| Location: US of A Member Since: May 16, 2015 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: Ran 200 miles in under a week(nov 2019)
Ran 226 miles in under a week twice in 17 days(oct 2023). Ran 250 miles in under a week(mar 2024) Personal: 26. braves fan/canes fanatic/broncos sufferer/spurs fan Favorite Blogs: |
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Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 598.50 | Pegaroos Pair 2 Miles: 10.00 | Nike Vomero 10 Pink Miles: 3.00 | Fast Miles: 7.75 | Fly's Miles: 62.00 | Structures Miles: 394.00 | Peg V Miles: 693.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 597.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 545.00 | Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 278.00 |
| | AM - hilly 8 mile w/u, 4xquarter mile hills w/ equal recovery, c/d for 12.
was gonna do more, but i work later today and didn't get much sleep last night so didn't do too much. spent most of the workout thinking of a cool name for the hill; i settled on "stairway to heaven". good start to the decade. averaged 84 but i think they’re a little longer than my watch says since jogging back down i hit .25 miles about 30m before the start. doesn’t really matter since effort and good form is what this workout is for. that hill is killer
PM - 8 after work.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 20.00 |
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| | AM - 4. was planning on shear-willing my way through some k repeats in the rain but i underestimated how hard it has to be raining for half the state to be on flood watch. plus my shift got upped to a double so i was pressed for time. might do a mile pickup on the treadmill after work if wearing my headband makes treadmill running any less insufferable; i'll get in a good lift either way though so it won't be a complete waste of a day for training. hope this stupid rain goes away
Pegaroos Pair 2 Miles: 4.00 |
| | AM - 3 mile shakeout. got called in yesterday and was dead by the end of the shift so no running. if i get in a solid long run later today i won't get hung up on it.
PM - 12. had an off-and-on side stitch from the start, as soon as i hit around 11.6 it hit hard, the severity level where you can’t even keep your torso straight. if the wind hadn’t been 15 mph i think it would have been 6-minute pace. so ended it there, but got in a good full-body lifting session after. sauna too.
Nike Vomero 10 Pink Miles: 3.00 | Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 12.00 |
| | 10 post-work with plyos after. legs were a bit sore from weights but i did way more than last time and i'm less sore than last time. idk the exact pace conversion after a 9-hour shift but i'd say it'd have been 7-flat if i hadn't worked.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 6 mile w/u, 3 mile tempo in 17:06, mile c/d.
being my first tempo run since 2017, i guess this met expectations. i wanted to do 5 but i learned the hard way you can't have rice and beans the night before a tempo, unfortunately. not a bad start but i have work to do, happy i finally had the stones to do a tempo run considering how much i hate them though. lots of room to grow.
PM - 5, gym after. felt REALLY good on the 5, good enough that i might be able to get past my disdain for tempo runs to feel like that again.
Fast Miles: 3.00 | Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 15.00 |
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| | AM - 5 mile shakeout
AM2 - 8 mile w/u, 8x100m w/ 100m walking rec, mile cd. timed #2 and #7, 13.99 and 13.02.
felt so much easier and smoother than the 200's last week. felt like i was able to tweak my form a little bit on every one until i was cruising those last couple. hopefully i'm not too tired next tuesday from the tempo run because that 3x300 could be really fun if i'm feeling good. my PR for that workout is something like 40.2, 40.3, 40.2 which i don't think i'll beat, but still. ran the easiest 6:30 of my life that first mile of the warmup, felt like pure jogging.
PM - 5 easy + gym. kept the running extra easy to keep the legs feeling good for the next 3 days
Fast Miles: 0.50 | Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 19.00 |
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| | AM - 5 easy. right ankle felt a tiny bit off getting out of bed so i took it extra slow, ready to pull the plug if i felt it on the run. i didn’t, legs actually felt pretty good by the end, i guess it was probably just some DOMS from the sprints yesterday.
AM2 - 7 mile w/u, 5 x quarter mile hill w/ equal jog rest, 81 avg, c/d for 12
was going to do 2 sets of 4 hill repeats, but i took a longer recovery between sets and my legs being a bit heavy my foot caught on a rock and i faceplanted hard. well, i almost did. i displayed the most impressive feat of reflexes in my life and managed to turn my body and tuck my arms and hit the ground rolling in that half-second between trip and impact. i was wearing a thick shirt and gloves so minimal damage sustained, did hit my right ankle on a rock though. nothing major, just gonna be sore for a day or so. decided to do one more after that, times were 83, 82, 81, 80, 79. changing the name of this hill from "stairway to heaven" to "penance". it's much more accurate. actually felt great on these aside from the whole falling thing. to paraphrase rocky, it isn't about how many times you eat shit but how many times you clean your mouth out
PM - 5 easy. skipped gym because my stomach was hurting. felt better by the end of the run but i'd rather get an extra hour of sleep tonight. didn't feel the fall from this morning, but i'll have to get a night of sleep before i really know if all the effects have passed.
SOTD: never in your sun - stevie wonder. SUCH a great song
Fast Miles: 1.25 | Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 22.00 |
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| | AM - 5 mile shakeout
AM2 - 5 mile w/u, 4x1200m aerobic w/ 400m rec in 4:17, 4:05, 4:04, 3:58
was surprised the first one was that slow, but told myself to not sweat it and just move on to the second one. effort wasn’t too hard(max heart rate 139 according to the watch), but i thought they’d be faster. putting aside my ego and using perspective with running 4 workouts the past 4 days, i’m lucky to still be standing, let alone feeling pretty normal. plus, even if i feel good there’s no way i’m running this fourth straight workout at 100%, so there’s nothing to do but recover, get in my PM 5 and a long run tomorrow and recover with an easy weekend and i’ll be back next monday in better shape than i did this one. so with that in mind, it was a good one.
PM - 5 after work. right ankle was feeling all those track turns for this morning by the end.
Fast Miles: 3.00 | Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 23.00 |
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| | AM - 5 easy.
right ankle wasn’t giving me trouble but i knew i’d be playing a dangerous game if i went too far. i thought about it, and i think i’d be better off moving my long run to saturday. yes it would be after an 8 hour shift, but i think it’d be easier on the body than doing it after all the weekday workouts. i usually think up my own training, but i saw that bekele did something like this in his prime(the same 4 days of tempo, sprints, hills, intervals), while i did modify it to make it a bit easier considering this is my first real training block since high school, i realize it’s still a tall order. still, i think i’ve proven myself to have a ridiculously durable body, and the tuesday and wednesday workouts are more of fine-mechanics-tuning than workouts. but anyway, bekele did the same monday-thursday workout spread, with a long run on saturday with a day of recovery before and after. i’m not gonna try and make my workload more than the greatest runner of all time by doing that long run a day early. i’ll do another 5 on the treadmill after work, and skip the long run this saturday since it’s supposed to storm something terrible tomorrow.
PM - 5 after work. this shift was pure hell; you'd think dying was going out of style but felt SUPER good, pace wasn't crazy or anything, but even if i hadn't worked i still felt good enough that it's worth mentioning. finished right before the storm hit! score!
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 10.00 |
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| | real conversation between me and a patient:
pt: what’s your name
me: gene
pt: what was it before
me: before what
pt: wait were you born a guy
PM - 3. stomach wasn't feeling well so just a shakeout. ran in pajama bottoms over my boa 1" shorts from high school bc i was doing laundry. i can't believe i used to wear those lil skimpy things lol
overall great week of training! mileage could have been higher, but still.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 3.00 |
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| | AM - off.
caught a stomach virus. would have been okay to run yesterday if i hadn't worked, that def slowed recovery. i'm probably good now but i'll just do my two runs before and after work to play it safe. not that there's good timing for stuff like this but with storms the next couple days i wouldn't be running workouts anyway. should still have good enough weather to get in my hills and intervals, maybe a long run too.
ended up feeling better and ran 4.25 at 11. was gonna do 5 but got hit with some wicked stomach cramps right after 4. threw in some light surges(about 6-flat pace) in the middle to loosen up
PM - 1.75 after work. stomach still felt bad.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 6.00 |
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| | AM - 1. stomach still felt bad
PM - 5. stomach felt good! ran on the turf field, threw in lots of 60 yard strides that last mile and a half. hopefully this break from running was short enough that i won’t have to deal with my usual hiccup stemming from jumping back in too fast
Pegaroos Pair 2 Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 5. managed to start before 4AM and felt extremely good with that in mind. did some strides the last 1.5 again to see if it does anything for my next run
AM2 - 15 miles @ 7:07 pace. ran out of clif bars yesterday so all i had eaten between runs was a dark cherry & cranberry juice smoothie(plus my usual black coffee) so those last couple of miles sucked, even if they were my fastest. finishing 20 miles before 9:20AM... this is what i live for
PM - 5 before work. really had to use it
PM2 - 10 after work. biggest mileage day ever with a shift worked; i'd say it's good enough to be a 40-mile day, but i'll keep it at 35. also fastest average pace on a quadruple i believe
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 35.00 |
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| | AM - 5 miles. legs felt good all things considered, had to use it as bad as i ever have that last 2k
AM2 - 20 miles. the difference in mental difficulty between a 15 and 20 miler is palpable, i swear every mile feels twice as long. it was muddy, windy, and my hair was constantly in my eyes and/or mouth so it was pretty insufferable. very happy i got it done, now i'm gonna eat and lie down for about 4 hours
PM - 5. was going to get a pair of secondary trainers at Ross, but all they had were some flyknit fly's(essentially 4% knockoffs). i'm personally on the side of the fence that the whole "carbon plate acting as a springboard" aspect is cheating and never planned on getting a pair, but for $44.99 i thought about it and realized my real problem is them being used for ratified world records(yes Kipchoge is 100% the fastest marathoner ever, and i still think Bekele would have ran faster than the old world record without them too, i just think Nike cheated the system a little bit to get him under 2 hours(Nike if you're reading this i'm sorry give me my contract already)). wearing them around my apartment after the run, i understand the hype. they really force you on your toes when you move forward. i'll have fun doing workouts in them.
PM2 - 15 easy. learned the hard way it’s not a good idea to drink like 4 cups of coffee before this run lol
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 45.00 |
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| | AM - 5. before i even got out of bed i could tell my legs were thrashed, so decided to give themselves a few hours to recover a bit. it's understandable; i did just set a two-day mileage PR by 5 miles with 80(just in case anyone thought the 200-mile week was a fluke :) ). i don't think it's anything serious considering i felt fine on the run, but i feel it a bit after. i'll just do 5 after work and two 10-milers after work this weekend and should be back monday good.
PM - 1 after work
so i honestly can't remember if i felt this before the morning run or not, and i didn't during, but after i felt a very slight issue in my left knee. i've never had a problem from running that felt anything like it before, but i can describe it to a T. it feels like one little spot in my knee is bruised, like someone punched me in the kneecap and it's the day after. it isn't in the muscle or tendon or anything, it isn't painful and doesn't affect my running form, and stretching doesn't aggravate or relieve it. i'd probably not be talking about it if i properly recovered today instead of working the most bs shift yet(i got the employee of the month laurel(let's pretend laurel is a noun(that doesn't mean shrub))) anyway despite that it went away completely over the course of the shift anyways, but i felt it the first step of the run and it didn't get any better(or any worse) a mile in so i stopped there. barely felt it getting groceries after, i rolled my legs out and jogged in place and walked around and didn't feel it at all. hopefully it's just some very weird minor thing, i'll barely run tomorrow and hopefully it'll be gone by sunday. gonna ice it and take advil like tijuana donkeys take viagra the next day or two and i'm gonna be money again
oh and favorite part of the shift:
patient: *points behind me* hey look at that fine young lady
me: *turns around, sees him pointing at my reflection in the mirror*
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 6.00 |
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| | PM - 2 after work
didn't feel my knee at all during work, didn't feel it until about a half-mile in, didn't get much worse by the end. def felt better than after work yesterday, but my 6th sense is telling me it's an issue that would be better off letting rest than training through. simply put, i got greedy after the time off from the stomach virus and went full throttle too fast. it's really annoying, but i guess the silver lining is knowing i can do that much still. i'd say a full day of recovery would get rid of it, but 2 shifts of 13 hours on my feet with an 11-hour break in between isn't full recovery, so i'll be back either monday night or tuesday morning, and let next week be a sort of brick week to get back to the fitness of a couple days ago the right way.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 2.00 |
| | AM - 5. no knee pain! yes!!!!! with it being my first run in under 30 degrees in years, the stiffness from the past few days off was definitely accentuated, but i think some good stretching between this run and the next will probably take care of it
PM - 10. felt good, probably the most effortless 10 i've ever ran. legs were hurting a little the last 10 minutes or so, but that's just from not running the last couple of days. even though the AM run went well i knew this was the real test if the knee was okay, i'm so happy to say it is.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 15.00 |
| | so about 30 minutes after my PM 10 the left knee started to get sorer(?) and sorer. nothing worse than last friday night, but about on par. its mild enough that i could run on it, but i think it’ll get worse. i barely feel it after waking up which is good. i didn’t feel it at all after my AM 5, so my two takeaways are 1.) it needs a few more days to fully recover(hopefully just that since 2 days off nearly did the trick) and 2.) i’ll probably need to ramp training back up a bit slower. obviously i’m frustrated, this isn’t the most inopportune time but with about 12 weeks until the 5k i was planning on peaking for, it’s not great. i’ll take today completely off, cross train and do some upper body lifting thursday and friday and try again on saturday or sunday.
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| | stretched my IT band during my lunch break and the knee felt really good after, and the "can't run" depression was getting me down enough that i couldn't stand to wait any longer and did 5 after work. knee feels fine 30 minutes later. working a 12-hour shift before adds some solidarity to it too. still have a couple of benchmarks to clear before i can stop being paranoid about it; waking up tomorrow and feeling fine will be the first
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | so cleared the first test by the knee feeling good when i woke up. was gonna do an extra 5 this morning but i was so fired up from actually running again that it took me like 3 hours to fall asleep and i slept in too late to have time before work. it’s probably for the best for today.
PM - 5 after work + gym for weights. ran with an extremely heavy heart
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | AM - 5. took out my insoles; i get a new pair with every pair of pegasus’ i purchase(now say it 5 times fast tough guy) because i think the left one shifted and thought it could have something to do with the IT band. not sure if it did or my legs just feel better as they get used to running again but felt good. pretty convinced at this point that i should have just stretched it out instead of took time off, but what’s done is done
PM - 5. a tiny bit faster with the pace. feels so good to be training again
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 5 on the turf at 4AM. good ol’ faithful
noon - 2. knee was a bit sore after the morning run; i purposely ran clockwise so my left knee took the most of the weight from 100+ turns, just to put a little extra pressure on it. it was a little sore after so i tried some new stretches and found one one that hit the problem right on the money; it made the knee ache a bit but i know it was in a good way because i was finally able to bend my leg the way i said last week without any issue. i knew it'd probably be sore if i didn't give it a few more hours but i wanted to test my theory that this is a problem that i can just stretch out; it lets me know how to respect it going forward. i was right about it being a little sore, more than the past 3 days but much less than before that. did the stretch, then did the things that normally aggravate it(kicking the leg back, heel-to-posterior stretch) and no issue. jogged around for a little bit more, still no issue. 30 minutes since then, haven't done my standard post-run stretching or rolling yet... no issue. so either way this is a win, it's an extra win if i decide to do a night run, but if not i'm still happy with it.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 7.00 |
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| | AM - gym for core, hips and glutes + a mile on the treadmill. no knee issue which surprised me but with the past 10 days of it i'm not singing kumbaya or anything. should be good to run after work though, might try going farther than 5
PM - 6 after work. wanted to do 9 after a couple miles of no issue but thought a smaller dub would be smarter than a riskier one. put off stretching for a bit by getting groceries first but i also bought a heating pad so i’d say it evens out for today, and was the better move for the near future. knee still feels fine but until i can triple again i’m not saying i’m out of the woods
SOTD: moanin' - charles mingus. eye-opening and mind-expanding jazz music
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 7.00 |
| | AM - 5 easy. felt good. splits were 7:09, 7:15, 7:22, 7:15, 7:09
PM - 10 after work. was completely exhausted by the end of the shift and thought i'd tap out at 2 but i willed myself to 5 and after that i just took it mile by mile until i hit 10. knee seems fine, guess we'll see if it has another sucker-punch up it's patella for me
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 15.00 |
| | AM - 2, then hips and glutes. was gonna do 5, knee wasn't sore but thought it might be around mile 3 so i drove to the gym, planning on doing weights for the IT band area to loosen up then another 3 on the treadmill. glutes made it a lot worse, but it feels a bit better a few minutes later.
PM - 4. knee felt fine. wanted to do 10 but was exhausted from work and figured if i can do 10 after work tomorrow i'll have done a 60 mile week and likely proved to myself i can increase the workload, but i'll need to be super anal about recovery the next couple of weeks. or it'll sucker-punch me again because as AZ said on illmatic...
