
Dam to Dam

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Member Since:

Jan 02, 2006



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Running Accomplishments:

PRs: 2:26:29 marathon @ St.George '14; 1:09:55 1/2 mar. '08; 31:00 10k '07

Short-Term Running Goals:

Love running now.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Love running forever!


My perfect day would include a run through the desert, time with my wife and girls, tasty homemade meals, and a nice nap in the middle.

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Adios Lifetime Miles: 512.25
Rocket 2 Lifetime Miles: 109.00
Kinvara Grey Lifetime Miles: 222.00
Vazee Pace Lifetime Miles: 437.75
Pace Blue Lifetime Miles: 231.75
Boston Lifetime Miles: 520.25
Peg Green Lifetime Miles: 544.00
Speedgoat Lifetime Miles: 325.00
Peg Purple Lifetime Miles: 509.50
Ravenna Lifetime Miles: 525.50
Barefoot '18 Lifetime Miles: 6.75
Levitate Lifetime Miles: 419.50
Peg NOP Lifetime Miles: 380.00
Peg Blue34 Lifetime Miles: 408.25
Solar Glide Lifetime Miles: 210.00
Levitate Black Lifetime Miles: 83.75
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AM- 9.55 Wendy's loop reverse. Felt good to get out this morning. Planned on hitting treadmill for shorter run this morning, but wife wasn't up, so I decided to hit the roads and go longer this morning and shorter this afternoon. Plantar hurt a little this morning, so I will get back into the Strassburg Sock for a few days (hasn't really given me a problem for most of the month - but just a nagging injury that is hard to kick). Run went well - especially considering it was a morning run which are usually a little slower for me. Overall ave. was 6:55 and that included trying to hit extra hills to prepare for the rollers of Boston (our hills in So Utah are much bigger than I would imagine anything in Boston will be, so I think I should be okay, but I went up the Wendy's Hill instead of hanging a right into Middleton like the loop would normally take me, just for a little extra practice - I liked it). Anyway ... good run. I felt pretty strong and recovered from yesterday's hills. (Cumulus)

afternoon- 5 Washington Storage run. Ran with some of my team on the way out. Didn't have my watch, but we were taking it pretty easy, but having a lot of fun. Then on the way back I picked it up a bit - probably 6:45 ish pace. Felt pretty good and smooth. (Cumulus)

Weights (regular routine)

W-151.5 (I don't remember the last time my weight went up during the week. And it wasn't from eating crap either. I felt stronger today and I wonder if there is some corollation? Maybe extra stuff in recovery drink is allowing body to not steal so much my reserves?)


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afternoon- Clyde took me on a beastly run today; and he wasn't even there.  Took his Winchester Hills trail.  At first planned on 12 mile loop Green Springs/Powerline/Water Tank run, but when I got up to the water tank, I started thinking I should get my long run in today since the rest of the guys would probably want to go 10-12 ish on Saturday.  So, ill-prepared as I was, I kept going up the Turkey Farm road for a while until I hit the trail over to Winchester.  A very cool area (I have never been back there before), but a hard trail - rocks and hills.  After getting back onto the highway to Enterprise (SG Marathon course) I decided to push the pace a bit.  At brought miles 11-17 down to just below 6:00 ave.  I was pushing it and had to concentrate on going fast because I was pretty tired.  Stopped at the St. George Running Center and chatted with Steve and Dustin for a minute and then ran back to PVHS.  Went down diagonal and then dropped onto Blvd. because I didn't want to run up the hill to Skyline.  The Blvd. reminded me why I didn't like running in SLC - traffic and people.  Anyway, jogged those 5.75 in to school and was pretty beat by the end of it. (NB)




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morning - club run from Dixie Center out into Utah/Arizona desert.  Didn't have a lot in me.  But felt a little better than I thought I might.  Until the end.  Good thing run was through the desert, gave us a chance to go a little slower.  But we did ave. about 6:30 for the last 3 or so miles once we hit the road and were running back. (NB)

W-147 (no suprise it was way down after yesterday's run)






Did well on my goals this week.  Hit a few more miles then planned, but kept it under control.  Good repeats on Monday and hills were okay.  Kept consistent in the weight room.

