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January 2022

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May 16, 2015



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Ran 200 miles in under a week(nov 2019) . Ran 226 miles in under a week twice in 17 days(oct 2023). Ran 250 miles in under a week(mar 2024)


26. braves fan/canes fanatic/broncos sufferer/spurs fan

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 118.00
Fly's Lifetime Miles: 215.00
Pegs 36 #8 Lifetime Miles: 451.00
Pegs #9 Lifetime Miles: 322.25
Peg 37 White Lifetime Miles: 289.50
Streak LT Lifetime Miles: 11.50
Peg 37 Navy Lifetime Miles: 494.50
Peg 37 Magenta Lifetime Miles: 508.75
Peg Shields Lifetime Miles: 795.00
Peg Shields 2(orange) Lifetime Miles: 770.00
Total Distance
Fly's Miles: 44.00Peg Shields Miles: 83.00Peg 37 Navy Miles: 9.00Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 767.00Peg 37 White Miles: 13.00Peg 37 Magenta Miles: 28.75
Weight: 152.95
Total Distance

AM - 4 on hilton real early, 5:48 pace. stomach felt off and it was very windy, couldn't tell from the pace though.

AM2 - 3 w/u, 2 miles of striding the straights and jogging the bends in 12:40, c/d for 7

you've heard of workouts to simulate race conditions, but let me introduce you to... a workout to simulate workout conditions! groundbreaking stuff i know. with how weak training has been since christmas i didn't trust the legs for a real workout, and after waking up too early and impulsively doing a fast asphalt shakeout i was worried i'd overdo an aerobic run on short rest and strain myself. so used this as an opportunity to try a workout drink idea i've had for a bit in a scenario that's basically fail-proof since it's just a short easy fartlek. the drink is a mix of a "healthy" energy drink, coconut water, tart cherry juice, and BCAA powder, it was 80 degrees out at 5am so needed those electrolytes by the end of the warmup lol. also was good to get in a good volume of (short) intervals, re-affirming that i can still count to 16 during a run at my advanced age isn't guaranteed

PM - turf routine followed by some very easy jogging on the field, like 7:55 pace i think. knew from the first few steps of the turf routine if i was gonna get anywhere close to 5 miles i was gonna lose my lunch(technically dinner since this was like 8pm), and, after not even a half-mile of running, i was on the side of the field projecting what seemed to be battery acid with a recently consumed granola bar somewhere in there. felt a bit better after that. we got the last of the violent storms hitting tonight and you could really tell; 15+ mph winds the whole time 

weighed in under 145 for the first time since high school. lol.

Fly's Miles: 9.00Peg Shields Miles: 7.00
Weight: 144.80
Total Distance

AM - turf. ankle felt a little iffy from running ~40 minutes of loops on a 100-yard field last night(he typed, feigning shock). i did switch directions every 10 minutes, but regardless. if conditions had been dry i would have done 11 without a second thought, but it rained heavy last night and my options were running on very flooded grass, asphalt, or the treadmill, none of which i thought the ankle would take kindly to. the storms hitting later today probably mean my only option for running until tomorrow afternoon are the treadmill anyway, so better to let the ankle breathe if it's reeling. might add a weight session in tonight too to make up for the morning malaise

Peg Shields Miles: 1.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - off. had a brutal last ~18 hours. went to take a nap at 2pm yesterday because it was supposed to snow late that night and i wanted to run in it(it ended up being more of a blizzard than mere winter snow with the 15-mph winds and all so probably would have ran on the treadmill anyway), but woke up from the nap very nauseous once again. threw up a bit and went to bed that night probably dehydrated and woke up at 6am sick once again(with nothing in my system to rid myself of) and the most splitting migraine i've ever expereinced. 6am-noon was nothing but me sitting/lying down in a dark room with a sleeping mask on. it was hell, i couldn't even keep down coconut water or a banana until like 10am. typing this now(1pm), i feel a bit better, although my body aches and i have the fear if i go outside i'll recreate this:

but it's whatever. i'll get in some kind of exercise tonight, but man this sucks. my breathing is fine outside a sore chest from all the vomiting, and i'm not congested or anything so i don't think i caught this omnibot virus twitter keeps talking about

PM - managed to work up the strength to go out to buy some cans of soup but got lost on the way back and accidentally spent 40 minutes in the gym trying to get rid of these damn aches. started with static stretches, moving up to dynamic stretches and a couple drills before doing leg extensions and calf raises at like 30% of my max. just stimulating the legs, i'd have tried some stationary work but i don't know if i could have done it for more than a couple minutes, honestly. i had to take a breather trying to put on my shoes before i left the apartment, for god's sake. still, i crawled in there and walked out feeling pretty good so that's a plus. also, campbell's bean and bacon soup after! probably my most nostalgic food, i hear nostalgia doubles as an anti-inflammatory so extra bonus there.

Weight: 0.00
From Tom K on Tue, Jan 04, 2022 at 17:12:22 from

Good Lord! That is awful! I'm having trouble not laughing at your pain though. Barfing guy goes to the gym to do some stretches, and eat some bean and bacon soup? ..... What?

From Eugene on Tue, Jan 04, 2022 at 17:51:41 from

if it was chicken noodle soup you wouldn't be saying jack! different "food for the soul"s for different souls, i guess.

plan was originally just to stop at the gym on the way back and sit in the steam room for 10 minutes, but i was already close enough to hell without feeling the heat :)

From Eugene on Tue, Jan 04, 2022 at 17:55:23 from

plus i'd stomached coffee a couple hours earlier, which was the real test for if i was alive again.

the situationally funniest part of the entire thing to me was the agony of having a pounding headache, but not being able to focus out of it because of caffeine withdrawal. so i just had to wait until the point where the scales tipped, and as always coffee solved all my problems.

