| Location: Dogtown,Ut, Member Since: Jan 02, 2006 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: PRs: 2:26:29 marathon @ St.George '14; 1:09:55 1/2 mar. '08; 31:00 10k '07 Short-Term Running Goals: Love running now. Long-Term Running Goals: Love running forever! Personal: My perfect day would include a run through the desert, time with my wife and girls, tasty homemade meals, and a nice nap in the middle. |
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Boston Miles: 18.50 | F50 Miles: 46.00 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 4.00 | Last Ohana Miles: 16.00 | Altra Miles: 8.00 | Oregon Miles: 34.00 | Rocket Miles: 28.00 | NB 101 Miles: 58.00 | Stratus Grey Miles: 19.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 22.50 | Landreth Blue Miles: 25.00 | Free Miles: 13.00 | Triumph Miles: 18.00 | Kinvara Miles: 35.75 | Mana Miles: 23.50 | Stratus Black Miles: 18.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 19.50 | Triumph Silver Miles: 10.00 | Ohana Racers Miles: 12.50 |
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AM - 10 Clyde's. Tired this morning, but it so much easier to wake up when you know someone is there to run with. Not a bad run, we didn't burn it just kept it moving along at a nice shake-out the cobwebs pace. (F50 69.25) afternoon - 10 Shoe/home. Shoe Run with a dip (two actually) in the very cold Sandberg's Pond. It was freezing, but it actually gave my legs - and energy level - a bit of a zing! 8xbarefoot striders and then weights and plyos. Then I ran home and added in Molly's Mile. (Barefoot '11 11)(Boston 808.5)
Boston Miles: 9.00 | F50 Miles: 10.00 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 1.00 |
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AM - 8 PV/AC/DI. Again, kept the morning mileage a little lower by not adding anything before going over to school and only hitting DI after. My mileage this week is working its way up a bit too high too quickly. That's okay... I'll survive. (Altra 318)
afternoon - 7 Temple Quarry. Trail Thursday! Found a trail I haven't even been on, and it is right in the heart of town. Most of the kids had walked this trail for YM/YW's at some time, but we extended beyond the normal trail around the rest of the bluff and then took a monsterous climb up to the top of the bluff where the "D" is and then ran around up there a bit. It was a great trail and a tough workout. I was definitely spent on the way back. Had some church stuff, so I had to catch a ride home and get right into it, so no extra mileage today. (Last Ohana 280)
Last Ohana Miles: 7.00 | Altra Miles: 8.00 |
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AM - 6 PV/AC. Didn't add anything extra this morning. I have been feeling great - hip pain is holding off, stomach/lower ab pain too - so I feel like I could just run forever right now, but I am really trying to be smart as I increase my mileage up over 100 right now. So I just kept it small. Had even planned to not run this afternoon to go get some refinancing paperwork done, but that didn't work out in the schedule, so I'll still run, but nothing big. I guess all the extra yoga and core stuff is paying off... keep it up. (Oregon 264)
afternoon - 7 GS/Middleton. Just a random run up through Green Springs and into the desert and just kind of all over. Nice to just chill these last few runs. (Rocket 249.5)
Oregon Miles: 6.00 | Rocket Miles: 7.00 |
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| | AM - 20.5 Utah Hill. Thought about going more (two loops), but Logan wasn't feeling good and I am glad that I fell in with him because the 20 was enough. I was pretty tired by the time we finished up. The run wasn't too shabby though. (NB 101 424.25)
Decent week. Got some good mileage. Getting into a good 5 morning schedule, but I need to watch my hip for sure. Goals for next week: Not let my mileage get too high. Involve some solid tempo stuff.
