but the stiffness is still there. I will try it out again on Monday and see where its at and then go from there. I kept a pretty steady pace, 8:23 with a total time of 28:47. I hope I will be able to train pretty good next week during the week, if my calf will let me run, I need at least 3 20 milers between now and the SGM. I will probably only taper 10 days or so, so that should give me a little more time. I would hope for a steady week of training next week and then a 15 miler on Saturday and then move up from there... HOPEFULLY! My son Ethan broke the 19 minute mark on his 5K this morning! I am really proud of him, not bad for a 14 year old, he is running with the cross country team at the high school so he's doing well! He just ran a 5K on Monday and broke 20 minutes and then he ran again today and really had a great PR of about a minute and a half! I am really, really proud of him!

See ya Monday. 

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I ran out to Mini Gu to test out the old calf and it felt the best that its felt in about two weeks. I felt it a tiny bit on the way back towards the end but all in all it was pretty good, so I will see how it goes this week because its really hard to tell after one run. I'll need to see how it is tomorrow and then the next day and so on and so forth. My average pace was real easy at 8:42 with my total time at 52:40, I felt pretty good strength wise going out but on the way back I did get a little tired in the legs. I think the strength will come back quicker than I think as I keep running, I'll just have to work through it! After the run I did my upper body weight training and then some push-ups, I haven't done that in a while and it should, very weak.

See ya tomorrow.

Nimbus 13 Black & Green Miles: 6.10
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I ran out to Payson via canal road, out to peteetneet school and it looked like they had a pretty good group today running down the canyon. I probably need to hold off another week before I give that a try again, I don't want to screw up the calf again. I was a little slower this morning my average pace was 8:53 with a total time of 55:13,  I'm just trying to get back into a good flow after a few weeks off. After the run  I did some light lower body weight training so a pretty good workout!

See ya tomorrow.

Nimbus 14 Blue Miles: 6.21
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Resting the calf just to be safe.

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I ran out to Mini GU and then back to the house all via canal road, calf felt pretty good going out but on the way back home I felt a little bit of a niggle but i don't think its a big deal. Pace was real slow and by the time I got back my legs were pretty trashed, not a good sign, but I'll just go with it. Average pace was 8:44 with a total time of 52:46, after getting home I did some one legged leg presses out on the steps, 3 sets of 15 reps each leg.

My son Ethan is running his first cross country meet of his high school career today and the coach wants him and one other 9th grader to run Varsity today so he was pretty stoked! I'm so proud of him! He has been working so hard! I hope he does well and has a positive experience!


Nimbus 13 Black & Red New Miles: 6.10
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My PT advised me that I probably need to take today off if I'm planning on going long tomorrow, so I did.

See ya tomorrow. 

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I ran out towards GU corner and then down in the river bottoms I didn't feel real great at the start and almost gave into my bad attitude but I hung in there and was able to get her done. My last 5 miles were all sub 8:30 so I was stronger towards the end so that was a good thing, my average pace was 8:35 with a total time of 2:09:11. I'm glad I hung in there and stayed with it, the calf felt pretty good too so I am hopeful. We'll see how it handles Payson canyon on Tuesday:) 

I'm taking my daughter Abby down to college today! I'm feeling kind of sad but I know it has to happen! She has just grown up so fast! I love my Little girl!


See ya Monday 

Nimbus 13 Black & Red New Miles: 15.11
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I started out running out towards payson but I started to have stomach issues so I turned back for home. I made it home just in time and then I even debated wither or not to go back out cuz my legs were thrashed from my long run on Saturday, but then I decided to pull my head out and go back out for a few more miles. The last few miles felt a lot better so I was glad that I broke through and stayed with it, my plan is to run Payson Canyon tomorrow with the group my PT said to give it a try and se how it goes. I think I will take it easy ans just try to keep my pace easy and so I don't over do it. My average pace for the run was way slow at 8:58 with a total time of 54:46 my pace was really slow until the last few miles I was able to get back down to a sub 8:30 pace which is a good training pace for me. I finished up with some light  upper body weight training and then some push-ups.


See ya tomorrow. 

Nimbus 13 Black & Green Miles: 6.10
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The plan was to run Payson Canyon but my PT wanted me to try something different, he wanted me to start out with a little warm up and then do half uphill and then half the run downhill just to see how my calf holds up. So I ran Mt loafer road which is about right from my house its about .40 warm up until you start the uphill and then its 3 miles up just past the turn off to Elf ridge. So that's what I did and I have forgotten how steep that darn thing is but I felt pretty good going up and then I just tried to keep the pace steady coming down and it adds up to a good mix of uphill and downhill training. Its just keeps getting steeper and steeper the further you go up! My average pace was 8:55 but on the way down I had an 8:16, 8:00 and then a 7:59 for a total time of 55:17, I had a 5 minute negative split on the way down that just shows you how steep it is going up! It took me a good 30 plus minutes to go up and then the 25:17 coming down, I didn't see any bears but I almost got ran over by a couple of deer!:) I finished up with my lower body weight training, squats leg raises and calf raises and one legged leg raises. Calf felt great so I hope I am finally past this and I can get in some good training all the way to the SGM.