Total Distance

AM - 3 on the treadmill, 8.0 mph. below freezing out!! body didn't feel 100%, but probably as realistically recovered from yesterday as it could have been, so i see that as a positive. legs felt extra bounce on the drills beforehand but also had very little control over them. weird feeling.

PM - 5 on mural, 5:55 pace. passed my litmus test for being "fit enough" by clearing 5 miles in under half an hour comfortably, so any training skimped out on from here is just me being terrified of running in 20-degree mornings. first time's always the hardest, gene of tomorrow!

PM2 - turf routine. chilly! i felt like i was absolutely flying on the strides. need to test the legs out in a workout soon

Peg 37 Navy Miles: 5.00Peg Shields Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton, 5:34 pace. i believe this breaks my record for pace on a middle-of-the-night(1am for today) shakeout by 14 seconds(the previous 5:48 pace was for 4 miles, but still), funny thing is i skipped the turf routine i normally do before the asphalt miles to make sure i'm loose for my hated running surface. god forbid it had been any faster.

AM2 - 3 on mural, 6:03 pace. sometimes i get to look good pulling off the AM double, other times i show up dead to run #2. so was the case today, although mural was soggy, cold, and i desperately need new shoes(flys work for short runs but aren't that guy. trust me buddy, they aren't that guy(, especially on mushy grass where traction's hard to come by. the shoes i ordered last week are projected to come in today, so i'll let it slide.

Fly's Miles: 3.00Peg Shields Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on mural at 1am, 6:50 pace. hoped that taking it easier meant less strain on the legs from overcooked shoes, but alas. sure running on mushy grass in the dark didn't help either

AM2 - 6 on mural at 7am, 6:30 pace. got some rain in between runs and my shoes somehow didn't repair themselves into better condition in the just under 6 hours i spent between runs. managed to spend a good portion of it sleeping, at least.

Peg Shields Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on the treadmill. started at 9.0 working up to 10.0 pretty naturally by the end. finally got some new kicks, can never truly know how worn out your old trainers are until you put on a new pair

PM - 3 on hilton just past noon, 5:42 pace. would have gone for 4, should have gone for 4, deserved to go for 4, didn't go for 4 because it was very windy and very cold; just a tick above freezing. shades of utah out there today

PM2 - upper weights n core

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

PM - 5 on mural just past noon, 5:52 pace. very windy. first 10 minutes i was reminded my past two weeks of training have been shoddy, although to be fair i caught two seperate stomach viruses to start both weeks(the more recent one was about 50 times worse. if i had even a sniffle i would have been certain i got got by covid), although after that the last 3.5 miles started feeling more comfortable and the pace started dropping to where the last mile was nearly sub-5:30, relatively comfortably. did i mention it was absurdly windy? because it was

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5-mile w/u on mural + turf routine, then drove to the gym because it was somehow the most favorable place for a middle-of-the-night workout considering the wind and lack of visibility, plus my ankles/knees have been a bit off from those two faster hilton runs last week. i don't know how i used to run 30 miles a day and have 20 or more of them come off that .75 mile loop, it's favorable in theory but anything faster than a jog it just kills me nowadays. something about the bends.

anyway the workout was 6 x half-mile at 0.5 incline in 2:24 w/ 2' rec shuffling around the gym, plus the 20-30" it took to ramp the treadmill back to 12.5 mph. found out the treadmills at my gym don't go any higher than that speed, i wager very few members have dared find that out and lived to tell the tale. felt like it got a little easier as i went on, if not that at least not harder. those last 30 seconds were nothing but praying i didn't stumble and go flying across the gym for all 6 though.

AM2 - lower weights n core n sauna

PM - 6 on hilton, 6:24 pace. remember this morning where i said running hilton was bad for my knees/hips? yeah me either. in all seriousness it rained heavy all day until 4 when i set out for the run, so my options were drive 30+ minutes to run gravel trails, hit the dreadmill again, or hilton. even if 6 miles of asphalt after a morning workout and lift had me terrified it went pretty alright. felt like the longer i went the more my stride adjusted to the more compact surface, and the more comfortable they were able to get. been a long time since i got a nice easy run in at hilton, the bends are a lot more kind on the ankles/knees/hips when you aren't trying to tell yourself 5:50 splits are reasonable to try to hit for basically every mile on every run lol. also got some steeplechase work in with all the puddle hopping i was doing! a 10k steeple, dear god

Fly's Miles: 4.00Peg Shields Miles: 8.00Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 7 miles on sokol, 6:22 pace. was trapped in my worst hell of running conditions: being cold enough out with a strong enough windchill that i couldn't strip off my sweats, but also was way too hot in the sweats, to the point where it was clearly anchoring the pace down. should have just waited another 45 minutes to run, i have the time considering i got extremely lucky with my class registration and don't have to be on uni until 11am. will note for future runs, i hope.

that aside, legs felt pretty good considering i threw a lot at them yesterday. quads ached a bit, but that's it. talk to me tomorrow to see if i really avoided the wrath of DOMS, though

PM - 5 on hilton just past noon, 6:09 pace. absurdly windy. felt like i've mentioned the wind every entry so far this year

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on sokol, 6:13 pace

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on sokol, 5:59 pace

PM - 3 on hilton, 5:53 pace. got like 3 hours of recovery between runs oops

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 10 on sokol, 5:58 pace. mentally something's been off ever since the workout sunday, every mile has just been a slog(physically i've been fine. didn't even end up taking a hit from the first lower body weight session in months later that morning). desperately needed a relaxed hour or so at a decent clip to get my mentals re-aligned, and i'm very happy to have gotten that in this morning