Goals for coming week: Bring miles around 75.  Have some good mile repeats on Monday and quality hills on Weds.  Get a good set of weights in on Monday (but take Thurs. off of weights to give a little recovery for the race Sat.).  Put in a fast time at the 5 miler on Sat (I am not tapering for it - Bigger Fish to Fry! - but still run well) 

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AM - 3xmile, 1x800 repeats on treadmill - worked into 2 mile warmup at 7:30 and 1%. Then started the miles by taking the incline to 0 (not quite ready physically or mentally for incline on these yet) and pace to 5:00

1- felt better then two weeks ago (confident and smooth)

2- got a little tired early

3- didn't know if I could make it

1 (800) - decided I needed to push further then two weeks ago, but wasn't ready for another full mile, so went 1/2. Felt a little stronger then #3 - probably knowing it would be over sooner.

Recovery between was 1/2 mile at 8:49 pace. 1 mile cool. (Cumulus)

afternoon- weights (regular routine)

W-152 (starving this morning)


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AM - 5 on treadmill - first two miles at 6:58 felt good and pretty easy, so I increased speed up to 6:44 and kept the incline at 1% for the next three miles. A good morning easy run. (Cumulus)

afternoon - GreenSprings/Pwerline/Middleton Trail 9. Was a bit tired and sore at first. More sore than this morning. But when I got into it I really enjoyed the run and debated to extend to the watertank for a 10.5, but decided to stay within myself and just do the 9. The treadmill makes me appreciate the outdoors so much more. Ave. pace at 7:08 (NB)



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afternoon - 9.15 out to Sunrise Hill to coach hills (only ran one myself, as part of my run - not a hill workout) then across Foremaster and River Trail. Then up 2450 to measure a run. Felt fine, but I was glad I wasn't doing hill repeats today. I think I should be okay for the race Saturday. I have been wondering, trying to keep my miles up, if it would kill me too much to run out to the race Saturday morning and then run it. I'll measure it online today and see how far out it is - I am guessing about 10 miles. (NB)

PM - jumped on the treadmill for 5 during the 2nd half of UNC/that other team. I was so into the game I didn't notice for the first 1.2 miles that I didn't increase my speed past my .25 warmup speed of 7:30, so then I took it up to 6:44 for the rest of the workout and finished the last 1/4 at 6:00. During the run I increased the incline from 1% (mile 1), to 2%, 3%, 2%, 1% for a little more of a gradual but sustained hill workout since I didn't hit hill repeats today. (Cumulus)



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AM - 6 on treadmill at 6:58. Felt just fine. Didn't even notice the time fly by as I watched Lost on DVR. (Cumulus)

afternoon - 11 on GS/Power/WT trail.  I thought the trail was 10.5, but today it came out at 11.  I think because I turned back up into Middleton instead of just continuing on the Parkway.  I'll have to look back and see.  Took awhile to get into the run.  I was pretty slow hitting the trails and felt a little tired.  I'll back down on Friday to just 8 instead of 10 for a little more recovery (I still want to do well in the race).  Coming down the ridge I didn't feel too fast and didn't want to push it too hard.  But the ave came out okay for a trail run. 7:05. (NB)



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afternoon - Washington Parkway and Loop combined.  Good run, took it pretty easy to let the legs rest a little for tomorrow's race.  I've decided I will run out to the race tomorrow and use it as sort of a training to run hard after putting in a few miles.


(W-? scale battery dead) 

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Race: Dam to Dam (5 Miles) 00:27:58, Place overall: 2, Place in age division: 1
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Isn't it interesting how results that look so similar on the surface and actually be so different?  Another 2nd (9 in a row now - not counting marathons). 

AM - warmup, ran from home over to Sand Hollow 11.5 miles.  Took it pretty easy and ave. 7:13 on the way.

Got to the race feeling pretty good.  The run over was nice and just the distance I wanted.  I knew that running over may cost me the overall win, but I didn't care, I wanted to see how I could race after having some miles under me.  Ran another mile while waiting near the starting line.

