| Location: Dogtown,Ut, Member Since: Jan 02, 2006 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: PRs: 2:26:29 marathon @ St.George '14; 1:09:55 1/2 mar. '08; 31:00 10k '07 Short-Term Running Goals: Love running now. Long-Term Running Goals: Love running forever! Personal: My perfect day would include a run through the desert, time with my wife and girls, tasty homemade meals, and a nice nap in the middle. |
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Ohana Racers Miles: 29.50 | Five Fingers Miles: 14.75 | Triumph Miles: 31.25 | Free Miles: 12.75 | Barefoot '10 Miles: 5.00 | Stratus Grey Miles: 30.50 | Cumulus White Miles: 23.00 | Landreth Black Miles: 26.75 | Landreth Orange Miles: 24.25 | Landreth Blue Miles: 16.00 | Stratus Black Miles: 22.75 | Cumulus Gold Miles: 9.00 | Boston Miles: 6.25 | Kinvara Miles: 7.50 | Triumph Silver Miles: 9.50 |
| | AM - 8.75 PV/2xAC. Another morning running to school and practice. Hip felt a little better, but still sore. (Five Fingers 438.6) afternoon - 11 Michigan. Another Michigan with the team. Did much better on this one (about 1 1/2 minutes faster than last week) and held in there with Corey and Tyson. Still having a tough time on the speed changes. (Ohana racers 410.75)
Ohana Racers Miles: 11.00 | Five Fingers Miles: 8.75 |
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AM - 8.75 AC/vote/PV. Did the AC and back to the library to vote and then back to school. Didn't wear my watch, but my Hawk-o-meter put it at exactly 8.75. (Triumph 638.75)
afternoon - 9 River Trail. My hip is jacked. Had to stop for a few minutes and try and work it out, but it hurt throughout. Ended with 8xbarefoot striders. (Barefoot '10 125.25)(Free 360.7)
Triumph Miles: 8.75 | Free Miles: 8.00 | Barefoot '10 Miles: 1.00 |
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| | AM - 6 2xAC. Not too much this morning as my hip has been giving a lot of problems. Have Parent-Teachers again tonight, so I am going to take the evening off and see how the rest of the week goes to get it feeling better. (Stratus grey 606.35) |
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| | AM - 6 2xAC. A marked improvement in my hip this morning. Still not great, so I will make myself take this afternoon off again and finish the week off easy. Hopefully that does the trick. (Cumulus white 823.9)
Cumulus White Miles: 6.00 |
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AM - 6 2xAC. Another 6 this morning. Hip felt about the same as yesterday, some good some bad. Hopefully this is helping because I want to be running. (Landreth orange 783.1)
PM - 6 Pleasant Grove. Nice little shake-out run with the boys and girls when we got up to PG. (Landreth black 937.35)
Landreth Black Miles: 6.00 | Landreth Orange Miles: 6.00 |
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| | afternoon - 10 Junction. Haven't run the junction in awhile. So after getting home from a disappointing race up at AF, got out and put a nice 10 in. Felt pretty good throughout and held a nice pace. (Landreth blue 480.15) Week was up and down. Feeling decent now after trying to take it easy toward the end of the week. Goals for the week: Keep the hip feeling better. Maybe attempt to get a workout or two in.