PM - turf routine

Peg 37 White Miles: 1.00Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 w/u on mural including the turf routine, then drove to the gym for a 3-mile tempo on the treadmill in 15:47(11.4 mph). c/d for 10. 

pretty decent, nothing spectacular. was hoping for the first 3 to go exactly how they did and close with a 5:10 for what i'm 90% sure would've been my first sub-21 4-miler, but got caught lackin from treating aerobic exercise the past business week as nothing more than funny business(pun also considered: "business week, more like business weak"). tragic. i'm hoping to get some fast short track intervals sunday afternoon but we got some very rough storms hitting us from like noon today to noon tomorrow and the wind is supposed to be like 20 mph+ all day sunday. could substitute for some hill sprints(in theory a steep enough hill would block the wind)... we'll play it by ear.

AM2 - 4 on mural just before noon, 5:57 pace. did NOT want a treadmill double today so ended up only getting about 5 hours recovery between runs so i could get back on a grass loop before the storms flood it. knew it'd be easy to strain something by getting too excited with the pace but 5:57 felt pretty lax. not a jog, but you know. wasn't keeled over immediately after with the hands on the knees or anything. the "prostate exam run" as we in the know call it. did cut it a mile or two shorter than i would have had it been an evening mural run though.

PM - upper weights n core n sauna

song of the day is back! today it's "what's the difference" by dr. dre

Fly's Miles: 3.00Peg 37 White Miles: 7.00Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on the treadmill at just a tad under 7-minute pace. legs felt... better by the end. think that was mostly because it was a treadmill though, was raining far too heavily for any other option

PM - 5 miles just a tad over 7-minute pace. legs(mainly calves) still felt a bit strained from the workout yesterday, no doubt amplified from the slightly different absorption from landing on your forefoot on a conveyor belt rather than the real world(he said, totally not bitter). we'd been getting hit with constant freezing rain all day so around 3PM i'd resigned to the fact the weatherpeople probably weren't wrong for once and began a treadmill streak that'll unfortunately likely get continued tomorrow because of a cold snap. wouldn't have done the sprints with how my legs felt anyway

PM2 - lower body weights. barbell squats w/ step-up, rotational lunges w/ a medicine ball full reached out(these were brutal), and toe-walks with kettlebells. not a lot of exercises but each set had lots of reps, and also they incorporated a ton of balance too so a lot of stuff got stimulated.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on the treadmill, tad under 7-minute pace. started at 8.0 mph and i think by the end i'd upped it to 9.3. felt pretty good! for a treadmill run ~8 hours after a weight session that's a huge boon. helps when i keep it mostly around a jog.

AM2 - 5 on sokol just before noon, 6:16 pace. very cold, very windy. first 10 minutes i felt like i had no coordination and pace reflected it, then suddenly felt a lot better and spent the last 20 minutes toeing the 6-minute line on the pace. it's rare the conditions permit me to go that quick in sweats. i reiterate, it was very cold

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

ran today, don't remember a detail of it though

Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 2 on sokol around noon, 6:04 pace. felt like i strained my calf on the stretches beforehand

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

off for the calf

Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton, 5:48 pace. below freezing without factoring a brutal wind, plus a fair amount of ice on the pavement. fun times. least the calf felt better.

finished reading "again to carthage" this morning, took about 6 months between reading the first half and starting the second half if that gives any indication of what i thought of it("again to carthage", more like "again to unneccesary tangents", am i right). the last third of "once a runner" is so good that john parker gets a pass though.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on the treadmill, right around 7-minute pace. first 2 minutes or so my ankle had me concerned i'd have to bail before i even burned 50 calories, but after that it loosened up pretty quick and had nothing else to say the rest of the run.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on the treadmill at about 6:30 pace + lower-body weights

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

PM - 5 on hilton just past noon, 5:54 pace

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on hilton, 5:49 pace. mid 40's with no wind right at sunrise: perfect conditions. 

PM - 5 on mural, 5:58 pace. gym after for core n upper weights. felt like my achilles was gonna explode by the end; not hurting but wasn't feeling super great. probably would have been fine had i not gone straight from the run to the gym. i got my sets in, at least.

Fly's Miles: 5.00Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on the treadmill at about 6:30 pace. spent the first 10 minutes at 8.0 mph then bumped it up by 0.5 every few minutes until i was moving pretty good(wasn't coordinating the pick-ups with mile splits but most of the last mile was spent at 10.5). achilles felt fine, was a little worried there after last night. hopefully it just needed to get loosened up.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 7 on sokol, 5:57 pace. as indicated by literal tears streaming down my face before i even got 100m in, it was very cold and windy.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on the treadmill at about 6:15 pace. started at 9.0 for the first mile and ended up at 10.0 by the end.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 4 on hilton, 5:50 pace. felt like i strained my calf on the turns after a weekend off

Fly's Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - early morning stationary and dynamics

AM2 - 7 on sokol, 6:01 pace. calf felt okay

PM - 5 on sokol in the early afternoon, 5:46 pace lol. calf felt better than this morning. very very windy.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on the treadmill, about 6:40 pace. probably only getting treadmill mileage until friday morning at the earliest. when it rains it pours

AM2 - core, upper body, and extension rotational lunges. nothing special, outside my ego taking a hit as i did dumbbell shoulder presses with a petite girl beside me doing the same exercise but with significantly heavier weights. honestly, it was more of a testament to her strength than my lack thereof.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton, 5:53 pace. very short window to run today

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - about 5, no watch. ran from my apartment down to hilton, did a lap there, ran to the nearby mall and ran a lap around the lot, then ran back. for low 20's at 5am, didn't feel that cold. felt like i'd jammed my ankle/foot near the end, no doubt from the asphalt/concrete running. with all the rain it was either this or the treadmill

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on sokol, 6:13 pace. even for being a little out of shape, 6:13 felt as easy as it ever has. unfortunately, i landed a bit unevenly running up a grass hill early into mile 3 and my calf felt a little off afterward so stopped shorter than i'd have like to. 