Race- Field looked about like usual.  Steve, Dustin, and Bill were there as well as Steve Olsen (a solid local runner), Jose Martinez and I suspected one or two others who could probably run pretty decent.  The course was different than I thought - it was on the dirt, gravel, sand blow road around Sand Hollow and had minor rises and drops but no total elevation loss or gain.

1- race started off with a few of us passing the starting trucks which was nice because then we got to breath their dust for a little while (thanks!)  But I started off in a good groove, but realized later it was too fast.  Another fellow (the eventual winner) was a few steps ahead, me, then Steve O. just a few steps behind me. 5:13

2- 5:29 Started to fall back a little.  Legs were tired, but MIND was even worse.

3- 5:43 Now I was running like a scared, tired high school kid.

4- 5:44 The leader was looking back and I should have jumped him, but I accepted that I was tired and it was okay to take 2nd because I had already put a few miles in today.

5-5:46 Trying to make sure I held off Steve O. for 2nd.  And didn't attack the leader at all.  He got me by about 30 seconds.  And I just gave up on it.

I was pretty upset about my effort today.  Not 2nd (I can handle taking 2nd, again, or even the time, which was much slower than it should have been), what I am mad is that despite being tired and running over, I ran like a wimp.  I didn't attack.  I let my mind win when I felt tired. 

Overall ave. was 5:35 - I need to get mentally stronger.  Hopefully more racing and tough workouts will get me there.

RHR- 45 - I could feel it pick up as I woke up during the reading and realized I was racing today.

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AM - Treadmill at 1% 6x1/2 miles. Felt a little stiff and tired on the 2 mile warmup (7:30). I probably should have run Saturday afternoon or something, but I had a lot of projects to do that took all day and after I was shot. anyway... Got into the 800's feeling a bit tired and I could tell the legs didn't really want to get going.

Was able to hit each one at 2:30 without flying off - but I was pretty spent by the last one.

I hope I can reap the benefits of forcing myself to run faster for these longer repeats because of the treadmill pays off. (Cumulus)

afternoon - 5 on 2450 loop then I took a detour onto a paved trail I've been wanting to look at. I didn't think it went to far and it didn't, but if Washington City ever expands it, the Millcreek Trail will be a great one to run on (except for the sign I saw that said "The mosquitos in this area are known West Nile Virus carriers", that did kind of put a damper on the area). anyway, the trail was about 1.5 miles long out and back. (NB)

weights (usual routine)


Goals for the week: Run with a little more pride this week. I don't have any races scheduled between now and Boston, so I will just keep on keeping on. Focused and Determined to do well. Bring in a little more tempo running at marathon pace over the next few weeks and hit a 20+ miler on Saturday. Hit week at right about 80 miles.

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AM- 5 on treadmill at 1%. Warmup at 8:34 for 1/4 then 7:30 for another 1/4. Then took run to 6:58 for the next 3 1/2 and finished final mile at 6:44. I would like to bring my usual treadmill speed to that 6:44 level instead of 6:58 in the next few weeks. Felt a little tired and sore from yesterday's workouts. (Cumulus)

noon - with parent-teachers, I don't know when I'll run 10, but I will. Got it in. Started practice at end of school 10:50 and then went out on my own run. Middleton/Power/GS loop in reverse. First time I've tried it in this direction. Enjoyed it. Had a little different feel going this way. I was a little tired coming down Green Springs. Then I added a mile by going into Sandberg's Pond area. I think when I am not fatigued, this would maybe be a better workout; coming down the paved road. But thinking of it, I think I enjoyed the usual direction better. No watch/no time. (NB)


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noon- hit the GS/PowerL/WT loop before PT Conf. today. Didn't go back into Middleton, instead stayed on the Parkway and headed back. No watch again today. I knew I would make it back in time, but I didn't want to be looking at the time and stressing about cutting it too close and subsequently not enjoying the run. Nice day today, a little bit of a cool wind, but sunny. Legs felt a little sore in the quads. Don't plan on running again today, but who knows maybe a few later. (NB)

RHR-44 (has been up here in mid 40's for the last few days. Watch for any more signs of fatigue)

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This is the 3rd time writing this, each time it gets less and less. (I don't know why it is not recording the entry?)

