Catch Me If You Can

January 2010

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Member Since:

Nov 28, 2009



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

Just Ran a 4 mile Turkey Race yesterday. Not Too Shabby@26:10

Recent 1mile P.R. 5:15

Ran a Hundred mile week once for fun-not bad for us mortal runners. Going for a 125 week next spring. Why Not?

Marathon. 3:16:42

Half Marathon. 1:30:28 

Short-Term Running Goals:

Races Registered for: 

St. George Half Marathon Jan 23, 2010   Injured Rib

Timp Icebreaker Sprint Tri March 20, 2010 ~1st Division, 4th Overall.

Telos Timp Tri, Sprint April 17, 2010 ~ 1st Place Overall

SGTRI, Olympic Distance Tri May 15, 2010 ~ 3rd Division, 7th Overall

Cache Valley Olympic Distance Tri June 12, 2010 Sick

Scofield Olympic Distance Tri July 17, 2010 ~ 2nd Overall 

BAM Olympic Distance Tri Aug 7, 2010 

The Utah Half Aug 28, 2010 (Half Iron Distance)

St. George Marathon October 2, 2010 

Ironman California Oceanside 70.3 (Half) April 2, 2011 

Ironman St. George May 7, 2011 


Long-Term Running Goals:

Gain  a few PR's~5k PR during Telos Sprint TRI Apr. 17

NASM Personal Trainer Certification-Spring 2010~Studying

Triathlon Training~Coach Heath Thurston~Started Feb.1

Ironman St. George 2011~Registered!

I need some new long Term Goals! ..TBC

Qualify for Kona 


Happily Married for 15 years! :D Have 4 amazing kids. I rock! Hehe.

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Brooks Launch Zeroed Lifetime Miles: 407.91
Asics Gel Hyperspeed 3 Lifetime Miles: 201.90
Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Pink Lifetime Miles: 15.21
Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Blue Lifetime Miles: 25.00
Brooks Cascadia Zeroed Lifetime Miles: 32.22
Vff's Sprint Lifetime Miles: 4.07
Barefoot Lifetime Miles: 1.00
Total Distance
Brooks Cascadia Zeroed Miles: 22.26Brooks Launch Zeroed Miles: 17.00Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Pink Miles: 10.00Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Blue Miles: 22.00Asics Gel Hyperspeed 3 Miles: 18.50
Total Distance

8:30 p.m. Back Weights @ gym

9:15 p.m. 5 miles on Treadmill 39:00 7:48pace 

10:45 p.m. Stretch Legs 30 minutes 

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6:45 a.m. Stretch 20 minutes

8 a.m. 10 miles outdoor 8:50 pace, about 35 degrees. Slipped on ice @ mile 5 and landed on my left side with my arm sandwiched between asphalt and rib. Rib feels really bruised...pops sometimes when I move..Kills if I sneeze or laugh. I wont be able to lift weights for weeks..Wont be able to swim or run either. Don't know for how long..I have never had a rib injury before.

9:15 p.m. Aleeve kicked in and I got stir crazy...kept arms locked in place for a 60 minutes Stairmaster (the real stair kind) Will be doing lots of stairmaster this week I know. 

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Total Rest. Rib is about the same as yesterday, Just getting used to the pain. Don't think it is severe at all..But I still wont be able to do much workout wise.

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10 a.m. Sports Massage, worked on my Left Piri/Hip Tightness as well as right foot. Therapist says Rib is most likely soft tissue. That is good.

11 p.m. Spent 25 min or so stretching legs...turned over too fast and got a sharp pain in rib which caused me to throw my head back into the floor. I got a headache. Lol 

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This No exercise thing is KILLING me!

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12 noon..spent 60 minutes on the Stairmaster..the one that looks like real stairs..Was alright since I didn't move my arms for the most part. My sweaty clothes are still on the bathroom floor almost 24 hours later. 

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Yet ANOTHER amazing Stepmill workout at 11am today. Went 60 minutes...Then Just finished stretching legs a good 30 minutes....Too lazy to give you a cute picture today....Well I need a new profile picture I'm tired of looking at that one...

Thought ONE stepmill workout wasn't enough so I did another 60 minutes at 9pm tonight. I think I might try Swimming in the a.m. Rib is feeling that much better.. 

Total Distance

So I am SURE you all NOTICE I have a bunch of "new" shoes...My buddy Danny at the Runner's Corner in Orem went and found crazy deals for me in the back of the store..The Two Pair of Burn and the Cascadia I got for $100 Total..Spent $20 each to get them Zeroed tho....

 The Blondie is Mine...the one with the Attitude!


 Ummmm So you are thinking....Huh? What the French is Zeroed? Well Read this book if u are bored, I still haven't read it yet...Bwa ha ha!