PM - 5 on sokol, 5:58 pace. knee was feeling a bit stiff so decided after a bit it was gonna just be a light run, no workout. the first two or so miles when i was still debating it i was forcing myself to take it easy enough to call it warmup effort, and my HR kept beeping that it was too low to affirm it as such, but i was still running around 6-flat pace. lol.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 11 on sandy, 6:34 pace. easy. knee needed a break from all the laps and loops so took the drive up for an out-and-back.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 11.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - sandy again for some hill work. started with 4 miles down sandy up to oakmulgee, 5:53 pace. around the usual aerobic run effort, not approaching anywhere near tempo effort. call it a hard warmup. once that was done i'd finished at a hill i've done repeats up a few times before, probably more than anywhere else in bama. i know at some point i gave it the namesake of an ex but i forget which one. wanna say "jamajah". hill is about 350m, did it 11 times with jogging back down for recovery. didn't bother tracking it because i know how my brain works and i knew i'd run the first one too fast and then kill myself trying to match the split for every other repeat. i also know this because every other time i've done repeats on this hill it ended after like 5 max because i did exactly that lol. jogged back to the car for 13.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 13.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on hilton, 6:03 pace. came probably 2000 calories short of accounting for what i burned yesterday, and it showed in a pretty lifeless run early this morning. also dropped about 5 pounds off the scale since sunday to get back to my standard training weight. if the cost was a recovery run stopped about a half-hour short, so be it.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 151.00
Total Distance

AM - 8 on sandy, 6:11 pace. first 3 in 17:20.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on mural right at 5am. forgot my watch.

Peg 37 White Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - turf and 5 on mural, 6:28 pace. started off too fast but decided to ride it out for a mile(5:39) then take the rest extra easy. very wintry morning; low 20's and viciously windy.

PM - 5 on mural, 5:53 pace. a little much. still windy.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on hilton early. no watch but felt like a decent clip, probably around 6:15 pace. about as cold as yesterday morning sans the wind

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 easy on hilton. no watch

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

PM - 11 on sandy just past noon, 6:24 pace. ran the first 2 miles in 11:38, bad idea as by mile 11 i was totally gassed. mid 70's out! have to appreciate it, especially when you realize it's the harbinger of us getting violated by storms the next couple of days

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 11.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on mural at 3am, 6:29 pace. would have liked to go longer but my legs weren't completely recovered from the afternoon run yesterday. wager if i hadn't gone out kamikaze-style i'd have bounced back enough, but alas. very windy for being so early, but it was somehow over 60 out in the middle of the winter night so i'll take it i guess.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 9 on sandy, 6:55 pace. after my morning run last thursday my left calf started seizing up in brief spurts, and i was shook enough over it to take the next 3 days off. meant to pick it back up sunday or monday, but we got a ton of rain and my calves act up easy with treadmill/asphalt running so i didn't want to start back up until i could run on grass or trails. trails were extremely muddy but i'm not complaining. i know 5 days off isn't enough to really lose fitness but man i felt out of shape. didn't eat much the last few days so the fact that i was starving most of the run probably wasn't helping either. 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 8 on arrowhead, 6:28 pace. new route! woke up to the sound of heavy rain hitting the window, as it had been all night. that meant most of my normal options were out, even sandy was probably too flooded for me drive up. decided to try a trailhead i'd noticed a few days ago, but ended up being an asphalt riverwalk that ended maybe 600m past the parking lot. however! once at the turnaround i noticed a gravel maintenance road heading farther down, so hoped on that. after about a minute the trail dipped for about 30m, with the entire stretch now rushing with deep, dirty water from farther up. after taking a couple of minutes to debate, decided to hop across/run through the gully and continue down the trail to see how far it went.

after about 3 miles of mostly running through secluded nature(with another couple of gullies to skip through), i got to a sign saying something like "armed guards monitoring past this point", which got me excited as i've been going down a conspiracy theory/supernatural rabbit hole the last couple weeks and was hoping i'd stumble across something that'd scar me for life. a little farther down the path ended at a tall barbed wire fence surrounding a small building. nobody around, which considering my entire lower half was covered in mud just to get to there, maybe not a huge surprise. still, wasn't gonna hop the fence to entertain my curiosity... not today at least

overall, very cool new route. definitely going to add it to the rotation. would have been an even better run had i not been doing so much puddle-hopping and the like, but, eh.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

noon - 5 on arrowhead, 6:14 pace

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on arrowhead, 6:17 pace

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

6 on arrowhead, 6:14 pace

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

5 on arrowhead, 6:03 pace

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

off. left knee was acting up.

Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on arrowhead, 6:21 pace. kept it short for my knee, hopefully will get in an early-afternoon run though

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on hilton, 6:19 pace. i'll bother to get the last 10 days of training logged in eventually, nothing noteworthy during it.