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 2.00 |
| | PM - 10 miles after a 10-hour shift. knee felt... like it was pretending to feel good so i'd say it felt good and get sucker-punched. ha! subversion
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 10.00 |
| | PM - 10 after work. legs were tired from another 10-hour shift, plus working 8 of the past 9 days, but i get the next two days off and the added bonus was this was the first time i've felt like myself in over two weeks.
also huge shoutout to Sunbeam Xpress Heat because their heating pad broke 4 days after i bought it. wouldn't have been worth getting if i shoplifted it
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 5. it's the precipice of spring in the south so a lot of rain on the horizon, so probably a lot of treadmill running on the horizon too.
PM - 12. ran without music and had this(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WmMj4lfpdc) going on in a loop in my head the last 6 miles
sotd: born under punches(the heat goes on) - talking heads
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 17.00 |
| | AM - 5. slept in so gonna get a little less recovery if i'm tripling like i hope to.
Noon - 10. legs having been sore after last night's 12, first mile or two felt like i'd be lucky to get the average pace under 8 minutes but i started thinking about the next couple of months of training, and before i knew it i felt really good. not just good as in "my last 2 weeks were 20 and 60 miles so i'm not in the best shape" good either, just felt great. was cruising those last 30 minutes or so.
PM - 12 in the rain. quads still sore, so just easy running letting the miles rack up.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 27.00 |
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| | AM - 5 easy. put it off for a few hours because the quads seem a little more sore than the day before. it's not like i ran 27 miles in 12 hours or anything :) so it looks like a "two steps forward, one step back" scenario. i think i can do 5 miles early in the morning and 12 in the evening no problem right now, but with the quad soreness i think adding that third run in between could be detrimental. so, i'll probably just do the 17 mile days until friday, 10 miles after work on the weekend, and try adding that 3rd run next week. might skip tonight's 12 just to let the legs heal up a bit from yesterday.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | AM - 5 on the treadmill. stormed something crazy all night and morning. wasn't sure on the incline to offset the fact that treadmill running is easier than real running so set it to 1.0, also find it very hard to run on a treadmill mentally so kept speeding up the pace every couple of minutes by 0.3-0.5 mph to make it more exciting, started at 8.0 and ended at 11.0. felt good once the pace got in 5-minute territory.
PM - 12 easy. cold and raining, everyone's favorite running weather.
SOTD: mahogany - lil wayne
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 17.00 |
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| | AM - 5. it was snowing this morning!
PM - 12. ran the first 4 breaking in the zoom fly's. no cap, if i was forced at gunpoint tomorrow to race a half-marathon in those or birkenstocks i'd choose the sandals. most uncomfortable shoes i've ever ran in by a mile(no pun intended). i'll give them the benefit of the doubt since i was running on grass and i assume they're meant for the roads and give them a second chance on the next tempo run i do. with that being said, best i've felt on a 12 this week.
sotd: no woman, no cry - bob marley & the wailers
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 13.00 | Fly's Miles: 4.00 |
| | PM - ~15 after work. watch was nearly dead so just ran for a tad over 2 hours, long enough that even on a bad day i'd have hit 15 miles at least 5 minutes before i stopped.
so happy to be back to triple digits!!
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 15.00 |
| | PM - 10. slow. felt okay. i think if i had tripled both days this weekend my legs would have recovered more; at least i'll get a nice paycheck.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 5. the storms tuscaloosa is supposed to suffer through all week were just starting to roll in. a drizzle during my shakeout turned into heavier rain on my drive home, and 30 minutes later it was raining hard enough that flooding started. guess it's a treadmill day.
AM2 - 9-mile progression on the treadmill at a slight incline. ran the first 5 in 31:30, the next 3 in 18:00, and decided my original plan of 5 miles at 9.5 mph, 5 at 10 mph, 5 at 10.5 mph would probably go out the window at about 11 miles, so swung for the fences instead for a 4:57 final mile. 54:27 total time. not the same as running it out on the grass but i'm happy with it. cooldown for 15, man those post-tempo cooldowns feel long.
PM - 5 after work. probably my most taxing 5-hour shift to date, i'm happy i got out to the gym and while i think i could have done 15 easy outside 5 is all i could mentally handle on the treadmill. i honestly think people who enjoy treadmill running should be locked up. vote eugene for president 2036 so we can make that dream a reality
sotd: long gone lonesome blues - hank williams
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 25.00 |
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| | AM - 5 + core & hips. slept through the alarm and was a bit sore from yesterday so decided just to do a shakeout this morning and get my shoes wet this evening. i’m already sick of the treadmill running, no way i could do even half my normal mileage on one consistently.
PM - off. started raining super hard so i knew the flooding wouldn’t stop until the next morning, and as much as i love running, i hate running on treadmills more. if you couldn’t tell already
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 5 easy. finally woke up at 3:30 again! the first morning is always the hardest
AM2 - 20 miles! getting this done makes these last 3 weeks of training irrelevant because i finally feel like myself again. wasn't 100% sure i'd make it all the way at the start but i lucked out with it being one of those runs where you feel like you can run forever. well, almost forever. hit a brick wall right as i began mile 20 that made that last mile feel longer than the 19 before it combined. probably wouldn't have dealt with that if i wasn't constantly having to jump and sprint through puddles, two and a half hours of that tires you out a bit. very happy my body held up with getting 25 miles in before 10am, i wouldn't even care if i was too tired to get my post-work run in. i'd sure like to though
PM - 5 after work. wanted to go longer but did something as rare as a total solar eclipse and showed restraint
sotd: this old house is all i have - against all logic
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 30.00 |
| | AM - 5. windy and wet. was starting to get into it the last 10 minutes
AM2 - 10. after reading that running laps the same direction constantly can lead to the knee issue i had, i started doing them clockwise instead. tried doing it counterclockwise again last night, and my knee was a little sore when i woke up. gonna keep running clockwise so i don't think it'll be an issue, but it's annoying knowing that the problem is still there, albeit avoidable. only did 10 to play it safe
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 15.00 |
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| | AM - 5 miles. very cold and very windy.
AM2 - another 5. not gonna run again until after work on saturday to let the knee feel good again and hit next week hard. hips after
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 10.00 |
| | 9. could have been a better past 7 days, but the tempo makes up for the sub-par mileage. how jaded i've become where 104 miles is a bad week; i swear that 200-mile week ruined mileage perspective for me. anyway hopefully the knee gets better because if it hadn't rained and i hadn't re-aggravated the knee running the opposite way this week definitely would have been at least a 140-mile one
on a happier note(and also surely jinxing myself(referencing a jinx jinxes the jinx, nullifying it(or that jinxes the jinx of the jinx, ad infinitum))), if i can average more than 115 the next two weeks i'll beat my monthly mileage PR on the shortest month of the year(EDIT: i meant 165 miles per week. i love a good challenge). also i saw a guy on my run that looked EXACTLY like DMX, i asked him where the hood where the hood where the hood at and he didn't have the answer though so i don't think it was him
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 9.00 |
| | 5 after work. started feeling good the last mile; probably because i saw my future wife
sotd: since i left you - the avalanches
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | AM - 5. felt pretty good. first time i’ve woken up at 4am feeling like i woke up naturally
AM2 - another 5
PM - off. stomach was absolutely killing me by the end of my shift, i can barely stand straight. should be good to go tomorrow, even if it’ll all be in rain.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 5. slept in on accident
AM2 - 15. took a lot out of me but that's the feeling i live for. max HR for the run was 130, my resting HR is 34 and i'm under 160 pounds for the first time since november. not in killer running shape yet but those numbers say i'm close to breaking through to that kind of shape again
PM - 5. another storm is rolling in to continue what weather.com told me was “one of the south’s wettest February’s so only gave myself about 4 hours of recovery between runs. i’m not in 4-a-day shape but that’s the recovery i’d give myself between those runs so at least it isn’t a foreign concept. actually felt really good with that in mind; def could have gone longer
SOTD: walk alone - the roots
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 5.00 | Structures Miles: 20.00 |
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| | AM - 5. slept in again
AM2 - 15. same pace as yesterday's 15, but felt way easier. very happy about that. could have gone for 20 but decided to try for 10 after work instead
PM - 2 after work. would have been fine for 10 if i rested but working 5 hours on your feet isn't recovery, at least when you're actually nursing something. this knee is driving me absolutely mad
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 20.00 | Structures Miles: 2.00 |
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| | AM - 5 on the treadmill. knee had a very fast turnaround after that post-work run yesterday. i’m sure it’s not gonna vanish by tomorrow or anything, but better than it feeling way worse.
decided to take the rest of the week off to let the knee(hopefully) heal up fully. it's been getting better basically every week, but it's still present enough that it puts a pretty hard cap on my training where i'm limited to about 60% of what i'd be doing without the issue. 60% being 100-110 miles a week just shows i'm in great shape right now :) so i decided i'd rather just get back to 100% sooner by taking a little more time off than later by constantly training and getting a little stronger day-by-day. i can hear the bloggers thinking "about time he has some gd sense". gonna go do some upper body/hips/core at the gym in a minute, then take it easy until sunday
oh also, the past 35 weeks(from the start of my 13 week 100+ mile streak in mid-june to last week) i've run at least 100 miles 20 of those weeks, averaging 122 those 20 weeks. so i guess that'll make me sleep a little better at night in place of the exhaustion from running.
sotd: the champ - ghostface killah. this song gets me hype as hell
| | AM - 5 before work at the gym + hips. knee felt fine but need a few pain-free days before i’ll start to forget about it
PM - 10 after work. last 200m in 40”. def the best i’ve felt the past 5 weeks; not perfect, but i didn’t expect to. still happy about it. having a budweiser while i do my post-run stretching; gotta get those carbs
sotd: eugene - arlo parks. no, you’re narcissistic
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| | AM - 5 at the gym. last heavy-rain day of the month so all my running today will probably be on the treadmill. at least it's only a 20-mile day. can't believe i just said "only a 20-mile day" and meant it
AM2 - 10 miles with a 3-mile progression in the middle in 16:43. first mile in 6:00, second in 5:38, third in 5:05. warmup and cooldown for 10. did a really solid lower-body weight session after. great session! finished all this before 8:30am so a great start to the day.
PM - 5 easy. felt good; knee was a tad sore, but i expected that with the weight session earlier. felt better over time which is the first time that’s happened since it arose(besides yesterday); it’d either get worse or just be the same level of annoying throughout. happy about that.
sotd: money folder - madvillian
Fly's Miles: 10.00 | Structures Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 5. felt pretty good.
AM2 - 15. ran 13.1 at hilton park because i thought saying i ran a half marathon warmup sounds ridiculous, then drove to the track to do 8x100m but there was a five-o right by the entrance who gave me hell, i thought about saying how the entrance was open and i've ran here at least 100 times and the coaches have even locked up the track while i was still running and told me to hop a fence to get out once i was done, but i remembered last time i argued with a cop about where i was running(at hilton last november) he threatened to arrest me so i just ran the other 1.9 easy. thank god for tuscaloosa police keeping madmen like myself off the streets
PM - 5 miles fartlek. when i say fartlek, it means striding out every couple of minutes, nothing genuinely hard. i've said it before and i'll say it again, fartleks get me into shape better than anything else.
sotd: sloppy toppy - travis scott
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 5.00 | Structures Miles: 20.00 |
| | AM - 5. four day streak of waking up at 3:30! it’s getting easier every day
AM2 - 20 miles, i'd say it was probably the easiest 20 i've ever done. anyone who's run 20 miles knows they aren't ever easy, but mentally it went by fast which makes a run that long a lot easier. picked the pace up at the end of the last mile, then as soon as i stopped i started feeling woozy and weird and all that fun stuff, only other time i've felt like that post-run was the 30-mile run, it's like i stave off the tiredness and pain and then it hits all at once as soon as my body knows it's done running. quads are pretty sore, but that's about it. haven't felt the knee problem at all for the past 3 runs which i'm super happy about considering before that i never had a run where i didn't feel it post-strain. if this doesn't aggravate it either that's a great sign. probably could have gone even longer if i had any reason to, probably not 30, but then again i didn't think i could run 30 until i finished that run.
PM - 5 after work. absurdly windy
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 20.00 | Structures Miles: 10.00 |
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| | AM - 5. ended my streak of waking up at 3:30 by waking up an hour late when my alarm didn't go off, the fact that if you set a timer on an iPhone while it's on vibrate means it won't go off is poor product design. like what, do they expect people to be hiding from a serial killer but also need to know when their casserole is done cooking? get the hell out of here
AM2 - 20. first 5 miles were a little slower then started feeling good for the rest of the run. even picked it up a bit the last mile, felt really good speeding up when i'm that many miles in, it just feels so natural. i think this might be the first time i've done 20-milers two days in a row. good stuff, plus i don't work today so i can get some better recovery. already set the bar for highest mileage week this year!
PM - 10. felt good on the run, alright after; i did start it a bit earlier than usual so that might be why. just need to power through tomorrow and hopefully recover during work on saturday and this will easily be one of my best weeks of running to date.
| | AM - 5. legs felt beat up, but after the shakeout, stretching and rolling they feel better.
AM2 - slow 10. was going to do 20 again but stopped after 7 miles to take a leak and could tell my legs were still beat up enough that i'd be breaking myself down more than getting more fit. probably should have stopped there but did another 3, i'd say the PM run tonight is 50/50. these last 5 days were good enough that i've really gotten everything i need out of the week; coming back next monday ready to build on that fitness is more important than cranking out a few more miles
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 5.00 | Structures Miles: 10.00 |
| | gonna take another couple days off for the knee. it’s progressed from painful when i run before my break in january, to getting sore when i run before my break last week, to not feeling it all when i run but getting tight after. not sore or painful like before, but i’d rather just take one more break to get rid of it again and up my training a little slower; i think the pressure of racing in early april made me keep trying to go full throttle too fast and making it harder to get rid of. so i’m gonna dead those races and just try to get some summer races in and go from there. see y’all around tuesday probably
| | might have enjoyed that break too much...
~10 minutes on the turf field. didn’t mean to start again until tomorrow but i drove by the field on the drive home from work and figured i’d stop by and say hi. felt good.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 1.50 |
| | AM - couldn’t sleep so left for the gym at 3am and did 5 on the dreadmill + legs.
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 5.00 |
| | PM - another 10-minute jog after work. could have gone longer but didn't eat anything all day(besides the sugar in my morning coffee) so stopped after 2 laps. legs felt pretty good; i keep bending my leg and expecting to feel pain/soreness in the knee but i'm happy to be disappointed in not feeling anything. gonna start being a real runner again tomorrow! weighed myself after; i haven't gotten under 157 in years so being at 159.2 already is a good place to be at
| | AM - 5. forgot about daylight savings so i woke up an hour later than i'd want to get 5 in before work, but as i was getting ready i got put on call so i was able to get it in. felt good. probably at about 90% of the fitness i was before the break, should get that back over the next couple of weeks.
noon - another 5 before i got called in. went shirtless since it was nice out and it's supposed to rain for two weeks straight starting tomorrow so i won't get that luxury again any time soon
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 5.00 | Structures Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 5. knee felt a bit sore during work yesterday but felt fine this morning, inner left hip felt tight at times during the run and lo and behold my knee was sore after. i've been about 90% sure the problem is because my hips got put out of alignment when i did that 35-45 two day combo when i wasn't in great shape, i think all 80 of those miles were ccw loops. anyway the hip tightness upped that to 99% but since i'm what you call "blue collar" i'd need to save up for a couple of weeks to be able to afford to see someone who can pop them back into place. dammit, just dammit. i'll take today off since i work later and maybe try stationary and weights tomorrow
| | AM - 5 at the gym + lower body/core. knee felt good, bc that’s made a difference
sotd: rape me - nirvana
| | AM - 5, first 3 miles a bit faster(under 20 minutes), then the next two without a watch. surprised the knee was totally fine with this, but really my thoughts on the next week of training are just run what i can until i get my paycheck next friday and get professional help.
sotd: very ape - nirvana
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| | AM - 5. did a nice lil' progression
think i'm gonna stop blogging for about a month. i'll still be running, as the strava homies will attest to, but i'm in a rut right now and having to write about training when absolutely every ounce of enjoyment has been sucked out of it these past couple of months isn't helping. that being said, i'm still hopeful that this is an issue that'll be solved by basically just having my hips popped back into place. also lost 5 pounds in 5 days and i'm sure that's good for me. anyway see y'all in a month, hopefully i'm in way better shape than everyone else by then
sotd: all apologies - nirvana
oh and i've been wanting to say this since january; the coronavirus is some overhyped bullshit that can come kill me at my hospital job if it's so dangerous. i'd rather die than live with this zombie-apocalypse ass world i'm finding myself in anyway. and rudy golbert is a moron
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| | AM - 5 before work
PM - 5 after
| | AM - 5
AM2 - 10. first run was faster bc no coffee, and being a little out of shape; RHR is under 35 which usually only happens when i’m knee-deep in high mileage so that’s invigorating. i’d say it’s 50/50 whether i weigh in under 150 at some point this week(i have it in my head 145 is the magic number, but anything under 150 is excellent)
assuming my occasionally crazy training inspires people rather than makes them think i have something wrong with me, realized i’d probably owe it to them to show them me climbing back to that craziness in real time. i’m nothing without my fans after all
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| | AM - 5
PM - 10. was more hyped than i've been for a run in a long time, so kept it honest the first couple of miles, then thought that it'd probably be better to just skip the long run this week. i'd rather undertrain until the chiropractor and i can easily run a triple-digit week so i'll just do that and do it next week. last half-mile in 2:42. nearly 80 degrees, stressing bc i have no idea how i'm gonna be able to do a 30-miler when it's about 20 degrees hotter this summer. might just do it for a couple months and switch the long run day to a 4-run day in june; i think it'd have similar benefits but since no one right in the head does that i'm sure there's not too many studies on it.
sotd: facts(charlie heat version): kanye west
also i was kicking myself over the weekend because i called rodeo by travis scott the peak of trap music in my end of the decade albums list and realized it's totally not, droptopwop by gucci mane and metro boomin was. i wouldn't take rodeo out of my hm section for it though bc rodeo is way more progressive. please listen to it if you're a fan of hip-hop, it's easily gucci's best post-prison work and it slaps like hell. i love every song on it but if i had to recommend some they'd be 5 million intro, dance with the devil, met gala, and both eyes closed
| | AM - 5. slept on my left arm weird.
