| Location: Dogtown,Ut, Member Since: Jan 02, 2006 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: PRs: 2:26:29 marathon @ St.George '14; 1:09:55 1/2 mar. '08; 31:00 10k '07 Short-Term Running Goals: Love running now. Long-Term Running Goals: Love running forever! Personal: My perfect day would include a run through the desert, time with my wife and girls, tasty homemade meals, and a nice nap in the middle. |
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AM - 7.15 Green Springs. Ran the loop in reverse today to mix it up a little. (Cumulus red 485.85)
afternoon - 11.05 Foremaster and some hills. Ran over to Foremaster with the team and then I did 4 x hills to get a base goal for next week when I actually start doing them. I didn't go super hard, but still ran decent - but the times were pathetic (2:07,(2) 2:10's, 2:13) Next week I will run 3 hard with a goal of having them all under 2:00. After I ran down the hosital route (so another fun hill!) and then up the Mall Stream Trail. Got over to Sandstone for 6x100 barefoot grass striders and then 2 laps barefoot. A decent run. (Cumulus Silver | Comments(3) |
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morning - 21.05 Base of Utah Hill from Store and Back. Showed up to run at 7:00 and luckily Clyde was there because it made the run so much better. Although I would have been able to hit the mileage I wanted, it would have been slower, less productive, and a lot less enjoyable. We had a good chat with a lot to talk about having not run together for awhile. Ave. pace for the run was 6:50 - which was pretty consistent throughout, no hard pushes, no lost miles. Good end to the week. (Stratus red 67.05)
Hit my goals for the week and I feel pretty decent. I was going to get a short 3 miler in or something in the afternoon today, but I was busy shoveling dirt for hours and hours.
Goals for next week: Have mileage right around 105 again. Get a little more solid mile workout in (be careful of the pace as to not blow the whole workout). And just keep really enjoying running like I am right now. 2 1/2 to Salt Lake - keep focused and get something out of every workout right now. | Comments(1) |
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afternoon - 11.25 Coral Canyon Trail from PVHS. Good run, but I had to estimate then map the distance (with inaccurate sat. pics.) because I forgot my watch, but I'm guessing it's pretty close. Also forgot my long sleeve and gloves which made it a little more chilly, but it turned out to be a good run anyway. (Stratus 267.7) evening - 6 Treadmill @1%. Had to hit the treadmill to make up miles I didn't get in the morning since I needed to get some sleep after not getting much because of Pyper's ear infection I had been looking forward to running the snow. The sleep was much needed, though. Watched the Jazz pull away from the Hornets. Ran 1st at 7:30 then the next at 6:58. (Cumulus red 497.85) | Add Comment |
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AM - 7.15 Green Springs. Recovered a little from yesterday (sleep wise) and got a few in this morning. (Cumulus orange 463.75) late morning - 11.6 - 4 x cemetery mile. Warmed up with 5 miler through Green Springs and set out to do 4xmiles at 5:20. Things didn't go that well. The worst set of miles I have ever had. 1-5:40,2-5:35,3-5:47,4-5:50. Things just went from ugly to worse. The whole time it was as if I had bricks for shoes. The reason? Fatigue. Without a doubt, running 36+ miles in the last 20 hours has beat my legs up. In a perfect world I would be able to spread those four runs out. But with sick kids and then Parent/Teachers today, I had to use what time I had. Oh well. I'll bounce back and have a strong week and get a better set in next week. (Precision 296.3) Weights - 2 sets each. It has been a bit too long since I've been in, so I made myself get some quick ones in. It actually felt good.