PM - 5 on sokol just past noon, 5:58 pace. very hot out; first shirtless run of the year, i think. it's supposed to snow over an inch tonight so no idea why that was the case. the duality of man-made weather or something 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on the treadmill at about 6:40 pace + some core and upper body strength. wanted to do a sprint workout but the "winter" storm forced me to settle for the dreadmill 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on mural, 5:58 pace. was struggling towards the end; need a few days to truly get my brain and legs back on the same page. today was also probably the coldest morning since winter 2021, so that was fun.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

5 around noon, 6:30 pace

Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on mural, 6:13 pace. legs felt a bit fragile but aerobically felt pretty easy. we got some heavy storms hitting today/tomorrow so this might have been my last mural run for the week after the rain floods it. shame

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

hilton. 6:20 pace. AM.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on mural just before noon, 6:03 pace. was very very foggy this morning so pushed back the run to have the grass be a little less soft and dewey(malcolm in the middle(of a field)). fastest split(mile 5) was only 10 seconds faster than the slowest split(miles 1 & 2) but felt a lot harder, unfortunately. it was hot, bright and i was wearing all black, in my defense.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - turf routine 

noon - 5 on arrowhead, 6:21 pace. hot!

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on mural, 6:22 pace. felt easy enough.

PM - 3 on mural just past noon, 5:46 pace. aerobically felt good, my running form did not

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

i've probably ran once or twice over the last couple days, can't remember. what i can remember is that a german sheppard attacked me an hour earlier and i got some pretty bad dog bites on my legs/ass that might hurt training for the next few days, at least. because i was totally on such a hot streak before it

Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on sandy, 6:48 pace. easy. my ass was unsurprisingly sore after getting chomped yesterday(at least let me buy you dinner first!), but didn't feel like anything deeper than that. it's a bitch and a half to sit on though, no pun intended

PM - 6 on sandy just past noon, 6:28 pace. split a 5:28 on mile #3 so i could feel alive, and it doesn't even have the caveat of being a downhill-aided split! considering none of my 6 miles this morning were within a minute of that, pretty good. 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

PM - 6 on sandy, first 3 in 17:45, second 3 easy. warm one, and only getting warmer. calves are getting worked from 3 trail runs in a day and a half, gonna have to stick to grass this weekend.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on mural, easy. wore a hoodie since it was low 40's out and didn't realize i didn't have my watch on until i was stretched up on the field only to reach to my wrist and find nothing there. bummed me out, but i'll make sure i get in a few quick miles in one way or another over the weekend.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on mural, 6:40 pace

PM - 3 on mural just past noon, 5:42 pace.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 4 on hilton, 6:20 pace.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 4 on mural at 2am, 6:40 pace or so. had to do it early to beat the rain.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on sandy, 6:32 pace. 100% humidity, christmas came early

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 4 on sokol, 6:12 pace. after 2 miles my stomach went downhill quick. shame.

PM - 6 on sandy, first 3 at 5:54 pace then my stomach started acting up so i ran the last 3 easy. had to drive out to talladega forest to account for an extremely blustery afternoon. the trees shielded me pretty well, i swear the wind was making them talk though

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

PM - 4 on sokol, 5:39 pace. got a bit too excited as the pace shows, didn't feel too uncomfortable though.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 4 on mural, 6:18 pace. we're getting about 47 hours of rain this weekend so my only chance to run on mural was at just about midnight. got to see some very cool lightning as the storms rolled in, and i like to think i'd have gone a bit longer had it not started raining

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on sokol. no watch because i forgot to charge it beforehand, but if i noted the time correctly as i started it took about 33 minutes, give or take.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - turf + 2 on hilton, 5:41 pace. felt pretty good

AM2 - 5 on mural, 6:03 pace

Fly's Miles: 2.00Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - turf + 2 on hilton, 5:42 pace. even for under 15 minutes of running at 3am i felt like i was gonna catch on fire. humidity, man

AM2 - 6 on hilton, 5:56 pace. kept the odd miles brisk and the even ones breezy; odd splits were all 5:33 and the even ones ended up getting progressively faster as i loosened up. would have liked to go for another set but my ankles had maxed out on those sharp hilton turns, at least for the morning

Fly's Miles: 2.00Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - turf + 4 on hilton, 5:59 pace. felt a painful twinge in my IT band just above the knee as i was decelerating after i stopped my watch(talk about sticking the landing!), i managed to somehow wake up before my 2am alarm though so i have a little extra rest time to give it if i end up doing an AM double

been running much more consistently than i've been blogging it the last couple months, nothing much worth writing about though. did some sprints this past sunday(only splits i remember were a 46 300m and 28 200m), but besides that mostly just 20-30 minutes runs around 10 times a week

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton, 6:27 pace. IT band/knee felt fine, although i'm probably going to a chiropractor later today to get my hips re-aligned(they've been needing it for a while)

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3-mile shakeout on hilton, 6:07 pace. felt like i'd have strained something had i gone any faster... also felt like i could have gone much faster lol. also also, been a great stanley cup playoffs so far. go canes!

AM2 - 5 on mural, 6:25 pace. legs still sort of felt like they were on the verge of straining, so i took it a little easier to account for the bad traction/footing

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton, 6:07 pace. you'd think the difference between 63F and 73F wouldn't be that noticeable at 2am but yeah, i appreciated the slight cool very very much

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 winding through the adjecent neighborhoods in heavy rain, 6:34 pace. pretty rare i start a run from my apartment but the weather forced my hand

AM2 - 4 on the roads again, 6:30 pace. more rain. i'd like to think i'd have gotten in at least 10 this morning without it. i am typing this at 6am; might do an AM triple just for old time's sake. pretend i can still do things like run a 20-miler 5 times a week :)

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton. 

