Woke up way ealy at 3:30am after being in Logan all night and getting home at 11:00pm! I was pissed because there was no reason to be there that early! And then we waited for 1.5 hours for buses that never came to get us. Finally Greg and I hitched a ride with Mike Powell and his wife and drove up. Got warmed up for a mile before.
Greg and I ran together for the first 9.5 miles. We were in 11 and 12 at one point but kept moving up on people. I felt ok, but didn't take anything but a little water because of stomach issues. Greg took off to catch 3 and 4 at 9.5 and my fitness wasn't good enough to go with him. He pulled about 30 seconds ahead and I kept my pace. I caught 4 which was then 5 but couldn't gain on the other guy. Ended up 5th place and 1st in the age, Greg was 3rd. Happy with it though.
Cooled down a mile with Greg after. Legs are completely shot!
Need a nap and a long weekend now!
Jenny Petersen was there and ran awesome! Place place and under 1:21:00!