
PV Autumn XC Festival

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Member Since:

Jan 02, 2006



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Running Accomplishments:

PRs: 2:26:29 marathon @ St.George '14; 1:09:55 1/2 mar. '08; 31:00 10k '07

Short-Term Running Goals:

Love running now.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Love running forever!


My perfect day would include a run through the desert, time with my wife and girls, tasty homemade meals, and a nice nap in the middle.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Adios Lifetime Miles: 512.25
Rocket 2 Lifetime Miles: 109.00
Kinvara Grey Lifetime Miles: 222.00
Vazee Pace Lifetime Miles: 437.75
Pace Blue Lifetime Miles: 231.75
Boston Lifetime Miles: 520.25
Peg Green Lifetime Miles: 544.00
Speedgoat Lifetime Miles: 325.00
Peg Purple Lifetime Miles: 509.50
Ravenna Lifetime Miles: 525.50
Barefoot '18 Lifetime Miles: 6.75
Levitate Lifetime Miles: 419.50
Peg NOP Lifetime Miles: 380.00
Peg Blue34 Lifetime Miles: 408.25
Solar Glide Lifetime Miles: 210.00
Levitate Black Lifetime Miles: 83.75
Total Distance
Five Fingers Miles: 14.00Stratus Bee Miles: 7.50Free Miles: 18.70Triumph Miles: 15.50Barefoot '09 Miles: 17.25Stratus Black Miles: 23.05Landreth Orange Miles: 14.00Cumulus White Miles: 7.00Stratus Grey Miles: 17.25Triumph Silver Miles: 112.15Landreth Blue Miles: 30.50
Total Distance

AM - 4 Treadmill.  Hit an easy four on the treadmill in the five fingers.  (Five Fingers 85.85)

afternoon - 9.2 6x1000's.  Good set of 1000's today.  Warmed up and cooled down with DI.  Ran the 1000's on the grass and dirt around PV.  Hit a 5:15 pace on pretty much every one (with the 3rd about 6 seconds quicker for some reason).  Hadn't done this type of workout for awhile, so I was pleased with the results, but it worked me.  Molly's Mile. (old ohanas -9.2)

Five Fingers Miles: 4.00
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AM - 7.5 AC/laps/2450.  Ran the same old this morning.  Felt pretty good.  I thought the fatigue from yesterday would set in.  It will this afternoon.  (Stratus bee 785.9)

afternoon - 4.5 Library.  Ran from PVHS to library and back to vote before Parent-Teachers.  Got to love 'em.  Soreness and fatigue was there this afternoon!  (Free 49)

Stratus Bee Miles: 7.50Free Miles: 4.50
Total Distance

AM - 6.5 AC/2450.  Still a bit tight from the other day, but working its way out.  (Triumph 431.3)

afternoon - 7 grass.  6 miles barefoot and then 8xstriders.  Hadn't done barefoot or striders for a while, and I felt like an old man for both.  Then I lifted for the first time in many months - trying to really strengthen up my hips (especially the left that has been giving me so many problems) - kept it very light and with just two reps.  Left hammy really tightened up - maybe that is related to the problems with the hip?  (barefoot '09 174.65)

Triumph Miles: 6.50Barefoot '09 Miles: 7.00
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AM - 7 2xAC/laps.  Really worked the left hammy over on the roller last night to work out whatever is going on there.  Also popped a few ib's this morning to try and get some pain relief.  Hip also woke me up a few times last night.  Run was a bit tender at first but not too much of a problem.  (Landreth orange 500.2)

evening - 10.05 Club.  Ran up DC trail then across to Bloom. Hills and then down trail and back.  Molly's Mile.  Hammy felt okay.  Worked over a bit before going and after.  Icing and rolling a lot.  (Stratus black 512.95)

Stratus Black Miles: 10.05Landreth Orange Miles: 7.00
Race: PV Autumn XC Festival (3.1 Miles) 00:17:04, Place overall: 5
Total Distance

AM - 7 2xAC/laps.  Temps were awesome this morning.  Legs feeling?  okay...  (Cumulus white 754)

PV Autumn XC Festival

afternoon 10 PVHS.  Set up the course and ran around for a warm up.  Then ran DI warm up with the kids.  Figured that if I was around 17 I would be pretty happy with the run.  Course is a pretty tough one and a full 5K.  Started out moderate and a bit behind all my top boys.  Within the first 3/4 mile I had moved up to 5 (behind my top 4) where I would stay the rest of the race.  Pulled even with Tyson a couple times, but need to really work on speed and hammering out the pace to be able to hold with those top boys.  Miles were like 5:15, 5:32, 5:40, and 5:30 pace finish.  Felt fine about it.  Next one, before Christmas, I would like to knock off 30 seconds.  Cooled down cleaning up the course and around the school.  Molly's Mile. (old ohana -7.8)(Free 51.2)