AM2 - 6 on sokol. didn't save either run but i remember they were both 6:2x pace 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton. forgot my watch

AM2 - 5 on sokol before it started raining hard. 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

was on such a hot streak of AM doubles that i had to celebrate by not running at all because we were having flood-level rain mostly all day

Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton. forgot my watch

AM2 - 7 on hilton, 6:40 pace. 10 miles on asphalt before 6am... i don't recognize these legs below me. took way longer than usual but finally got to the point where my legs feel sore after runs instead of like they're gonna shatter if i turn at the wrong angle. still need to see that chiropractor for the hips though. also, can't say i beat humidity but feels like i got as close to a draw as i ever will

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 4 on hilton, 6:18 pace. saw the chiropractor to get my hips fixed up yesterday; long overdue

AM2 - 6 on sokol, forgot to charge my watch so no clue on the pace. kept a decent effort though. wanted to go for 10-12 and felt like mentally i was prepared to die trying in the humidity, but my ankles were feeling pretty stiff and after 6 felt like going longer would just be playing russian roulette with the peroneal tendonitis gun

Fly's Miles: 4.00Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on hilton, no watch. first 5-piece for the shakeout on an AM double since honestly i don't know when.

AM2 - 7 on sokol, 6:27 pace. legs felt stronger than yesterday. actually, felt better than i have in a while. funny how doing 2 runs in the span of like 3 hours can do that. 

also shoutout to the carolina hurricanes for gifting me the misery of watching my team get blown out in a home game 7. i've deleted all rangers fans' contact information from my phone

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - turf + 4 on hilton, 6:11 pace. felt like this would have been a really good one if it were any other season of the year. with the humidity after like 10 minutes i'm potentially seconds away from redlining at any given time. and while i do like incorporating the turf routine to loosen up, it also means i'm running hot before the run even starts. 

AM2 - 4 on sokol, 6:40 pace. ugly run; my legs felt better than either of the sokol runs i did the last two days but mentally i just felt exhausted. think it's mostly due to getting 6 or less hours of sleep the last week or so but the humidity definitely expedited the issue. spent the last mile trying not to die and wondering if i could just exclusively run indoors on the treadmill for the next 12 weeks without repercussion; i'll work on fitting another hour or two of sleep somewhere in my schedule though

Fly's Miles: 4.00Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - turf + 4 on hilton, 6:13 pace. 

AM2 - 10 easy on sokol with some strides after, 6:53 pace. started at 4:50am and got treated to a beautiful sunrise. I ended up running up and down a ~1000m open stretch of land for miles 3-7 just taking as much of it in as possible.

Fly's Miles: 4.00Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 4 on sokol, 6:52 pace. knees felt stiff from like 10 miles of hard-impact surfaces on sunday, better by the end though. need new shoes bad, i think there's at least 700 miles on the odometer of my current pair

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 4 running up and down the road by the turf field, 6:19 pace. didn't feel like having to spend an extra 10 minutes sitting at a bunch of red lights to drive a mile down to hilton so just jumped into it after the turf routine. humidity was just awful 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton, 6:37 pace. don't know if i've ever seen it more sweltering at 2AM in my life; nearly broke a sweat just walking to my car. 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton, 6:27 pace. heat index of 90 at 2am, just awful 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton, 6:15 pace. 18 ticks lower on the heat index than the same time yesterday; i could barely tell!!!!

AM2 - 6 on sokol, 6:51 pace. kept it light and short but felt pretty good. did the turf routine beforehand

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton, forgot the watch

AM2 - 7 on sokol, 6:50 pace. very warm for the shakeout, and unsurprisingly still very warm for the double

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 4 on hilton, no watch.

AM2 - another 4 on sokol, 6:32 pace. need new shoes pretty bad, i think there's probably 200+ miles on the current pair i haven't logged

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 155.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton, 6:09 pace. felt pretty good

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 4 on mural in the dead of night, 7:23 pace. technically started running at like 11:55pm monday. felt some kinks in my form that didn't exactly solve themselves as i went on so i kept it brief, shame as i was enjoying myself. fields even seemed less soaked than usual with the night sprinklers on. plus there was a lightning storm in the distance which is about the best "view" mother nature can provide on a run to night owls like myself

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

about 10 minutes on mural late at night. had a dry cough pop up at the start that wasn't going away so i stopped early. it was meant to be a shakeout anyway and the coughing fits stopped as soon as i got back to my car so hopefully some honey and tea should get rid of it before the real run

(extra shoe mileage to account for runs i didn't record over the last few weeks)

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 121.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 7 on mural at like 2:15. phone died and my flash along with it after about 30 minutes but i put some faith in my night vision and pressed another couple miles out on the grass in the dark without breaking anything. good run, maybe i should drink tea before runs more often. and also spike it with coffee

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 10 on mural, 7:30 pace. phone died during mile 6 but had some low clouds roll in and the light pollution gave me just enough depth perception on the grass to not roll an ankle. love running on mural in the middle of the night; closest thing i can get to meditation.

technically started this run at like 11:40pm yesterday, but counting the mileage towards the day i stopped the watch. had some long but light rain clear up about 90 minutes earlier so while the grass was extra slick the humidity had also melted away. probably the nicest it's felt since april. also probably the first time i've ran 10 miles without dying of heat stroke and needing several 20-30 second breathers throughout since april

also as the resident braves fan i wanna say i am disgusted we traded pirates legend jesse chavez for rasiel iglesias

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 10 on mural, 7:35 pace. basically a carbon copy of last night's run except i actually started the run on the date i'm logging it(at 12:01am), and that the evening showers earlier had gave way to clear night sky so when my phone/flash once again died about halfway in i had a lot less visibility with the moon not being out. 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 10 on mural, 7:24 pace(started at 11:50pm thurs night). copy of yesterday's run down to my phone/flash dying at the exact same point of the run. once i put my phone away i dropped the pace a good bit despite needing to focus most of my attention on making sure i didn't sprain an ankle

PM - 10 on mural, 7:27 pace. started at about 9 instead of midnight. last half felt much better than the first despite phone dying on mile 8. first 20 mile day in a long time, even though it's technically not

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 20.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on mural at 5am, 7:45 pace. couldn't fall asleep until about 1 because my HR was jacked from the night run, then woke up about 3 hours later despite having not set an alarm and having been asleep at that hour most of this past month. didn't intend to run more than 10 a day this week(with last night's run being today's 10), but i felt good, so i drove out for a light ~40 minutes on some very wet grass.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on mural at 1:30, 7:42 pace. yesterday was supposed to be a day off, but ended up running 15 instead(sort of). slotted the off day to today and managed to make it a whole 90 minutes in before that went out the window. kept the first 4 very easy

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on mural, 7:20 pace. dark out.