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AM - 8 PV/AC/DI. My usual morning now. A good night's rest goes a long way to making it easier to wake up. A little hot in the right achilles this morning. (Stratus grey 908.35)
afternoon - 12 Vernon Worthen. Boys ran over to VW Park and back with a very solid 2 mile tempo at the end. Then I lifted and did plyos. Finished up by running home and Molly's Mile. Running home after weights is kind of a pain, but it really helps cut away most of the soreness that lingers. Should have iced the achilles tonight, but didn't. It isn't too bad at all, but if I don't take care of it it could develop into something. (Hyper Speed 172.5)
Stratus Grey Miles: 8.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 12.00 |
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AM - 6 PV/AC. Just six this morning. Needed to get into school and get some stuff done; hopefully a few miles here and there help me keep my mileage lower this week. (Landreth blue 709.65)
afternoon - 13 Dam Road. Windy run out onto the Dam Rd. and then home followed right up by Molly's Mile. Achilles is about the same, nothing too bad. (Free 594.45)
Landreth Blue Miles: 6.00 | Free Miles: 13.00 |
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AM - 10 Clyde's. Just another run with the guys and various conversations. A bit warmer out this morning with the clouds. (Oregon 274)
afternoon - 10.5 Dirty Sock. Feeling a little tired, so luckily the run was pretty chill. Got back and did 8xbarefoot striders, weights and plyos and then ran home and hit Molly's Mile. (Barefoot '12 12)(Boston 818)
Boston Miles: 9.50 | Oregon Miles: 10.00 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 1.00 |
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AM - 6 PV/AC. Just over to school and 1 Arctic Circle today. For trying to keep my mileage down I sure do have a lot of mileage. Today and the rest of the week should help. (old Ohana -6)
afternoon - 7 Owens/City Creek. Trail Thursday. Another good trail run with the team. Went over by Pioneer Park and ran the City Creek Trail with the Owens Trail access. Haven't run on that one for a really long time. Good fun run and the temps were on the verge of warm. (Triumph 787.5)
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AM - 6 PV/AC. Usual morning for this week. Spent a lot of the time thinking about what my schedule will be next week. (Kinvara 551.15)
afternoon - 7 Foremaster. The boys moved their long run to tomorrow morning (and longer than planned - they are ready for it), so we went shorter today. Finished with a bit around the school. (F50 76.25)
Kinvara Miles: 6.00 | F50 Miles: 7.00 |
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| | AM - 14.5 Dog Town 1/2 Course. Met up with the Varsity boys and ran down the 1/2 course. Run was good and the boys did a great job for their first time over ten (they went 11) in a long time (first time over 10 ever for a few of them). I like the course, it has a couple tough sections, some fair sections, and some fast sections. I tempoed from 7-13 (which was at the top of the Dam Rd.). Wondered how great it would go on a solo effort, but was pretty solid. Hit 5:10's-5:20's on the quicker sections, 5:30's on the flats and kept it under 6 on the ups without a killer effort. Ended up with 13.5, so hopefully the extra mileage was me taking the biggest hill up too high into a neighborhood (that would be nice 'cause the hill was tough, but the top was the steepest). Then came home and added Molly's Mile. (Mana 153.25) Week was okay. I kind of felt like I was still getting too much mileage in for an off week, but here are my thoughts on that: the tiredness worked itself out by the end of the week, so I must have been recovering somewhat; when the goal becomes up around 120 or so then 100 does become an off week; I felt great at the end of the week and was super antsy to do more today and wasn't tired at all (let alone dead) at the end of today's run, so that is a good sign; and most importantly, I feel good. Goals for next week: going to see some strong mileage and some strong workouts on hills.