AM2 - 10. last half mile in 2:36. under 150! now if i just keep the diet up through the weekend i'll be close to 145 and get my paycheck to restock on food and be able to eat something other than overnight oats
| | AM - 5. currently rewatching breaking bad for like the 4th time because better call saul season 4 was that good
AM2 - 10 easy with a couple strides after. the kenyans showed up towards the end, those guys know how to jog
sotd: wicked world - black sabbath
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| | AM - 5. same old song. saw an opossum
AM2 - 10 keeping it honest for 6 miles at 6:22 pace, but unfortunately my morning coffee decided not to do it’s magic so the last 3 miles were all about surviving.
sotd: it could happen to you - ryo fukui
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| | AM - 5. slept in... woke up at 3:59!
AM2 - 10. worked down the pace a bit those last few minutes. easiest 100 mile week ever!
sotd: see me on top - big krit
Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 5.00 | Structures Miles: 10.00 |
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| | AM - 5. stomach didn't feel great and my coffee didn't expedite the process like i hoped so i'll just do the other 5 after work tonight.
PM - off. stomach still hurt.
| | AM - 5
AM2 - ran a quarter-mile and bagged it. started pouring the second i got in my car so taking that as a sign.
so 99% sure the reason the knee thing has been persisting is that the peg pair #4 are past their usability. my legs felt completely normal all last week, and when i wore them on my saturday morning shakeout it felt a little sore after. it hasn't really since then, but my 6th sense says give it a couple more days off just to make sure that's out of the way, never use the pair again and i'll be okay. so i'll be back wednesday
also throat is super scratchy this morning, i think i might have some sort of virus, if only every news channel and social network could tell me what it is. jk, i was throwing up last night and it's probably just from that
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| | AM - 3 easy before work. been super consistent on my strength-work so dropping a 6:20 last mile took nothing out of me
sotd: break ‘em off - 8ball & MJG
| | PM - 3 miles. held off the waistline pretty good over the break; felt about 15 pounds heavier though. since my timer was off overcompensated on pace and ran the 3 miles in 20:00. that’s 1:01 faster than my 9th grade PR. strength routine after
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| | another shakeout before work, no watch. gilbert kigen showed up towards the end
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| | AM - one last shakeout before work. did a lap(1200m) pickup in 4:22. felt smooth
| | AM - 5 easy before work. definitely not in shape but didn't feel as out of shape as i thought i'd be. 7:02 pace
| | AM - 3. wanted to do 10, but since all the parks are closed and it rained yesterday i knew intramurals would be flooded and didn't feel like driving up to Sandy so just drove aimlessly until i found a secluded road and ran all the extensions for 3. very hilly. would have done more but didn't want to deal with the dogs again, plus 97% humidity and over 400ft elevation gain mean i got more fitness out of it than a normal 3-mile shakeout. would do another run tonight but it's supposed to rain; still might though. realized during the run that this was the first route i've ran in over a year that wasn't Sandy, Hilton loops, turf loops, or intramural loops.
sotd: chop suey - system of a down
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| | AM - did some chaste lewis and clark roleplaying by trying to make up a 5-mile shakeout route since the park is closed and i'd be cutting 10 minutes out of my morning routine by skipping the drive to and from it. doesn't seem like much time but when you wake up at 3am and have to get in 5 before your 6am run there's no time to waste. ended up being 5.04 with no extensions, loops, or turnarounds which makes me think i knew sacagawea in a past life. saw lots of lightning during it so stopped at 5 which was a good move since it started pouring right after i finished.
sotd: somebody changed the lock - dr. john
also finally set up my chiropractor appointment tomorrow. knee isn't hurting but probably 5 times yesterday i felt it, just for about a second at a time when i bent my leg suddenly or stood up but still, i've lost a lot of the fire these past few months and getting my hips realigned and getting back to normal(aka running 3 times a day), i'm sure it'll be back in no time. i can't believe i ran 140 miles on a bum knee in a mormon week of mileage in february; i think that's more impressive than any week of mileage i've ran besides the 200 one.
also was thinking about back in 2008 when i saved up enough to get an ipod touch my dad let my buy 3 albums for it and i picked late registration by kanye(12 years later and it's still my favorite album ever), futuresex/lovesounds by justin timberlake and in utero by nirvana. i was 10 and wanted to listen to albums with songs called crack music, futuresex and rape me and 12 years later and i think it really shows
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| | AM - 5 after the chiropractor. ended up being right and my hips were out of alignment; i thought when my knee wasn't sore these past few months it meant i was 100% but after how i felt on this run i know i wasn't... i was today though :) went unintentionally quick, had less to do with getting my knee fixed and more to do with a conversation i had with connor baller yesterday where he asked if i was ever gonna run faster than 6:30 pace. at the time i thought he was just being a horse's ass but really he was lighting a fire under my own, so s/o to him. 6:39 pace, i'll get under it soon homie. eugene's back!
sotd: the payback/untouchable - django unchained soundtrack(2pac and james brown)
| | AM - off. woke up to a gnarly charlie horse in my right calf so i'll just get a run in after work. even though i could still get 25 miles in the AM with the knee bugging me, post-work runs were nearly impossible to do without making it feel much worse so i'm very excited to be able to do that again. my weight this morning makes me think my goal of getting down to 145 by the end of the month might have been an undershoot
PM - 10 minute shakeout after work. wanted to do more but i was tired from working overtime this week and had to be back at work 11 hours after i got off. supposed to storm really bad tomorrow so probably no running but monday real training starts back up.
| | 12AM - 5 miles after an 18-hour shift. about as fun as the last 5 miles in a 45-mile day. as mike can probably attest, this is not said sarcastically!
10AM - 5 before work. body was beat from yesterday.
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| | Noon - 5 before work. night shift cancelled so i had to work my second 18-hour shift in 48 hours, but the difference with this one was i only got 6 hours off after it before i had to be back at work instead of 12. so got home at 7am this morning, slept for 3 hours and ran 5 miles before going back in. might run another 5 after work if the body isn’t too broken down, hopefully don’t have to work my third straight night shift either
PM - off. felt good enough to run but figured i'd rather just get a bigger mileage day in tomorrow. about to do my strength routine and get some much needed sleep. s/o to connor baller for calling me (probably) to wish me happy bday while i was sleeping this AM. we making big moves this summer bro
a very special edition of my song of the day series: my 22 favorite songs to commemorate the 22 years i’ve been on earth. it was an incredibly hard list to make; i had to whittle it down over about a week from a list of about 300 songs
bob dylan - simple twist of fate
bonnie “prince” billy - i see a darkness
d’angelo - untitled(how does it feel)
david bowie - changes
DJ shadow - midnight in a perfect world
joy division - passover
kanye west - jesus walks
madvillian - all caps
marvin gaye - i heard it through the grapevine
the microphones - i felt your shape
nas - the world is yours
nirvana - all apologies
ol’ dirty bastard - brooklyn zoo
otis redding - (sittin’ on) the dock of the bay
outkast - B.O.B.
outkast - she lives in my lap
pete rock & C.L. smooth - they reminisce over you(T.R.O.Y.)
prince - when doves cry
radiohead - decks dark
radiohead - everything in it’s right place
stevie wonder - never in your sun
talking heads - born under punches(the heat goes on)
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| | AM - 5 before work. wanted to get more but needed sleep more than mileage after the past few days. i’ll get in another 5 after work and hit that double-digit run tomorrow
PM - 5 after work. when "bulls on parade" came on those last couple of minutes i started flying
sotd: brave in the heart - big pun. i have a soft spot for 90’s new york hip hop in the summer
| | AM - 5. woke up at 3!
AM2 -10. felt good to get my 15 for the day in before 8AM.
sotd: ace of spades - motörhead
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| | AM - 3 shakeout. after working 14 days straight, i’m understandably beat. ran enough that i wouldn’t be stiff tomorrow, and now i’ll catch up on the R&R i’m in desperate need of.
| | PM - 2-mile shakeout. felt very out of shape; was planning on starting up again tomorrow but needed a reason to get on here to wish my good friend connor arnell a happy 22nd.
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| | PM - 5 in the evening. kneeshin felt sore, i'm thinking it's from something unrelated though. guess we'll see.
sotd: viral evolution - guy scornik, zab scornik. i wonder if they're related
| | in the interest of avoiding sounding passive-aggressive, i'll try to keep this post short. i got about 10 steps into a run and stopped because of what i mentioned yesterday. it's not the same thing as what gave me grief most of 2020 so far and i'm hoping a triple-shot of time with an icy-hot and ibuprofen to chase will do the trick for it, i guess we'll see. i'd say a run tomorrow is off the table though
sotd: the mortician's flame - acid bath. a song to scratch that underground sludge-metal itch we all get from time to time, with lyrics vile enough i'm probably on a watchlist just for posting it here
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| | knee/shin/whatever feels a lot better, either taking tomorrow off or just doing a PM run. anyway i’m just here for the sotd
sotd: ghost rider - suicide
| | if the leg was 90% yesterday it's (at least) 99% today, but with two shifts this weekend i'd hate to reaggravate it and spend two days all on my feet and make it worse. i've learned my lesson! if i feel good enough after work tomorrow to run then i should be 100%, if not we'll play it by ear.
sotd: been down so long - the doors
| | i ran a mile after work, someone cancelled on sunday so i got stuck with a double shift so didn’t feel like testing my luck when the shin was almost immediately sore, not as bad as before though. was really mad and probably would have posted a rant about how karma isn’t real, etc. but after some consulting with dr. google i diagnosed it as shin splints, believe it or not despite 10 years in the game i’ve never gotten shin splints before. did some stretches recommended for that and felt much better
also a mini-rant, yesterday the PCA that cancelled, instead of calling in sick(which she does all the time, you’d think a hospital would be the last place a hypochondriac would work) she comes in and hands the charge nurse a form saying she’s being tested for COVID. i’d bet my fertility she’s just getting tested as a reason to not work the shift, but either way why would you come into the workplace if you’re claiming you might have the coronabug, especially if it’s a hospital floor specializing in long-term care, meaning most of the patients are elderly?! also while i’m just blabbering on i’ve started calling my main chick “boob” as a term of endearment and i think it’s the funniest thing ever because much like my co-workers i’m a moron
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| | AM - 3 miles easy. legs felt good during, shin was a little sore after but less than it's been this past week. it's better than nothing. i'm weighing in under 150 and my RHR is down to 34 so at least i'm in a good place to start training back up.
sotd: bigmouth strikes again - the smiths
| | strength routine. squats, push-ups, core, the whole nine yards.
i worked a 16 hour overnight shift last night, went home and slept for about 3 hours then came back and worked until 7pm. despite being exhausted and going to bed maybe 10 minutes after getting home, next thing i knew two hours had passed and i wasn't anywhere close to sleep. i had a lot on my mind; mainly how depressing the past 10 weeks have been for me; not to come off as a pity post, it's just running is something i use to combat negative things in my life and without it i've really spiraled lately. anyway i've probably been in the clear with the shin splint issue but keeping what i just said in mind, i really don't want to start training with a chink in my armor, so to speak. new shoes would probably help because the structures expire much faster than pegs i find(plus i've been wearing them to work for about 4 months now, and i average around 4 miles of walking a shift so they've probably hit nearly 1000 lol), and my paycheck hits friday so i'm probably waiting until this weekend, so until then i guess the strength routine will be something to keep the addictive personality used in the right way. anyway felt like i needed to write this out to be able to sleep
here's a bunch of sotd's i've neglected to post that are not to further the agenda of a jolly mood
love will tear us apart - joy division
reach out, i'll be there - four tops
pastime paradise - stevie wonder
goin' out west - tom waits
mutual slump - DJ shadow
rain king - sonic youth
beyond the realms of death - judas priest
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| | just realized i missed my blog anniversary for the 5th year in a row. on one hand being a junior in high school feels like forever ago and on the other hand i feel even farther removed from it than 5 years. regardless, i still remember every lap of the region track meet that graced my first post(5 years later and i’m still kicking myself for kicking way too early in that 800m; 100% would have gone to state if i didn’t take that lead 300m in :) ) anyway plan on starting running again tomorrow, been feeling pretty good but got hit with a rough wave of nausea an hour or so ago. i’m far enough removed from actual training that things like 40+ mile days and running 20-milers like they’re nothing are put in perspective, but god can i not wait for them to mean nothing to me again. might see the chiropractor again just to be safe. gonna buy equipment for a home gym tomorrow so my body will match the hair once i get the “brad pitt from thelma and louise” cut i’ll probably get at the end of the month... my hair’s been growing out since december 2018 and it’s basically a radiator in this summer heat
sotd: enjoy the silence - depeche mode. i can’t believe i forgot about this when making my birthday songs list last month
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| | AM - 3. worked some night shifts this past weekend that messed up a good sleeping schedule so decided to start a load of laundry at midnight, get my run in at 2AM and not get a good night's sleep so i'll be tired enough after work tonight to go to bed early for the first time since february. legs felt good during and after
sotd: something i can never have - nine inch nails. trent reznor's fanbase has to be just about the most depressed in all of music
| | AM - 3. mainly a test to see if i'm ready to do 5 tonight. survey says... yes!
PM - another 3. brief but violent storm swept through this evening so couldn’t get out until 10PM, and since i work a 16-hour shift starting at 6AM and at least wanted to try waking up early enough to run before that, it’s all i really had time for. 3 runs with no issues, hate to jinx myself but i’m happy about it
sotd: the wait - killing joke. to commemorate the past 8 weeks or so of mental hell i've been in desperate need of running as a means of escape from, the rest of my songs this month are going to be the music i was really into during. so, either unbearably depressing industrial or thrash metal, basically. maybe some horrorcore too(have i already said 1-800-suicide by gravediggaz? i'd have had to)
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| | PM - 3. got cancelled as i was leaving for work this morning, but around noon got called to be told i have to work the night shift now, which, considering i'm scheduled to work the day shift tomorrow, means i have to congratulate hospital management, because this was the 100th time i've thought "are you guys on crack?" !!! your prize is my spite anyway because of that had to do the run at 4PM in 90-degree sunny weather. drank more coffee than water and the only calories i had were in the sugar in the coffee, so when my first run with a watch told me easy pace was 7:08 i was pretty happy.
sotd: dark entries - barhaus. only band that makes me think of joy division, on a musical standpoint. if anyone reminded me of joy division's songwriter ian curtis it'd probably be cobain though. my two favorite songwriters!
| | noon - 5 miles. wanted to do this run at 7am after my night shift, but i'd been up 24+ hours and was beat. only had time to get 4 hours of sleep to have a chance to run before another night shift i wasn't scheduled to do, so fun weekend. very hot, combined with lack of fitness probably the hardest mental run i've done this year. hopefully these heat-death runs get easier because if i want to do 4-a-days again at least one will have to be around mid-day.
sotd: the seventh seal - scott walker. if i were to ever soundtrack a movie(something i'd love to do) this song would be what plays at the end montage after the lead goes out in a blaze of glory
| | off. body was pretty wrecked from two tough back-to-back overnight shifts this weekend so figured i'd get some much needed R&R(i may not have ran much the past few months but i've worked a ridiculous amount; i think the past 3 weeks i've worked at least 60 hours for each one). knee's fine, might need to see the chiropractor because it feels like it needs an adjustment but it's really nothing to worry about as is.
sotd: paint it, black - the rolling stones. i don't have a favorite beatles or bowie song but i do for the stones and it's this one
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| | PM - 5 easy
sotd: less sex - daughters. easily the least abrasive song on my favorite abrasive album
| | AM - 8 easy. working both night shifts last weekend messed up my sleeping schedule so since i'd been awake since noon this one was pretty slow. longest run i've done in a while. hopefully going to be saying that a lot these next few weeks. was just listening to otis and realized i need to make a list of my 10 favorite kanye west beats on here at some point
PM - 5. felt pretty good! tired, but the pace didn't show. slept from 6-10am so hopefully i'll be tired enough soon to reset the sleep schedule. if only i hadn't agreed to cover a night shift next monday to mess it up again
sotd: graveyard - public image ltd.