PM - 4 on mural, 7:20 pace. also dark out!

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 8 on mural at 3am, 7:52 pace. decided to run without a flash and hope my eyes could adjust to the dark, but clouds shrouded the moonlight pretty early on so i had to take it slow to make sure my footing was solid. out of my last 25 runs i'd say for maybe 2 of them was the sun out in any way shape or form. i've also been sleeping in a coffin 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 8 on mural, 7:22 pace. ignore that i started this run at 10:45 monday night and finished before midnight. regretted having cayenne powder seasoned with eggs as part of my pre-run food. at least it rained earlier so it wasn't too humid. wanted to go for 10 but phone/flash died once again after about 30 minutes, as was foretold by the village elder many generations ago

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on mural, 7:12 pace. ignore i actually ran this at 11 tuesday night. was gonna go for 8 but i didn't eat much before and had some preworkout powder that just ended up making me sick on an empty stomach after about 15 minutes. 

AM2 - 6 on mural at 2am, 7:11 pace. threw up during it and didn't even break pace to do it; would have rather it happened during mile 6 than mile 1 though. damn cayenne. on a brighter note this past day might have been the last 90-something day of the year, if we're lucky. also the last half-mile was ~5:30 pace because it started raining and i had my phone in my hand and nowhere to shield it(1" shorts). haven't ran that fast in a long time and it felt very good to do so. even if i could see my shadow from the moonlight and my form looked awful :)

PM - strength workout at the apartment. mostly core + push ups dips and a little resistance band work. been doing it every 2 or 3 days the last couple weeks

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
From Tom K on Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 11:31:58 from

I have never threw up (thrown up?) on a run. I have gotten vurpy a few times, and I did break pace when that happened. I don't know if I should reprimand you for your craptastic diet, or congratulate you for not breaking pace?

From Eugene on Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 13:33:21 from

the correct verbage is threwn up! :) and i'll have you know i've been eating nothing but rice eggs and vegetables the last few days

From Eugene on Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 13:40:41 from

also forgot to mention i *thought* it was a burp at the time. it's like when you hear about someone risking all it on a fart and crapping out(pun intended), but from the other end.

From Tom K on Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 15:33:31 from

Says the guy in 1" shorts!

Total Distance

AM - 6 on sokol at 6am(finally slept like a normal person for once), 6:18 pace. i knew i was putting on the metaphorical restrictor plates by doing all of my runs in the middle of the night the last month or so, but i didn't think i'd drop a full 60+ seconds off the pace at the same effort just by adding sunlight into the equation. maybe i'm not as washed as previously thought. would have liked to go longer but it was very humid and by the 30-minute mark i felt like i was on fire. thus you see why i've been running on grass fields at 1am(and why i don't try to avoid getting hit by the sprinklers when i do). the good news is i'm in the ~15% of the country that's not going to be experiencing a warmer than normal autumn this year, so hopefully i only have 2-3 more weeks until running outside isn't a pressure cooker simulator

AM2 - strength workout again. about 30 minutes compared to the usual 10, mostly because i did about 10 different hip stretches/exercises during it. 

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 8 on mural, 6:49 pace. ignore that i started at 11:50 thursday night. also ignore i'd been up for 20 hours by the start of the run. i had to breathe through some rough chest cramps for most of it but considering how my legs were moving i'd say it didn't matter much.

AM2 - strength workout. feeling better and looking fitter every time i do this workout shirtless in front of a mirror like the narcissist i am. ended up waking up naturally off 4 hours of sleep like i have for most of the month; i swear i want to sleep more but here we are

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on mural, 6:57 pace. ignore i started at 11:58pm friday night(so close). part of the rubber sole tore off my left shoe as i was stretching, it obviously affected the shoe and how it landed but it's my only water-resistant pair so i still ran what i could in them. lightning on the horizon.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - short warmup on the track + stretches at 5:30am. got over 2 inches of rain last night so my options were down to hilton or the track/asphalt bike trail by sokol. should have done the warmup on the asphalt instead of the track; felt a sharp pain in my left ankle and stopped there to stretch. the ankle didn't bug me again but decided to stop there. i wore half tights and they got caught on the top of a chain link fence as i was leaving the track; not only did it take 30+ seconds to fix as i awkwardly straddled the fence, but it still ripped the tights anyway. basically sums this morning up. 

Peg 37 Magenta Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on hilton at about midnight, 6:57 pace. basically all asphalt. lots of puddles were hopped

PM - 6 on hilton at 10:30, 6:52 pace. my back(and really entire body) was very sore today, at first i blamed the asphalt mileage but i remembered a did a bit of shadowboxing in my daily strength workout yesterday, considering my palms are sore too that's probably it. i can't tell if the hamstring soreness is from the running or the shadow-roundhouse kicks

pretty sure this is the first time i've ran 12 miles of asphalt in a day since 2017. crazy to think.