noon - Green Valley Loop. Home to Dogpound to Riverside (miles 1-4; felt good, held back a little as to not push to hard, ave. 6:50). Up River Road across 7th South and around the Black Hill (miles 5-9; kept the ave. at 7:00). Now the uphill section - up Indian Hills to Valley View up to Bluff, and up the Parkway (miles 10-17.5; still strong up Indian Hills 7:00, slowed to 7:20 up Valley View and Bluff, killer hill up Parkway 8:13, then another 1.5 at 7:20). Then tried to bring it home at a decent marathon pace ( first 2 at 6:04, pretty close, feeling good; next 2 at 6:20, pace kept slowing but then I would notice and bring it down again; big incline at firehouse 6:48; cruised the last two in at 6:30). Overall ave. 6:54.

Felt very positive about this workout. Best long run I have had in a long time. Water at 5,9...; energy drink (name? got from Steve) at 11,15...; gu at 17. Felt this gave me a little zing toward the end. (NB)


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afternoon - Junction run. Went out as a recovery run. No watch/no time. Just tried to enjoy it. The weather was great, and the run went well. I wasn't too tired and had a pretty decent run. (Cumulus)


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morning - club run from DC out on the Bloomington Hills/Desert Loop. Ran it with Clyde, except the last mile when he decided to push it to the limit. Ran well despite feeling pretty tired at first. Slowly got into the groove and had a pretty good run with a decent ave pace. (NB)

didn't take RHR Sat or Sun morning

Hit goals good this week. Had good repeats. Hit a lot of good miles. Had a very good long run.

Goals for next week: See what I can really do for mile repeats on the track. Get another week of good mileage before track starts. Have a strong 18 miler.

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morning - 4x1600's on the track. A pretty disappointing workout. I ran out to the school - 3 miles - to warmup. And thought that I could probably get about 5:10, since I was getting 5:00's on the treadmill. Boy was I wrong. 1st - 5:20. Wasn't thinking right when I was calculating my needed splits and ran too slow on the first lap by 5 seconds. So I thought I wasn't too far off, considering 1st is usually a little harder to get into. 2nd - 5:24. Now I am bugged because I am working much harder and went slower. 3rd - usually the hardest, and it was. 5:30. I was really bothered by how I couldn't hit the times I wanted. 4th - 5:30 again. At least I hit 4, but I was tired and a bit angry with myself. Recovered 1/2 mile (5:00) between and jogged 3 home for total of 12.5 for workout. Overall I was upset about my lack of speed. I really thought I would be stronger. That is one thing about the treadmill - even though I know it is not MY true speed, at least I can't give up; I've got to keep pushing even when I am tired. On the track, when I feel tired I naturally slow up; even just 1 sec. per 200 adds up quick on a 1600. (Cumulus)

PM - 4 on treadmill at 7:30 and 1% for recovery. (Cumulus)


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AM - 4.5 on treadmill at 7:30 and 1%. Was way tired and legs were in shuffle step mode. (Cumulus)

afternoon - 9 GS/PowerL/Middleton Trail.  Trail was nice and compact from recent rains.  Ran miles 1 and 2 with an athlete as well as the last two with another athlete from my team.  Middle section was pretty good.  ave. 7:10.  Good recovery run.


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AM - 6 on treadmill at 7:30 1% 1st mile, then increased pace to 6:58 and 2%, 3% for two miles, 2%, 1%. Good long sustained hill workout. (Cumulus)

afternoon - 8 on the River run. Felt a bit tired and worn out. The time was actually pretty decent, but not the best on this run 6:54. I just tried to keep it backed off a little to have some legs for tomorrow's 18. I would like to run a good 2nd half of that run to continue improving my marathon weaknesses.