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| | AM - 10. managed to actually sleep last night, only problem was it was maybe 80 minutes at the most. slow and tired because of it, happy it's all smooth sailing so far though. quads are pretty sore, but i expected that since it happened in february when i got back to 15-ish miles a day too. if history repeats itself i'll be pretty sore for a week then i'll adjust
PM - 5. legs were very tired which excites me because it means i'm putting in work. hopefully they bounce back fast enough to do 12 tomorrow morning.
core before bed. only 3 pounds from stopping the diet and not getting dizzy when i stand up too fast lol
sotd: skulls - misfits. having an overtly goth fashion sense means i have multiple misfits shirts so i'd be remiss to not have a song of their's on my blog
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| | AM - 5.25. was going to do 12 but a couple of reasons had me decide to stop early, those reasons being 1.) i hadn't gotten any sleep again and figured an hour less spent running could be use to push my sleep an hour back since i absolutely need to sleep tonight seeing how i work 16 hours tomorrow and 2.) i plan on doing some 20 and 25 mile days next week if all goes accordingly and figured i'd gain more from a shakeout than a run that'd take more energy. i'll still do 5 after work tonight.
sotd: london calling - the clash. i live by the river
also here's some art i really like

| | off.
didn’t end up running last night bc my 3-7p shift got stretched to a 3-11p shift because someone called in, and i had to be back today to work 6a-11p so didn’t have any time to run in the morning, and i’d rather get to sleep earlier and get more miles in tomorrow morning. quads are no longer sore so i think i’m ready to up the ante again next week. id say 90% chance a triple digit week is on deck
sotd: spellbound - siouxsie and the banshees
| | PM - 5 after work. brought someone back from the dead during the shift bc my patients die when i say they can(wasn’t even my patient lol)
sotd: she’s lost control - joy division. i’ve been meaning to do a themed week of sotd’s for a while, it was fun doing that
| | AM - 5-mile shakeout. gonna take a little while for these to go by as fast as a shakeout should.
AM2 - 5
PM - 5
today was supposed to go 5, 10, 5, but night shifts still have my sleep schedule messed up so when midnight rolled around today and i was no closer to going to falling asleep than i was when i went to bed at 10 i decided to get my first run in then and get my 20 by doing a quadruple of 5's, getting 2 hours of sleep after the second run, just enough to survive the day but enough that i'd be exhausted enough to pass out the second i hit the sack tonight. it worked in theory, i was actually just about to head out the door for the 4th run, but mentally i'm exhausted even if physically i feel like it'd be easy. honestly i'd rather be running those extra 5 miles on friday anyway, i'd get more out of it after 4 days of solid training preceding it. still, good to know i could have quadrupled today, even if the mileage didn't constitute it. it will soon enough though. june is the month the eugene of 2019 comes back with a vengeance
sotd: the glory - kanye. the opening lines of "can i talk my sh*t again? even if i don't hit again? dog, are you f*ckin kidding" is my running manifesto of the summer
| | AM - 5. woke up right at 3am! sucks at first but it's essential for me, especially now that it's the summer and runs between 10a-5p here are basically a death sentence.
AM2 - 5. gonna take an unorthodox approach to building mileage this week, but then again unorthodox is my orthodox
PM - 5. ran at noon, and what i said after my first run might have been an understatement. heat index of 93F and was significantly more tan after those ~40 minutes
PM2 - 5. felt tired(expected), but wasn't hurting. now the real fun begins :)
sotd: the day the ... took over - dr. dre
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| | AM - 5.
during the morning shakeout i realized today was gonna be a rest day; my legs aren't hurting but after the past couple of days they're definitely under strain. i'll do another shakeout tonight, legs permitting, and get in a couple solid days before the weekend. decided to take the PM off just to get some better rest and catch up on sleep
also, that patient i saved on sunday? he died later that night. not surprising since an hour of cpr turns the chest to mush, but he came back last night as covid positive. so that's fun
sotd: god has nothing to do with this leave him out of it - backxwash. a song i'd describe as industrial avante-garde horror-core hip-hop, aka my 7 favorite buzz words. add in the artist is an underground canadian femcee and the KILLER black sabbath sample and it's one more banger that i can't play around my friends without having to insist i'm not a satanist
also quick rant, i haven't had rice in a month or so but i'm incorporating it back in my diet and since i can't stand plain rice and i'm trying to cut out sodium so my usual soy sauce is out, i bought a few cups of campbell's tomato soup yesterday, with the intention of mixing in some garlic powder, basil and cayenne for flavor, and mixing that with the rice. well i looked at the nutrition facts before i made some for dinner and my lord, might as well call it tomato-flavored soda. SIXTY grams of sugar a can! i feel guilty about how sugary i take my coffee but i don't put half that in my 32 oz thermos i make every morning. suffice to say i did not make soup today
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| | AM - off
alarm didn’t go off and i noticed my knee felt a little sore so i went to the chiropractor to get my hips realigned. she said my knee seemed a little displaced and fixed it and i feel better now. i’ll give it a few hours to set in and run tonight. need to be a little more attentive on hamstring/IT band stretches and foam rolling; i’ve been more focused on calves quads and glutes lately
| | AM - 5 before work. felt pretty good. stiff, but strong
sotd: never look back - RTJ
| | AM - 5. pretty sure i got salmonella from mixing raw egg into my rice last night, not realizing the "best by" date passed like 6 weeks ago. at least i can still run for now
AM2 - 10. legs are still green enough that anything more than "slow and easy" pace is out of the question, but getting 15 miles in before 7:30a is something good enough i can look past that for the time being.
PM - 5. felt easy! great great great start to the week, salmonella aside
sotd: handcuffs - parliament/ i'd rather be with you - bootsy collins. two funk classics for the price of one
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| | AM - 5. managed to get it in right before the 3-day aftershock from cristobal comes in
PM - 5. got hit with some wicked abdominal cramps after the morning run from what i still assume to be a milder case of salmonella so skipped the second AM run. barely managed to survive a afternoon shakeout with the cramps still being an issue
sotd: grown simba - j cole. not a big cole fan but i loved the mixtape this is from in high school and this song still gets me super hyped, partly because of the nostalgia of all the times i listened to the tape running in high school, and party because it's a good track
| | AM - 5. probably gonna be another 10 mile day; abdominal cramps are still bugging me. kind of annoying but probably for the best. it's arbitrary but as long as i feel better by thursday i'll probably get a triple-digit week without killing myself to get it
| | PM - 5. no cramps, so i think i'm past the salmonella issue
sotd: get back - ludacris
| | AM - 12. sleep schedule is out of wack so started this one at midnight, or rather 11:58pm yesterday, but who cares. slow and easy, but i'll take slow over hurting any day :') plus the run yesterday was a little quicker so it even out. longest run since february! geez
sotd: the blacker the berry - kendrick lamar. song been hitting different lately
| | AM - 5 shakeout. ran at midnight again; meant to run 8 in the evening yesterday but a nap at 3pm resulted in me waking up at 8pm when my phone alarm didn't go off. feel like i'm starting to get into a groove again for the first time in forever, sleep aside.
AM2 - 12, grass was more dewey than malcolm's little brother, shoes were drenched by the end. could feel the mileage freak in me coming out on the last mile when i realized i had about as much energy in the tank as i had at the start, but i have some leg strength to regain before i start putting up the ridiculous mileage days again. i mean the plan for today is 25, i guess i can call that safely ridiculous.
PM - 8. ran at 4 because i wanted to get to bed earlier since i work a 16-hour shift tomorrow, good lord was it hot. super happy with today, not because it's the most miles i've ran since february but because how easy it was to get it. first time i've felt like myself since the hip displacement in january. next week will be the real test if i'm back, then the week after that is a down week with a long run. hoping to get my second 30-miler
sotd: some things last a long time - daniel johnston
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| | AM - 5 before work.
sotd: south of heaven - slayer
| | AM - 5. going off two 3-hour nights of sleep and a loong shift yesterday meant i was exhausted waking up at 2:30, but i did it so i could get in my miles and have time to nap before work. so as long as i get the miles in without a hitch, worth it. shift didn't break down the legs but didn't do them any favors; i think after a couple of weeks i'll be able to recover better during shifts like i did last year
AM2 - 12 easy. thank god for coffee getting me through this because mentally i was dead. gave me a good chance to work on my mental game. managed to just barely get 17 miles in before 7am... awesome.
PM - 8 after work. after a completely exhausting shift i'm pleasantly surprised i got it in without anything hurting.
sotd: doo rags - nas
| | AM - 5. the weekend workload + lack of sleep got it's revenge in me sleeping through my alarm and woke up at 4:30. my body needed it though. decided after the run i'd be better suited to take today easy; legs need it after 55 miles ran and 24 hours worked friday-sunday.
PM - 5 easy. legs feel ready to jump back into the mileage!
sotd: lies and alibis - lovage. the album this is from(lovage: music to make love to your old lady by) is an extremely obscure and very good trip hop album made by dan the automator of deltron 3030 and gorillaz fame. also, eminem stole the album title "music to be murdered by" from dan's 1989 debut of the same name, but homage is homage i guess
| | PM - 5. REALLY slept through my alarm today(woke up at 10) so it's going to be an easier day than i would've liked. feel like i'm almost to the point where i can throw in a crazy mileage day and be fine the next day so might do that on friday to make up for the past couple of days, body allowing
| | AM - 5
AM2 - 15. started feeling really good those last 30 minutes, just loosening up and relaxing. probably best i've felt post-hip displacement. also might switch over from coffee to caffeine pills. it'd cut a lot of sugar out of my diet
PM - 10. went by way faster than i thought it would. overall not too challenging to hit 30 today, you love to see it
torture - natas. 90's horrorcore gem
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| | AM - 5. as i was heading out for the second run decided to cut out the 15 for this morning. was having some chest cramps and my heart rate's been elevated since the shakeout which isn't a big deal because it usually happens for like a day and then it goes back down regardless of training, but feels like i'm at a pivotal point where i'm starting to transition to where i was at the end of last year and i'd hate to screw that up. i'll get back to that mountaintop soon enough
PM - 5. was originally just a shakeout for 10 in the evening, but decided to cut that too. all the stuff i mentioned this morning is gone but my quads are pretty sore, not sore enough i think the 10 would be a problem but enough that i'd probably lower the cap on tomorrow's mileage by doing it. next week i can focus on consistency, this week i'm just trying to get a few really solid days in
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| | PM - 5. ended up getting sick to my stomach in the wee hours of the morning so i was too busy throwing up in the am to run.
PM2 - got tired around 8 so decided to go to bed early, 2 hours later and nowhere close to sleep decided to go on a run at 10:30 to tire myself out. ended up being one of those runs where you go on autopilot and the miles keep racking up so rode that to 15 miles. fartlek'd the last mile. won't have time to run before work since that shift starts in 5 hours... yikes! good end to the week
Structures Miles: 15.00 | Peg V Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 5
AM2 - 10. felt like it was over before i'd even broke a sweat.
PM - 5. work 7p-7a tomorrow so last minute decided to forego tonight's sleep so i could sleep through the day and not be dead enough by tuesday morning to not get a run in before passing out, so did this at 11pm and i'll hopefully get in a longer run in a couple hours. playing the long game here. wish i decided that before i had too much junk food as my post-work meal a couple hours prior. damn you cheetos hot fries; my ghetto vice
Structures Miles: 5.00 | Peg V Miles: 15.00 |
| | AM - 15. felt good aerobically, legs were about at their limit after around 1h50m(slow because running on wet, deep grass in the middle of the night) but having been awake 16 hours, worked 8 of them and ran 5 miles all prior to the run i was just happy to survive.
PM - 5 before work. loosened up the legs from last night plus i was feeling pretty good by the end. it'd rained all day so hilton park was drenched, but mid 70's and overcast overshadows that by miles
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| | AM - 5 after work. a good run for fatigue training; i probably wouldn't have had the mental fortitude to go on a run before passing out after working 6p-7a even a week ago so it shows i'm locked in right now.
PM - 5 shakeout
note: going to take tomorrow easier than i originally planned. strained my legs a little too hard by doing the post-work run. not in a major way, nothing hurt then, on the PM run, or after, just enough that i think doing the 5 and 15 tomorrow and thursday will take some miles off the friday long run, which is the focus of this week. honestly it's really nothing, if i just did 5 and 15 the next 3 days i think i'd be back to full strength after my saturday shift, but even if i can't hit 30 miles again i want to give it an honest shot. that being said, training is going great right now. that 200-mile week has been in the back of my mind ever since the hip displacement in January; i don't plan on doing it every week when i'm firing on all cylinders but it's something i need to do again just to prove to myself it wasn't a fluke in november, and i think there's a good chance it'll happen next month
| | PM - 5 just after sunset. so nice out, low 70's and overcast made it feel more like october than june. pretty sure my legs are fine, it was such a minor thing that it's hard to really tell. i'll do around 10 miles in a few hours and that should give me a better idea.
| | AM - 5.
AM2 - 15. surprised i actually got that far; after 3 days off my legs felt more brittle than ductile, but managed. finished before 4am but still was so humid that my shorts could've created a 5th ocean if i wrung them out hard enough
| | AM - 5. legs felt better than yesterday's 5.
AM2 - another 5. calves are a bit sore since yesterday's 15; felt more like a long run than that distance normally does.
looking back on june, i didn't magically knock it out of the park despite not being in shape to, like i secretly hoped, but the baseline goal was to bust the rust to have a couple really good months of base training follow it, i'd say i accomplished that. plus i ran more miles than the past 3 months combined, so, dub
Structures Miles: 5.00 | Peg V Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 5. calves felt much better after taking yesterday easy. after over 18 months of growing it out, i finally chopped off my hair. got more compliments on it the past year than i've gotten about anything in my entire life, but not getting accidentally called "miss" by my new patients at work alone makes it worth it. felt nice not having my head feel like a radiator
AM2 - 15. last half-mile in 2:55; even though last year my half-mile closes were usually about 2:40, it's the first time i've ran fast since january and it felt good to do.
PM - 5 easy. had some GI issues; i mixed powdered peanut butter into the overnight oats i had for lunch; i don't know why but over the past couple of years anything with peanuts in it messes up my stomach. need to start wearing a sweatband for these summer afternoon runs. i might think they look dorky, but getting sweat in my eyes all run was a total nightmare. solid day of running.
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| | AM - 5. even though i'm adhering to the plan of alternating between low and medium-high mileage days this week, it kind of prevents me from getting in a groove. feel like i'm gonna make a big jump in mileage next week though. might do 30 tomorrow if it isn't raining too much
PM - 5
| | AM - 5
AM2 - 15. after the first mile did some fartlek; for the next 8 weeks when i say that what i mean is throwing in some lighthearted strides anywhere from 50m to 150m long every minute or two. nothing too hard on the legs, just straddling the line of taking more out of my legs than running the mileage easy would've. got 5 miles in before i thought i might end up dipping into reserves by the end; hoping by the end of the base phase i can do the whole 15 without taking anything extra out of me. went by a lot faster than 15 usually does; i was just having a ton of fun out there. switching gears felt pretty natural by mile 6. 7:19 average, i've ran 15 miles 5 other times in the past 3 weeks and averaged about 8:15 pace so it's nice to see a jump that big, especially on 15 miles of wet grass in full humidity. great run!
PM - 5. legs felt good but fatigued, surprised the pace was under 7:30 for an easy jog, like i always say nothing gets me in shape like fartlek running. could have gone 10 for a 30-mile day, but i don't plan on doing any more than 25 a day next week so i had no urgence in doing so. also, ya know, 16-hour shift tomorrow. we just started a new schedule this week at work but after this one i'll probably go back to 12-hour shifts. i assumed because i could recover pretty well on those it'd carry over, but 16 hours is a long time on your feet.
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| | AM - 5 before work, cruising through to a 100-mile week.
| | AM - 5. tired from yesterday's shift(and 2 hours of sleep), it was relatively easy by a long shift's standards though.
AM2 - 10. wasn't that focused(read above) so when i realized after the run i'd just mentally waived off a 10-miler like it was a 10-minute shakeout i was pretty stoked. plus i finished before 6, so i'll get a decent nap in before work too. score!
PM - 5 after work.
| | AM - 5. all i'm doing this morning because i realized after that if i took my normal 90-120 minute break between shakeout and second run i'd be doing 5 runs in less than 24 hours(plus an 8-hour shift). am i crazy enough to quadruple? it's my favorite way to spend the day. crazy enough to quintuple? hell no! could have though.