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AM - 8 Middleton. Go out the back way by the old house and up to the turn to the new houses up in Midd. and back. I wore my watch for the first time in a while in the morning and it spit out some nasty numbers at me. My morning runs have always been a bit slower, however. (Cumulus silver 397.15)
afternoon - 14.1 Fields loop. Started off thinking maybe today's 14 might be a little much. But I just kept it going hitting 7's and not worrying about going faster - it was a okay pace with tired legs. Then finished with a solid Tinman Finish on the last 3. Happy with the overall run and it felt good to bring it down for the last little bit. (Stratus red 81.15)
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| | noon - 12 River Trail. Ran down the trail and marked every .25 miles for my team to do workouts on. It was kind of a pain and messy to run with stencils and paint for nearly 7 miles, but its done. (Stratus 279.7) evening - 10.15 Club Run. I am feeling the affects of the long week. I have hit a lot of miles and my body is ready to rest. My goal is to just finish it up and hit the high miles this week and bring it back to 100-110 for a couple. (Stratus red 91.3) | Comments(1) |
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AM - 8 Middleton. Run was okay as I was dreaming of big marathon goals, but I sure am tired now. (Cumulus silver 405.15)
afternoon - 3xSunrise hills - 9.5. Jogged out to the hill. Initially, I was a bit worried about the workout, being a bit tired for the week. After last week when I ran the hill (not as a hard workout however) I thought a good goal might be under 2:00 for each of the three planned hills (which was slower than the 1:55 I had hoped for when I planned on bringing hills back). Starting the first, I felt pretty good and flowed up to the half when I needed to work it a bit. I was very happy to see it at 1:51 (one of my best hills ever). But I was a bit worried about the next two, and I hoped I could keep them under 2:00 still. 2-1:50, I felt tired a little earlier, so I kept digging and using the arms, and the time was even better! 3-1:49, Again tired a little earlier, so I dug more as I didn't want to lose the good workout on the last one. I really thought it was going to be about 1:57. So I was really stoked when I hit the time. Fastest hill ever and the best hill workout I have ever had. Granted it was just three and not 4 or 5 hills, but it was a great starting point - and near the end of a very tired week. Ran across Foremaster and then back up the Mall trail and to Sandstone to do 6x100 barefoot grass striders and 2 barefoot loops. (Cumulus blue 8.1) | Comments(4) |
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morning - 23 Pecan Farm (20). Clyde, Steve, Mike, Kimz, and I met at my house and started out on the 20 miler with sights on just finishing with no real push at the end of a LONG week. Pretty much hit 7:00's + for the first 1/2 - Kimz dropped off at 6 and head to his house for a 10 (my high school kids are hitting some good solid mileage - but I wish the others would have ran with him this morning). I GU'ed and quick water at the highway, about 11, and we started up the hills. The Purgatory Hill was over 2 miles long and we mastered it. Picked pace up a little to about 6:50 for the first mile and then we just kept increasing with Clyde and my leads and brought the next mile to 6:20 with a lot right at 6:00. In felt great to increase speed and get the HR moving even though it was a long uphill. Then Clyde and I settled to 6:30's for the next few by Coral Canyon. After finishing, 21, I went to find Mike (who had run his longest week ever) and Steve had grabbed him, so I just circled around Washington for a couple miles. Just HAD to reach 120 since I was so close. (Stratus red 114.3)
Highest Mileage Week Ever! I am pretty stoked about it. And the end of the week was actually better than the first of the week.
Goals for next week: Mileage is going to drop back to 110. I want to hit another set of good hills, and I need to get a better set of miles. But all things considered, training is going well, and I just want to keep putting in some solid mileage as track is picking up.
