| Location: Dogtown,Ut, Member Since: Jan 02, 2006 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: PRs: 2:26:29 marathon @ St.George '14; 1:09:55 1/2 mar. '08; 31:00 10k '07 Short-Term Running Goals: Love running now. Long-Term Running Goals: Love running forever! Personal: My perfect day would include a run through the desert, time with my wife and girls, tasty homemade meals, and a nice nap in the middle. |
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Stratus Grey Miles: 7.50 | Landreth Blue Miles: 20.00 | Triumph Silver Miles: 33.75 | Stratus Black Miles: 22.50 | NB 101 Miles: 34.00 | F50 Miles: 28.25 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 17.50 | Zero Miles: 18.00 | Kinvara Miles: 12.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 29.00 | Altra Miles: 4.50 | Kinvara3 Miles: 36.50 | Oregon Miles: 10.00 | NB 110 Miles: 42.00 | Connect Miles: 16.00 | Boston Miles: 11.00 | Rocket Miles: 14.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 5.00 | Free Miles: 11.00 |
| | morning - 7.5 Hell's Hole. Big News... absolutely no pain at all today! YES! Team went into Hell's Hole, while down there we did a few bounder hills and then got the rest of our mileage. A few clouds today that kept the sun at bay - also nice. The top few varsity guys and I bounded up Hell's Hole. It was absolutely hideous, I nearly puked when we got to the top. I am really keen on how the boys are shaping up (we could use another key piece or two and a few more months to work out some of the rubes), the girls are coming along as well, but need a couple more pieces as well. (Stratus grey 1016.85) |
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| | AM - 7.5 Townhomes/Dirt Mile. Up to get just a couple before practice (still trying to be a bit careful, especially with the Steven Abraham Lincoln Hooper Pope Memorial 17.25 mile Run tomorrow - that's right, I'll call it is full name) with Elin in the stroller. Then to practice for a bit on the Dirt Mile. Again, no pain. Trying to still take care of it with ice, compression, and ibu as well as stretching/yoga to keep it from coming back. Hopefully it holds up well tomorrow. (Landreth blue 810.15) Switched the super feet to another shoe, mostly because I was just tired of wearing the same one for the last week+. |
Landreth Blue Miles: 7.50 |
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| | AM - 17.75 6th Annual Stephen Abraham Lincoln Hooper Pope Memorial 17.25 mile Fun Run. So this was much to far for my leg, but I just couldn't miss it. I am the sole surviving founding father. As always the run was awesome. I really like this run, it just has some cool places in it (from Enterprise Res. down to Gunlock via the Goldstrike Road - all dirt). The climbs weren't too bad and the road was in great shape - not much water out there though. But enough to jump into the stream at the end which is always the best reward. Steve and I had a good run and just kind of held a nice pace throughout - nothing crazy, just moving along - and then James was just behind us, and then another big crew. My leg just kind of ached once we hit around 10. It was mostly the downhill that kind of set it off. So I was bummed about that, but hopefully it was just a minor setback. (Triumph silver 752.3) |
Triumph Silver Miles: 17.75 |
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| | AM - 6.5 Molly's Mile/Grass. Took Elin and the dog around for a loop before heading over to practice. Ran on the grass with a few of the level 1's for a couple miles and then joined up with the Varsity girls. It was fun to run with some different kids - they are all great; spending enough time with each of the groups is one of the toughest things to do as a coach (which is why Travis is SO appreciated). Leg didn't feel great this morning. It was way bad, but there was just a little ache and that made me disappointed. I was also tight from yesterday. Mad that I have to run on the grass in shoes. Some day my leg will feel better and life will be back to normal... someday. (Stratus black 998.95) |
Stratus Black Miles: 6.50 |
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| | AM - 8.5 Tonaquint. Got a little in before practice and the 6 with the team. Felt pretty good today with the leg. (Stratus black 1007.45) |
Stratus Black Miles: 8.50 |
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| Race: |
Hurricane River Trails 4 Mile (4 Miles) 00:24:12, Place overall: 2 | | Hurricane River Trails 4 Mile. 24:12 AM - 11.5. Got a little warm up in and felt pretty good as far as the leg was concerned. I really didn't want to set back the tendonitis for this run, but at the same time I did want to get the run in. I was also really worried about my fitness - I had been in really good shape, but three weeks of stagnation and trying to overcome injury could spell trouble in a short race that requires some speed. I hoped that I could be within 2 minutes of last year's win when I was in very good shape (and not get killed by Mike!). Started off and I was having a lot of trouble breathing - I just hadn't pushed very hard at all in a long time. So I just stayed behind Mike, Steven, and Nephi (a Hurricane kid). We came through the first mile in about 5:21. When I noticed Nephi starting to struggle I got next to Mike and told him to give a