PM - 10
| | AM - 5
AM2 - off. my left glute became very tight some point between the first run and the start of the second, nothing major, just feels like i had a charlie horse in my ass. either way decided it wasn't worth running through, hopefully should be good to get back at it tonight
PM - 2 after work. cut short because a storm was rolling in fast. normally i'd brave it but this one was ugly with a capital x. specifically my ex sam. great girl though
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| | AM - 15 on the turf field because that storm went crazy last night and it was the only place run-able. super easy to get in nearly 2 hours of running, starting to remember how in the h i ran a 200-mile week
PM - 5 shakeout. left glute and IT band were tight, but that's what i get for running 15 miles on a 100-yard turf field 12 hours earlier. felt better as i went on. can't tell if it's something to train through or let breathe; i'm going out for 10 tonight so that'll probably be a better indicator.
| | PM - 5. a couple hours after my second run yesterday my IT band was still pretty tight despite stretching, which is usually the deciding factor on whether i can run through it. took a day off, based on last night i kind of expected it to be something that needed the standard "3-day recovery" treatment, but got antsy and was happily surprised to find the ITB was fine. fastest pace for an easy run since at least february
PM2 - got a mile into the run and my glute/hip still felt a little off; could run on it, but it's irritating me much more than the glute itself is so i bagged it since my paycheck hits tomorrow and i can go see the chiropractor in the morning to fix it. i wanna just blame it on the 15 on the turf field, but it came about earlier in the week than that. don't really care as long as the chiropractor fixes it. at least the IT band feels fine.
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| | off. got my hips realigned this morning, i think it's better now but it's hard to tell until i run again tomorrow. took the day off to let the adjustment set in. he did say one hip was lower than the other so hopefully that reaffirms it. gonna do some core and strength work in a minute, gonna add some hip work into there too. need to buy a resistance band
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| | AM - 5 before work. hip felt better. with any luck today will be my second to last 16-hour shift for the time being which is a necessity for keeping my sanity
| | slept through my alarm and didn't have time to run before work.
| | AM - 5 easy
AM2 - 12 easy. was debating a fast finish the first few miles but decided against it, then i saw a shooting star at 11.4 miles and took it as a sign and ran the last half-mile in 2:35. good stuff.
PM - 8. for 4PM on a 90+ degree sunny afternoon the pace was really solid for an easy run. since the peg 37's are out the 36's were BOGO half off so looks like i still have 3 pairs left to retire before moving to the new model
Peg V Miles: 17.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 8.00 |
| | AM - 5
AM2 - 12 easy. feel like this could be the start of a hot streak if i stay consistent the next couple days
PM - 8 at 3pm. even sunnier and hotter than yesterday's PM run, my skin's about 3 shades darker than it was this morning. i'd honestly say the 30-mile long run i did last november was easier than this, mentally speaking. only reason i managed to hold out for an hour was the cold electrolyte drink i had in the car.
Peg V Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 20.00 |
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| | AM - 5. ran slow and felt good.
AM2 - 12. realized with a few miles left i was in a groove and just held on until i hit 12. nothing crazy on account of all the mileage on the legs the past couple days, but felt like i got a little extra aerobic fitness out of the run.
PM - 8 miles microdosing in heatstroke. got insanely windy after 5 miles, normally i'd have been annoyed but with how hard the heat was giving it to me, it was a blessing.
Peg V Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 20.00 |
| | AM - 5
AM2 - very easy 12, avg HR under 120. felt good :)
PM - 8. felt good.
100 miles in 4 days; what a relief to break through that ceiling again. maybe now the voice in the back of my head will stop telling me i'm washed!
Peg V Miles: 17.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 8.00 |
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| | AM - 5. decided on tuesday to take today a bit easier so i could have a day to recover where i wouldn't spend all of it on my feet, a la 16-hour hospital shift. at the time i thought i'd be maxed out if i managed to go 4 straight 25's but honestly i feel like i barely need it. i'd rather get a little too much recovery in by monday then not enough though.
| | PM - 5. smashed my foot on a protruding door frame yesterday and jammed my left pinky toe pretty bad so took last night and this morning off. foot's still sore but besides that felt great
| | AM - 10. just went on autopilot and thought about the base training to come. realized this is probably the last time i'll feel fresh for a while so tried to enjoy it.
PM - 5 after work. now that the last dance is out on netflix i don't think i'm gonna be lacking in motivation for a looong time.
Peg V Miles: 10.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 5. had to deal w/ some acid reflux during the run, i'm convinced a wicked side stitch would have been more tolerable. suffered through it.
AM2 - 12. no acid reflux, thank god. if i had to describe the run in 4 words they'd be easy, breezy, beautiful, covergirl
PM - 8 + strength. little quick. starting to enter the "scary fit" zone!
Peg V Miles: 17.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 8.00 |
| | PM - 10. stomach was hurting this morning so didn't run, guess i'll have to flip the switch early to hit 150
| | AM - 5. felt pretty good
AM2 - 15. had fun and threw down
PM - 10 easy
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| | AM - 5. slept in about an hour so i'll be a little extra hot by the end of my second AM run. considered swapping the AM and PM runs and doing 10 and taking the rest of the morning off, but i think doing a 5-mile shakeout around 3PM would just leave me gassed before i even started that second run
AM2 - 15. tough one, very tired, no idea why. on a totally uncorrelated note, this makes for 60 miles in the past 36 hours. finished the run strong despite all that.
PM - 10. another 30-mile day!
| | AM - 5. think i maxed out the legs the past 2 days so today will just be a shakeout or two. still, as long as i'm back to normal after the weekend the one-two punch of wednesday-thursday was a resounding success; feel much more in shape than i was earlier in the week.
PM - 5 easy. leg strength, hips and pushups after
sotd: sudden death - quelle chris
Peg V Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | AM - 5 before work. feel like my legs are almost back to 100%.
PM - 5 after work. barely managed to beat a gnarly storm rolling in. had to run the last quarter mile at 5:40 pace to do so
sotd: can it be all so simple - wu-tang clan
| | AM - 5 before work. legs getting tired of recovery(i know that's an oxymoron), excited to throw down some more 30-mile days this week
PM - 5. tired from work. let's get it!
| | AM - 5. accidentally slept in by about 45 minutes.
AM2 - off. normally i don't put too much stake in my HR, but in the ~90 minutes after my run the lowest it got was 75(my RHR yesterday was 31). was also jacked on the 5 miles of easy jogging. not sure what's up with that but i'll take it as a signal to not run again this morning.
PM - 15. was originally just planning on a shakeout, but by the first few steps i knew i'd probably hit 15 miles or die trying. happy to be in that mindstate, but i didn't start my run until 9 since i thought i was doing 5, so not a lot of time to sleep tonight. HR was back in the low 30's by noon and barely hit 130 on the run, so that's good too.
Peg V Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 15.00 |
| | AM - 5. didn't feel half bad, light fartlek the last couple miles
AM2 - 10 with a 4-mile of quarter-mile on, quarter-mile off in 23:50. jumped straight into it after 3 miles of easy running, and stopped for about a minute after it to change back into trainers. just a little something to mix up the tedium and monotony of base training, i didn't think i could break 24 on a normaly 4-mile tempo with my current fitness so it was a nice surprise. happy with it, especially considering this made 30 miles in less than 12 hours. did some new stuff before the run that i'm mentioning in case it helped, namely meditating and light resistance band work beforehand, plus taking my multivitamin i usually take after the run instead.
PM - 15. had some stomach cramps after 11 miles but then migos versace remix came on shuffle and i found the strength to power through. legs felt pretty good for 45 miles in just under 24 hours(started this one a little earlier than yesterday to catch up on sleep)
Fly's Miles: 7.00 | Peg V Miles: 8.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 15.00 |
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| | AM - 5. certainly not on fresh legs right now but they aren't breaking down at the moment.
AM2 - 10. not much faster than the shakeout; guess i used up any speed i had for today yesterday morning. still, mileage is mileage.
PM - 15. perfect summer running weather in the south... low 80's and drizzling with a breeze
| | AM - 5 jogging
AM2 - 10. 13 second difference from yesterday's run, impressive both in my consistency and that that it was 13 ticks faster; my legs were basically dead fish.
PM - 15. dead fish!!
Peg V Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 25.00 |
| | AM - 5. been running on fumes since waking up yesterday, and even ran out of that by the last few minutes of last night's 15. after that hoped i could get enough strength back to get my AM 5 and 10 in so i could hit 120 miles in 3.5 days, but i could tell stretching after this shakeout my body had hit it's limit, so only AM run today. i'm almost certain if i hadn't done that hard fartlek on tuesday i could've gotten my 4th straight 30-mile day, but hey, at least i hit the 500-mile month. no way in hell i'm running 15 tonight, but maybe i'll luck out and recover enough to get 10 so i can hit a 150 mile week; 99% chance it'll either be a shakeout or nothing at all though. still, amazing past 3 days of training! gonna go take my supplements and get a 25oz budweiser from the gas station at 5am to celebrate the feat(also because i'm afraid i might try and get that 10 anyway if i don't incapacitate myself)
sotd: my heart will stop of joy - the caretaker
| | AM - 5. felt like someone had taken to my legs with a meat tenderizer, but felt better by the end once i got some blood circulation in the legs.
PM - 5. shook most of the mileage out of the legs. glad they feel good because in retrospect going straight from a great fartlek on tuesday morning to 75 miles in 48 hours with no recovery was pretty dumb. not that i don't think it's doable; just need a week or two of straight mileage first. def think i have a decent shot of going 5-straight with the 30's next week.
sotd: waves of fear - lou reed. the only exposure i'd had to him prior was the velvet underground and nico, hard as i try i just cannot enjoy that album for the life of me. but, i respect him as an artist, so i was happy to find something of his i liked
Peg V Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 5
PM - 5 after work. tired legs but felt good to shake some life into them. ready to crush some mileage
sotd: no one is ever going to want me - corey giles. discovered this 2011 gem of an album the other day and oh boy am i in love. it's like "yellow house" by grizzly bear meets "doolittle" by the pixies sonically, with the darkly potent lyrics of "closer" by NiN, with just a touch of the ambient genius of william basinski's disintegration loops on top. def would have cracked my top 10 albums of the decade list last year if i'd found it sooner
Peg V Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 5. slept in and woke up at 6:45, since it'll be another few weeks before it's cool enough to run between 9am-6pm that's it for the AM
PM - 15. had some stomach issues as i went on but overall felt okay.
| | AM - 5-mile shakeout
AM2 - 10. just felt really tired; didn't get much sleep last night. watch died towards the end but i'm sure the pace was slow.
| | AM - 8. decided to add base workouts in a little early so took yesterday off to reset the legs, so to speak. put in a modicum of effort to find out what my non-jogging easy pace is, which came out to about 7-flat, which is around what i was expecting
PM - 12. ran the first 6 miles at the same effort/pace as this morning, then eased up the latter half to let the legs breathe for tomorrow's workout. i don't really know what to call the pace, going off heart rate it's where the high end of easy and low end of aerobic meet, but closer to easy. i'll call it fit pace until i think of something cooler
Peg V Miles: 8.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 12.00 |
| | AM - 5 shakeout. threw in some effortless surges the last 2 miles just to loosen up the legs.
AM2 - 4 mile w/u, 8 x 200m flat in 34, 33, 34, 32, 32, 33, 32, 32, mile jog to the hill, 8 x 200m hill in 48, 45, 44, 45, 45, 45, 43, 43. 200m recovery jog back to start after every repeat. CD for 13.
ran this at Sandy because it has some crazy hills(>8% slope on the one i ran). i'm naming this hill after my ex jamajah because it's gonna make a man out of me. being a remote country road it isn't a place to run super fast, and i'm pretty sure the 200m's are actually a few meters long, but i'm happy with it.
PM - 12, fit pace first 4 miles. felt really strong, especially in the first 7. next week i'll probably just do 7 instead of 12 on workout days. one of my best 30-mile days ever!
sotd: alberto balsalm - aphex twin
Peg V Miles: 17.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 13.00 |
| | AM - 5 very easy. counting mileage weeks from sunday-saturday this marks the only time outside of that 13-week 100+ mile streak i've ran 4 straight triple-digit weeks. they've all had quality stretches, but i've yet to have a week where i'm on the ball all 7 days. hopefully, that's what this next week will be.
sotd: you ain't coming back - zeal and ardor
| | AM - 8, last 5 at fit pace.
PM - 12. felt great, besides the repercussions of drinking a cup of espresso 90 minutes beforehand. i'm switching to hot tea for my caffeine fix
fell in love for the first time today; not with a redhead southern bell but a new place to run. discovered a gravel backroad about 8 miles from my apartment in the middle of the boonies, it's honestly perfect. 3 miles of relatively flat straight road between cornfields before ~1200m of uphill, followed by rolling hills the rest of the way. the long hill is a little too steep to bomb down after the turnaround, but gives you some good momentum to finish strong. mostly shaded by trees too, and only saw 2 cars in the 90 minutes out there.
in the past 10 months i can count on one hand the amount of times i've done a run anywhere but the turf field loop(.2 miles), intramural loop(.7 miles), or hilton loop(.75 miles). mostly hilton. going over a quarter mile without a 90-degree turn felt super weird, let alone 6 miles. i'd take the loops over asphalt any day, but i can tell it does a number on my ankles and hips, plus even if i've managed to get accustomed to the absolute suck of running 20 or 30 of the same 5-minute loop every day, it still sucks so i'm ecstatic to have a new running spot.
sotd: unhealed - maenad veyl. industrial and electronic go together like a mid-20's social media and false portrayal of lifestyle
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| | AM - 5 easy.
PM - 15. having a lot of fun right now; i'm almost at the point where i can run a 15-miler every day and once that happens things are gonna get scary. had "a gringo like me" stuck in my head the entire run
| | AM - 6-mile shakeout. hell has frozen over, cats are marrying dogs, the cuban hitmen that framed O.J. have been found: all because i did a morning shakeout that wasn't 5 miles. i was gonna do 10 and do a workout in the evening, but decided to move it tomorrow after 3 miles. felt great, i just figured i'll be doing MWF workouts soon enough so might as well start that 48-hour recovery adapting early. i'll shave a mile off the 15 in the evening because having my mileage not be in multiples of 5 gives me hernias
PM - 14. beat a crazy storm by getting to my car just a few seconds before it hit; 2020's easily been the craziest year of storms i've been part of but it's been years since i saw one like this. type of storm where driving home i could barely see 10m in front of my car. was a little worried that a faster finish and not getting a chance to stretch before the 15-minute drive home would hurt my legs but i think i'll be okay.
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| | AM - 10. nothing like 80 minutes of tough hills and 100% humidity to wake the legs up. slowly learning to bomb the ~1200m hill running back down it so doing that on mile 7 jumpstarted the legs those last 3 miles.
PM - 5 mile w/u, 4 x 200m relatively flat in 32, 34, 34, 32, half-mile jog to hill, 4 x 200m hill in 43, 40, 40, 39. 200m rec. c/d for 15.
had to cut the workout in half since there was a storm coming in and if it was anything like the one last night i didn't want to be 5 miles from my car when it hit. felt a bit sluggish on the flat 200's and much better on the hills. since the course was different i wouldn't compare these times to last week's; that hill is way tougher than jamajah. i'm naming this one after my ex regan because it be leavin me breathing heavy lol
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| | AM - 5 miles of the white kenyan jog. left achilles was a little tight in the post-workout way but otherwise didn't feel half bad.
PM - 15. legs weren't hurting but still a bit tired from yesterday so this run embodied one of my favorite sinatra songs(nice n' easy). was going to do 10 but it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow so figured i'd get some mileage insurance. saw a huge snake around mile 9, thing had to be 30 inches long with a head wider than a half dollar. didn't avoid it until i was like 5 feet away because i thought it had to be a tire remnant or something with how long it was
Peg V Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 15.00 |
| | AM - 5. jogged it, but legs felt great.
PM - 15. rained hard. third straight 15 where i saw a snake.
sotd: flamingo - todd rundgren
Peg V Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 15.00 |
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| | AM - 10. started off slow but picked it up around mile 8.
PM - 15. felt pretty good. highest mileage week since i hit 200; i keep wondering how the hell i ran 50 more miles in a week and then remember i did more 4 run days than 2 run days that week. still, happy about it.
sotd: i ain't got time! - tyler, the creator
Peg V Miles: 10.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 15.00 |
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| | AM - 10. felt good. despite all my trashing of running laps last week, ran at hilton. like a toxic relationship, i just keep coming back. i should contact the city to rename this park after my ex olivia. mainly ran here because i don't have to wait until the sun comes out to run like i do on the trail
PM - 15. felt better than usual at the start, which was a trap because with all the uphill before the turnaround i'd used up all my feel-good miles by the halfway point. luckily i'm in good enough shape that the last half wasn't much harder; the downhill helped too. last week i'd take these PM runs a little harder but doing 10 in the morning instead of 5 probably means i'll have to take it a bit easier.
sotd: thousand shot mac - westside gunn
Peg V Miles: 10.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 15.00 |
| | AM - 10. taking the pace easier today to let the legs recover a bit
PM - off. gonna try a triple tomorrow to see how it feels and didn't want to preface that by finishing 15 miles at 8pm when i'd probably be starting the first run around 2am. running crazy mileage was so much easier last november when i could start a long run at 8am or a shakeout at 3pm. still, feel really fit, body isn't really broken down despite running more miles in the last 7 days than i did in march, april or may(more than april and may combined!)
| | AM - 8. gonna add some distance to my usual 5-mile shakeout and give myself a little extra rest before the next run. ran the first 10 minutes or so on the road, achilles didn't love that but once i hopped on hilton felt better.