OH Geeze! I need to make this Pix smaller....If only I paid attention to Burt's Tutorials!

Well today I did quite a bit of Stepmill again..75 min this a.m.

Tomorrow I attempt to run and swim...There is no way no how I am going to be able to lift for some time. Wah!


Total Distance

3pm Weeeee FINALLY ran today! Did 3 with Rob nice and slow..testing the waters. Rib is doing well..just a little pinchy feeling that Massage Therapist believes is actually a pinched nerve..I'm guessing when the swelling is down the nerve will be happy once again. It was roughly 28 degrees...could have run in a swimsuit! So warm.

I was so Righteous afterward..Took a Megafantastic HOT shower, for the purpose of Warm muscles and Stretching. I stretched Legs at least 30 min..These again are 90 second holds..Stretching is what keeps me able to run Period.

My Photo Inspiration is GONE....Hmmm I will show you My Desktop Background..for fun...U LIKEY?


Plan On hitting the Pool tonight. I think I will be able to swim..we shall see! The run today was ok since you don't use forceful movements with the Arms that involve Latissimus Dorsi as you do in be continued:

Brooks Cascadia Zeroed Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

Ended up resting today..After my 3 mile yesterday I went to the mall with my daughter for about an hour and a half...My foot was killing me!! I haven't mentioned on this blog before that I have had some issues in the arch of my right foot that I've been trying to solve..Massage, stretching, new shoes, rest....NOTHING working...the Mall walking hurt worse than running...(Two Days Later I will have had a trip to the Podiatrist...will enter that blog entry now)

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10a.m. Sports Massage, worked my Left Hip and Right foot extra.

 10p.m. Stretching 

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9a.m. Ran 3 short miles before heading to Podiatrist...slow with rob: 28:30

11a.m. Podiatrist Visit: Took a few x-rays and I'm relieved it isn't a stress fracture or something worse..It is Post-Tib Tendonitis. This wrapping doesn't look like much but is nice and snug when I stand on it.


NOT a flattering foot picture..LOL. I actually have a foot picture I took as a joke, let me find it...I was telling a Paramedic Buddy of mine on that I was painting my toes in PJ's Relaxing..while he was Having to work a 72 hour shift..So he says...I just painted mine too.."red with pearl white sparkles..." I KID you not...I had just painted my nails as you see below...My heart raced for a sec...I was this guy staring thru my window?? Lol..He lives back east.


So, yes I do bodybuilding stuff too..Not many runners do this...Pretty much fights with my desire to be fast, building my muscle up...BUT hey, I'm doing it MY way. BIG and SLOW!

Bodybuilding wise, Really backtracked (No pun intended: back Picture) During the holidays...Back to "Clean" eating and I am working to regain my definition...


The bad news is I still cant Lift with my rib..I am hoping two more weeks I can get back to the Weight Room.... 

Brooks Launch Zeroed Miles: 3.00
Total Distance

Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Pink Miles: 4.00
Total Distance

4.6mi @ 8:15 pace + Stretch Legs

Brooks Cascadia Zeroed Miles: 4.60
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3.5mi @ 8pace

Brooks Launch Zeroed Miles: 3.50
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Sunday Afternoon:

Spontaneously decided to run somewhere, some pace, some distance...Wound up heading south towards Springville.

Never Ran inside a graveyard before...they didn't seem to mind.


 This dancing child caught my eye from far away.


Under That Pepsi sign reads "The Water Hole"


Wondered if I could stand on that ice without cracking it..Next time I will try and see.

I'm planning on doing more runs where I just wander...I do too many set runs. Much more entertaining not knowing where you are going. Would have kept going but it was close to Dark.

Somewhere close to 8:30pace..Had no watch on. 

Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Blue Miles: 10.50
Total Distance

Slept In! YEAH!

Got Yet another Massage today...Was talking so much that I'm not sure if I was distracting him from his work! ..Didn't remember it hurting enough..Has to at least leave bruises...I do remember he worked my foot tons..will see tomorrow how it feels when I run on it...

Lazily Rolled in to the gym at 1pm..ended up sharing a lane at the pool...And BOY the guy sure got chatty...Usually I have my armor on..An Ipod that says..."DON'T talk to me I'm into my badass music.." Maybe the Pink in my swimsuit made me look like a nice person..idk..(I'm being funny, Didn't mind too much.) He was asking about Triathlon stuff...I'm grateful he wasn't hitting on me..I hate it when I have to get UGLY.  

Ooops...Got all distracted with pictures...forgot to say what I was doing in the pool..

Was first swim since Rib Injury...Was a bit sore at the end..but not anything sharp I am guessing it is ok. I worked on the drills Coach Heath gave me...Drills only. Wondering how my rib will respond to real swimming. Swam 50 minutes. I know..why not 60...Well this bothers me too..But my bladder was about to explode. 