push and put Nephi away (nothing like telling the competition they don't have a chance before the season even starts!). Coming down for mile 2 we were around 5:30 - maybe a little slow, but I didn't know how much of anything I would have, so I never red-lined it at all during the race, plus the downhill was tricky - very steep and rocky. Pushed by Steve somewhere in this mile. It was fun running just behind Mike. I kept giving him advice and urging him to keep the hammer down - and he did! We had a strong mile 3 until the big hill and Mike gapped me a bit - mile was somewhere around 6:30. Toward the top of the hill, I noticed that I was closing on Mikey a little, so I thought that if I could give it a little push in the last half mile then who knows. Bt then we went over a little rise after cresting the big climb and Mike suddenly doubled his lead and then went on to break my course record from last year by about 10 seconds - little turd! I hit the last mile in 6:30 or so (Garmin wasn't set on mile splits, so I am just tying to remember times at around each mile). It was great to see Mike run really well. I can handle loosing to a kid like that for sure. And I was pretty pleased about my effort, just 20 secs off last year; and most importantly, the leg didn't hurt - just a touch on the cool when my calf was tight. Steven ran very well and James hit a very solid time as well. We got a 2.25 cool after. (NB 101 546.75))(Stratus black 1014.95) Week was mostly good. Got a few more miles and a couple longer runs in - including pushing a little in the race today. Goals for next week: I am going to bring back a few doubles and of course keep working to get the leg all the way better. |
Stratus Black Miles: 7.50 | NB 101 Miles: 4.00 |
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| | AM - 11 Dogtown/Middleton. Got a few before practice around town and then we went out into Middleton for practice. It was hot this morning and is just going to get hotter today and through the week, and we could all feel it. Leg felt pretty solid. I didn't have the super feet insoles in - which I am happy to ditch. They did help solidify the foot and thus the tendonitis, but I could feel the rest of my shins starting to act up a little - eerily like when I got a stress fracture about 7-8 years back, and I don't want to have to mess with that again, so I am glad that I felt good without them today. (Barefoot '12 54)(F50 246.25) afternoon - 3 AC. Started afternoons with the team, and first double for me in three weeks. Very hot, up at 110 when I got out of the car. Then we hit weights - a long time since I did those too. Ran in a new pair of NB minimums zero (green and yellow). (Zero 3) |
F50 Miles: 10.50 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 0.50 | Zero Miles: 3.00 |
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| | AM - 12.5 Warm Springs/Dirt Mile. Got a few in before practice, but I was barely moving along. Then we had a good run up on the dirt mile and got the pace going a little. Then I kept the watch going just to see how much I ran at all the other stuff and it added up to a lot (an extra 3). I probably won't usually count it that much (never had before), but today... I think I will. (barefoot '12 54.5)(Kinvara 667.75) afternoon - 3 Turkey Farm. Went out to the Turkey Farm and did a little run. It was 112 when I finished, but I felt pretty good. (zero 6) |
Kinvara Miles: 12.00 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 0.50 | Zero Miles: 3.00 |
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| | AM - 16 River trail/Parkway. Went down on the trail and did a mini tempo, because that's all I could handle. It has been a very long time since I have done any tempo work, so I knew to just let it be and not stress. Did four miles at an attempted tinman pace, but was a little off. Didn't feel horrible, just not in shape. So I'll be hitting tempos each week now. Then up to practice and we ran the parkway including 8xhill bounders. Felt very tired throughout and pretty junky. By a few into it was blah. I had to stop and when I did, I got very lightheaded and then threw up a few times. So I just chilled then took a short-cut home and drank up some gato and water. Cramped up all day long and just felt junky. I don't know why this really happened, I ice-bathed yesterday, have been drinking a lot, and the afternoon runs have been very short, so... (Hyper speed 2 177.25) |
Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 16.00 |
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| | AM - 10 Dogtown/Grass. Felt much better today. Got a few in before practice and then we went down to the grass. Barefooting was great and then ended with 8xbarefoot striders. (Altra 335)(Barefoot '12 60) afternoon - 8.5 PVHS/AC. Ran over to afternoon practice where we did the usual AC run then weights and then I ran home. Temps were a little under control today with a little cloud cover and a breeze, so that was nice. Leg is feeling good with just a little pain still lingering. So I am still working on it with ice and massage and such. Wore a new pair of Kinvara 3, they felt nice. (Kinvara3 8.5) |
Altra Miles: 4.50 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 5.50 | Kinvara3 Miles: 8.50 |
