AM - 8 Strip Mall. 10 more seconds of lying in bed and I wouldn't have made it out. But I just couldn't justify it as I thought about my goals and crawled out and sleep ran for the entire 8. (Stratus 287.7)
afternoon - 10 4xSunrise hills. Got going with some track kids and had a shot of pain in the tendons/ligaments(?) at the back of my left knee. I stopped and streched for a minute and had no more trouble with it. Got back going with a few of the runners just getting into track. Hit my hills very good. 1-1:53, a solid time as I held back just a little to make sure I could run them all at a good pace. 2-1:51, hit it solid, but I thought it might be the quickest of them all because I was tired in the legs. 3-1:50 really tried to make it solid and it worked, now just one more. 4-1:46, Got into a good mind set as I started and pushed hard, just kept pushing each section without worrying about the hill as a whole, as I hit the top I knew it was good. Caught my breathe and looked at the watch... best hill ever! So I thought that was pretty snazzy. Then went down across Foremaster up the Mall Trail over to Sandstone for 6x100 barefoot grass striders plus a little more grass running and finished to the school. (Cumulus blue 27.5)