Peg 37 Magenta Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM -  drove to the turf field at like 3am because i was wired after the late night run yesterday and was in the middle of a load of laundry so couldn't sleep yet. jogged a few minutes then did dynamic stretches, drills and about 12 or so hard 100 yard strides

Peg 37 Magenta Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

PM - single lap on hilton just after sunset, 5:56 pace. felt good but my calf was a bit tight on the turns so i stopped to stretch it but within maybe a second my vision was gone and i was more nauseous than i've ever been in my life. luckily i'd stopped where i started so i was maybe 20 feet from my car. leaned on the hood for a few seconds hoping i could catch a second wind but i just started feeling more sick so i managed to get in the driver's seat and after a few minutes gain the wherewithal to turn the AC on. after that i felt okay and even debated trying again but if 4 minutes of running knocked me out for 10 there's something wrong here, at least in the moment. 

honestly no clue what the cause was here. i got about 5 different ideas but i'd probably say the safest guess was that i donated plasma right about 4 hours prior and it was still very warm out. i also had cayenne prior too. knowing me i might be on mural at midnight trying to get a re-do

Peg 37 Magenta Miles: 0.75
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 6 on mural at midnight, 6:39 pace. that's pretty good for no flash, not to mention nearly dying about 4 hours earlier. felt much better than that run, except i once again regretted having cayenne prior. i have this funny feeling when i stop only running on dark fields in the middle of the night and eating extremely overspiced food before all my runs like a psychopath it'll be more enjoyable to train. can't back that up though

Peg 37 Magenta Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From Tom K on Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 06:28:41 from

Did you buy cayenne in bulk?

From Eugene on Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 06:00:37 from

i bought a 2 oz shaker of it maybe 8 weeks ago, it's maybe half-empty at this point(or half-full, if that's your spice of life, no pun intended). the issue isn't how much i'm consuming; it's when.

Total Distance

AM - 5 on hilton at 5, 6:29 pace. didn't bother checking my watch during because it was dark out and it didn't feel like i was running anything faster than 7-flat(plus with running in the dark you usually feel like you're running faster than you are anyway), so nice surprise. would have gone longer but all those turns add up on the hips fast; i have no idea how i used to run 15-20 miles on that single loop every day for months on end. 

Peg 37 Magenta Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on hilton at 5, 6:32 pace. felt decent enough.

Peg Shields Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 4 on mural just after midnight, 7:07 pace. felt pretty good, but my left calf was a bit tight so i kept it short and sweet. 

joined a dynasty fantasy football league with some friends; for drafting 7th and coming out with mccaffrey, russell wilson, derrick henry and the most controversial player in the NFL for the last 16 months, not bad(we only managed to get 4 rounds of the draft done yesterday). i feel dirty for taking watson, that's the price to pay in a superflex league

Peg Shields Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton early, 6:19 pace. felt like i was gonna be sick after about 10 minutes but toughed it out

AM2 - 7 on sokol, 6:30 pace. left hip felt like it desperately needed a pop and i regretted having coffee 75 minutes prior but besides that felt pretty good

Peg Shields Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From Tom K on Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 09:21:33 from


From Eugene on Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 14:46:45 from


Total Distance

AM - 3 on hilton, 6:30 pace

PM - 3 on hilton, 6:25 pace

said on my entry last monday that during the second AM run my hip felt like it needed a pop but i couldn't get it, kept trying to get that pop all day to no avail only to wake up the next morning to a good hip but a back that felt like it had about 20 knives stuck in it. took about 4 or 5 days for me to even approach my torso being able to turn normally but i think it's mostly fixed up by now. was hell to deal with though

Peg Shields Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

PM - 4 on mural, no watch. finally getting that crisp autumn weather which means the ~7 month stretch of manageable running conditions has arrived. hope to make the most of it

Peg Shields Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

AM - 5 on mural, 7:08 pace. was dark until like the final mile.

Peg Shields Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
From C_Cropp on Mon, Oct 03, 2022 at 11:10:23 from


From Eugene on Sun, Oct 09, 2022 at 18:51:59 from

i got strava shy *monkey hiding face emoji*

From C_Cropp on Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 15:34:52 from

I’m coming back to tha blog sometime soon. Doing Grandmas in June

From Eugene on Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 00:19:53 from

heck yeah brother

two young hip dudes bringing blogging back in style

Total Distance

AM - turf routine + 5 miles on mural, dead watch. surely slower than 7 minute pace but miles are miles

Peg Shields Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Noon - 4 on hilton, first mile in 5:53 and then ran most of the rest without a watch because i could tell i'd gotten ahead of myself with how my lungs were burning

PM - 5 on mural at 11, dead watch but it took 33 minutes. had a full moon shining bright which always makes running in the dark a little more fun.

Peg Shields Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Noon - 4 on hilton, no watch. intended to run a 5th mile a bit faster with the watch but i didn't do the usual stretching routine after either of yesterday's runs and my left calf was feeling iffy enough that i knew i'd probably strain it pushing it too hard. could have ran the 5th mile easy instead but it was much warmer out than i expected, plus game 1 of the braves playoff run was starting. it went poorly

Peg 37 Navy Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

he lives! my fantasy football team may not be able to say the same. season's on the line in a 2QB league and my opponent has allen and mahomes. lol.

Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 5.00
Weight: 161.00
Total Distance

Still alive! My fantasy team can somehow say the same in the championship week. No Derrick Henry might kill me though

Weight: 0.00
Total Distance
Fly's Miles: 44.00Peg Shields Miles: 83.00Peg 37 Navy Miles: 9.00Peg Shields 2(orange) Miles: 767.00Peg 37 White Miles: 13.00Peg 37 Magenta Miles: 28.75
Weight: 152.95
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