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| | morning - 10.5 Vernon Worthen. For practice we ran from Vernon Worthen up the marathon course. Byron and I extended up onto the new trail along the parkway and back. We hit a nice solid pace around 6:30 on the way back. Then I extended around town a little and with the dog when I got home. (barefoot '12 60.5)(Oregon 390.5) |
Oregon Miles: 10.00 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 0.50 |
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| | morning - 16 Prospector. Not necessarily great running (not bad though), but a great run. Slept in a bit hoping it would be cooler with the storms around and got out around 8 in the rain. This was the most rain in a long time and trail was just a sloppy mess - it was great. After crossing under the freeway I saw a really cool waterfall coming off the red rocks, so I went up and got in it. As I kept on running there were dozens of more waterfalls coming off the Church Rocks - very neat. I threw in a few fartleks on the way out and back, just pushing for however far I wanted to go however fast I felt like (probably between a .5-1 mile each time, except the last one where I just tried to push home for the last three miles). Down by Red Cliffs I hiked up a rock outcropping and just chilled there for awhile and enjoyed the rain and clouds clearing off the mountain. By the time I was done I was covered in mud. It was great. Finished by taking the dog around the block. (NB 110 248.75) Week saw some pretty good progress as my leg was feeling much better and I got in pretty good mileage as well as a little bit of faster running. Goals for next week: push back up the mileage to where it should be and get a better tempo in and another workout. |
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| | AM - 17 Fields. Rama few before practice out around the townhomes and the grass. Then down into the Fields for practice. A nice 10 miler. Then back home and a couple with the dog over to the turf farm. Felt great this morning; good start to the week. (Barefoot '12 61.5)(Connect 237.25) afternoon - 6 PV/AC. Ran over to practice and weights. Still stormy and cooler; so nice. (Zero 12) |
Barefoot '12 Miles: 1.00 | Connect Miles: 16.00 | Zero Miles: 6.00 |
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| | AM - 14.5 Mosquito Trail/Dirt Mile. Went out for a try at some tempo hoping it would be best than last week. Warmed up for two down to the trail and then hit 5 miles at tinman. Went much better than last week. Got in a good grove and hit the times pretty good for the first two and then right on for the last three. Then cooled back to practice where we ran the dirt mile and hit out two timed miles quicker than all year. Next week hopefully I can add some MP miles into the workout as well, and get the Circle involved? (Barefoot '12 62)(Rocket 367.25) afternoon - 5 Grapevine. Just 5 nice and easy. I was pretty tire this afternoon(more sleepy than physically), so I just took it chill. A little warmer, but not too bad. (Boston 852) |
Boston Miles: 5.00 | Rocket Miles: 14.00 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 0.50 |
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| | AM - 18.75 Clyde's/Fire Station Hills. Ran our usual Weds. morning loop from Clydes's. Then did our first full hill workout for practice out on FS Hills:3x1mins and 4x30secs. I felt fine, but the kids looked great. then finished up the mileage around Washington. (Barefoot '12 63)(F50 264) |
F50 Miles: 17.75 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 1.00 |
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| | AM - 10.5 Townhomes/Grass. Took Elin out since she was awake and I pushed her around for 5 before practice and then onto the grass with the team. Felt fine. Leg is holding steady and all is good. Temps have been amazing the last two mornings. (Barefoot '12 68.5)(Hyper Speed 233.25) afternoon - 6 AC. Ran around the fields at school for a few and then practice to AC. Finished with weights. (Boston 858) |
Boston Miles: 6.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 5.00 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 5.50 |
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| | AM - 11.5 Bloomington Hills. Ran from the South Course Park down the trail and then up the stinkin' meat grinder with 2x30sec and 4x1min, and finished with a few laps around the park. (Barefoot '12 69)(Free 671.45) evening - 14 Pine Valley. Wasn't sure if I would run this afternoon as I am way busy getting XC camp ready and working on the basement, but Steven wanted to do some trail stuff and dragged me along (and Tyson, too). We had to start about 3 miles past Silver Reef because the mountain is closed because of fire danger. I did a run like this in 2009, but this one was just a bit shorter. The run up the road was tough as I was tired. The run up the mountain was junk, of course mostly just a hike when you gain 3000 feet in 3 miles. I kept telling myself it was worth it to just get to the top and enjoy the view. But the climb was tough, it was hot and humid, I was tired, and out of water, and hungry. But it was definitely worth it at the top. The view up there may the most beautiful in the whole world - no exaggeration. You can see for 150-200 miles in nealy every direction and the drop off is intense. Add to that to last night's sunset with the clouds and the rocks of Zion and Cedar Breaks... absolutely incredible. But tired thrashed run; the end seemed to never come. (NB 110 262.75) |
