I made my way into the frozen darkness for an evening run at about 5:30 p.m. I decided I had to test out my newly purchased cold-running gear. Everything covered on my body stayed rather warm. However, my face, hands, and ears were numb by the time I came back to my apartment. I ran up toward the Zoo and became a little frightened because I could not see the patches of ice I was stepping onto. I planned to run 8 but I cut the route short due to the icy conditions. I was happy with what I did accomplish and rather relieved that I didn't fall or slip somewhere.
I was so excited when I came back to my apartment because I had dinner waiting for me in the oven. Hungry, cold, and stiff, I was happy to be home. I was rather frustrated when I turned the doorknob to the front door and it was locked. My roommate had locked me out by accident. :(