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AM - 8 Strip Mall. Simple, boring, out and back to the first entrance to the Strip Mall by way of the old house. Who needs an entertaining run when it's too dark to see anyway? (Cumulus red 499.85 - they are now retired. Good pair of shoes, I have two more Cumulus 9's. I enjoy the feel of the Cumulus series.) afternoon - 10.6 Parkway extended to Dino Tracks. A pretty crappy run. Started off with the kids and they were having fun, but the pace was a bit slower than it should have been. Then As I went up into the desert, I really slowed up. I was just very tired/sleepy. (Cumulus blue 18.7) | Comments(5) |
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AM - 8 Middleton. I had a strange dream last night that when I woke up I was totally rested and felt no pain or tweaks; the reason, my head wasn't attached to my body - but I didn't seem to mind! (Cumulus silver 413.15)
afternoon - 10.25 - 4xcemetery mile. Mile goal going into this was to have a workout that I wouldn't be ashamed to write about. I'm happy to say that things went pretty well (much better than the last two weeks). Ran out to the cemetery with Ruth 2.2. 1-5:23 I started off well, but felt that I wasn't going that fast. Made sure to check my watch at key points on the loop to track progress. When I looked down the first time, I was going much quicker than I thought and found myself come in at a solid time. 2-5:17 Flet a bit better on this one and kind of held back as I wanted to make sure all 4 miles were okay not just 2. 3-5:25, time slipped a little (my weak spot is the uphill on Telegraph, hard time in the loop to have to push), but I was happy that I was able to work it well enough to stay right in there. 4-5:27, started off strong knowing that I was going to lose some time at the end, but I lost a little more than I thought. I was pretty winded at the end. However, that fatigue is okay to deal with when you have reached a goal. Like I said, much much better than last week. Hit 6x100barefoot grass striders and a little more barefooting at the soccer field and then brought it home for the total mileage. (Precision 305.4)
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AM - 8 Strip Mall. It was weird this morning, I went to change the alarm for Al and my mind tried to convince me that I could sleep in and catch the miles later. But as I was thinking about it, my legs just slipped on out of bed and there I went. I guess that's a good thing, because I am glad I got the run in. (Cumulus orange 471.75)
afternoon - 14 River Trail Bloom. Hills. Felt a bit tired as I got going. I realized I need to get going a little quicker on a few of my workouts, so I decided to hit miles 3 and 4 on the way out at Tinman Tempo pace. Got 6:03 and 6:00. As I moved on, the tempo helped me pick up the rest of the pace for the run, as I hit 6:30-6:40's the rest of the run. Tempoed the same two miles on the way back (11 and 12) and got 5:57 and 5:56. But I was working a bit harder to get them. Another nice afternoon and a solid run done. (Stratus | Comments(4) |
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AM - 8 Middleton. A little bit of blowing snowflakes this morning. I had hoped we were through the cold. (Cumulus silver 421.15) evening - 10.15 Club run. Started out with the crew, then they took off. So Jeff and I ran it decent to the intersection where he pealed off. Then I was alone. Everybody else was racing each other hitting some good Tempo miles and I just stuck to the plan and kept it as an easy day for the run. (Stratus red 124.45)
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AM - 8 Strip Mall. 10 more seconds of lying in bed and I wouldn't have made it out. But I just couldn't justify it as I thought about my goals and crawled out and sleep ran for the entire 8. (Stratus 287.7)
afternoon - 10 4xSunrise hills. Got going with some track kids and had a shot of pain in the tendons/ligaments(?) at the back of my left knee. I stopped and streched for a minute and had no more trouble with it. Got back going with a few of the runners just getting into track. Hit my hills very good. 1-1:53, a solid time as I held back just a little to make sure I could run them all at a good pace. 2-1:51, hit it solid, but I thought it might be the quickest of them all because I was tired in the legs. 3-1:50 really tried to make it solid and it worked, now just one more. 4-1:46, Got into a good mind set as I started and pushed hard, just kept pushing each section without worrying about the hill as a whole, as I hit the top I knew it was good. Caught my breathe and looked at the watch... best hill ever! So I thought that was pretty snazzy. Then went down across Foremaster up the Mall Trail over to Sandstone for 6x100 barefoot grass striders plus a little more grass running and finished to the school. (Cumulus blue 27.5)