Free Miles: 11.00 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 0.50 | NB 110 Miles: 14.00 |
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| | AM - 18 SGM Course. Took Ally and a few others up near the top for their run and then drove back down. I had wanted a good tired leg run to have a strong tempo finish, but that was before last night's adventure. That combined with Meat Grinders pretty much made me a victim of the Hamburger. Going up from the church was slow going, but I felt pretty good. I got a lot of, "wrong way," comments and just kept on going. I turned up by Diamond after seeing some of the crew headed down and Al too. Got a decent first downhill mile in, but then the quads just refused to go. Obviously it was faster going on the way back, but I would have preferred to be heading up hill. But I eventually finished without stressing too much about it. (Kinvara 3 26.5) Not a bad week. Got a lot of miles in and a little more tempo stuff plus trail torture. Goals for next week: XC Camp: enjoy it, survive it! |
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| | AM - 10 Coral Canyon. Out to the Junction before practice so I could get ready for camp. (Kinvara3 36.5) afternoon - 6 Pine Lake. Up at camp and did an easy six down the main dirt road. (NB 110 268.75) |
NB 110 Miles: 6.00 | Kinvara3 Miles: 10.00 |
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| | AM - 20 Pine Lake. Took the suburban out to where the boys would finish and then ran back to camp and got them and ran 12 more. A bit tired toward the end, but a good run. (NB 101 566.75) afternoon - 3 Pine Lake. Down the main road again. I was super spent today and the three was pushing it. (NB 110 271.75) |
NB 101 Miles: 20.00 | NB 110 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | morning - 6 Pine Lake. So spent from yesterday that I could barely get up to join the team. Went three up the hill and back. Felt way better than yesterday afternoon - and last year for that matter.. (Triumph Silver 758.3) afternoon - 3 Pine Lake. Decided to just finish up the day with the easy run with the team. Feeling pretty spent, but better than yesterday. (NB 110 274.75) |
Triumph Silver Miles: 6.00 | NB 110 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | AM - 10 Pine Lake. Went out and got a few in before the team, as this will be my only run today. End of camp and then home to drop off the team and pick up the family and back up. (Triumph Silver 762.3) |
Triumph Silver Miles: 10.00 |
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| | AM - 10 Pine Lake. A decent run around a few new places trying to find some runs for next year. Super tired though. I think I am getting sick a little and really worn down. (NB 101 576.75) |
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| | 0 - the allergies turned into a head cold and I have an ear infection. So that pretty much just gave me enough an excuse to take the day off. Week was okay. Biggest thing was surviving camp. We had a lot of fun and it was a great experience, but it wiped me out and I think it contributed to my cold - so that was a little bummer, but I am not stressing. goals for next week: get feeling better and get rolling again with a tempo and another workout. Also need to decided what race I am doing on the 11th. | Comments(1) |
| | morning - 13.5 Coral Canyon. Out to CC via Grapevine on the trail that runs parallel to the freeway. Finished up with a little tempo. Felt the effects of last weeks cold a little, but feeling better. (barefoot '12 69.5)(Hyper Speed 190.25) afternoon - 6 PVHS/AC. Ran over to practice and then AC. Temps we nice and the rain started just as we finished. Then weights and 1/2 set of plyos. (Zero 18) |
Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 13.00 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 0.50 | Zero Miles: 6.00 |
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| | AM - 14 Middleton/Dirt Mile. Got up to get a few more miles in since I will be working on the basement all day today and probably won't get another run in, but I still couldn't get myself out of bed quite early enough to hit the high teens like I would have wanted. A little sore today from plyos yesterday. I really am just not super stoked about running right now and I want to get out of this rut. Ended with 8xbarefoot striders. (Barefoot '12 71)(Landreth blue 822.65) |
Landreth Blue Miles: 12.50 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 1.50 |
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Stratus Grey Miles: 7.50 | Landreth Blue Miles: 20.00 | Triumph Silver Miles: 33.75 | Stratus Black Miles: 22.50 | NB 101 Miles: 34.00 | F50 Miles: 28.25 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 17.50 | Zero Miles: 18.00 | Kinvara Miles: 12.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 29.00 | Altra Miles: 4.50 | Kinvara3 Miles: 36.50 | Oregon Miles: 10.00 | NB 110 Miles: 42.00 | Connect Miles: 16.00 | Boston Miles: 11.00 | Rocket Miles: 14.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 5.00 | Free Miles: 11.00 |
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