It has been really cold, in fact it was single digits last night. Been a bit tight and tired this week and I was not excited for this run. However, it wasn't too bad. I drove Hunter and Tim over. We met Evan and warmed up for about 1.75 miles at 8:38 ave. . It was about 15 degrres at the start, but I dressed about righhhh. Went out at 6:30 pace and mainatined that through the first half. I tried to pick it up a bit, but didn't start going faster until 2 to go. Ended up running a 1:00.2 after a 30:30 first half, so I was happy with that. Passed a couple people in the last couple of miles which is always nice. 6:25 ave for the run.
Cooled down just over a mile with Hunter afterward. 8:15 ave