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morning - 21.2 Utah Hill to Mike's. Everybody got dropped off and I went on to 20 out. Ran out .5 more and then turned around. The next 2.5 were uphill with a pretty strong downslope wind at my face which started me out near 8:00. Once I peaked out, however, I started running very well. Hit 6:10's then started to take it under 6:00 for awhile. Kept it pretty strong up onto Shivwits and through Kayenta. Then tried to hit MP miles for the last 5, but wasn't able to bring it lower than 5:50 by that point. I was happy with the run, nonetheless. Ave. for the entire run was 6:20 I am pleased with where my running is going; I've had two solid weeks of workouts even with very high mileage and should be ready for SLC. (Stratus red 145.65)
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AM - 18.4 Quail Creek. Run was pretty good. Better than some of the runs I've had out on this route. But there wasn't a whole lot built back up in the tank. During the summer I was doing a long run Sat. and another on Monday and it went okay. And I would say this run was about at that same level; the difference, however, is the extra miles during the week I've been getting now. So I think it's another sign that this are progressing. (Cumulus blue 45.9)
evening - 5 Parkway. Nice bookend runs to the day -started with the sun rising, ended with it setting. Too bad everything inbetween wore me out so bad (moving cement, rocks, and dirt for hours and hours). (Stratus 292.7) | Comments(2) |
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AM - 8 Middleton. I was up okay, but my body still needed the rest and I felt it on the run; so slow. Hopefully I can bounce out of it a little with a big workout this afternoon. (Cumulus orange 479.75)
afternoon - 5xcemetery miles - 9.6. Not the best set of miles, I think I am still out of it a bit from the Saturday/Monday combo. All day long I was trying to gauge how I felt and get myself up to the workout, but even on the way out I was worried. 1-5:33, started off pretty easy on purpose as I could tell nothing was there. 2-5:30 Picked it up a bit on this one, but the 2nd half really had a struggle. 3-5:29 Still no rhythm, a sign of leg fatigue. 4-5:40 Out of gas. 5-5:43 maybe I shouldn't have done this one, but I did and it's done. Jogged it back with Ruthie and discussed her goals for the track season. (Precision 315) | Comments(2) |
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AM - 8 Strip Mall. A little better run this morning. A couple easy days in a row are just what I need (and what is planned!). (Stratus red 153.65)
afternoon - 12 River Trail. There are good/fun bad weather runs and then there are bad bad weather runs. This one was bad. Hard winds and rains hit about 2 miles into it and they just got worse. Just before turning around the winds died and I thought, "Great, now I don't get them blowing with me." If only they had stopped things wouldn't have been bad. The wind, literally switched directions just as I did and blew against me the whole way up. I was soaked through on the front and totally dry on the back. I was totally caught off guard and didn't have gloves or even long sleeves - I was frozen - I didn't enjoy it very much. (Cumulus blue
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AM - 8 Middleton. I think I am catching up on my sleep a little more, as today's run had a little more energy. Running this early still is never a joy, however. (Cumulus silver 429.15) evening - 10.5 Club run. Took just a little different route as we searched for a lost Clyde. (Stratus 303.2) | Comments(1) |
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AM - 8 Green Springs w/ Warm Springs (up steep hill, 1st left, then back to desert access, connect back to normal route). Best morning run I've had in some time. Awake, felt a little more fresh, ran a little quicker, temps nice with a little drizzle. The lat two easy days have help me catch back up a little I think. (Cumulus orange 487.75, about time to retire)
afternoon - 5xSunrise hills - 9.1 Well I think the needed end of this MicroCycle couldn't come any quicker. I am spent. The hills this week were crap. I was pretty spent, and I didn't push it as much as I should have. 1-1:48, felt decent on this one and started off well. 2-1:53 time slipped more than it should have. 3-1:59 that bites. 4-1:59 I really just had nothing and resigned myself to just trying to not let it slip above 2:00. 5-1:58, I thought if I really gave it everything I could bring it to 1:55 and end on a positive note. I pushed it with everything and that's all that was there. Oh well, move on. Went down Foremaster and up the Mall Trail. Didn't do my barefoot stuff though because I just wanted to be done (not a good excuse). (Cumulus blue 55)
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morning - 18.2 Club run around Green Valley, Santa Clara and Ivins to store. Pace was fine at the first, I still felt pretty spent and just wanted to end the week. After Paul broke off and then James we slowly picked it up a little. When Clyde and I turned into Ivins, we decided to Tempo it on in for the last 6 ish and although it wouldn't be 20+ it would be a better workout to have a strong finish than limp on in on a longer run. We took it to a solid tempo (6:00) and then brought it down to marathon pace (5:40's). A little hip stiffness made it a bit harder than I would have hoped, but Clyde kept dragging me along - the bets reason to run with somebody, I would have slacked it if he wasn't there. 3 biggest weeks of mileage ever, done! (Stratus red 171.85)