Landreth Blue Miles: 10.00 |
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AM - 8.75 PV/2xAC. Over to school and the usual practice runs again. Temps were a bit warm this morning. Hip felt pretty good. (Stratus black 715.95)
afternoon - 9 Fields/Hell's Hole. Ran from school in a decent driving rain/hail with a big smile on my face and went into the Fields. Looped across the Sunrise bridge and up Hell's Hole and home. Run was good. Hip felt nice. (Cumulus gold 597.9)
Stratus Black Miles: 8.75 | Cumulus Gold Miles: 9.00 |
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AM - 8 5x400. Ran over to school and hit a short track workout. I was a little hesitant to do this because of my hip, but I felt so good on the way over that I decided to do it. 1-1:21, way slow, it has been so long since I've done any 4's that I just needed to adjust to the speed, the rest were better; 2-1:14; 3-1:15; 4-1:16; 5-1:15 with 1 minute recovery (200 meters). Wasn't too bad, I just don't have too much speed anymore. By the end, the turnover got to my hip a little and now it is a little sore, so I'll watch it a bit the next couple days. (old Ohana -8)
afternoon - 4.75 DI/home. Did my weights and then rac DI with the team as their cool down and headed home. (Free 365.45)
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| | AM - 8.75 PV/2xAC. Usual morning routine right now: get up, run to school, run with the kids, run a few more. Hip feels just a touch better. Have stayed away from the Five Fingers to make sure I am getting some cushioning on it. (Landreth orange 790.85) afternoon - 6 Foremaster. Easy 6 with the team before our banquet - it was a good evening. (Stratus grey 612.65)
Stratus Grey Miles: 6.00 | Landreth Orange Miles: 8.75 |
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AM - 8.75 PV/2xAC. Hip feeling a little better each day since Tuesday. It will be interesting to push on it tomorrow XC style against the team. (Landreth black 946.1) afternoon - 9.75 Green Springs. Easy run followed by 4x200's and a run home. (Triumph 648.5)
Landreth Black Miles: 8.75 | Triumph Miles: 9.75 |
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PV Autumn XC Festival (3 Miles) 00:16:07, Place overall: 7 | | AM - 6.25 AC/2450. Hip still improving. Coldest day yet. (Boston 325.75) PV Autumn XC Festival
afternoon - 9 warm up/race/cool down. Did a little XC race with my team and a few of Logan's and other kids from around. I felt much better than I did last year trying this. I really just love XC running. The feel of the grass, the push, the competition. I have just lost a step from when I was a youngster! (old Ohana -3)(XC racers -6)
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| | AM - 13 Snow Canyon Parkway. Met up with Logan, Bill, and Steven for a run on the old store stomping grounds. Went out to Ivins and back. 50 minutes out and then a little Tinman style in for 40 minutes. Felt good; a little tired, but not too bad. (Old Ohana -13) Week was pretty good. Saw more improvement in my hip. Had a few fun runs. Goals for next week: My running is trumped by the team goals this week - make it to Nationals; it is going to be tough and they will need to be on their A game, but we truly have a shot!
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AM - 6 2xAC. The usual Monday over-snacking, undertraining kind of run. But hip felt nice and last mile or two was moving better. (Landreth blue 486.15)
afternoon - 8.5 Dirty Sock. Nice afternoon. Felt good. Ended with 8xbarefoot striders and Molly's Mile. (Barefoot '10 126.25)(Kinvara 202.75)
Landreth Blue Miles: 6.00 | Barefoot '10 Miles: 1.00 | Kinvara Miles: 7.50 |
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AM - 6 2xAC. Thought about going more this morning, but the call of sleep prevailed - especially when I justify it with giving my hip rest. That is probably actually a good thing (and it is working, the hip is feeling very good), but I don't want to just use it for an excuse. (Landreth black 952.1)
afternoon - 6 2xDI. DI warm and cool with the boys and then Molly's Desert run. (Five Fingers 450.6)
Landreth Black Miles: 6.00 | Five Fingers Miles: 6.00 |
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AM - 6 2xAC. A little sluggish this morning. (Cumulus white 829.9)
afternoon - 11 Grass/Shoe Run. Got three on the grass barefoot before practice - it was very nice; I just love barefooting on a decent batch of grass. Then the Shoe Run with the team and 4x200's - these were pretty quick for me. Finished up with Molly's Mile and running a little with Laney. (Barefoot '10 129.25)(Ohana Racers 418.75)
Cumulus White Miles: 6.00 | Ohana Racers Miles: 8.00 | Barefoot '10 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | AM - 9.5 PV/AC/Home. Ran over to practice, hit AC, then home, followed by Molly's Mile. Hip a little bugged this morning since I didn't give it the attention it needed last night - shows the importance of rolling/stretching/core/yoga after every run. (Stratus grey 621.85) Now off to Phoenix - good luck to us!
