Bunny the Cow

August 2023

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Member Since:

Jun 29, 2019



Goal Type:

Olympic Trials Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:




2 Miles-11:35

3 Miles-17:57

5K-21:40(Draper Days 2018)

Short-Term Running Goals:

5:35 in the mile

Break  19:15  in the 5K

Break 40:00 in the 10K

Long-Term Running Goals:

Continue running for my whole life.

Make the Olympic team

Break 2:30 in the marathon

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Miles:This week: 15.90 Month: 67.40 Year: 163.60
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3 in 24:37 and then 3 in 24:41 going down the road in Elk Ridge. I think today was a sign that I am getting better. Maybe the iron is even helping already. Usually running here is extremely hard and I it is very hard to breathe at this pace. It felt quite easy and relaxing. I noticed a huge improvement in effort compared to a few weeks ago.

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Around 6 (measured by gps) in 48:19. Ran around Snow college because I am at FSY. Somehow managed to run at a decent pace after not eating for 14 hours and not very much. The food here is very unhealthy. 

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Did around 6 miles in 48:22. 

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I didn't get enough sleep to run in the morning so I had to find a way to do it during FSY. The councilors would not let us out of the campus so I ran something around the football field during the dance. A boy (his name is Boston) agreed to run with me earlier and he also got 2 of his friends to join. His friends Ben and Jeremy did 1 mile in around 10:00 and he did 2 in around 19:00. I did one more in around 7:45. I think the boys were impressed by my fitness haha. They were struggling but enjoyed it.

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Today was supposed to be horrible but instead went extemely well. Just got back from FSY with around 5.5 hours of sleep, ate horrible food all week, and didn't train the best. We did a mile warmup and then tried to do a 2 mile fartlek. The goal was 86 then 94 for each quarter. The first half mile was 2:58 and the last 200 meters were in 34.9! I cant remember the other splits. We finished in 12:06! It felt different than normal. I had stamina and didn't feel like I was suffocating right away. I've been taking the iron for only 10 days but I really think it is helping! This workout felt like how I used to feel before I got slower. There wasn't a single moment where I just shut down. I believe the iron and decrease mileage are helping becuase I am not having breathing problems at easy pace, I recover faster, and have loads more energy throughout the day. I am so happy to finally see a little improvement after 5 months of fatigue!

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3 in the morning in 24:41, then around 3.25 with William at night in around 26:00. I did the last 0.155 in 48. The morning run was a bit hard but after a bit I got way too much energy. I could not focus on any of my tasks and could not hold still. I thought I was going crazy. I tried many exercises but didn't want to get sore to ruin tomorrow's workout. I just wish I could have used that energy for good, instead I just went crazy.

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Did a mile warmup then 2 down the canyon in 11:58! I am so happy to break 12:00! Tried to do a fartlek workout with Matthew but did 82, 95, 85, 95, 89, 95, 92 (pretty sure), 44 and 40. This workout was very satisfying, if felt very nice. I strongly believe the iron is playing a key role. Running feels so easy and different now. I am still in awe that I don't  have difficulty breathing now. Matthew dropped out at 1.25 and finished with around 12:30. I didn't tell him to stay with me and he got very angry that I dropped him. We did 2 more in 18:00. At night I did 1 in 6:43. 
I still have too much energy! The last time I did 2 miles in 11:57 I could barely get home and had major fatigue all day. Instead, as soon as I finished the workout it was hard to hold still from excess energy. I still couldn't focus all day and couldn't hold still. I feel like I have severe ADHD with this energy. I feel too good, and can't sit and focus at all. It is driving me nuts.


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Did 2 with Sasha in 15:42. I am so happy because it felt so easy! I can finally breathe at easy pace!!! I did 4 by myself at 11:00 pm in 32:52.

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Mile warmup in 7:52, then did 2 miles with Matthew and Sasha in 12:31, except they got 12:07, I dropped out at around 1.25. I was still tired from running late and not sleeping enough. I was also sore. I did 3 miles by myself in 27:03, it was very hard. I couldn't breathe and had to stop a lot. Had low energy throughout the day.

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50:29. I tried the Spanish Fork trail. It is extremely beautiful but too short, only about 3 miles long. Maybe it's longer, it's hard to tell.

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6 in 45:51 in the canyon with the last half mile in 2:52. Did 2 in the neighborhood in 16:36. I haven't done 8 miles in a while, I wish I could run more every day.

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4 in 31:47, and 1 with the girls in 10:15. Did 1 with Mary and Bella. Mary got 8:56 and Bella dropped us and got 7:46.

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4 in 34:18 and 2 in 16:01. I was slower because I worked for 8 hours and was constantly moving.