AM2 - 15, 7:08 pace. felt amazing, relaxed on the pace a bit after 7 miles
PM - 10 easy. felt better than i expected; went to buy coffee grounds before the run and i think walking around the market helped.
Peg V Miles: 8.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 25.00 |
| | AM - 8 real easy. just working through the kinks from yesterday's running and loosening up for today
PM - 12. felt a bit stiff at the start but loosened up throughout.
| | AM - 8
AM2 - 15. felt good
PM - 6. wanted to do 10 like tuesday and felt i could have, but it started storming at the start and only got worse as i clicked off the miles. when i got worried for the first time in my life about getting struck by lightning is when i bagged it. at least i got the AM runs in. i have a topical aggression towards this tropical depression
Peg V Miles: 6.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 23.00 |
| | was raining too hard this morning and knee's been a little sore the past day or so, so i saw the chiropractor and i'll take tonight off to let it settle.
sotd: against all odds - trae tha truth
| | AM - 8. legs felt a bit lethargic from ~36 hours off but besides that, fine. i got 3 hours of sleep thursday night and blew a tire last night and had to spend forever changing it because the jack that came with my car was total ass, so pretty tired. i'll get in a solid nap later today
2 miles running home from where i'm getting my tires changed. went home, took a nap, got woken up by a call that it was done like an hour later, and ran 3 miles back. my legs really hated running on the roads, funnily enough the second i started running by hilton and hopped on the grass they went away instantly
| | PM - 10 easy. legs felt overcharged from a couple weak days of training. realized during it i ran a 162-mile week last week if you measure it from friday to thursday, which is good for 5th on my all-time list, just 3 off from a 3rd place tie with the two 165's i ran last september. hopefully the tropical storm AND hurricane approaching the south doesn't cap my mileage too hard because i'm gonna be royally pissed if i don't break my monthly mileage PR before it turns a year old
sotd: spiritual healing - dalek
| | AM - 5. slept through my alarm, breaking a ~3-week hot streak of waking up by at least 3am. almost back under 150! haven't been under it since may
PM - 10. tried a new gravel road out, i liked it but it ended up being only ~2000m long so had to run up and down it a few times to hit the double digits. work this evening so had to run during the hottest part of the day, plus my left calf was tight from running mostly hilton loops the past week and stomach was hurting. still, didn't throw the towel in so can't be too unhappy about it.
Peg 36 #6 Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 10.00 |
| | AM - 5. woke up to empty the tank at 2am and saw the day-long storm hadn't hit yet so went and got probably the only miles i'll get the chance to do today. felt much better than either of yesterday's runs, even though it was very wet and very windy almost immediately.
| | AM - 4 during my lunch break, around 1 since i'm working night shift today and tomorrow. was gonna run after i got off at 6:30 but would rather just go to bed afterwards. left calf/achilles was pretty tight for about 12 hours after tuesday's morning run so i decided to take a little time off; not as much as i did but oh well. felt great on the run; not rusty at all. will probably do another hour before coming back into work this evening
| | AM - off. didn't run before work because i woke up to the most wicked charlie horse of my life in my left calf. looking back, probably could have. was going to run during my lunch break again but the hospital got a bs bomb threat and we've been on lockdown since 10PM(now 3AM) and i doubt it'll end before i get the chance to run. i'll probably get a PM run in if it isn't raining too hard, if not tomorrow i'll get back in the swing of things
PM - 2.5, all i had time for before the storm rolled in. got woken up charlie horse in my other calf
| | AM - 5. felt kinda like i was gonna lowkey throw up but otherwise good
| | AM - 5. on the tail end of a 24-hour stomach bug that was starting to hit on yesterday morning's run. throat felt a little tore up from all the wretching, but otherwise good. would have gone longer if i'd kept any food down since breakfast yesterday. i'll get in something longer this afternoon. high of 70 degrees next week, so excited for that. ran at 1AM, need to get my sleep schedule back on track after the night shift messed it up.
sotd: ghost rider - suicide
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| | AM - 3 w/u, 4 x 400m hill in 75, 73, 73, 72, then ran it downhill in 58.9. 2' jog down for rec before each uphill, 30" before the downhill. c/d for 10 i didn't bother recording.
did this at 2AM. was originally planning on doing a 12-mile run at hilton with the last 3 progression-style to serve as a sort of slump-buster, but a cop pulled up after 3 and told me to piss off. got my goat because he said "it's a $500 fine for being here b/w 10p and 6a, you're lucky that i'm more forgiving than most cops", like no you aren't. every 5-mile shakeout i've ran on a triple the past year has been here just an hour later than this, and there's normally other people here, and i've never been harrassed. well, i was once last year for running here at 10:15, and it was by you, and you threatened to arrest me. and what about the homeless dude that's been sleeping on the bench the past month, including tonight? anyway there's already enough rants on blogs about how the system allows small men to become police officers to feel bigger being written every day so i'll stop here. i'd say this was still a good slump-buster, wasn't anything crazy but got a little lactic acid built up. the sub-60 400m was a nice touch.
PM - 5. felt really good so let loose after mile 3. last 2 miles in 6:33 and 5:37 with the last half in 2:33. guess i got that progression in after all!
sotd: pheel tha phonk 1990 - spaceghostpurrp
Fly's Miles: 3.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 7.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | AM - 5. felt better than i thought i would so i considered stretching it to 10, but with two workouts(albeit faux-workouts) yesterday figured i'd stop at shakeout territory for this morning. by morning i mean 2AM. 5 days removed from the night shift and i STILL can't fall asleep at a reasonable hour. tried intoxicating myself to no avail a couple hours earlier along with a post-work meal, so this run was fueled by quinoa, eggs, and michelob light. mainly mentioning that to flex that i ate quinoa
PM - 5 just after noon. 97F heat index... can't wait for a week from now when the high is in the 70's; it'll give me a lot more room for when to get in mileage. core and hips after
sotd: you got under my skin - simon joyner
Peg 36 #6 Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 5. thought i saw my ex walking laps after mile 3 which contributed to a 6:13 last mile. thinking back on it i'm not sure it was even her. still, pretty easy for a 6:13, especially with a hairpin turn in there.
alright; 2 mostly lazy weeks to refresh the legs are up, shit gets real tomorrow and onward. probably gonna have to cap the PM mileage since next week sees the last remnants of the summer heat, but should throw down a couple solid workouts.
| | AM - 20 mile LR. wanted to do 30 but i started at 8AM and by 18 miles it was mid-80's and not being too conservative on pace meant my goose was near cooked, so stopped at 20
7:18, 7:10, 7:03, 7:09 7:03
7:01, 7:07, 7:10, 7:07, 7:06
7:08, 6:55, 6:45, 6:55, 6:49
6:48, 6:38, 6:38, 6:32, 6:12
avg pace 6:56. haven't done 20 in a few months, but from november-february when i was doing one or two a week i think i was running 7:10-7:15 range at peak fitness. more effort spent today than on those, but it's the first time i've gone over 15 since february, and 20's a whole different animal. it'll get easier. didn't really make an effort to run fast until the last mile, everything else just was the pace my legs carried me to. we only go up from here.
| | PM - 10 very easy shaking out the long run. think i unintentionally dipped into the reserves yesterday so i was still fairly beat, plus i was coming off a shift. felt miserable mentally those first few miles, legs weren't the only thing that felt better by the finish so i'm glad i stuck it out. i'd say there's a better chance of me breaking 4 in the mile tomorrow than being ready for the workout i intended to do so i guess i'll just play it by ear the next day or two.
| | PM - 10. legs feel about recovered.
| | AM - 8. 1:21 differential b/w the first mile(7:53) and last mile(6:32)
PM - 12. starting to get that fire back.
Peg 36 #6 Miles: 8.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 12.00 |
| | AM - 8. 1:15 differential b/w the first mile(7:46) and last mile(6:31)
| | AM - off. been dealing with stomach sickness since yesterday afternoon, hence no 12 yesterday night. long as i'm good to go tonight i'll still get 100 for the week
| | PM - 5 in the evening. stomach thing persisted longer than i hoped, but i felt much better than i thought i would on the run. pace wasn't anything crazy, just felt good. by the end i wanted to try and go for 12 but with a long run tomorrow and not having ran in a couple days, i just wanted to do enough to loosen up without tiring myself. if i feel this good next saturday night i'll go for 12
| | AM - 3 + drills and strides. was meant to be the shakeout for a long run, but afterwards my stomach felt absolutely terrible. so i just took a nap before work instead
PM - 12 after work, 6:48 pace. last 3 miles in 6:24, 6:30, 5:27. last mile really should have been faster but i didn't really start going at it until i had a kilometer to go. according to strava i split my third fastest lap ever at hilton in 3:54 for the 1200m loop; considering i've 100% ran 2000+ laps here in the past year alone it's nice to see, especially considering the 75 minutes of running that came prior.
calling it now: 185 this week
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| | AM - 8. only had like 40 minutes after to eat, shower and stretch before a morning shift
PM - 5 after work, at about noon. hot out. last day it'll be over 90 degrees, maybe even 85, for the next 8 months or so. not gonna miss it, i'll be preferring it in the spring when it's raining buckets though.
PM2 - 12 at night. it was 82 degrees by the finish, so nice to know after tomorrow the high of the day doesn't reach that at all on the 10-day forecast, meaning it probably won't again this year. thank heavens, that heat/humidity combo def takes a little extra out of you. since we're getting like 3 inches of rain wednesday i'll be lucky to get in any miles, so tomorrow will probably be a high mileage day to compensate.
| | AM - 19. first 14 miles i was hitting 7:10's pretty comfortably, but by mile 15 my body remembered i was in the middle of a 12-miler 12 hours ago and all good feelings went out the window. wanted to hit 20 but that last 200m i was getting dizzy and could tell i was on the verge of passing out. haven't felt that exhausted after a run since my 30-miler last november. still, nothing like that feeling of knowing you gave every ounce of strength you had
PM - 6 very easy. had to do this a little less than 6 hours after finishing the last run to beat the hurricane. i'd say the chances of me running in the next 48 hours are nil with said hurricane hitting alabama hard, so i was alright with pushing the recovery time a bit. felt a lot better than i thought i would. very tired, but not hurting.
Peg 36 #6 Miles: 6.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 19.00 |
| | PM - 5. conditions have been super nasty all day, but it was low 70's out at 3PM and i had to experience that after 4 months of getting heat stroke on every run. despite 20+ mph wind ran the first 4 miles in 6:52, 6:33, 6:06, and 5:27, then pulled up with a 6:48 last mile. the nice temps just brought it out of me
| | PM - 5. saw an ex on the run towards the end which resulted in a 6:27 last mile that was totally effortless. i think that's the third ex i've seen while running at hilton this month; i guess it's a small world and i was a bit promiscuous in my teens but the weirdest thing is they're appearing in the order i was romantically involved with them. hope this trend doesn't continue because i could have ended things better with the ex that succeeded this one, pretty sure if she ever sees me again she'll either beat me up or try to "billie jean" me
| | AM - 7.5 easy. 68 degrees out at 4am this morning, which was nice. the low in a couple days is 55 which makes me wanna cry tears of joy
AM2 - 3 mile w/u, 3 x (400m uphill, 400m jog(200m turnaround), 400m downhill, 400m jog(200m turnaround)) going 85, 83, 81 on the uphill and 68, 67, 66 on the downhill. no-watch c/d for 10. nothing crazy, with a long run in 48 hours that's more of the focus, pretty sure i would have thrown the towel in by set 5 though.
PM - 7.5, 7:09 pace. felt hella easy
| | PM - 7.5 easy. 6:49 pace on consistent splits, getting under 7:10 on easy runs is usually noteworthy for me so this was nice, although i take it with a grain of salt considering it was my only run of the day.
| | AM - 2.5 shakeout plus dynamic stretches
AM2 - 20 mile LR. wanted to do 30(again), but i got a stomach cramp that i didn't think would fade away after i hit 12, so i dropped the pace a bit, hoping it wouldn't take me out before i hit at least 15. cramp ended up fading after 16, but i knew that drop in pace meant i'd used too much energy to hit the 3-hour mark without it damn near killing me, so i decided to stop at 20 and dropped the pace again.
6:54, 6:57, 6:55, 7:02, 7:01
7:06, 7:02, 6:49, 7:00, 7:04
7:00, 6:55, 6:35, 6:38, 6:39
6:27, 6:12, 5:55, 5:41, 5:24
avg pace 6:40. A++ run.
PM - 2.5 easy. just getting some circulation in the legs. felt good; i remember the 20 i did two weeks ago knocked me out for like 36 hours so i'm happy that wasn't the case today. feel like i made a big jump in fitness last week out of nowhere, or maybe it's just because the temps finally dropped, who knows. either way i've been having trouble getting in a rhythm since i took a few days off at the end of august and feel like this is what i need to get locked back in.
Peg 36 #6 Miles: 2.50 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 22.50 |
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| | AM - 5 mile shakeout. first 8-minute pace run in a while
PM - 10 miles, 6:58 pace. keep expecting the 6-minute pace to drop back to the 7:1x's where it normally falls when i'm in good shape, but they just keep coming
| | AM - 5-mile shakeout + dynamics and drills.
AM2 - workout at sokol park. 3 mile w/u with some speed changes the last mile in 5:39, mile in 5:03, 3:30 jogging recovery, mile in 4:53, 3:30 jogging recovery, quarter-mile in 69(nice). long c/d for 13
aside from 4 lighthearted hill workouts in the past few months this is my first workout since february, and what i'd call my first real workout of this year, maybe since 2017. a 4:53 repeat isn't too bad of a starting point, i guess. not like it's the fastest mile i've ever ran without wearing spikes or anything(it is). quarter-mile was gonna be a k to finish off the workout but i got a bit too much salsa on my chip during the second repeat and bagged it. i can live with it for today
PM - 7 easy, 7:09 pace
Fly's Miles: 6.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 19.00 |
| | AM - 5, slow.
PM - 10. tyler herro that guy, hate to say it since the heat are the only reason duncan doesn't have the same number of rings as jordan
Peg V Miles: 10.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 5.00 |
| | AM - 5. cold, windy and wet.
gonna re-up my gym membership in a couple of days. am i 100% comfortable with it? even as a very fit young adult with no pre-existing health issues, not necessarily. still, if i did cpr on dying covid patients without the necessary gear and didn't contract it, well you get the idea
PM - off. started getting some wicked stomach cramps in the afternoon and i don't think i can run through them. hopefully passes by tomorrow morning so i can still get in my hill workout.
| | PM - 5 shakeout + dynamics and drills. still had stomach cramps at 4am so went back to bed and felt better when i woke up.
PM2 - 5-mile fartlek at hilton going half a lap hard, half a lap easy(so about 600m per half lap). ran 28:52 with a 5:17 last mile. was planning on doing 15 with a more lighthearted fartlek effort, but after a couple days too easy speeding up the pace was a switch rather than a dial; an absolute. was going to still do 10 easy after but it had just rained and the humidity hit me hard once i finished the fast stuff. so it'll be like a C for mileage this week but an A+ in terms of workouts
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| | AM - 5 easy, no watch. gonna be a hot long run tomorrow.
| | AM - 2-mile shakeout + dynamics and drills
AM2 - 15 mile "LR" at rodeo. the last couple 20-milers i've stayed conservative until mile 12, then picked it up to the pace i really wanted to do all along. mainly played it safe because i was worried of using too much too soon and blowing up, but last week gave me the confidence to try, and if i do too much, i'll at least slug it out to 15. ended up being the case.
6:23, 6:23, 6:17, 6:08, 6:08
6:03, 6:03, 6:00, 5:59, 6:00
5:43, 5:36, 5:33, 5:28, 5:34
avg pace 5:58. jogged a mile beforehand and 3 after. don't think i've ever been so locked into a run before; that 15-minute drive to sokol was the most clear-headed i've been in my life. probably because i meditated before leaving the apartment
PM - 4 easy
Fly's Miles: 16.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 9.00 |
| | AM - ran 3.75 at hilton, then really had to use it so drove home and jogged another 10 minutes after. could barely feel the hard 15 from yesterday
PM - 10 miles, 6:55 pace. wet and windy. hopefully the wind dies down a bit for the tempo tomorrow
| | AM - 5 shakeout + drills. it's pretty rare for a 4am shakeout to have every mile under 8 minutes; hopefully a good sign for the workout. just found out buggin out in do the right thing is gus from breaking bad which blows my mind
started raining at 6am so canceled today's workout. kind of a shame; with every workout the past 10 days being way better than it should i kind of felt like my 3-mile PR of 15:14 from 2017 was finally gonna get broken. sure the legs could use a little extra rest anyway.
