AM - 8 PV/AC/DI. Again, kept the morning mileage a little lower by not adding anything before going over to school and only hitting DI after. My mileage this week is working its way up a bit too high too quickly. That's okay... I'll survive. (Altra 318)
afternoon - 7 Temple Quarry. Trail Thursday! Found a trail I haven't even been on, and it is right in the heart of town. Most of the kids had walked this trail for YM/YW's at some time, but we extended beyond the normal trail around the rest of the bluff and then took a monsterous climb up to the top of the bluff where the "D" is and then ran around up there a bit. It was a great trail and a tough workout. I was definitely spent on the way back. Had some church stuff, so I had to catch a ride home and get right into it, so no extra mileage today. (Last Ohana 280)