See ya tomorrow.

Nimbus 13 Black & Red New Miles: 6.20
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I ran out past mini Gu and then back to the house via canal road, my legs felt pretty good on the way out but then the last 2 miles felt like a death march, they were really tired from the hill workout yesterday I guess. My average pace was slow at 9:02 and my total time was 1:04:35, after the run I did my upper body weight training and then finished up with some push-ups. I'm  glad to be done for the day.

See ya tomorrow.

Nimbus 14 Blue Miles: 7.15
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I ran out to payson via canal road and my legs have just been toast the last week but I started to do some strides about have way through so I tried to wake my legs up doing those the last little bit. I just went from telephone pole to telephone pole and tried to extend it each time. All of the them were in the sub 7:20 range, my average pace for the run was 8:40 with a total time of 54:08, I finished up with some lower body weight training; squats, one legged leg raises and calf raises. Light day tomorrow.


Nimbus 13 Black & Red New Miles: 6.25
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Resting for tomorrows Long run...

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Long run today out to GU and then down into the river bottoms, I ran my two mile loop down in there and then headed back to GU. I hooked up with Jeff Long for the rest of the way and we ran up over Harry's Hill and then up to the mail boxes and then over to loafer canyon road and then back down to the house. I was at 16 miles so I tacked on a few more to get to 18 plus so I ran out past the Stake center and then back to the house. I felt okay for the most part but I was pretty tired going up harry's and then up to the mail boxes and the pace was pretty slow, but I got her done and I am glad that I stayed with it. My average pace slower than usual but not to bad, 8:43 and my total time was 2:38:36, one 18 miler done and another few to go starting next Saturday.

See ya Monday. 

Nimbus 13 Black & Red New Miles: 18.20
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Not a very fun run this morning, my legs were shot pretty bad from the 18 miler on Saturday and they did not want to move! This has to be the worst run of the summer just from the legs being dead and then how freakin slow the pace was and I had no desire to even try and wake them up! Average pace was way slow at 9:20 with a total time of 58:22 I finished up with some light upper body weight training and then some push-ups.

See ya tomorrow

Nimbus 13 Black & Green Miles: 6.23
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The good old Payson canyon run this morning with the group and I was worried about my calf so I tried not to push the pace but I did want a few sub 8 minute miles and I was able to do that.  About half way down I started to feel the old calf but my PT told me to try running on the opposite side of the road if it feels like it's flaring up and see if that helps, so I did and it did seem to help. The last mile or so my legs were feeling it but I was able to run the last mile pretty good and my calf seemed to hold up, its not 100% yet but it is almost there. My average pace for the run was 8:14 with a total time of 1:31:22, after the run I did my lower body weight training; one legged squats, regular squats, one legged raises and then calf raises. It was a pretty good day and I was glad that I was able to get her all done, even though it wasn't my fastest time down the canyon it was still pretty good considering the calf and everything.

See ya tomorrow.

Nimbus 13 Black & Red New Miles: 11.10
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Afternoon run today as I was late getting up this morning and had to get going, it was pretty hot with a slight breeze so it made it tolerable but I have a new found respect for my Brother Curtis who trains in the afternoon every day in the heat, what a beast! I was pretty trashed from the 11 miler downhill run yesterday so I wasn't expecting much but I was surprised to find my pace was pretty decent, I just tried to work on my form and not think to much. I ran out to mini Gu and back via canal road and my average pace was 8:25 with a total time of 51:25, so I was glad that I finally got out today it was a good way to end the day.

See ya tomorrow.

Nimbus 13 Black & Green Miles: 6.10
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I ran with Kent and Mike this morning and we ran out past Mini Gu and then out to GU and then back to the stake center. I kept the pace easy and I was pretty tired from my afternoon run yesterday so the legs were feeling it pretty good. My average pace was 8:45 with a total time of 1:05:59, nice and easy recovery run. After the run I did my lower body weight training: Squats, one legged leg raises and some calf raises. I'm glad I got her done for the day.

See ya tomorrow.

Nimbus 14 Blue Miles: 7.15
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Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
Nimbus 13 Black & Green Miles: 30.73Kayano Blue And Black Lime MS Miles: 6.25Nimbus 14 Blue Miles: 20.51Nimbus 13 Black & Red New Miles: 62.96
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