(scale still no batteries, and keep forgetting to take pulse)

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afternoon - Quail Creek run. I do this run in three segments. First and Second 5 miles, both just over 35 minutes each. Then after a hard .75 mile climb, I start the third which is marathon pace for the rest of the run. When I finished the climb at 10.75 I noticed the wind was blowing quite a bit up above Quail in the Industrial Park - and I knew my chances for marathon pace were not there, but I could still push myself and run hard. Shortly, the wind got worse; then worse; and just when I thought that it couldn't get any worse - It Got Worse. It was right up there with the top one or two windy runs I can ever remember. I struggled to keep my pace anywhere near 7:00. the wind basically stood me up and pushed me backward in some spots. Needless to say, I didn't hit my marathon pace for the last section, but the effort was maybe even greater. By the time I dropped back into Washington, the winds were just gusty. It didn't matter, however. I was so tired from the effort I was just happy to be able to keep shuffling toward home.

Legs still a bit tired, but feet felt better in new pair of Landreth II's.

Since the NB 755's are now retired here is my review of them: Don't be deceived by the initial cushiony feel of this neutral shoe. Within a week of wearing them, the forefoot had lost most of its softness and my feet hurt every run in them since. The shoe is heavy and from the beginning felt very clunky on my foot (As opposed to the Asics Landreth and Cumulus that seem to glide across the road). For the first time ever, I heard my own footsteps as I literally pounded the pavement. The one thing I liked was the lack of wear on the rubber. I do wish Asics would hold up as well on the sole as this shoe did. Miles on the New Balance 755's - 469.0

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afternoon - up Millcreek Trail to end of powerlines.  A good run .  Didn't wear watch because I thought it might rain - I have had too many watches ruined by the rain.  But it didn't.  Instead it snowed on me a bit when I crossed into the desert reserve.  Legs really loosed up on the way back and pace was pretty good. (Landreth)


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morning - club run around into Green Valley up onto Parkway and back by way of Main. I struggled much of the run. I was so tired getting up (had stayed up much later than usual watching the state basketball semis (go PV, sorry Judge guys). So it took a long time for me to get into it. Clyde made a strong surge on the Parkway and Steve went with him, so I decided I needed to as well. From there I just tried to hang on as they picked it up to marathon pace when we hit the trail, diagonal, and main. Pace was right on for those 3 miles (5:54, 5:51, 5:48). Then I finally loosened up and pushed up in front to take my turn leading and pushed the last mile in at 5:41. Then 1/2 cool down. Ave. pace 6:48. (Landreth)

PV went on to win again Saturday night - State Champs! Maybe some of that enthusiasm will carry over into track (in my dreams!)

Did well with the week goals. Good mileage. Made up for windy finish on Thursday with a good push at the end of Sat. Mile repeats weren't that great, but I'll bounce back.

Goals for next week: Give myself a little break with the start of track and nearing the end of the quarter. Back mileage back down to 65ish. No two-a-days this week. But have 7 strong 1/2's Monday and get a long run in on Saturday or maybe Friday.

Total Distance

PM - 7x1/2 miles on treadmill at 1% and 2:30. Started out with 1 mile warmup at 7:30 and a very negative attitude. I wasn't able to get up in the morning. And practice started today, so now the afternoons are shot that way. But I knew I had to get it in and hoped my attitude would change once I got going. It didn't... at first. Got into 800's at 5:00 minute pace and felt pretty good about them. Equal time recovery jog in between at 8:49 pace, just long enough to get a few good breathes in and then at it again. Noticed that I really need to stay on top of my feet to make the treadmill as real as possible. Meaning: if I sit back, I heel strike and the treadmill does the work; if I stay up on my toes and keep my body centered correctly, I can hit my foot quickly and pull my foot through which makes each step as realistic as possible on the treadmill. Cool-down at 7:30 for 1 mile. (Cumulus)

RHR - 47 (was mostly asleep so I might have been off)

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AM - 5 on treadmill at 1%. Warmed up for a mile at 7:30 and then took it to 6:58 for the next 4. Nothing too eventful other then I was able to get up this morning. Track season is hard. But I've GOT to have the resolve to get up in the morning and do my miles and then support it with whatever I can in the afternoons. (Cumulus)

afternoon - 3 down to Middle School and back with big loop around school (Landreth)

weights -regular routine

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AM - 8 on treadmill - long hill workout. 1 mile at 1% and 7:30 warmup. Then sped up to 6:58: 1%, 2%, 3% (two miles) 2%, 1% (2 miles). I would like to go back to sleep now, but that's not happening. (Cumulus)

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