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Did a one mile warmup then Sasha paced me for 3 miles. I got 19:01. Did 6:00, 6:25, and 6:36. I felt good throughout and didn't crash until 1.25 on the hill. The first mile felt much easier than usual. I was just too afraid of going faster and wasn't ready to do this big workout. I felt very tired throughout the day but not as bad as usual.

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51:58 at the Spanish Fork trail. It was hot and I was still a bit drained from yesterday.

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3 in the morning in 25:14 and 3 at night in 26:43. It is hard to go faster on this road at home. I am still struggling with weird energy levels. Some days I have too much I can't focus and some days I don't have enough to stay awake. Exercise and sleep don't effect it so maybe it is more of a hormone problem. 

On the last 3 miles of the last quarter I experienced a miracle. I believe I could have died or gotten seriously injured. A car was coming close so I stepped off the road for 3 seconds to let it pass me safely, then I started running again. After about 10 feet of running a deer comes bolting out of someone's yard to get away from a dog, exactly 3 seconds in front of me. If that car was not there to make me stop I would have gotten clobbered by that deer that was going extremely fast. Right before this incident I was thinking about the hymn Come Unto Jesus where it says "oh know you not that angels are near you", I was also pondering God's power in my life and deeply wanted to have Him in my life more. I think think this was a sign that God is in control and angels are watching out for me. 

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2 mile warmup in around 16:00, then Sasha paced me for 3 miles. He dropped me at 1.25 but I finished in 19:00 with 6:02, 6:32, and 6:26. The last quarter was in 88. Went home in 18:24 for 2. I decided to not fight my exhaustion and slept another 2 hours. I got enough sleep, I just can't function after runs. At 3:00 in 85 degrees, Jonas Boekweg came over to run. He did 1 in 8:31; it was a slight struggle for him. Sasha told us to pace better and he got 6:54! I don't think he wanted to let me down, he pushed really hard. He is now "qualified". Sasha gave him a training plan and Jonas wants to continue running.

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1 with Leigha and Ashlyn in 10:03 (Ashlyn got around 9:50). 1 with Bella in 7:51. Did 4 by myself in 33:53. I was trying to go faster but couldn't breathe, it felt abnormally hard. It wasn't too hot, maybe not enough fuel. I don't remember feeling like this before I got slower, especially after running a slow workout and resting plenty. Jonas told me he ran 4 today. He did 2 slower with his sister and 2 faster by himself.

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3 in the morning at my house in 25:14, 3 in the evening in Orem in 24:32, and 2 with Mary in 17:51. 

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Did a 2 mile warmup in around 16:00, it felt hard. I still don't know what "easy pace" should feel like. Sasha paced me and Matthew for 2 miles in 12:03. I am happy with this workout but it still leaves me wondering why I am still so far from my PR, why I am regressing, and how I could possibly get faster. I didn't fall back till 1.25 after the hill, then caught up on the last 200 meters in 39. I've noticed that a good workout is predicted by how soon I "crash". Each workout it seems that I crash at a different place - the slow workouts usually get bad at 0.75. Although I've gotten a bit faster from decreased mileage and more iron, I am still missing some things.

Today was the first day of fall semester. I wasn't as drained from the workout as usual. Today is also when I retired my rainbow crocs.

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3 in the morning in 25:39 and 3 at night in 24:10 (last quarter was 78). First day in my white crocs, it feels so much better. Jonas told me he ran 3.2 around the Provo temple. He ran every day except Sunday and Tuesday. 

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4 in 33:02 I think (the first 2 were 17:10). 2 with Mary in 9:12 and 8:55.

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3.5 in 29:00, then 1 in 6:03, and the last 2.5 in 21:02 I think. I kicked the last 0.155 uphill, can't remember the time. I realized that I am running all of my easy miles much slower than I used to. I am doing that on purpose partly because it saves more energy for the day, but it is also a bit upsetting that I am running slower and less miles. I hope this "laziness" is good for me and not just making me out of shape.

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46:43. First time going this fast in a while.

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7:50. Couldn't run in the morning and was very tired after working a bit.

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2 miles in around 18:00 and then did 2 with Sasha in 11:56! I didn't blow up at all, and even had a negative split. The first mile was in 5:59. I've been taking iron for a month and I think it has helped. I still think there is something I am doing wrong. I need to focus on eating enough of the right things at the right time. I think I was faster in the winter because I ate breakfast before every hard workout. I might be crashing every tempo run because I need more food. I also need to somehow eat a meal after I run at school. It is not smart to run at 8:00 am and eat nothing but a banana till 5:00pm.

At night I did a mile with Julia in 9:02. I started to get sick and was exhausted so didn't finish.

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2 in the morning in 17:11 and 4 at night: first mile was around 8:25, other 3 were in 25:18. I still got the 2 miles in after working 9.5 hours. I think I should just do 4 on workdays though. I think it is too difficult to attempt all the miles. They end up being very bad quality anyways for a ton of effort.

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