PM - 5 miles, 6:42. felt really good; wanted to go longer but decided to take today and tomorrow a lil easier
| | PM - 5 at hilton, 6:38 pace. 6th lap i wanted to see if i could ease down from 6:40 pace to 6:00 without using much effort or looking at my watch, ended up running 5:59 pace for the .75-mile lap, so, yes
| | AM - 12 miles at rodeo, 6:23 pace. worked down from a 6:45 first mile to 5:55 last as i loosened up. plus about a mile jogging to and from rodeo
PM - 5 easy, 6:46 pace
| | PM - 5 at 5:59 pace. i drove my foot into a thick branch sticking out of the ground on the run last night, it was blunt and thick so it didn't pierce the skin, but jabbed my foot hard enough to tear the shoe and leave a decent bruise. was very sore waking up so took off the morning workout in case it was something serious, but felt better throughout the day. also scratched my throat pretty badly so it's been a fun day. at least the pace was quick without being taxing.
| | PM - 5 miles at 5:52 pace + strides and drills. didn't run this morning bc as i was rolling forward in my desk chair i clipped my heel with the metal wheel guard extremely hard and was afraid i'd hurt my achilles, after a few hours i think it's just an abrasion though. average HR 126 for sub-6 pace is dope, even if it's mainly from my legs being overcharged from (subjectively) shit mileage. if the 18-year old me that thought 110 miles in a week was insane could see me now
| | AM - mile w/u + dynamics, 7 miles in 39:19, short c/d for 10
was going to be a long run today, but my watch was about to die at 5 miles and i'd gone out kamikaze pace anyway so i went for broke and closed with a 10:25 2-mile and called it a tempo.
splits: 6:00, 5:50, 5:42, 5:40, 5:38, 5:17, 5:08
avg pace 5:37. would have done a longer cooldown but my peroneal tendon felt a little sore. ran this at rodeo; probably can't do that anymore. it's a 1/3rd of a mile dirt/gravel loop made to run fast but it's shaped like a teardrop and that sharp turn isn't good for the legs. i've been running it clockwise since watches overmeasure loops run CCW, so rest assured the paces i ran last week were legit. anyway there's a 1.5 mile stretch of straight flat pavement close by that i can still hit up for fast repeats though. icing the tendon right now, didn't feel too bad but i'll give it a little rest
| | PM - core and hips + pushups and dips before work. ankle feels better; probably just a 48-72 hours off type thing
| | AM - 5. ankle felt mostly good; probably 90% back to normal. might need to give it a little more rest; at least i won't feel that bad since the 2 trillionth hurricane is hitting us the next few days so it's not like i'd be running much anyway. i'll play it by ear but probably not doing 2 shakeouts today like i originally planned
| | 4.5, 6:56 pace. think i started back up like a day too soon so i'll probably need another few off. sucks but i'm about to go to the gym to re-up my membership so i'll get in some good biking and lifting to minimize fitness lost
| | AM - upper body lift + russian curls and overhead barbell lunges + a short high-intensity fartlek on the stationary bike. i'll never do a triathlon in all of my days because i find biking dreadfully boring; i'll come back tonight to get another bike session in though. felt good to lift again; havent had a gym session since febuary. i've been doing pushups and dips at home occasionally so i at least had a little strength coming in. just a few more days and i can get back out there
| | was gonna go to bed early after i got off work at 9 since i'm hitting the gym early tomorrow, but listened to daytona 500 by ghostface killah and got hyped enough to head to the gym to get sweaty. did an interval workout on the bike; warmed up for 2 minutes then did 10 sets of minute hard, minute easy at high resistance. averaged a bit above 26 mph on the hard portions and hit 7.5 miles in the 20 minutes. hurt like running 60-flat on 400's. then biked for another 40 minutes while looking at the braves and dodgers series(my braves going to the world series!!) and messed around on tinder. biking's easy; i just need to forget i'm biking. hopefully will be back running thursday. ankle felt fine; not sure if this would irritate it to begin with though
| | 3 miles at about noon. lungs were burning and my stride felt shorter than normal, but i was splitting mid-6's on very conservative effort and my HR never got above 140. plus, ankle was cash money. time to climb that stairway to high mileage once again
| | AM - 5, 6:49 pace. honestly totally forgot to worry about the ankle until a couple minutes to go, which is a great sign. hate how much longer runs seem to take the first week back from a break until you get the mentality back; 2 weeks ago a 5-miler would be over before i knew it. nothing wrong with it feeling longer if it's something i love to do though
PM - was gonna run 5 again but i'm a little sore and i am NOT missing this braves v dodgers game 7
edit : pain
| | PM - 5 miles, 6:45 pace. still pissed off about the braves blowing a 3-1 series lead. they'll get that first world series appearance of the millennium next year
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| | AM - 8 miles at sandy, 7:04 pace. been a while since i ran here, hoping to do it more often the rest of the year. nearly all my easy runs the past few months have been flat loops so it was nice to do a hilly out-and-back. felt good.
| | AM - 12.5 at sandy, 7:06 pace. parked after the first big hill yesterday and split off the path before the second one so i missed to full sandy experience, got that today. very happy with the pace for such a brutal route; a year ago when i was running 10-15 miles there 5 times a week i was lucky to see the pace get under 8:30. how far i've come. my left quad is pretty sore but the other one feels fine, weird. also my ankle feeling fine for nearly 90 very hilly minutes of running means it's probably safe to assume i'm past the tendonitis. still, probably need a few more days to shake the rust and get the legs reaccustomed to the mileage before i'm ready to run fast
| | AM - 8 hilly miles, 6:22 pace. stomach was hurting badly all of yesterday so i went a bit harder on the run to compensate; the difference between that pace on 8 flat miles and 8 hilly miles is palpable. last two miles in 6:04 and 6:05 with no downhill to assist me. i'll probably run again tonight
PM - 5 miles at 6:45 pace + gym. 4th mile focused on form and pace dropped from 6:50 to 6:20 with basically no change in effort. easily the best lifting session i've ever had; did a full-body lift but on legs i did explosive box steps, push press to overhead lunge, front squat to knee-drive step-up, and dumbbell single-leg deadlifts to step-up. those lunges and deadlifts require crazy balance. i would not be that surprised if i can't walk tomorrow morning.
sotd: runnin - 21 savage
| | AM - 5 on the treadmill because of the rain. wasn't nearly as sore as i thought i'd be; this was just 12 hours after the lift though so maybe that isn't enough delay for delayed-onset muscle soreness. was planning on taking this morning off but figured getting some blood flow in the legs would probably help. hope the rain clears up fast enough that i can do a long run on intramurals tomorrow without it being a swamp
PM - off. a little worried not loosening up my legs tonight means i'll wake up tomorrow immensely sore and the long run will be a crapshoot, but i only wanted to do 5 today and already got that. i'll stretch and roll out before bed
sotd: venom - little simz aka best female rapper since missy elliot
| | AM - 7, 6:53 pace. soreness faded away after a couple of miles on the macro but i assumed it'd come back full force after i finished(i assumed correctly) so decided towards the end of mile 7 i'd stop at that and skip the long run this week. shame because 6:50's felt super easy but i'm sure it'll feel even easier next sunday with a real week of mileage in the legs.
sotd: LA leakers freestyle - freddie gibbs(https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MTKoeyLEU8U). smooth as big L and Jay Z on the stretch and bobbito freestyle from '95.
| | gonna run in a minute. a friend was doing a study and asked me to make a list of my 100 favorite albums so i figured i'd post it here. made this off the top of my head in an hour so i'm sure there's some stuff i overlooked, but oh well.

PM - 5, 6:24 pace. legs are still tired from that first lifting session, but mostly past the soreness. did a surge the penultimate lap. just kept going faster the longer i went, felt great despite the legs being heavy. ran the 3/4 mile lap in 3:58.
sotd: valley of the pagans - gorillaz. not even that huge of a beck fan but his feature here is amazing
| | AM - 8 hilly miles, 6:53 pace. did a sharp 180-turn a little over 7 miles in and tweaked my right calf. nothing serious but since it wasn't fading away i decided to call it once i finished the mile and jog another quarter mile to my car. double shame because i felt good and def could have hit 15 like i wanted, plus the 5 trillionth hurricane this year is hitting tonight so won't get many chances to run until friday. i'll at least get a treadmill run and a lift in after work tonight, and my calf felt completely fine as soon as i started jogging so already probably past that
PM - 5 + full body lift, 6:38 pace. opened up my stride for a 5:50 final mile
| | AM - 5, 7:30 pace. just easy jogging to recover from last night. feel much better than i did after friday's weight session; even if it takes a few more hours for the soreness to kick in it'll be storming until tomorrow night so the only run i'll do until then is probably a treadmill 5 tomorrow morning(it's going to be storming crazy all PM today so not driving to the gym). haven't had a lazy day in forever, i'll make the most of it
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| | AM - 5 miles on the treadmill at a slight incline, 6:46 pace. sped up a few ticks on the mph every few minutes which gave me a 5:56 mile to close the run off. pretty good for running 2 hours earlier than usual on an empty stomach
PM - 5, 6:43 pace. went from 80's yesterday to 40's this evening, body was not prepared. overdressed and felt like i had a furnace under my jacket by the end of it
| | AM - tripped over a tree root and ate major shit 3 miles into my 12. impact would have been nothing on the other 99% of the loop but it was in the 40 ft of hard dirt instead of grass. landed on my right shoulder then slid about 5 more feet and scraped up my knees, hands, and chest pretty bad. the legs will be fine by tonight but it's the shoulder that worries me(edit; it's ballooned to the size of an apple but i think it'll be okay. PM run pending)
oh, and it was 6:41 pace. felt easy too
PM - stretching and core, no run. could have done 5 and felt fine but i also think i'd recover faster if i just pick things back up tomorrow. shoulder feels 90% back to normal because i iced it as soon as i got home this morning; the bigger problem is my hands. one has a blood blister that kept bleeding throughout the day and the other absorbed some of the fall and is extremely sore in the lower palm. anyway; should be good to run that 12 back tomorrow and get a good long run in on sunday to start off a good ass month of training. bet on it!
| | AM - 12 miles, 6:14 pace. honestly didn't even really try to run fast; the pace just kept dropping as the sun came out and i loosened up. ran the last 10 miles in 61:32, the last 5 in 30:02, and the last 2 in 5:51 and 5:52. definitely see why weight training is important; those last couple miles i was starting to get a little tired but my form stayed strong so the pace kept dropping. 140 bpm avg HR to reassure myself i wasn't out of my depth this morning
sotd: faaip de oiad - tool. giving the title to the most terrifying song i know of in honor of halloween. i've heard it probably 100 times and it still gives my soul goosebumps every listen
| | AM - 9 miles at 6:17.
PM - hips, core and stretching
| | AM - 10 miles, 6:22 pace. had to stop short of 13 because i thought i felt an achilles twinge, but once i got home and stretched i realized i kicked up a branch towards the end of the run and it had snipped me around there and that was probably what i was feeling. shame i stopped early, i felt great. i think every split was within 3 seconds of the first mile(6:22), and it was a breeze.
PM - core, hips, stretching
| | AM - 6 mile w/u, 2 x (4 x 400m) + 400m trying to go 75 for the first set, 72 the second set, and 69 the last one. 200m jog in ~60 seconds between repeats with a 400m jog in ~120 seconds between sets.
ran the times i planned to. sort of a pseudo-workout to "get in shape to get in shape", as it were. not gonna lie, even though i really haven't ran faster than 5-minute pace in over a year(besides that one mile repeat that came out of nowhere), i kind of just thought 70-flat would be a cakewalk if i'm running low 6's on my easy runs and dropping 5:40's and 5:50's at the end like it's nothing, so got a little humbled. i've got some work to do. first time i've ran on a track since january, missed it
PM - 5 @ 6:53 pace + weights. hamstrings are already sore so i'm sure they'll give me hell tomorrow. solid day of training.
Fly's Miles: 5.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 12.00 |
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| | AM - 6 miles, 6:50 pace. felt tired, but not sore.
| | AM - 6 miles, 6:26 pace. stomach started hurting really badly after yesterday's run and it was still present this morning so stopped at 6.
PM - 6 miles, 6:31 pace. still felt the stomach issues a bit, albeit less. decided to wind up the pace over the last half mile(2:59). need new pegs, but unfortunately won't have the funds for it for about a week. i've pushed this model to 800+ miles before, hopefully this one can at least hold out to 600
| | AM - a little over 4 miles w/u, 2 x mile + 2 x 200m in 4:55, 5:03, 30.6, 30.3. 3-minute jogging recovery after each mile, 90-second jogging recovery after each 200m. c/d for 10
another pseudo-workout, judging by how good this one was it's probably the last one. not gonna lie, after tuesday's workout i was worried i wouldn't be able to run under 5:20, but that 4:55 might as well been 5:20 with how easy it felt. my breathing was controlled, i was running even splits and never tightened up or anything. second mile was the same thing but just a little more tired from not being used to the fast stuff, so a little slower. 200's felt good too but i can tell my short game needs some work. big confidence booster; felt like a totally different runner from tuesday.
PM - 5 + weights
Fly's Miles: 4.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 11.00 |
| | AM - 5 miles. kind of scary how easy 6:20's are getting
PM - stretching. at about 4 i got really nauseous and passed through it after a lot of throwing up about 30 minutes ago(7:00). feel like i could still go on a run but i'll rest up for tomorrow in hopes of salvaging a long run. if not i'll just swap out my B workout on tuesday to a long run; the anniversary of the last(and only) 30-mile run i've done is next saturday and i'd like to at least try to run that far again before then. plus i need some fatigue resistance training at 3+ hours of running seems like a good approach
| | AM - 4. felt terrible! at least in reference to how you want to feel before a long run; still felt a little sick. felt good enough to drag myself out the door for a shakeout though. no watch; just counted laps.
PM - off. had another wave of sickness hit. much like the pinnacle album of the abomination of a subgenre that is nu metal, i am down with the sickness
sotd: i am the black wizards - emperor. feel like i'm nearing the day i become accustomed to the screams and all-around harshness of black metal; and when that day comes i'll have to look in the mirror and realize i'm an emo hiding under a mask of tan skin and blond hair
| | AM - 10 miles, 6:21 pace. ran the last 4 miles in 28 minutes; probably should have stuck with the pace i'd been running but i felt guilty about a bad weekend of training from the stomach bug. on the plus side, i'm a couple pounds lighter from not being able to hold anything down until last night
| | 6AM - 15 miles, 6:31 pace. glute felt a little tight towards the end.
2PM - weights + plyos
| | 6AM - 3 miles, 6:34 pace. the pegs are far enough past their mileage that running in them just strains my legs, most notably in the achilles. i was planning on getting some pegs yesterday but every running store i went to was out so i had to order off eastbay. i'm nervous about doing any more real running in the shoes and don't wanna barefoot run so i'm not really sure what to do until the shoes get here, except be pissed off i can't run more. those saucony flats i've had for 5 years might still be serviceable; i'll try them out tonight
7PM - 6 miles winding up the pace the last half-mile. about the same pace as this morning but felt a million times better. super foggy! half-expected the exorcist theme to start playing. found a pair of old structures that are probably pushing 400 miles but will do the job until the new shoes arrive.
| | AM - 30-minute w/u, 3-mile tempo in 15:44(5:11, 5:16, 5:17), c/d for a bit over 11.
training has been beyond mediocre since last friday(aside from tuesday) so i went into this feeling sluggish and a bit tired. still, i wanted to break 16 and thought i still could even if i didn't feel cash money. considering the fastest i've ran a 3-mile on a non-downhill course is 16:38 it was kind of risky to go for it but i think i played it right considering the pace didn't drop off. we only go up from here. now to take a nap and hit weights in a couple hours.
PM - plyos, core and weights. long one... took 90 minutes. new pegs came in!
PM2 - 6 miles, 6:36 pace. felt strong!
Fly's Miles: 4.00 | Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 6.00 |
| | AM - 6 easy on the trails, no watch. i was starving because i burned about 1500 more calories than usual yesterday but didn't eat any more than the average day, but aside from that felt good. spent about 25 minutes after cleaning out my car so hopefully that delay in stretching doesn't have any repercussions
| | AM - 10 miles, 6:13 pace. ran clockwise on the track so i could run on a fast course and not have to worry about the distance/pace being over-measured. was meant to be a long run, but there was 10-20mph winds the whole time and getting hit with that on the backstretch broke me mentally. probably for the best since my left ankle is pissed off about 5 miles of left turns now that it's over. i'd like to think if i keep doing it my ankle will get stronger and in a month i can do long runs on it no problem, but in truth a 400m lap probably isn't the loop meant for a long run. still, think i could have held that pace a lot longer if it hadn't been so windy
| | AM - 2-mile shakeout, 6:18 pace. ankle still felt a bit pissy the first mile but better the second, but i still felt the better move would be to let it breathe this AM. i think the chances of me feeling fine on tonight's shakeout are far better than it still troubling me so i'm not worried, no more long runs attempts on the track though. i could have probably ran the same pace at hilton yesterday considering how easy 6:18 felt this morning, albeit just thirteen minutes of it.