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Was anyone else's Blog Broken yesterday??? (well...Tuesday, Jan 19th...I'm writing this on Wed.) I got all excited about taking nice pictures for you and then I couldn't even post um! 

This day started with sleeping in..again..What are January's for?!?! Think I should just sleep till Feb. 1st. Got out of PJ's at about 11a.m. and went for a run...was pretty warmish..maybe 40 degrees...But WTF it felt like I was running up hill for 4 miles and it was mostly 34:00/8:30pace. Stretched Legs a good 30 minutes...

Thought I would Next Hop in the Pool...1:30 is a busy time..In the 60 mintues I was there I met 3 new guys...."mind if I share your lane...." Sure whatever dude. ;P Got a bit sick...Water in both ears makes me dizzy and nauseated...SHEESH. I feel pro. Tri Coach say's I will prob get used to me some Yay fancy Ear a convenient bottle, could have just got straight Isopropyl Alcohol but I liked this convenient size. Woah man, forgot how good this stuff smells!


I Was telling a buddy of mine that I kept walking in my room and getting startled!! This happened not once..but like 5 thoughts..."What the Hell is that?!"


I mean..that is not a there a giant rodent in my room?? Dog Toy. Why I went through this surprise like 5 times in the same day is crazy...finally picked it up and kicked it down the stairs.


Meet Hedgey. 

Brooks Cascadia Zeroed Miles: 4.00
Total Distance

Had Big Plans to run today but after my Noon Swim Lesson with Tri Coach I got dizzy and nauseated again with both ears plugged up with water...Put some Alcohol in my ears and it helped a little but I didn't feel like it went all the way inside. Maybe I should try again. I am hoping I will get used to it..Being in the water tons...Coach says He thinks I will and coaches know ALL.

Hubby was nice to Rub my calves and feet...Was funny My cat "Tiger" decided he would join in..cuddled up to my legs and started kneading them with his paws. I swear he's a genius cat. Sometimes I think he is reincarnated and Has very much a human mind and just pretends like he only has cat thoughts. My other Male Cat "Patches" always comes in and sits on the counter when I shower...He is really good at pretending he only has cat thoughts too. 


Think I will stretch these beastly Legs tonight...See ya!!!! 

Total Distance

10:30a.m. Went On run With Hubby..showed him mercy and went a short but hilly route..The 9ish pace actually felt as difficult as walking...

Put on my Pirate Swim Suit..and hit the Pool for 60min swim drills...This PIX is 4 you Kelli!


BUT geeze...How did I not Pack all my clothes to change into?!?! Left the GYM commando style..Didn't want to put a cold wet suit back on in winter! No way! ....Found the missing items on my bed at home...*Rolls Eyes!*


Later on Hedgey Get's all Spooky On me again...I'm sitting on my lil Wooden Computer chair and on my left I see...WOAH!

 Think My husband is Playing mind games with me...

Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Blue Miles: 3.50
Total Distance

Had a Crazysauce run today but will post my pictures on Sundays entry...Because it is Sunday now! :) 

Brooks Cascadia Zeroed Miles: 10.66
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Today was interesting. Not. I had no workouts But I had two stretching sessions today for a total of about 90 minutes!

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9:30a.m.....Today I drove out 35 minutes or so to get to Sandy Gold's Gym so I could get my swim drills in...Swam 60 minutes drills there. For those of you who don't know..South of Salt Lake City in Utah Valley, they close all the Gold's Gyms on Sunday.... GRRR.

1:30 Stretched Legs for 40 minutes.

3:15 Ran 6 miles 47:10. Was super sunny and warm..Well about 33 degrees. Stretched immediately after for 30 minutes or so.


Wanted to show you some FUN I had on Friday...I spontaneously decided to just go run somewhere...(I'm falling in love with runs like this...)...

Found Myself running into Rock Canyon. 


I ran up the trail for a while and had a crazy idea how I wanted a picture of myself looking Bada** barefoot in the snow..


I thought, Woah I am crazy I better put my shoes on quick..What if I have to run fast like if a hungry mountain lion wants a snack..or some crazy guy hops out of a cave or something...SO I am putting my shoes back on and Will comes walking up the trail. I feel silly as he stops in his tracks.."Looks like you need some socks! It's cold out here...." 


So I explain to this ancient fellow how I wanted to take a silly picture for my friends..I didn't say "bada**!" I used my manners this time....It was actually a fun lil conversation..He lives near the canyon next to Coach Edwards (for you BYU fans)...He thought it funny I wanted a picture of "an ugly old man." I said, "NO, you are a Cool old man!" :D He insisted he take picutres of me for you to see how crazy I look sitting on the ground in the snow!