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AM - 12 Morning Joe. I am tired of writing these combo names - this would be balled Green Springs w/ DI extension/PV/Arctic Circle/Lutheran - so I just decided to call this my Morning Joe, since it worked out to be a good 12 miler that will probably by a normal morning starter for me unless I need more or less mileage. Anywho... felt fine, a nice morning out. (Hyper Speed 2 71.25)
afternoon - 9 Shinob Kibe. Didn't really feel like getting out; the team had already run and I was feeling kind of blah. But as usual, once you get going it isn't that bad. Went over to Shinob Kibe and ran up 2 times. Felt slow and sluggish on the first (both really), and I hike more than last time. So it really surprised me that my time was my best timed run up (9:11). Pushed down pretty good and hit a 5:16, also a PR. Wasn't so sure how the second hill would be, but checking time at a mark, I was 10 seconds up on the previous. Tried to push hard, but I was pretty spent. Ended up 8:56. So I was kind of stoked to break 9. Then on the way down, I was being very cautious because my legs were jello - and one wrong step could send you down a very steep mountain side. But still ended up with a 5:11. The worst part of the run was the 2 miles back home up from the river. (Stratus black 929.7)
Stratus Black Miles: 9.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 12.00 |
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AM - 9.25 3/4 cup. Slept in just a bit; but I don't know if it counts as sleeping in when you miss all the sleep in the night. Some day Elin will learn to sleep... some day. So skipped out on the GS section. I also justified it by thinking my legs would be toast. But they were surprisingly okay until the end. (Kinvara 560.4)
afternoon - 12 Parkway. "Stay in School" was the advice we got today from a clapped out dude walking with his dog up toward the freeway... so true. (Altra 330)
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| | AM - 10 Clyde's. Worried about my hip starting to hurt a little. (F50 86.25) afternoon - 11 GS. 6 very easy miles up/back to Green Springs. I am feeling pretty worn out and the guys just enjoyed taking it easy. 8xbarefoot striders and weights. No plyos today since I am wiped out already. But the striders seemed to get me moving a little and the run home felt a bit better; even in the cold, sleety rain. Molly's Mile without any of the kids when I got home. (Stratus grey 919.35)
Stratus Grey Miles: 11.00 | F50 Miles: 10.00 |
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AM - 9 3/4's. Worked on my hip a bit last night with stretching and heat and it felt a bit better this morning. (Last Ohana 289)
afternoon - 11 Alien Farm. Ran the Mr. PVHS course (1 loop) and then headed over to Sandberg's to check out this weird circle formation that we saw on the satellite. So then Byron gave us quite the run down of how it all came to be. Then home and Molly's Mile. (Triumph 798.5)
Triumph Miles: 11.00 | Last Ohana Miles: 9.00 |
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| | AM - 9 3/4's. Just out moving. (Oregon 283) afternoon - 7 Zen Trail. Good trail run today. It was a bit tiring to get going, but then things moved a bit better. I love running through the boulder fields on this trail. (NB 101 431.25)
NB 101 Miles: 7.00 | Oregon Miles: 9.00 |
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| Race: |
Mr. PVHS 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:27:30 | |
AM - 16 Fields. Ran with Logan out into the Fields. We didn't push anything, but it wasn't snail's pace either. Felt decent. Then... Mr. PVHS 5K. Took the girls (Rylee and Pyper) over to school to run this fundraiser 5K. I had to bribe Ry with breakfast at McDonald's after, but then she ended up being very enthusiastic anyway. I told her she could run with Pyper and I or go on her own; so she asked if it would be okay if she didn't run with us. It was fun 'cause I could tell she was excited. So we took off and were running a pretty good pace. The course was a 2 loop horseshoe around the school, so we got to see Rylee a lot and cheer for her. I was way proud of Pyper, she only stopped twice (because each shoe came untied at different times). We ended up running around a 27:30 (I'll get the official time today) and Rylee probably broke under 24:00. Not bad at all for an 8 and 10 year old. I was proud of them. And then we went to breakfast at McDonald's! (F50 105.25)
Ended up with a pretty good week. The only problem was that the hip pain started to creep in a bit. So I am going to really watch that in the coming weeks and make sure I work in a couple single days.
Goals for next week: I would like to do well in the Dog Town 1/2 and have a good long run on the dirt Monday. And get the hip feeling a bit better.
