AM - 5 Treadmill. Thought about getting up earlier to get a few more in today, but then realized that my hips hadn't hurt during the night and that I shouldn't push too hard. After all, this would be a good week to let them heal up a bit more. So I enjoyed another half-hour and got the regular Monday 5 on the treadmill. (Five Fingers 95.85)
afternoon - 11 grass/6-12. Went out to practice early and got 3.25 on the grass. Then we DI warmed and cooled around a 600,800,1000,1200. Kids did well, but I was a bit off on all of them. Molly and I went up into the dirt and ran a little more than usual (2 miles) to round my total up to 12. Weights - upped the weight just a little, but no arms with my shoulder being so jacked. Hips are feeling even better. (Barefoot '09 177.9)(old Ohanas -8.75)