Goals for next week: get rid of this twinge behind my right knee that showed up today while working in the yard. Back off the miles and let body recover before del Sol. Have a lot of fun down there and run well. Get ready for the last MicroCycle before the taper for SLC. Solid, fast mileage. | Comments(2) |
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AM - 11.75 morning practice started up today. Arctic Circle and then 2450 all the way to the top and around Hearts and then finally AC again, with some laps on the track thrown in. I just set a new monthly record - first time over 400 miles! Good start to the week; and it makes me feel a little better than I can get solid mileage in during the morning practices so I don't have to miss mileage in the afternoon/evening. (Cumulus blue 66.75)
afternoon - 7 boys team run up into Green Springs. Knee was giving me a bit of grief. The past two weeks or so, I have occasionally had a shot of pain up through the tendons(?) behind my right knee. But it hasn't been consistent or long lasting, so no big deal. It showed up, however, on Saturday while working in the yard again, but with a bit more pain. This morning it showed up around mile 9 and hurt throughout the day and again this afternoon. I may have to shut it down for a day or two to just be on the safe side. (Stratus 310.2)
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afternoon - 3 Arctic Circle and 1 turf barefoot. Needed to go out and give the knee a little test, so... Took it very easy and ran with some of the girls team. Pace was very easy, around 8:00 or slower and pain was manageable. It felt as if I had some sort of mass moving around behind my knee, but it slowly went out. When I got back, Jeff and I ran 1 mile barefoot on the turf; again very easy, but it felt good on my legs. (Precision 318)
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| Race: |
del Sol (5.43 Miles) 00:29:39, Place overall: 1 | |
morning - 5 Las Vegas. Everybody took it nice and easy on me as we went 5 to stretch the legs out and breathe some fresh Vegas air! The run was good though and the legs seemed to feel a bit better. I really worked on stretching and trying to work out the kinks. (Stratus red 176.85 I had traveled down to Vegas with Steve "Papa Bear", Clyde, Logan, Nick, Adam W., and James B. Stayed the night at the luxurious Sahara and ate my first of three tasty pancake meals late that night. Plan was to get up and run in the morning (see above!) and then head on down to Wickenburg/Phoenix. After the run we headed out as quick as possible and headed out. Eventually got to the start of the race and watched a few start times head out and began to get nervous. afternoon - 1.5 Warm up with Clyde and Logan. They helped me calm my nerves a little and get ready. (Startus red 178.35)
Stretched out a lot more and said a little prayer that the leg would hold up and we would all be safe and tried to get myself mentally ready. I was feeling a bit nervous going first, as I really wanted to get the team off to a good start. evening - 5.45 LEG 1. Race got started off with a little confusion as I was told by one race director that I didn't need my headlamp or vest, then told by the other that I did with about 3 minutes before the race. So I raced up to the van (which was locked!) eventually got in and got back to the start with about 15 seconds to go. My headlamp wasn't adjusted right, so I just held it the whole time. Let Google take the lead as he looked like he might want to push the pace, but another guy (the Tuscon running store team) and I just settled right behind him. Mile 1 - 5:27 a solid start and things were just rolling along on a slight grade up out of town. 2-5:36 About a half mile into this, I moved around Google and we took the lead, never to give it up (but I guess he did tie me for a little). 3-5:24 I hoped that around the end of this mile the grade would turn to the downhill that was shown on the elevation map. The first major incorrect assumption of the race! No downhill! Never downhill! 4-5:29 I could tell now that we were just going to keep climbing up toward the top of this pass and do the exchange up there somewhere, so I just kept plugging. The Running Shop guy was a mystery to me, I couldn't tell exactly what he was up to, but I think he was fading a little and would drop off about 5-10 feet and then work to get right back up on my shoulder. In my head, I thought he was a bit tired, but was telling himself to hold on and keep it tight so that their next guy would go blow us away. So I laughed to myself thinking, "Should I tell this guy that I am the worst of our first 4 and the next three are going to just hammer them?!" 5-5:24 The whole run is just feeling very consistent. I am happy with my knee - its a little tight, but okay. And my pace is just like I am on a treadmill (which of course is stuck on an incline). 5.45-2:19 (5:22 pace). Saw the handoff coming up and wanted to just hammer it down and kill the guy next to me, but I decided that wouldn't be the wisest of moves and just let him settle in beside me and give it to "The Man". The second Logan took the handoff, I knew it was over!
We took off to the next start and I cooled it off about 1 mile. (Ohana -6.45 | Comments(5) |
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