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| | AM - 30.5 2xUtah Hill. Good run with Logan, but a long one. The first loop was cold and I couldn't breath at all. Felt like I was some old man chain smoker. Somehow made it through the Shocker and the rest of the stuff (Logan puking, bathroom breaks, cow sightings, etc...). Got rehydrated and headed out for the second loop which was a bit better. Shocker was over a minute better, but the mud was tough at various parts and my hip was acting up a bit for sections. By the end I think I was losing my mind as I kept spotting rams everywhere - but they were inspiring me to greatness. (NB 101 461.75) |
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AM - 9 3/4's. Didn't feel too shabby this morning. (Landreth blue 718.65) afternoon - 11 Name?. No real name for this thing. Tried to run River Trail, but it is closed off for construction; so we switched around and went on Mosquito Trail and who knows what else. 8xbarefoot striders and home and Molly's Mile. Felt much more tired than this morning. Some of that was from yesterday and some of that from just kind of a long day at school. (Barefoot '12 13)(Triumph silver 653.05)
Landreth Blue Miles: 9.00 | Triumph Silver Miles: 10.00 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 1.00 |
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| | AM - 10 Clyde's. Braved it and took the Jeep - it started! Good way to start the morning. (Kinvara 570.4) |
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| | AM - 9 3/4's. Usual morning route for this week. Hip is feeling a little better. (Oregon 292) afternoon - 7.5 Hell's Hole. Dropped down the trail this morning, but cut back home instead of to school then home per time restraints today. (Hyper Speed 2 78.75)
Oregon Miles: 9.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 7.50 |
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| | AM - 9 3/4's. Ready to run tomorrow, I guess. (Mana 162.25) |
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| Race: |
Dog Town 1/2 Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:10:35, Place overall: 1 | |
Dog Town 1/2 Marathon 1:10:35 Warmed up for 4.5 with Clyde and Steven. Hoped that the hip would hold up and I could put in a decent effort. Didn't see anyone that looked much like they would put a threat to Clyde and I, but you never know. Wished Ally well on her 1st 1/2 and off we went. The weather was amazing; actually getting just a touch warm as I ended up throwing a bit of water on my head at two aide stations. 1-5:14, this mile threw us off a bit as neither Clyde or I were expecting that the course put us on a cement trail instead of the road, so we jumped off it as soon as we could. 2-5:18, we knew the first few miles would be quick - probably the quickest of the course. I wanted to get out decent after the good run last month at St. George, but was still a little worried about what a pace that quick would do so I held back a little - probably about right thinking back on it. 3-5:22, it was fun to see my mom and dad all over the course taking pictures and cheering us on. I little bit of a hill here as we came up the dump road, but it was nothing. 4-5:16, through Hell's Hole. Kind of a tougher mile, it actually hurt my hip a bit on the hard/steep rolling up and down. In my mind I thought that if Clyde made a move right here I could be in trouble. 5-5:27, back up along the Washington section of the River Trail. Clyde had said that this little up was going to feel super slow after the down sections. It wasn't too bad, but we obviously slowed a little here. The dirt to the bridge was a little too soft. 6-5:36, the first of the three bigger hills in the race - up the Dam Rd. Clyde had grabbed his stashed drink around 6 or so and that let a little gap start. He stayed just a second or two behind me, but I was thinking about trying to push harder in the next miles coming up. 7-5:41, finished up the hill (some of that stuff I put in mile 6 may have happened here in 7, because the split leads me to believe that this was the more hilly part). 8-5:15, with a step or two on Clyde I pushed down the Dam Road and got a few more seconds on him. I was feeling pretty good here. Even thought for a second about what a 1:10'something would take. 9-5:28, the second hill up around Chipman's. It got me a bit, but I really tried to take off on the backside - hit a very quick pace for the 2nd half of this mile. 10-5:53, 3rd hill - Majestic. Hit me a little harder than I thought. Tried to keep pushing because Clyde is not the guy you want hunting you down the last three miles of a race (I have learned that many times before). Again after peaking the hill I tried to hammer the down. Clyde said he timed here and the lead actually grew from 20'ish to around 40. 