Said goodbye to Will..Gave him a hug..Ok I know that sounds weird..but he was cool old man and we had shared a cool moment in time...Flew back down that canyon..down hill all the way..

Headed north to get a few pictures in Provo Canyon..actually took 52 pictures on my The 10.66miles or so...took 2 hours!


I just kept running knowing my hubby would pick me up...Thanks For the RIDE hubby! :) Eeek..I look tired and cold.

Look how I Look like a Leprechaun Dancing a fit trying to get my socks I can hear the bagpipes now!

Lucky I didn't end up falling on my head in the water..those rocks were super slimy under my feet.


Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Pink Miles: 6.00
Total Distance


12:45p.m. Ran 4 miles...ran in the snowy parts of the sidewalk/road for fun..Ran slower that way but idk. :D 33:48/8:27pace

2:30p.m. 60 minutes Swim Drills

Got antsy about 9pm and went for a treadmill run..Wore the Hyperspeed because I wanted to feel less constrained.  Ran it hilly 0.0 incline to 4.0 incline range...8 miles 58:49/7:21pace

Right after I wanted to swim drills but some Special Ops trainee Boy wanted to chat..So every time I did a lap I'd freeze standing there while he got chatty. So I probably only got 20 minutes of drills in...Then left.

(Slept Like a LOG! Sore the next day.) No stretch! Grrr Missy Stretch!

Brooks Launch Zeroed Miles: 4.00Asics Gel Hyperspeed 3 Miles: 8.00
Total Distance

Today was Mega fun...

2:15pm 60minutes swim

8:45pm 5 miles of hill and speed fun on treadmill...8pace to 6pace, and 0.0 to 4.0 incline. 37:44..Wore Hyperspeed again, I just cant stand putting big clunky shoes on...feels like my feet are suffocating.....Run Was followed by 40 minutes of swim.

11pm Stretch 30 minutes. 



Asics Gel Hyperspeed 3 Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

10:30a.m. 60 minutes Swim

12noon Met with Tri Coach for an hour of Swim lesson...He said "wow" at my 15 stroke count/25 yards...didn't know he was counting...

Relaxed the rest of the day. 



Total Distance

More Rest! Weeeee

Did Stretch legs for 30 minutes tho.. 

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Slept in as Usual...Lookie at my yummy fooood:


This Delicious food is...Protein Pancakes with Sugarfree syrup a Banana and a half oz. Pecans.

6 egg Whites: 102cal  0gFa/1.8gCarb/21gPr

Scoop Vanilla Whey Protein Powder: 87cal 1gFa/1.5gCarb/18gPr

Banana: 105cal 0.4gFa/27gCarb/1.3gPr 

Pecans: 100cal 10gFa/2gCarb/1.5gPr

Syrup: 30cal 0gFa/12gCarb/0gPr 

Total Calories and Macs: 424cal 11.4gFa/44.3gCarb/41.8gPr

There you Have it! Yep I have a digestive enzyme in that batch..So I get all that Protein going on! 

Well SO for my day....I was so Wicked Righteous with my eating and workouts...

12noon 30min Leg Stretch

1pm 8 mile run...Sunny 33 Degree weather..67:39/8:28pace

Hit the Gym at 8pm for an extra run...felt like having a reckless abandon type run before I surrender all control to the TRI coach on Monday...So I hop on the 2.5 miles starting at 7:30 pace total 17:28 ..ended up switching mills because this one couldn't maintain speed! Switched to another Ran 3 more miles felt like flying so I ran that in 18:17 nonstop=Woot PR..Ok a treadmill PR but whatever....that was funny....6:05.666pace...EVIL! Total 5.5 miles @6:30pace...Thats a lot of wordage....

Wanted to get a swim in of course! So right after I swam 75 minutes of Drills and Freestyle. Getting much more comfy in the water...I don't breath in water anymore! I hardly even think about breathing at all actually.

Woah..2:45am..this is what happens when you run fast late at night..YOU don't fall asleep! Beware.... 

Asics Gel Hyperspeed 3 Miles: 5.50Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Blue Miles: 8.00
Total Distance


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10a.m. Swim 75 minutes. The guy sharing my lane tried to race me while I was doing my 20x25yard sprints. He left pretty quickly..Lol..

2p.m. Stretch Legs 30 minutes.

3p.m. Run 6.5 miles outdoor..about 40 degrees. 54:29/8:22pace

5p.m. Stretch Legs 30 mintues.

Boring Entry today I feel tired. Lol 


Brooks Launch Zeroed Miles: 6.50
Total Distance
Brooks Cascadia Zeroed Miles: 22.26Brooks Launch Zeroed Miles: 17.00Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Pink Miles: 10.00Brooks Burn 3 Zeroed Blue Miles: 22.00Asics Gel Hyperspeed 3 Miles: 18.50
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