PM - 6, no watch
| | AM - ~5 mile w/u, 8 x 200m w/ 200m jog rec in anywhere from 60 to 90 seconds. ran 28.9 on the first one, 30.3-30.9 on the next 6 and 31.5 on the last one. c/d for 10
that last repeat probably would have been another high 28, but the last ~40m the lactic acid finally overtook me to the point where i was reduced to jogging the final few meters. short rest is no joke; faster than i thought i'd run though. pretty sure the ankle is fine so should hit weights after my nap. found a loop on the warmup i might try for my next long run
PM - weights
PM2 - 6 miles, 6:25 pace. ran the first 2 miles in 12:30 because i felt great then eased up a bit. feel like i'm gonna make a big breakthrough when i bother to be consistent with my mileage lol. at least i'm on the ball on workout days.
Fly's Miles: 3.00 | Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 13.00 |
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| | AM - 6, no watch. feels like i'm just a couple sessions away from not being capped in mileage the next morning.
PM - 4 miles after work, 6:26 pace. i was cold, tired, and, most importantly, hadn't eaten in 12 hours so stopped 2 miles early. stomach was/is hurting after, hopefully that's gone by the time i lace them up tomorrow morning.
| | AM - 8 miles, 5:59 pace. still felt a little tired, but figured with all these runs in the 6:15-6:35 range lately i'd see how much more effort it'd take to get these down to the 5:50-6:10 range. turns out not much. aerobically it was super doable; my legs just need to get a little bit stronger. average HR was 134!!! considering 4 months ago i was averaging probably 7:20's on my easier runs i think it's conceivable that this could be the normal "non-workout run" pace by the time i'm getting ready to race in early febuary.
PM - off. legs feel alright but figured i'd give them a little extra rest for the workout in the morning. maybe i'd be better off running to loosen up. oh well, i'll go hard tomorrow
| | AM - 6, 6:08 pace
realized as i was driving to northport for my workout that i work next wednesday and friday, so i'd have to shift my workouts next week back a day, which means i'd shift my long run to tomorrow, and obviously i don't wanna run a workout the day before that. i guess i could tell myself yesterday was a workout so i don't lose too much sleep over it. gonna hit at least 20 miles tomorrow or die trying
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| | AM - 12 miles, 6:31 pace. didn't die trying to hit 20, but felt like it. i ate light yesterday and not much for breakfast, plus i started way too late and it was already in the 70's by 30 minutes in. wanted to gut it out but those last 2 miles i could feel myself on the precipice of spiraling. pace should have still been a little faster but i was trying a new ~3000m loop and i'm still figuring out all the fastest tangents, smoothest hills, etc. , as opposed to hilton where i could probably run that 1200m loop with my eyes closed with how many times i've done it. haven't ran many hills lately, they're a nice touch to the run.
| | AM - 10 miles, 6:18 pace. felt cruddy the last 72 hours so it felt good to just cruise for an hour.
papa eugene got the rona bug, he just found out this morning. talked on the phone with him for the first time in months yesterday, mostly about the election and incoming economic collapse from the pandemic. not the most fun conversation, but i'm glad i had it in retrospect. he's pretty healthy for a guy in his 50's, and doesn't have many underlying health conditions, so hopefully it's a mild case. if he had any control over how he caught it i'm sure it will be, the guy was stocking his ranch like it was the apocalypse back in january.
was planning on coming to see him for the first time in about 2 years for christmas. i hope i still can.
PM - 6 miles, 6:19 pace. winding up the pace the last half mile. windy!
| | AM - 400m hills on a gravel trail. 10 miles total, averaged about 80 on the hills. had a lot of "pretty" runs lately so i've been overdue for an ugly workout which i got this morning. most workouts that are more focused on fatigue resistance over running fast usually are. nothing to do but move on to weights in a few hours and get the mileage in until thursday and hopefully get a prettier workout in
PM - weights session, closer to two hours than one. i think i was subconsciously compensating for this morning. it was a good one and much better than my post-workout lifts usually are so now the slate is clean
| | AM - 6 miles, 6:24 pace. was tired from weights and it was very windy, honestly figured it'd be like 7-flat.
PM - 6 miles after work, 6:17 pace. went faster than i should have but got hit with a wave of existential dread a couple hours before and was trying to exercise that out of me, no pun intended
| | AM - 6 miles very easy, no watch
PM - a few minutes at about 6:15 pace, not enough to warrant counting it towards my mileage. felt good, but i wore a pair of 1" shorts i haven't donned in years(not a fan of short shorts anymore. much more of a half-tights guy in my old age), and let's just say either the lining shrunk or i have something to feel good about. anyway in the interest of not catching a public indecency charge i stopped pretty quickly. got a workout tomorrow morning i really wanna go well so i wouldn't mind a bit more rest than i deserve
| | AM - jogged to rodeo, ran 10 miles at 6:08 pace, jogged to my car, drove to the track and ran 2 x 300m strides in 46 and 50 with 300m jogging in between. 12 total
realized i got my work days mixed up and i work later today, but i wasn't tryna get another easy day so did something a little faster, but not too hard. wanted to hit 48's on the 300's but the first one was too fast and with the 10 miles fresh in my legs i just tightened up on the second one.
PM - 3 easy, 6:25 pace. these 6:20-6:30 pace runs haven't been hard but this is the first one that's been genuinely easy where it felt like recovery pace. got caught up in a long facetime with my family and wanted to try to do the workout i wanted to do today in the morning tomorrow so shortened the run, my knees been a little tight since yesterday during work so i'll play it by ear. it felt better this morning, and basically fine tonight, so hopefully
| | AM - warmed up 3 miles on the track, did my drills and strides then one of those black SUVs cops usually drive pulled up and parked by the gate. i'd hopped a fence to get in and figured i was in trouble so i just jogged over to the gate and waited, for about 10 minutes. eventually i figured i'd jog over to the other side out of the line of view and hop over the fence and bail, but as i was i noticed the guy get out and hop the fence himself. turned out he was just a guy walking around the track. i did another stride to get my body ready again but my right ankle felt off. not exactly hurting, and it felt fine when i jogged back to my car, but when i went fast it felt a bit uncomfortable. whatever. it's raining all sunday so this gives me a chance to do my long run in better weather tomorrow
PM - stretching + hips. knee is feeling off again; i think i'm gonna need to see a chiropractor in the morning to nip it in the bud. that probably means i'm doing the long run on the treadmill on sunday, which sounds gross
| | realized last night the chiropractor i went to last spring isn't open on weekends, so guess i won't be running the next 2 or 3 days :( it's annoying but you roll with the punches, and i'll bike tonight and tomorrow night as well as get a lift in tomorrow morning so i shouldn't lose much fitness. i'll probably do core and hips in a minute too
| | AM - chiropractor. will most likely do a half hour on the treadmill tonight. it's so cold here!
| | AM - 3 miles, 6:33 pace. was curious how much fitness i'd lost in nearly a week of nothing but a couple prison workouts, answer is less than i thought going into the run but more than i thought after running a half-hearted 6:20 first mile. i'll probably need a week to get back into full-swing. was gonna go for 6 but being antsy to finally run made me go out the door before the coffee had done it's job and i was having some bad stomach issues. i'll do another 3 tonight.
oh, and started reading "once a runner" yesterday. attribute any stellar running feats i do in the near future to it
| | AM - 8, 6:29 pace. cold and wet!
| | AM - 8 miles, 6:18 pace. thought i'd screwed me and my somewhat rusty self by unintentionally running the first mile under 6:20, but i got a second wind about 10 minutes later and jumped back on it. last 3 miles in 18:29. nothing too fast; just maintaining form.
my 10-day diet is just about over, thank heavens. i shed pounds like clothes when i'm not running, but it takes self-control to not continue eating as i was when i was running 10-20 miles daily. even did a 36-hour fast last weekend, which was hell, but having dropped from 158 the friday morning before last to 150 today i'd call it a necessary sacrifice. nearly back to my ideal weight!
best i've felt since the knee soreness arose last thursday, might snag that elusive post-work run i've been putting off so much lately. was thinking during the run about how a year ago i'd do 10, 12, or even 15 miles after an arduous hospital shift without even considering myself being tired. i need THAT eugene back, think i know how. it'll probably mean sacrificing pace, but i think i can still do 6:40's and call it genuinely easy whereas a year ago that pace would be no faster than 7:10. basically i'm saying reading "once a runner" has convinced me to go back to the high-mileage gene of yonder, no pun intended. celebrating by bringing back my critically acclaimed "song of the day: series
sotd: holy f***ing s**t - have a nice life. not choosing it for the edgy name, it's just a transcendentally great song. long post lol
| | AM - got ~30 seconds in my run, but with me still being groggy i didn't notice a pretty big dip in the grass, and rolled my ankle hard, easily the hardest i've ever rolled it. it didn't/doesn't hurt, but stopped just in case it's one of those things where 12 hours off would patch it up but pressing on for another few miles might make it much worse. still, doesn't feel like much of anything. i'll put on a compression sleeve and ice for good measure
knowing me this probably means i'll extend my diet another 12 hours to cover up the guilt of skipping the run -_- least it forces my hand on the post-work run
PM - 3-mile shakeout, 6:50 pace. ankle felt fine, just loosening up for 4 days of high mileage. goal is to hit 80 miles mon-thurs, i already caught myself trying to talk myself into 88 during work though so i guess we'll see; i'm hoping if i find myself at 66 miles after wednesday i'll have the sensibility to just do 14 on thursday. the three-a-day runs are coming back baby! missed em
| | AM - 3-mile treadmill, 7:10 pace. 5AM runs are gross but at least i got to run indoors
AM2 - went to run at hilton and i don't know if i've ever been so cold in my life. 30 degrees with some strong, icy winds. got a quarter of a mile in before i bailed and drove to the gym again for another 7.75 at 6:40 pace. i hate treadmills so couldn't force myself to do the full 12, but i'll learn to love them by the spring. less AM mileage than i wanted but eh, still got the AM double in
PM - 5 after work, 6:38 pace. about as cold as this morning, but not as windy luckily. still felt like my hands were gonna freeze, even with gloves.
first triple in forever! did this mileage warrant it? absolutely not :)
sotd: a life in the day of benjamin andre - outkast
also forgot to say yesterday was the 10th anniversary of my first half-marathon race(rock n' roll san antonio). the story behind me getting into running was me being a pompous ass even as 11 by telling my dad(who'd been jogging marathons since i was like 4) i could beat him in the half-marathon he was doing at the end of the year, even though i'd never trained a day in my young life up to that point. he said if i did his same mileage for the next few months leading up to the race he'd let me run it, and obviously i did. didn't beat him, but i wanted to so i ran middle-school track that spring to get faster and trained with him again for the half and became the faster grindle that december.

the rest is history! to another 10 years of too much mileage! and yes i know i glowed up ty
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| | AM - 3 miles, 7:23 pace
AM2 - 10 miles, 6:23 pace. did dynamics, resistance band exercises, balance exercises, and some squats/deadlifts/calf raises with a 35lbs dumbbell prior to it. nothing too hard, just activating muscles. i'll try and do this for every day i have a second AM session but this is probably the only time i'll mention it. felt tired on the run from a bad night of sleep, but the legs carried me to a faster pace than i felt like i was putting in the effort to get. still 30's out so my knees were tight after from the cold, they feel better now though.
PM - 5, 6:50 pace. had my foot on the gas a little too hard this morning so i felt a bit more sore than i'd like. two days down, two to go! hopefully tomorrow's mileage will be big enough to warrant a triple
| | AM - 4 on the treadmill, 7:24 pace.
felt pretty good, but i'm moving the two triples to thursday and friday. it has nothing to do with rest; it's just that on friday the high/low is going from 40's/20's to high 60's and mid-40's, and i'd much rather run 3 times in that weather
| | PM - 4. caught a stomach flu
| | AM - 4. crappy week of training but tomorrow's a new week!
PM - 2
| | AM - 3. ready to kick this week's ass. supposed to get 2 inches of rain in the evening so probably got a treadmill 7 tonight
| | AM - 4 at the gym. got rear-ended hard at a red light in the afternoon, i'm alright on the macro but i have a lot of aches so taking at least the rest of the day off, we'll see how i feel in the morning
| | AM - 3 on the treadmill. everything hurt
PM - 6, 6:30 pace. felt better than i have in a long time; just running off some stress trying to figure out how i can afford to fix my car when i can barely afford to stay alive lol(even though i was literally 0% at fault)
| | AM - 3. felt pretty good! also until i say otherwise these AM 3-milers are on the treadmill at somewhere between 8-8.5 mph
PM - 6 on the treadmill. feeling a little more confident every run. too cold at 8PM!! wishing i lived somewhere like san diego where it could just be autumn weather all year. getting stressed from the car probably needing repair, but since i usually end up doing my best training as a means of dealing with feelings like stress, depression, etc. , hopefully i'll get a silver lining out of it
| | AM - 3. about to the point where i don't question driving to the gym as soon as i wake up at 5:30; that's harder than the run itself for me
PM - 6 at 9 mph. feel about ready to move up in mileage
| | AM - 8 miles going 8 mph the first two miles then increasing the pace by 0.5 mph every two miles, so i was running the last two at 9.5(so about 7:30 pace down to 6:18). on the treadmill, obviously. then did upper body weights and sauna after. kinda bummed that it being below freezing at 9am scared me into running at the gym because it felt super nice out leaving the gym. was very tempted driving home to stop at hilton park and run for another hour. i'm not naive to know i'm probably not in shape to do that right now, hopefully i will be soon though.
seems like as good a time as any to write a quick recap of my running this year with the hindsight goggles on. being how coming into the year i'd just done some crazy feats of mileage i'd never thought possible(30-mile long run, 3-day stretch going 30, 45, 30, and running 200 miles in a week, to name the highlights), i got a little too sure of myself and did 80 miles in two days then accidentally messed up my hips the next morning doing leg swings. if i had known that's what it was it probably would have meant a week or two off max and keeping most of the fitness, but instead i kept trying to run as much as i could, i'd get maybe 5 days of running in before the hips broke me down and id need a few days off. did that for about 6 weeks before getting frustrated and taking a few months off, and basically built my base back up from scratch, albeit probably under some stronger legs than i had building up last year from 18 months off.
this is the main takeaway when i view the year, having just jumped to this crazy level of fitness just to squander it, but really it's been a pretty good year, probably my second best after last year. i'll only be a couple hundred miles short of what i ran before, and looking at it in terms of running fast, this year was much better too. i think i was more excited last year to have ran 15 miles at 6:33 pace than when i ran 5:57 pace for 15 a couple months ago. lost some fitness the past couple weeks, but i think i'll be going into 2021 with just as much to be excited about as i did a year ago. plus, mike's back now so i can't be dogging workouts, it's not good for public perception :)
| | AM - 6, 6:31 pace. would have been perfect weather if it weren't so windy: mid-50's and sunny
PM - 3, 6:20 pace. low 50's at 8PM are pushing it for half-tights and a short-sleeve, but it was all i had after work. 6:10 third mile feeling out my stride
| | AM - 4, 6:25 pace. felt like i had a pulley on my chest; i couldn't slow down! i wanted to, i swear
| | AM - 10 miles, 6:32 pace. 2:50 last half-mile
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| | PM - 8. first 5 at 5:56 pace shaking out the legs from the 8-hour drive
| | AM - 6, 6:52 pace.
PM - 4, 6:54 pace. wanted to go like 10 miles longer but was in dallas all day and there was only like a half-hour of sunlight left when we got home
| | no running! it was in the 30's with a 20+ mph wind all day, i nearly caught a cold just changing my oil in the afternoon. did some core and strength work with some dumbbells
| | 8 christmas miles, 6:48 pace. wanted to go longer but the cinnamon rolls we made messed up my stomach.
| | 7 miles, was pressed for time before i had to drive back to bama so went a little faster. hovered right around 5:30 pace for most of it
didn't have time to update over the holidays; basically not a lot of mileage was ran because i was busy doing family stuff but made sure all the mileage i did get was money. all runs done on a hilly out-and-back gravel road.
| | PM - 4 miles, 6:30 pace. windy, had some bad stomach cramps, and was 10 hours removed from a very long drive, with only 4 of the hours spent sleeping. i guess i felt good with all that factored in.
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Pegarusalem #4 Miles: 598.50 | Pegaroos Pair 2 Miles: 10.00 | Nike Vomero 10 Pink Miles: 3.00 | Fast Miles: 7.75 | Fly's Miles: 62.00 | Structures Miles: 394.00 | Peg V Miles: 693.00 | Peg 36 #6 Miles: 597.00 | Peg 36 #7 Miles: 545.00 | Pegs 36 #8 Miles: 278.00 |
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