11-5:19, a cop came up and was chatting with me. I asked him how big the lead was and he told me about a quarter mile - I was thinking more like 10 seconds. The Majestic hill had worked me, but I really pushed down this backside mile hard. 12-5:21, I got a good view of Clyde here at a sharp turn and was happy because I had a side ache for a mile and it was getting worse. 13-5:22, pushed in to the finish pretty good, but my stitch made my breathing out of control. I tried to keep relaxing my breathing, but it was coming back pretty intense. Ended up with .05 to the finish (so a little short), just kind of chilled that in as the crowd was big and loud - kind of fun as they announced a Dog Towner winning the local half! In fact had a ton of support on the course: besides Mom and Dad, some of my kids ran and their families were out and of course I knew a lot of other people out there, so that was neat. Cooled down back toward Majestic and tried to catch Ally, but she had already passed. So I ran back and caught her for her last mile. She did a great job; running a 2:02 in her first half, when just this summer she was saying she would never run one. I think she'll probably come back for more. My boys and girls did great - the Boyers hit 3rd overall mens and womens and Devin ran good, Stoner too. I was really pleased with Byron and JP, Mikey, and Casey all got to experience their first half; and I think it will make them tougher for the upcoming track season and the rest of their running lives. (Rocket 270.5) Week was good. Hip held up okay. Got a good long run in, solid mileage, a few rest afternoons and had a good race (should mention that it was my fastest 1/2 since 2008 and 3rd fastest ever (I think); even a little short I haven't run much faster than that, and a truer course than either Provo River 1/2 or Bryce 1/2, so...). Goals for next week: Keep an eye on the hip (make sure I give myself at least one single to give it some rest). And for the rest... keep on truckin'.
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| | AM - 10.5 3/4's. Used the race as justification for not getting up for 12 like I had planned. But once I got going it was such a great morning and I felt so good that I extended the 3rd section to 2450 and up around DI. Felt pretty good this morning. Worked my hip with e-stim yesterday and it seemed to help. (Hyper Speed 183) afternoon - 11.5 Green Springs. Much more sore and tight this afternoon than this morning. But warmed up into a decent little recovery run with the boys. Then 8xbarefoot striders. Followed that up with weights and plyos and then ran home and with the dog and Pyper. Made for a long afternoon workout by the time I was finally done. (Barefoot '12 14)(Kinvara 580.9)
Kinvara Miles: 10.50 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 10.50 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 1.00 |
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AM - 9 3/4's. Like yesterday, I should have gotten up and done the 12, but I am just struggling with 5:00. It rained a little during the night, but then it started again as I started up with the team. By the time we finished it was coming down pretty good. So as I extended up around Lutheran, it was driving pretty hard and cold piercing into my face and it chilled me off pretty good. (Stratus black 938.7)
afternoon - 12.5 Hell's Hole/Dam Rd. Easy distance run with the boys down into Hell's Hole and back by way of the Dam Rd. My left hammy is super tight, way up high. It is kind of giving me grief. Home and then a bit with the girls. (Ohana Racers 633)
Ohana Racers Miles: 12.50 | Stratus Black Miles: 9.00 |
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| | AM - 10 Clyde's. Still tight in the hammy. This afternoon is a rest though so I will work it hard with a tennis ball and also hit some more yoga stuff. |
Landreth Blue Miles: 10.00 |
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Boston Miles: 18.50 | F50 Miles: 46.00 | Barefoot '12 Miles: 4.00 | Last Ohana Miles: 16.00 | Altra Miles: 8.00 | Oregon Miles: 34.00 | Rocket Miles: 28.00 | NB 101 Miles: 58.00 | Stratus Grey Miles: 19.00 | Hyper Speed(used) Miles: 22.50 | Landreth Blue Miles: 25.00 | Free Miles: 13.00 | Triumph Miles: 18.00 | Kinvara Miles: 35.75 | Mana Miles: 23.50 | Stratus Black Miles: 18.00 | Hyper Speed 2 Miles: 19.50 | Triumph Silver Miles: 10.00 | Ohana Racers Miles: 12.50 |
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