I drove up Butterfield Canyon and ran home. My goal was to hit MP pace or quicker for the run. The weather was decent because I got done before the rain. I had my first mile 6:20, mile 8 was 6:09 into the wind, and last mile was 6:27, all other were below 6:00 and 4 were below 5:50.
I planted a drink at 5 miles, mostly for training for next week. When I hit 5 miles my drink was gone and some idiot had tossed it and placed their Gu and Gu bottle in it's place. I was ticked! I can't believe that people are such losers! I would just leave it and not bug it while putting mine somewhere else. Couldn't believe it! So I finished without a drink. I made the whole run in 59:53, so just under an hour. 5:59 ave. Hip was ok during the run, a bit stiff but fine.