10.25 on the tm with Meeerrriii! :) About 3.5 into my run, I doubled over in pain. I had some sharp pains and cramping in my upper abdominal/ribs area, OUCH! I went and sat down (doubled over) for about 10 minutes in the weights section. Roids (roy) and Dr jimmy Brown thought it would be funny to offer me a drink, and then try to squirt it on me. What the? You don't pick on a girl who's doubled over in pain. It's okay, I got them back! I told them they looked gay :) side note: the tm said i did 11, but I rounded down because I jumped off the tm a few times to dry the mass sweat off. No worries, it's nothing like Burts daily waterfall. Yesterday I was going through pictures in my picasa, and I realized I never posted any pictures from my TOU experience. So I'll throw these in just for fun. Let me know if you can't see these mmmk?
![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_HDnOIRdaIUg/TJ5nmmPRMJI/AAAAAAAAU1Q/BKlagQ1Uyg8/s400/DSC_0166.JPG) ![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_HDnOIRdaIUg/TJ5dXnOUtgI/AAAAAAAAU0w/bOVsQpqA8Ac/s400/DSC_0189.JPG)
![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_HDnOIRdaIUg/TJ5k8AwLpAI/AAAAAAAAU1I/5tzgMHZBnnk/s400/DSC_0319.JPG) ![](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iOFCREyTXNI/TbGeHX2pKAI/AAAAAAAAVS0/02Pwl9fY75U/s400/DSC_0344.JPG) ![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_HDnOIRdaIUg/TJ5j3zX4eZI/AAAAAAAAU1A/u4-XEZZeV5Y/s400/DSC_0355.JPG)