Cumulus White Miles: 7.00Free Miles: 2.20
Total Distance

evening - 10 CC/Rock Canyon.  Molly's Mile.  Went out to Coral Canyon via Grapevine and over the top.  Then connected down into Rock Canyon watching an awesome sunset.  Took it nice and easy, plus I was pretty tired from a long day in the yard.  But running in the evenings is perfect right now.  Hammy didn't bug at all.  (Stratus grey 345.85)

Stratus Grey Miles: 10.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 Treadmill.  5 pretty tired miles on the treadmill.  (Five Fingers 90.85)

afternoon - 10.5 XC ladder.  DI warmup and cool.  Ran a 600, 800, 1000, 1200 ladder up and down with the boys today.  Felt a little week at first - in the 600 and 800 and then just got stronger.  Each repeat coming down was better than that going up.  Molly's Mile.  (old ohanas -10.5)

Five Fingers Miles: 5.00
Total Distance

AM - 7 2xAC/laps.  Didn't feel to bad after yesterday's hard workout.  We'll see how I feel this afternoon.  (Free 58.2)

afternoon - 9 Fields.  Ran down into the fields - to Corey's house.  Didn't feel as worn out as I thought I might.  Molly's Mile.  (Triumph 341.3)

Weights - did 3 sets of the same low weight as last time.  Hammies started to tighten up a little on the last set of squats (like last time), but not nearly as bad; and they stretched out good after.

Triumph Miles: 9.00Free Miles: 7.00
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Total Distance

AM - 7 2xAC/laps.  The usual this morning.  It was so tough to get up this morning.  Hip still giving me quite a bit of grief.  (Stratus black 519.95)

afternoon - 7.25 hills.  Ran over and ran grass hills by the middle school - I'll call them waves; it is two 30 meter fairly steep hills.  Ran 6 continuous sets of them.  8xbarefoot striders. Hills are where my lack of leg strength really comes out.  Molly's Mile.  (Stratus grey 353.1)

Stratus Black Miles: 7.00Stratus Grey Miles: 7.25
Total Distance

AM - 7 2xAC/laps.  The usual this morning.  Warm today.  Got new shoes, a pair of Triumph 7's.  Felt okay - a lot like my other Triumphs (hurt feet at first, but have become good shoes).  Hoping that if I run in new shoes more, my hips can get feeling better (right hip has started acting up as well as the pain in the left).  (Triumph silver 7)

afternoon - 7 Washington.  Ran 6 into Washington and back and then Molly's Mile.  (Landreth orange 507.2)  

Landreth Orange Miles: 7.00Triumph Silver Miles: 7.00
Total Distance

AM - 7 2xAC/laps.  Rained throughout the night and during the run this morning!  Hips also felt just a little better.  (Triumph silver 14)

afternoon - 7 Shoe Run.  Went out on the Shoe Run with a big group of kids.  Jumped into Sandberg's and it was cold!  Finished with 4x200's.  Legs could use a little more of that.  Weights (easy and 3 sets - no arms, with rotator cuff injury causing big issues right now) and Molly's Mile.  (Landreth blue 144)

Landreth Blue Miles: 7.00Triumph Silver Miles: 7.00
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Total Distance

morning - 17.65 Desert Tour.  Had a great club run into the desert above my house.  Ran up to Maverick to meet everyone.  Then we crossed the under the freeway at Grapevine and headed out on Church Rocks/Prospector (with a little lost detour).  We then headed up Cottonwood Hills (hadn't ever taken that trail - very cool in the wet sand).  This trail somehow connected to the top section of Bracken's Loop - hadn't ever seen that connection before.  Then we got up to City Wells and down and under the freeway at the Trailhead (where Clyde lost his shoe in the mud!  So funny!).  Finished by running home and Molly's Mile.  Hips felt a little better again, but still not great.  (Triumph silver 31.65)

Good week.

Goals for next week:  Keep working on the health of the hips (and now shoulder).  Enjoy our team trip to Phoenix and have the kids run well down there.

Triumph Silver Miles: 17.65
Total Distance

AM - 5 Treadmill.  Thought about getting up earlier to get a few more in today, but then realized that my hips hadn't hurt during the night and that I shouldn't push too hard.  After all, this would be a good week to let them heal up a bit more.  So I enjoyed another half-hour and got the regular Monday 5 on the treadmill.  (Five Fingers 95.85)

afternoon - 11 grass/6-12.  Went out to practice early and got 3.25 on the grass.  Then we DI warmed and cooled around a 600,800,1000,1200.  Kids did well, but I was a bit off on all of them.  Molly and I went up into the dirt and ran a little more than usual (2 miles) to round my total up to 12.  Weights - upped the weight just a little, but no arms with my shoulder being so jacked.  Hips are feeling even better.  (Barefoot '09 177.9)(old Ohanas -8.75)

Barefoot '09 Miles: 3.25Five Fingers Miles: 5.00
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Total Distance

AM - 7 2xAC/laps.  A bit chilly out this morning.  Hips still improving!  (Triumph silver 38.65)

afternoon - 6 Wave Hills.  4 Sets of Wave Hills.  Pretty slow on the hills.  I used to be strong at hills, what's the deal.  Molly's Desert Run.  (Stratus black 525.95)