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| | AM - 3 Phoenix. Nice 3 miler in the morning with the boys. (Triumph silver 416.3) evening - 3.5 Toka Sticks. Ran the NXR SW course. Should be a nice quick course, no elevation, a couple dips with mud, long straights. Finished with some striders off the start and to the finish. (Triumph silver 419.8)
Triumph Silver Miles: 6.50 |
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| | morning - 3 Phoenix. An easy 3 shake out before the race with the boys. (Triumph silver 422.8) Goals for next week: who really knows. I really don't have much direction right now. Not that I am not into my running, just really no stress - so I may run a lot or not.
Triumph Silver Miles: 3.00 |
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| | afternoon - 9.5 Shoe/2450. Just kind of got out and stretched out the legs after an easy weekend. Ended by adding a little on 2450 and then Molly's Mile with the dog and Laney (she is a pretty good little 4 year old runner!). (Landreth orange 801.35) |
Landreth Orange Miles: 9.50 |
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| | afternoon - 6 Parkway. Not much time for a run this evening, so I just squeaked out the Parkway and Molly's Mile. (Landreth black 958.1) |
Landreth Black Miles: 6.00 |
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| | noon - 11 Parkway/Dogtown. 3x1/2 mile. Warmed up running Parkway in reverse and going up King's Row Road. Did my 1/2's - Steve has been doing them and that prompted me to get going on them again. Awhile ago (maybe last year some time) I did a solid set of 1/2's on this road in a storm and those were probably the last 1/2's I did. Anyway, det off at 2:29, 2:27 and then 2:21. Had a bit of a headwind and that didn't make the 2nd half any easier, but I still held decent. Doing 1/2's on the road is definitely the way to go - they feel much shorter than on the track. Anyway... I will do these throughout the winter and also uphill 1/4's for leg strength. Finished by looping back through Dogtown and home and Molly's Mile. (Old Ohana -11) | Add Comment |
| | morning - 12.75 Mustang Pass. Very cold this morning. Went up into the desert which is always nice, but very nice today because all the sand was frozen and made the running easy. Added the extension up there and then Molly's Mile. (Triumph 661.25) |
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| | morning - 11 Prospector. As usual a good time out on my favorite trail. Temps were much nicer today (although I did run later, it was a nice mid-morning run). (Cumulus white 840.9) |
Cumulus White Miles: 11.00 |
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| | morning - 14 Fields. Good club group today - haven't ran all together in some time. Ran down to the River Trail and then into Fields and back to my house. Had a decent push the last 3-4 miles. (Stratus black 729.95) Not a bad week. Mileage is down, but I think I am going to settle for it being around there for awhile. Goals for next week: Get into hard/quick workouts again as well as in the weight room and onto some plyos.
Stratus Black Miles: 14.00 |
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| | afternoon - 9 River Run. Tried to run with the team for awhile, but they were just dinking around, so I left after a couple miles and extended around to the River. Finished up with Molly's Mile and weights and plyos. (Stratus grey 630.85) |
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| | afternoon - 10.5 Washington. 4x1/2's. Ran over into Washington to the King's Row road to do my 1/2's. Felt a little tight at first but then got moving. 1-2:27; 2-2:24; 3-2:22; 4-2:18. A pretty decent set, quicker than last week and I added one (no wind like last week, but cold - didn't wear gloves and hands were freezing by the end). Then ran back to school and Molly's Mile. (Ohana racers 429.25) |
Ohana Racers Miles: 10.50 |
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Ohana Racers Miles: 29.50 | Five Fingers Miles: 14.75 | Triumph Miles: 31.25 | Free Miles: 12.75 | Barefoot '10 Miles: 5.00 | Stratus Grey Miles: 30.50 | Cumulus White Miles: 23.00 | Landreth Black Miles: 26.75 | Landreth Orange Miles: 24.25 | Landreth Blue Miles: 16.00 | Stratus Black Miles: 22.75 | Cumulus Gold Miles: 9.00 | Boston Miles: 6.25 | Kinvara Miles: 7.50 | Triumph Silver Miles: 9.50 |
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