Stratus Black Miles: 6.00Triumph Silver Miles: 7.00
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Total Distance

AM - 7 AC/laps/2450.  It is nice not to have the aches and pains for those first few warm up miles, as my hips are continuing to improve.  (Triumph silver 45.65)

afternoon - 8 Dog Pound.  Ran 3 barefoot.  Then dog pound.  Ended with Molly's Mile.  (barefoot '09 180.9)(Free 63.2)

Barefoot '09 Miles: 3.00Free Miles: 5.00Triumph Silver Miles: 7.00
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Total Distance

AM - 7 2xAC/laps.  All the stuff (new shoes, icing, yoga, rolling) seem to be paying off for the hip.  Still improving.  Last AC for the season, probably.  (Triumph silver 52.65)

afternoon - 6 Green Springs.  Real easy run up to Green Springs.  8xbarefoot striders.  Weights.  Molly's Desert Run.  (Landreth blue 149)(Barefoot '09 181.9)

Barefoot '09 Miles: 1.00Landreth Blue Miles: 5.00Triumph Silver Miles: 7.00
Total Distance

afternoon - 4 Tempe.  Just ran the Nike X SW course down here in Tempe with the boys.  Should be a fun, hard race.  (Triumph silver 56.65)

Triumph Silver Miles: 4.00
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Total Distance

morning - 3 Tempe.  Usually I don't count the miles I run around watching the races, but today I was all over and it was my only running - so I am counting it.  (Stratus blue)

Week was fine.  Obviously mileage was week at the end, but that's okay - we had a fun trip, and it was a good experience for the boys.

Goals for next week:  Enjoy the Thanksgiving season!

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Total Distance

afternoon - 9.5 4xSunrise.  Went over and ran Sunrise Hills.  Kind of an interesting set.  Some good, some bad.  1-1:57, 2-1:50 (went strong with Finchy), 3-1:55 (by myself now), 4-2:04 (decided to try one more and I didn't really attack it like I should have).  Then ran home via Foremaster and Trail to Nowhere.  Molly's Mile.  (Triumph silver 66.15)

Triumph Silver Miles: 9.50
Total Distance

afternoon - 9 River Run.  A little flat this week.  But hips are feeling so much better and shoulder has really improved as well.  Weights and then Molly's Mile.  (Landreth blue 158)

Landreth Blue Miles: 9.00
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Total Distance

Should have gotten up this morning, but I didn't.  Then I didn't feel like running when we got to SLC.

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Total Distance

morning - 10 SLC.  Took Molly for 1.5 miles around the neighborhood.  Then went on to the frozen and snowy trails at Dimple Dell.  Really enjoyed the run around the trails even though I was a little achy (I think from not running yesterday, or much this week) and my hips hurt a little too.  (Triumph silver 76.15)

evening - 5 SLC.  Sego Lily loop.  Hips hurt at the start of the run for the first time in about a week.  It quickly went away, but I did not enjoy it.  Most of the run was just a battle to keep the big dinner down. (Triumph silver 81.15)

Triumph Silver Miles: 15.00
Total Distance

morning - 10 SLC.  Went out on the same run as yesterday - Molly around 1.5 and then the trails at Dimple Dell.  I really enjoy running up there.  Really, it is the only place I enjoy running up here.  Hips felt the same as last night; aching at first and then mostly better, but weak.  (Triumph silver 91.15)

afternoon - 5 SLC.  Ran Sego Lily, but in reverse.  Hips are digressing I think, but I don't know why.  I hate to complain about them, but...  Run was much easier this direction - funny how that works, with the placement of the hills and all.  (Triumph silver 96.15)

Triumph Silver Miles: 15.00
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morning - 16 SLC.  Took Molly around then went over to Dimple Dell again.  Ran the rest of the run all over the trails down by Dry Creek.  Mostly they were covered with snow and frozen and it was tough running, but very cool.  A lot of fun single tracks and tough climbs.  (Triumph silver 112.15)

Week was okay, wish I wouldn't had been lazy on Weds.  Oh well.

Goals for next week:  Get some improvement back in my hips.  Wake up mornings and get 5-7 in. 

Triumph Silver Miles: 16.00
Total Distance

afternoon - 12.5 Grass/Shinob Kibe Roller Coaster.  Ran 3 barefoot before practice.  Then we went out to the roller coaster.  Finished up with Molly's Desert Run and a little more with Molly and Laney.  Hips felt a bit better.  (Barefoot '09 184.9)(Landreth blue 167.5)

Barefoot '09 Miles: 3.00Landreth Blue Miles: 9.50
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Total Distance
Five Fingers Miles: 14.00Stratus Bee Miles: 7.50Free Miles: 18.70Triumph Miles: 15.50Barefoot '09 Miles: 17.25Stratus Black Miles: 23.05Landreth Orange Miles: 14.00Cumulus White Miles: 7.00Stratus Grey Miles: 17.25Triumph Silver Miles: 112.15Landreth Blue Miles: 30.50
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